14 1834 Air, THE DAILY PAOI THRE HJJ4. '! --LU.1XI IUI1IUIUIIJJIHI Pave the Way to Baby's Health with JOHNSON'S Johnson's Baby Talcum 25c Johnsons Baby Soap 25c Johnsons Baby Cream 50c .LEADERS EVERYWHERE IN PURITY AND QUALITY Heat for Baby Host for You Ormes Ltd. ZTi Pioneer Druqeiats The Hf xll Start rbonea: 81 it II 7 CALIFORNIA 111(1 1 aatprinml I MtAILU 1 :3igg WRITE US TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE AND DETAILED INFORMATION Miff, i tfltf vacation in ih maikint cihu much Uu than you think. Sleeping of tharget cm our mint art third let than tut inter. A complete meal in our dining, cart com a little m Of, Rail lirtt art low. CALIFORNIA Lot Anielei ji only s day and to m'lthit by train from Senile. Ei-unplei of the low fares to Lot Angtlci: FROM VANCOUVER, B. C 2.0 S39.50 US riJ in cnathet on our (attest trains, alto in touritt sleeping tirt from Seattle (upper berth from Seattle to Lm Angeles 4, lower $$), Through tourist sleeper service frnm Seattle to ln Francitrn. New-type; car fth berth light, pluih teats, spa. tsout wash moon, pntter service. Low ((hi "Meals Select" on all Southern Pacific dining ran. MEXICO Mfiim City i only three days from Lm Angeles on our Witt Cw Rout via Matailan am Guadalaiara. lit Ibt place to go thii year. Life down there mores against background of music and flowers, in the finest winter climate in the world. Koundtrip from Seattle to Mexico City it only $1I6.C0. daily uniil October U. return limit October 31. Low fare thi winter, too. Ak for booklet "I've IWtn to Mexico." WRITE TODAY Address inquiries to C. G. Alton, Rogen Building, 4U Granville Street, Vancouver, li. C Southern Pacific Canadian Pacific PHINCKSS STEAMLKS for Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 10th 20th. Oct. 1st. For Vancouver .direct Sept 6th. 14th. 24lh. Oct. 5th. l or Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Forts, "Princess Adelaide'- every Friday 10 p.m. For Reservations W. L. COATES, (Sen. Anent, Prince Huncrt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert' ftir Vancouver T.S.8. L'ATALA EVKKY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.B. CAItDENA EVKKY FK1DAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. 'Y.lj mIIiiik. to Port Blmr-oP. Alloe Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Naaa Rlw point. Leuve Trine nupert Bundiiy. 8 P-further ....u lntormatlon regarding aU sailings and tickets at . fRlNCP. Rtirr.RT AOBNCV- Third Atenue. l,on' M Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, iUlocs pay to buy thoscudiertised. 4 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash waiting for old gold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc. Bul-ger's. (tf) Mrs. A. R. Nichols and daughter. Patricia, who have been visiting for the past three months ln-On-Urlo, retired to the city from the Bast on last night train. F. M. Davie. O. A. Hebb and Arthur 8. Nlokerson were yesterday summoned as talesmen for jury service at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes which is now in progress here. Work at demolishing the old building on Third Avenue Just east of McDridc Street, which years ago hewsed Prince Rupert's first and only morning paper, the Journal, is now in progress. Andrew K. Spalding, foreign freight agent for the Canadian Na tional Railway. Vancouver, and Mrs Spalding disembarked from the steamer Prince Oeorge last eve- nlng after having come north from ! Vancouver and made the round trip to Anyox. They are spending the day here and wtll proceed south on 1 the Prince Rupert tomorrow night. FOR QUICK SALE Lots S and 10. Block 15. Section 7 and improvements $450.00 whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator. Chas. Vess Estate. Announcements Children's Masquerade In Legion Rooms September 14. Presbyterian Tea and Sale, Church Hall, September 20. Cambrai Spinsters' Spree October 5. United Church Thanksgiving supper October 8. ' Catholic Church Bazaar, October 10 and II. ' Canadian Legion Women's Aux lllary Bazaar October 18. St Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 I Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Novem ber 8. Moose Hall Scries of DANCES Start Monday Night STKOLLEKS' ORCHESTRA JONES' Family Market Stewing Veal, 3 lbs. 9lf UO, Peas. 1 tin Stewing Lamb, 3 lbs. U tyC Peas. 1 tin- Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. 1 Cauliflower Lamb Chops 35C V2 bfpsr : 35c Round Steak,' lbs. O C n 1 bunch Carrots Hamberger, 3 lbs. Onions. 2 lbs Pot Roast d3L Q?P 4 lbs Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. 25C 1 bunch Carrots Shoulder Pork 50C 4 lbs. y-i Phone 957 Phone 957 FREE!