Quality Has No Substitute "SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" BETTER VALUES T . stearner leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- AMTAfc EVE,tV TUESDAY, 1:30 Ml arriving Vancouver Thursday . ' pAlKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT , arriving Vancouver. Mondsv AM. MI WEEK END SPECIALS Or.e tuJje Kexall "Shaving Cream and One bottle Rexuii shaving Lotion, reg. 70c value O Q n B.ili lor .. . . O&l CHILDREN' SPECIAL A rgc GO- heet Scrap Book and well made O C o i. crjt nt Pencil Box, both for wtrv, CANDY SPECIAL St.. . Jersey Milk Cubes, Cocoanut, A On Pi-: J and Raisin varieties, per lb ul Ormes Ltd. yift Pioneer Druqejiats Ibe Kesall 8Ur J ..op at our store you are assured of better values In quality merchandise tyH : In rtiilMr' an4 ttm.ajthnM llirrla-ar tttot anr4 TERRACE Leave Friday, JULY 20 Heturn Monday, JULY Z GOOD IN COACHES ONLY Children Half Fare $0.00 La ItftUIII CANADIAN NATIONAL v-M-34 Bargain EXCURSION Canadian Pacific SS. Princess Adelaide To Vancouver and Return, $24.00 Leave Prince Rupert Friday, July 20th. Kf turning f ave Vancouver Wednesday, July 23 or August 1st. por Reservations W. I- Conies, fir n. Arrnt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tTi" to ,Vrt Blmpiwp. Alice Ann. Anirox, Btewart and Nm Furth.. i 7 MlnU. t rune Rupert Sunday, pm. :ntt '"formation regarding all sailings and tickets at rN RUrF.UT AOENCYi Third A trnue. Phene MS Bccaus It doesn't pay to advertise poor products, does pay to buy those adiertised, P., Varnishes. Muresco and Linoleum, (j GORDON'S HARDWARE We are still buylnj old cold, Uulter't. (tf We pay a premium on goid coin and old Soia, teeth, chains, watct-, etc. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothlera Limited, tf. OeorgeCrippi provincial assessor, relumed to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. Frank Dlbb. chairman of the grounds committee, reported to the hospital board at Its remilar meeting ast night, that repairs to the Hldevalk of the Nurses Home ihaa been comnVtMl Tf a-o . nm. posed to further dear grounds to) uie east or ine nome and put In a rock garden. Acknowledgement was made at test night's meUlng of the hospital board of receipt of a check from Oambral Chapter, Imperial t . . . .. i wruer. uaugmers oi we Empire.) with which to make Durchase of a new air mattre tor the Inttl-1 tutlon. ! i Miss Jean Harrison R. N.. lady! uperintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will be taking her annual vacation next month. The hospital board, at. Its regular monthly meeting ast night! appointed Miss Phyllis Mooney R. N. operating room supervisor, tn relieve as acting lady superintendent during Mia Harrison's absence under the usual relief arrangement At last night's meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital a com- imurtlcatlon was read from J. H. . McVety. secretary-treasurer of the BritUh Columbia Hospitals Asso ciation Inquiring the board's yiews a to what would be the most (suitable date for the 'holding of the annual convention this year. ( whether it should be in Vancouver or Victoria, the most desirable type of program and what matters fof business. If any. the local boar mtjrr.t have to sngrest. The man aging secretary. H. W. Birch, suggested that the government should be asked to set a definite policy In regard to relief cases. S. D. Mac uonaia agrrea -urn mis was a very Important matter which should undoubtedly be taken up. fiTSrSTRsTsHrTfsSsrJiM PURE FOOD SPECIALS For Monday & Tuesday STRAWBERRY JAM - Pure New Pack per 4-lb. tin ORANOE MARMALADE Empress, per 32-oz. Jar Empress 52c 31c ICING SUOAR 25C QUAKER OATS lr pkg 19c OINOER SNAPS Red 14c Arrow. Fresh, per lb. OVALTINE Qp Medium size, per tin .... Large size Q4 4 Q Ol.lO per tin SODA BISCUITS 1. B. C. 1 Jp A Sslted or Plain, per pkg. , SANDWICH BISCUITS- flCTp PEANUT BUTTER Peter Rabbit, per Mb. tin 15c QUAKER CORN FLAKES 25C WHOLE CLAMS Saanlch -f zip .1. M.M.'Kf uttiiu, pet 1111 SOCKEYE SALMON-Nabob. per 1-lb. tin 33c COFFEE Cb-ase 4j San- JC UUlllB, IKl 1-IU. till SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per Pkg. 32c MAYONNAISE Best Foods 01 n per 8-oz. Jar FEL8 NAITHA SOAP ICn U1B per carton : ROYAL CROWN LYE per tin BULK SOAP FLAKES per lb 73c 10c 10c Watts' Grocery PHONE 65 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS" , TIIE DAILY NEWS - LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as Jl a day plus 7c. a mile. I tf Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom of a bolel. Rates most reasonable. The Knox Hotel. If Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hill and family are sailing this evening on th'e" Prince Rupert for a holiday trio to Vancouver. Miss Mary Davey. young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Davey sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a visit to Vancouver. W. R. McAfee is sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. He Is being accompanied by one of his cniiaren. Cecil Rose sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Stewart and Mrs. Rose and child are sailing tonight for a trip to ; Vancouver. Mrs. James Hampton and daughter. Miss Helen Hampton, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. They expect to be away about six months. W. H. Manuel C. N. R. travelling