Today's Weather Tomorrow's. Tides l! tni:e nupcrt Part cloudy, light u'.hfrly wind; barometer, 30.14; temperature, 52; sea smooth. Vol. XXIV No. 103. Keep In Line Willi (he best thought of the day StmsCRIHH TO THE DAILY NEWS NOW '! take advantage of the special bargain rale of $1.50 to the end of the year Others arc doing' It, why not you? COLLECTOR She BERLIN. July 14 iCP-Morc rirtng squads and more "purging by blood" await any who challenge Chancellor Adolf Hitlers rule of Germany. Such was the warning Oermany pondered today as It di gested the Chancellors defence tn the Reichstag last night of the li quidation of the 77 traitors on June 30. The Chancellor announced that these persons had paid the supreme penalty for "treachery" In suppression of rebellious Nails on July 30. "Every one is to know for all fu-I lure time." Hitler said. "that. If he 1 raises his hand for attack against the state, certain death will be his lot. Opinion on the Chancellors edict was divided among foreign observ ers. Many hold that the hand at th helm In Oermany Is not as ttrong as It was. Most of Oermany's burning prob lems. Including nnanccs ana - ;lgn policy, were not mentioned by the Chancellor. SUSPENDED OTTAWA. July 14: -Hugh D. Schully. commissioner of customs, declared here that W 8. Bycrs. Canadian collector of customs at Nia gara Falls, has been suspended as a result of the seizure or an auwmo bile nllcgcd to have been carrying 170 gallons of illicit liquor from United States Into Canada. Halibut Arrivals , Canadian Kalcn, 13,000, Atlln. 5.4c and 5c. Oslo. 10,000; Mlnunle V., 4.200, and Unonie, 7,500, Cold Storage, 5c. Morris 11, 13,000, Atlln, 5c That the fcrltUh people ate thi-descendants oi the ten tribes of Israel that cros&d Europe from Asia until they fulfilled various prophesies and caiac to the "uttermost Ules of the sen" from which they should not be n.oved was shown by Rev. E. J. Sprlr.gelt, Dominion or ganlzer of the British Israel World FederaUon. who lectured at the Presbyterian Church last night, his subject being. "Whence the British Commonwealth." He will speak again tonight on "This Changing World." Mr. Sprlngett brought greetings to the members of the local group and explained that the movement was not antagonistic to any existing religious bodies but that It brought a message of confidence, and hope to many. The people today ! were looking for leadership and try-, Ing to find a way out. He was not bringing them theories but well established facts based on Biblical truth. It was curious that with all JU. educaJioartdJUyUbUuDlhQ Vorld today could not produce a Bible. The writers of the Bible were men drawn, from various times and generations who had the power of looking ahead thousands of years and predicting what was to happen. It was the word of prophecy given them by Ood that enabled them to , predict future world history. From Covenant On Starting with the covenant of Ood with Abraham and renewed with Jacob, the speaker carried the audience briefly through the giving of the law and the training of the people of Israel In the wilderness. He took them to the time when the tribes refused to follow Reheboam, to their being carried away to cap- Itlvlty and quoted the prophecies by various prophets showing they would reach the "Isles of the Sea." H. 0. Wells had said that the his tory of the British people had been combination of fortuitous acci dent. Study of the Bible showed that It was carrying out a definite plan. Britain was the "Nation and company of nations" spoken of by the w.c prophet. p.v. The people of Israel DEAL WILL BE PROBED Koyal Commission Appointed By New Ontario Government to Investigate Hydro Purchase TORONTO. July 14: Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn has ordered a Royal Commission of Investigation Into every phase of the purchase by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power i Commission of the Abltlbl develop ment of the Ontario Power Service Corporation. The Royal Commission, composed i ii uwei justice . li. uiicniord or he Ontario Court of Appeal and Hon. Robert Smith, retired JusUce of the Supreme Court of Ontario, after crossing Europe had crossed' .fnp .. ... ..,.,. k, ur.w... '" 'Arthur O. Slaght Is counsel for the Danes and the tribe of Benjamin 0nUrlo gomnmenl and c Mf nau CrOSS TO HUUIUIIU aiiu unit taken possession of the land. From these had come the British stock which had settled the various parts of the Commonwealth and the United States. As to the future the speaker suggested that democracy had had Its day and that It would be replaced Ruer K.C.. counsel Commission. for the Hydro by a theocracy. Just as the iieople