The New Ford V-8 (or 1935 is the biggest and roomiest Ford car' ever built. It it . tiik-Ingly handbrrno car, with modem lines and new, luxurious appointments. But most important ol alPit is especially' designed to givd you smooth, easy riding over all Idnds ol roads "a front-seat'ride'lor back-seat riders." This ease of riding is achieved by Ule use ol three basic principles1 never be lore combined in a low-price1 car; 1. Correct distribution ol car weight by moving engine and body lorword' eight' and a hall inches. "L NeW location ol seals by which' the rtarscat is moved forward, toward trie centre ol tho car away Irom the rear axle and away Irom the bumps. S. New spring suspension which permits the use ol longer, more flexible springs and Increases the springbase to 123 inches. BE SURE TO HEAVY-DUTY A New FordV8 That Brings New Beauty. New Safety, and a New Kind of Riding Comfort Within Reach of Millions of People SEE THE TRUCKS . The resulfis Centre-Poise which'nol only gives you a new riding comfort' but adds' to1 the stability ol the car and its ease ol handling. You can take curves Irom seven to eight miles taster with perlect'salety. There are mqny new features in the Ford V-8 for 1935 which make the caf still easier to drive. New brakes give more power lor stopping quickly with far less" loot pressure on the pedali A1 new' lypr ol' easy-pressure dutch employs ccntrilugalrIorce toinaeaseeificiency at higher speeds. New steering mechanism makes the car still easier to handle. Ths Nrw Ford V-8 lor 1935 retains the V-8 engine which' has demonstrated its NEW FO'RD V ' 8' . AND THE NEW dependability and economy in the service ol over a million owners. There are refinements, but no change in basic design. You buy premium performance when you buy this Ford V. 8 full 90 horsepower and 85 mifes an hour.' We- invite' ydU' to see this-New Ford V-8 at:the sHowtoomS ol Ford"' dealers. You will want' to ride iri,it to drive it yourselL You will find it a new experience in motoring. Ford V48 Prices Arelpw 1 1 BODY TYPES- Coup (5 window.); I6t S ; Tud or Sdi i, 1 S65 ; Tordor Sedan, J750.-DE LUXE-- Koatr(with rum-bU Mat), $115. Coup H window), $7Stf: Phatton, $ 5:. Tudor Sdtxx, J7i0; CabrioUt (min rumblt et), $8I5-.rordorSdan. $810. TOURING SEDANS; with bolltkln trunk-Tudor ToUring'Sadan, $750; Tordor Touring Sdan. S830. IT. O. B. Ett WfcidvK Oiiiario Bur.ipm . tpaft tn ira lt rtr Small down payment. Cavcnt tctmt. ) 1' ifr .'tOU AND J-TO' N' COMMERCIAL CARS : COMING SOON " Watch for the ; New FORD V-8 for urn .(ompicxe mm1 .BBBBSVV.ja - Pnorie! Us CUSTOMER is IhU befet' adVertisc. i:&i3S -eivlrfourfOAlyoun inri htoiiaitl. mcnl' any firm citn have. x Thf will inaKe' Wc (lo nur hcst to supply lvoil'r'hbrne yOU Willi IHU i'ai able coaf for your requirements. Whciv in doubt 'tlay" ( rumps. 651 - 652 PHILP0TT, EVITT & GO. LTD. 1935. a t.rrni. wiitor. mnniloi Now Ford V-8. with distinctive body linos and a new kind p motor car comfort particularly in the back seatH V-8 smoothness, speed and power. . Newly designed, self-centering brakes and a new easy , in De Luxe 1 1 ' pressure clutch. Safety Glass throughout Models; at no additional cost. S'. E. PARKER LTD. - Phone-83 Start the New Yea Rig . Ostf si- m ' u s 4 H Bf "J a U d Bulkley Valley Goal and keep your fuel dollar in'thib district Your dealer will' supply you HOTTER - GLEANER - HxSTS LONfiEIt: Ilfint Fl&at. (tff Tonight's train, due from the earn 10:15, was reported this morning be on time. NicK" SflttldVich will sail on-the Princes. Norah tomorrow morning, for Wrlitehbrse; MOOSE HALL Scotch Dance ToniRht Remember the past Moose Eegiifc) New Year's Eve Dance. It will be bigger and better than ever this year. tots of Everything; :rdy. D$oambeiN29( 1934 PAOftTHRB f lqcalJews notes TtasatClacdV,, nortlteast(r'lndif Uewliwnand0ri4:oraibleby rid-i l&afe leaving salvage Dock. frit' tie in 32 Taxi It costs the same. :Salt Lake, 2 pjn. Sunday. , lt H&zeltoh-Cloudy, calm, 10 be tr Yo j. can. rent a car at Walker Fresh Flounders jindt Soles' avialow a $1.51. a. da?, plus 7c. mlleV i '1 Miss-Bra Lenok'Mtilfof theld- . , . . n , salfed last night on the; Princes n laV?L?. A'delalforatrlptav&uver. AT JM.wm utvciiu va. i'iv m.. ; tow. Sffl'.theaB C'.oudy calm, mildeH l Bfirns La!