auditor, arrived tn the city on Thursday night's train from the Interior and sailed yesterday af ternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Anyox on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Ferguson of Vancouver arrived In the city on the Cardena last night from the south for a brief visit here with friends. Mr. Ferguson Is In the ser vice of the B. C. Packers. Mrs. Ferguson was formerly Miss Myra Har vey of this city. Work of reshlngllng and repairing the roof of the Connaught wing of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital has been completed, it at its regular meeting lasrJfrtght by W, M. Brown,' chalrmanw tire house committee. Repairs to the tfhlmney were also made. ' Guests at the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe Thursday after noon included Judge W. E. Fisher.' Dr R. O. Large. Mr. MacKenile of Revelstoke. C. W. Dawson and Dr L W Kergin. A committee to handle the arrangements for a softball match against a team from the Gyro Chib was appointed by President Little, the members to be Reld McLennan, Verge Moore aid George Laldler. Miss Jean Harrison R. N' lady superintendent, reported to the hospital board at Its regular monthly meeting last night on a visit of InspecUon which had been paid to the local Institution by Dr. Harvey Agnew of Toronto, secretary of the Hospital Department of the Canadian Medical Association. Dr Harvey spoke -well of the excel lent work that was being carried on In the hospital here which he had found to be surprisingly well equipped considering Its age. Announcements Eagles' picnic, Grassy Bay, July 22. Moose Hall TONIGHT, July 14th. The Boxing Card Of the Season. Don't miss this. mni Art Not Iff of Intrntlttn to apply to IMrrtiaiF Land tn Print Ruprrt Land Recording District of Rang four Coaat District, arxl ltuat about tire mile from the mouth ot the Klmtr Rlwr on the EAt fork. Take notice that I, Frederick Shelly, of Vancouw. B.C., occupation mine operator, intend to apply for permla-mlaxion to purchaee the following described landa: Commencing at a poat planted one foot distance froin the wltneaa pout oc the Went aide ot lot 172, tbeno Westerly 60 chain; thence Southerly SO rhatna; thence Easterly 60 Chain; thonce Northerly 40 chain and containing 100 acre, mora or lea. FREDERICK K. SHELLY, OaJed lotto day of lUj, 1)34. SHOES! Ladies Footwear Ladles' Black and White Canvas 1 -Strap Slippers, Leather Soles. Cuban Heels To Clear S1.65 Ladles' White Pumps, Straps and Ties In very latest de- QO Qff signs. Priced from ?7tJ Ladies' White. Blue. Yellow. Or ctn & Awning 8tripe Sandals, Cuban Heels, Rubber 04 ) Soles. Priced from vA Want Ads FOR SALE MODERN House, close in, $200 balance easy. Hart. tf. FURNITURE for sale at 616 6th Avenue near Fulton. tf CHICKENS 15 selected, white Leg-1 horn yearlings. Selvig, Phone 765. 165 FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 or 4 roomed' apartments, furnished, fully mo-j dern, newly decorated. Phone' Red 607. tfJ FOR RENT Log cottage near Ka-lum Lake, $30 a month, with usei of large row boat. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. tf! PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten InsUtute. Dpt. 14, IIELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I Cluster Curl Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPB MINERAL ACT TERTiriCATK OK IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Hirer Practionaa Ulneral Claim, alt-tuvte In the AUm Mining Divtakm of Catalar DiAtrlot Looaled on left bank ot the Tulse-qih River. Take NOTICE that H. McN, rraser acting Agelt for Taku Mines Com-acting aAnt for Taku Mines Company limited. rr? Wlner'a Certificate No. 73-40Sd. Intend, 60 flay from date hereof, to apvJy to the Mining Recorder for a Certlftcvte ot ImproranenU for the f urpowe of obtaining a Crown Grant Ot he a bore claim. And further take notice that action, Under section 63, mwt be commenced Veforv the twmnca of tuch CerUttcate Of Improvement. Dated UxU 30th day ot April, 1S34. It UcH. Ttua. Ageat. Batteries Every For Purpose PAOE THRU SHOES! We can "Shoe" the family at a saving that will put $ in your pocket. For a few days only. Take advantage of this real bargain treat. BUY NOW, WHILE OUR RANGE OF SIZES IS COMPLETE Running Shoes the Finest Makes Child's Sizes, 4 to lOVi ....69c Misses,' 11 to 2 .89c Youth's 11 to 13Vi 85c Boys', 1 to 5 95c Ladles, 3 to 8 ...79c Men's, 8 to 11 99c Mens Footwear New Shipment of Men's DRESS OXFORDS, latest styles and large range t!o choose 32 95 Men's Romeo Slippers, flexible leather soles, best for the boats Q1 AS Real bargain New Shipment of Storm King Three-Quarter-Lenglh Gum Boots in Ladies,' Misses and Child's, just arrived We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE For Marine Automotive Lighting" SL'PROX BATTERIES will not shed, buckle, sulphate or otherwise disintegrate but improve with age if kept in active use. i JAMES MARTIN MassetUB.C. P.O. Box 7S. Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED i -BLACK COD- Prcptred Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK AND CREAM Whipping Crtam 20r t Dint ... Whipping Cream 1 pint Sour Cream 1 quart '40c - 40c Dominion Dairy Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads' 4 for 25c At AH Grocers Labelled on Bottom , For Your Protection Phone 190 'i