of J Italv amI IIrltan i!rRi5 oermany Israel in tne time oi moscs iurmcu a theocracy, with Ood as their King. Parliaments and political parties would disappear and a new type of government would take its place. In the afternoon, Mr. Sprlngett addressed a meeting of ladles In St. Andrew's Cathedral. British Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange MONTREAL, July 14: The British pound sterling was selling at $4.08? here yesterday and the American dollar nt 08 31-32c. NEW YORK. July 14: The Brl- SIX NATION PACT PLAN And Poland to Join With France and Russia ROME. July 14: -Italy and Oreat Britain have used their Influence to Induce Germany and Poland to Join a western Locarno Pact supported by France and Russia, H is authoritatively stated. KLF.OTS JURY TRIAL Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that James Edgar Allen, lecently committed for trial on I wo charees of obtnlnlnt rellf by false prelences. has annonred be- tlsh pound sterling was quoted nt Juwe H. A Rnbertrm nt n4i; nn the local forclisn ex-'Print Oeonr and elected for jury change market yesterday and the trial. Ball ln the sum of $500 has fi.tttnriMoii rvnllar lit. XI 111 13Z. ucm v. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934 Rv ;;-f ; bl-Jiop. of Cincinnati. and smut.' WiU Hy. ,j5 ?90 000 EOTibcri of the CVhai. lia;ue oi decency. a- iLuj. :. havo been meeting HcHywood officials at demanding that moving pictures be "purged oi filth and branding Indecent pictures as occasions of sin." lohnlT. MeNlcholas, of OingnnatL was one of .the to attend the conference. While the meeting was In progress It was antMMnced at Oolumbtit by Vt. B. O. Skinner. In charge of the Olflo board of censors, that "Ihe Life of Vergle Winters", a scene from which Is depicted above, would be banned. Rt. Rev Msgr. John L. Hand, Toronto archdlocasan director, also assailed present-day films. CARRYING ON HELP Ottawa Decides Not to Cut Provinces Off For While Conference Called For "July 36 OTTAWA, July 14: (CP) Dominion government assistance to the provinces in direct relief costs will be continued for another month to the extent of 25 of the total and a Dominion-provincial conference has been called for July 30 to consider means of dealing with the relief problem. Acting Prime .Minister Sir George Pcrley announced yesterday. D0UKSN0T I FRANCHISED i Jcnied Right to Vote in Federal as Well as Provincial Flections OTTAWA, July 14: (CPt Under an amendment to the Franchise Act approved by the House of Commons before prorogation. Doukho-bors In British Columbia, where they are disqualified from voting In provincial elections under British Columbia law. will not have the right to vote In Dominion elections High 2.58 a.m. 195 ft. 15:45 pm. 18.8 ft. Low. 9:35 ajn. 22 It. 21:47 pjn. 7.0 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS MW WES1 MINSTER EXPORTS HEAVIEST IN PORT HISTORY General Strike Looms In Golden Gate Region; Complete Tie-up Likely Violence Continues to Flare on Waterfront With Vandalism, Pillage and Kidnappings in Other Sections sAN FRANCISCO, July 11 : Panic swept this city yesterday as it became inevitable that 32,000 union workers W"U'i ko n strike in sympathy with the longshoremen's an 1 ' 'amsters' strike. Violence flared on the waterfront v.. ic vandalism, pillage and kidnappings broke out in : rr wet ions. A complete business tie-up appears to be i imminent In the entire San Fran- CONDITIONS IN PRISON MtnhUr TflU Why Kingston War-dm Hrcd Could Haie Shot Tim Buck r,TAWA. July 14: CP' Lk 1 ilme In the KlHfMun PU- r. ..v 1 i ry ,id.jloltlniiulJclMuu-X- - iig the cenrlet rebutting in kirn IncendlarUm led to Uw xum of Warden W B Mg- TtCtn It 1 announced by Hon If if c. iihrle. minister of Justice M u .'.hrlc wtd that, durtw; the October 1931 guard and (tied eleren shoU Into the : Tim Buck, former Commun- ' ftrr in order to (rich ten htm ' 1 wot attempting to Incite uin.iim to further disorder. Tn. ii..t were fired Into the c41- : : (hr roll T "re ran be no doubt of thta," Mr Guthrie declared. "If anyone ' irl wanted to shoot Tim Duek. It ' ji(J have been done." Riot Ad Read At Flin Flon During Strike rriN flon. July M: cr- ft1"' Art was read when rioting to' ke out m connection with the 'nke of employee of the Hudson B.iv Mining and 8melting Co. Four-ten men were In hospital as tho "uggle continued. Chant Covcrdalc of the Canadian National Hallways general of ftc ' 'iff Is sailing this evening on the Pnnrc Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver. cuco Bay region. MlnnrapotU Strike MINNEAPOLIS. July 14:-SU thousand truck driven having walked out earlier In the week, un ion leaders express hope