$ Showing, calm) An&jif Nelibii vrtlll sail, on thfe-f -f Princess Norah for a brief trip.t uo..-w Ketchikart. rtthli lltmber 'offodUtendln j A. A. MeSWeit HM'lirttnlghtNta4 Mis stLhens Ust jgatees from scheduled fixtures, fur I'tte Cardena for a vacation trip to nlght,0nnhrCanienr tame vbms't, I imcouver, visit to Vaqcouve In the south. t. Uewhere;11 Leagn has been suspend ! until after the New Year. Ch NeW year's tfay all post of flew cal Anglidanr- Japanese MJitoii!ft..fl a6 dtteetkallt-dajk Th public wDoy win- oeT open irom oj Mrflundai. December 30! ' air n" Mrs- u. j tsantiay sauea t joftn Mieiceiius, lor conniving io Lvf UpmheA ftf Tvee Lodeilt "ht on the. Cardena.for a ltmpty lliywr to Iridlaa, was fined': ad aU sojourning brethren are in- triP t0 Vancouver. Mr. Barclay has SWuwith option at thirty days' lm-; vHed'tofcat&ftd The brethren will J been discharged" from the , prlBonment. by Magtrtrate McCly-f meet in- the- basementr of- theAriinc Rbpert deneral- Hospital-'tncnt in city poHw court today. A church at 715 pjnt where he has beeii recelvihgi treat- 'charge of supplying against Irtder I Mis Allcr CttiikSlfank: formerly city Mfrartah will bC sallihg for ; Vancouver on January 11 and will g eaat ttom there. Helping millions to SOONER 't'.on v.ith the recent killing of her Nina Spaldins! Port Esslngton ( Indian girl, again' whom d charge Of-murder lias been vi n cor nw- j nint'-mon'.h old n lat week, continues to recover M tile Prince Ru-riert General Hospital from her al-legd Inflicted abdominal In-. Juries. She wtlP not. however, be sufficiently recovered' to1 have" trie charge formally laid against her Until after1 thVtfew Year1. Announcements CMrlfMlows' Scotch Dance, December 31. Hogmanay mem. bingn, liinau. was aismissea. Stop tfifl We Of fer Two' ofi Our Own' Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey With mite Pine, Wild Cherry and Eucalyptus (Mentholated) An idtfal cough rehiedy f or the children Price, 50 cent's- Ormes- Special' Sough Mixture This mixture has become very Douular durincr the Jast year -and we f ullv icommend it to you for wkx BUT T 1 7 R IS B k 71 I n B BBC Be well yresseamnoi ! Anyone who wisKcs M be well dressed for the holiday season including New Year can- do sofor very little money at Rupert Trading Company Ltd. We are clearing our stock o beautiful sample. Dresses, varied colors, styles and' materials; You will want one of these lovely frocks for the holiday season. Come early and get first choice, values to $22.50. To clear 9 dQ to 4 05 from Price, 50 cents The sudden change in the weather is causing many colds. STOP:THEM NOW! mm TThtt Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store r hones: 81 & 8. 1 ' 1 I1KsVJFJ'B1lB B C. CD Jt .BVB ':.. BMtM at-ii-"t ' , .m.,M. .an - i.B,E,a.vk,,a..BSLHa may season We are also clearing our Lacjies' Coats at less than' wholesale prices. These are richly furred and' luxuriously lined! a fine variety of cloth and colors to choose from, reg. to $35.00 CC QC To clear from tjJUett Menus' fine Melton Cloth" Overcoats, nicely tailored attd lined; reg. $25.00 . f Qff To-deal ?JLA.J;0 Men's finely tailored Sample 3uite including the well known "Art Craft" make, Values to Q', A Q ff $32.50; -To-clear from Extra Special "Monarch Knife" Silk and Wool Hose, in1 a fine assortment of colors 2YC To clear, per pair We AVccpt Relief Orders !H-tf