of having a general strike in effect In Minneapolis and St Paul within a week. HITLER ON .DEFENSIVE German Chancellor. Make! It Clear That All Who Challenge Hi Utile Will Meet Heath Explains Incident Natl Chief Pail to Deal With Hunting Problem of Finance And Forrl;n Policy TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL Itev. II (i. Srriniett Shows Aud If ni e Thtt Britain b the Premised Land Church Attacks Sex and Crime Films Business Outward from Fraser River for Year to Date Beats Record Total Tonnage Shows Ten Percent Increase Over 1933 While Lumber Shipping Also Records Substantial Gain NEW WESTMINSTER, July 14:-Exports for the first six months of 1934 from this port set a new all time record for volume, according to a report just issued bv the New Westminster Harbor Board. Exports totalled 350,000 tons or an increase of 30,000 tons over the same period last year. Lumber exports for the period totalled 111,111,371 board feet as compared with 108,150,560 board feet in the first six months of last year. START UP iSUCCEED NEW MILL IN TESTS Results of Commercial Students cut Shingle i Plant . i in Connection .11 ... . . . . . . 1 Examinations at St. Josephs www Nlth Billmor Opening Soon.. j . Academ ' A new shingle mill, which has been under construction for the past six weeks, will go into operation towards the end of this month or early next month as a separate unit in connection with the Billmor Spruce Mills Ltd. plant at Porpoise Harbor, a few miles along the Canadian National Railways track from Prince Itupert. It is expected to keep the plant in steady operation, shipping most of the output east by rail. R. E. .Morgan, manager of the Billmor Spruce .Mills Ltd.. will sail this afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Vancouver on a brief business trip, expecting to be bark in about a week's time. IS SPEAKER IN ONTARIO N. O. IlipeL Youthful Member For-South Waterloo, to Rule j youngest man who has ever held the office, being only 42 years of age. United Church Sunday School Picnic Enjoyed The annual picnic of the Sunday VVU" Villi K UAIlV IS 4.Rhnnl nt First Ilnilprf Church held The following students have been successful in obtaining full commercial diplomas at St. Joseph's Academy, the names appearing in ! order of merit: Miss Edith Kergin, I Miss Jeanne Ritchie, Miss Edna Strand. Miss Ethel Moorehouse, Miss Myra Klnslor. Misses Margar-let Cook and Mae Schubert (equal), Mlss Grace Clarke, Miss Helen Her-j ringer. Miss Audrey Parkin, Miss I Hilda Hansen. Miss Inez Pettenuzzo. ! Miss Mae Murray completed the course. Miss Ethel Moorehouse won the silver medal awarded by the Academy for highest speed In Continuing Efforts To Identify Body Remains Found in Interior Those Of .Man About Thirty-Five Years Old Legislature " . . . . a. ' Doctors have reconstructed the OALT. Ont.. July 14:-N. O. Hipcl "maltu ot J ,mfn's ?A": and .beUeve hey ccntly near Llndup M. L. A. yesterday confirmed re- ports that he has accepted the " De a "71 Z V f ll SpVakert chair In the Ontario j , , hf r! foot ten ncn ln ht- Legislature. He will be the first man ,he ,tr from South Waterloo to occupy the - " ;-v Speaker's chair and Is probably the 5HUU UI huueo aa miw avuku. The teeth were ln particularly Rnl condition. The body Is believed to have been lying on Its right sldd since the fall-of 1933. . A strange note found In a pouch" on the clothes Is ln English and the , handwriting fair. It was written with an indelible pencil such as was found nearby. Efforts are being continued by the police to Identity the body CANADIAN fiOLD PRICE Canadian gold price MISSINO AND IS Thursday afternoon on a beach p FEARED ABDUCTED j along the Skeena River highway beyond the Galloway Rapids bridge HARTSDALE. N.Y.. July 14: 'proved .to be a very enjoyable out- Bobby Connor, 18-month, old ' 'ng for about one hundred cniwren grandson of Charles P. O'Con- .and parenU. Transportation of the nor, wealthy retired New Eng- picnickers was by means of cars land clothier, has be- n mls-lns ".nd truck. A haopy afternoon vms r since 6 o'clock Thursday hlaht "et in games, races and other ac-r and It Is feared he is being tlvltlcs. bnrjnteous refreshments held for ransom. elnj,Vrovlded. MONTREAL. July 14: CP Th was up two cents yesterday at $34.42 per ounce. Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs. Peter Bruno deslrs i titte thi ist)i of "wri!n? Mr appreclatlw to Dr. W. T. Kfrgin and the entire staff of thi Prince Rupert General Hospital for plcndld services rendered durin? Rev. C. D. Clarke, the pastor, was ' je i-esent Illness of 'Mrs. " 4 In 'general charge ot the outing ! "ho is now recuperating. Bruno m