- 55c POCKET-PAK WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF REG'JLAROe SIZE PACKAGE ktWRimwrtfTTl You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as JL.a day. plas..7ca.mlle. tf Prince Rupert Badminton Club annual meeting Monday, Sept. '17, City Hall. Important business. Mrs. S. A. Nlckcrson sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. William Stone is on a business trip this week to various Queen Charlotte Island points. He is expected back on Saturday or Sunday. John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fish eries. is paying one of his periodical visits to the city on official duties, having arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald, pre siding Judge at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes here, and Mrs. McDonald will sail by the Prince Rupert tomorrow night on their return to Vancouver. Mrs. Ralph Burney of Chllllwack arrived -in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancou ver to spend a month or so here visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. O. A. Kclsey. Mrs. Burney was formerly Miss Edith Kelsey of the City Hall staff here and she has numerous friends who are giving her a hearty welcome. Anglican Woman's Auxiliary Tea And Sale is Successful A very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Woman's Auxll iary of St Andrew's Anglican" Ca thedral at the home of Mrs. C. V Evitt, Graham Avenue, Westview Mrs. Evitt and Mrs. Thomas An drew received the guests. Mrs. O. A Woodland and Mrs. J.'C McLennan poured and servlteurs were Mrs. C H. Orme. Mrs. Ernest Anderson-, Mrs. A. O. Rix. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, Mrs W. C. Aspinall and Mrs. J. A. Hin ton. Mrs. O. H. Arnold acted as cashier. The home cooking table was in charge of Mrs. A. E. Parlow and Mrs. A. L. Holtby. Mail Schedub ! '"or the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjn. 'rom the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pjn. or Vancouver Mondays train) 4:30 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) .... 4:30 pjn. Thursdays 9:30 p.m. Friday 11 pjn. Saturdays 9:30 pjn. Sept. 6, 14 and 24 4:30 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday pjn. Wednesday 10 a.m. Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday 10 ajn. Saturday (train) 10:15 pjn Sept 10 and 20 am. For Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday 7 pjn Wednesday 9 p.m From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesday 11:30 a.m Thursday Y 8 p.m. For Stewart and Premier-Sunday 7 p.m Friday 9 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 a.m Saturday ... 8 pjn For Naa? River and Port Simpson-Sunday i .7 pjn I'rnm Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday. 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 15 and 29 9 pm From ()uecn Charlotie Islands-Sept. 13 and 27 '.. .. ajn. For Alaska Sept. 10 and 20' am Erom Alaska- Sept. 6, 14 and 24 4 p.m. $10. C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 p.m, Vroni the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays s.tf. . . 10:15 p.nv D. Watt, lather of .Mrs. Bert Smith of Premier, arrived In the city earlier in the week from Birtle, Man., where he has been paying a visik, and will proceed to Premier on the Prince Rupert this evening. I Charles D. Fyfe) accountant jot the local branch 'of - the'' Canadian Bank of Commerce, sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver on a vacation trip. M. M. O'Brien, chief field engin eer for the Consolidated Mining '& Smelting Co.. is oasscnger aboard the Prince Rupen today goitj through to Stewart to pay a visit tv. he Big Missouri and other pro perties in that area in which his company is interested. Richard E. Mortimer returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a two weeks trip south. He accompanied as far as Portland his mother, Mrs. E. H. Mortimer, who motored south from Vancouver with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yel-tow with whom she will take up esidence for the coming year at VictorvUle, Cal. I WAS A 1 ! , SLAVE CHORES TO 1 It gets rid of dirt easily and quickly, no hard rubbing and scrubbing . . . i cleaning jobs UNPLEASANT are easy when you use Gil-lett's Pure Flake Lye. It actually washes the dirt away. Gets right down to ground-in grime! Use a solution of 1 teaspoonful dissolved in a quart of cold water. Off comes the dirt! And you do no hard rubbing! Keep Gillett's Lye on hand for all your cleaning. Use it for toilet bowls. Toclearstopped-updrains. It kills germs,' destroys odors and never harms enamel or plumbing. Your grocer sells Gillett's Lye. Ask him for a tin today. N.Tr illuolt. ly. In hot mtrr. Ttu action of ttu ly. Iticlf heat th water.. FREE BOOKLET Get your copy of the new edition of the Gillett' Lye Booklet it tells you doirns of ways to : make house cleaning easier by using this powerful cleanser and disinfectant. Also contains full information for soap making, thorough cleansing and other uses on the farm. Address Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue & Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario. GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT Low prices attract attention but fine quality, , is the r best barsttin when it comes to tea. Fine tea is richly flavoured, clear as crystal and healthful. Common tea is merely an indifferent beverage. 743 SALADA TEA ' Golden Brown Toast made right at the table ENJOY toast just as you like it crisp and hot from a G-E Hotpoint Toaster. It's a marvelous convenience at the breakfast able. And so inexpensive. GENERAL ELECTRIC "Hutfwinf TOASTER .NORTHERN BRITISH COLUAIHIA POWER COiMPANY LIMITED PRIME BEEF RUMPS 17 11 C P lb. SIIOULDER 1f)r lb. BRISKET 95c 3 lbs. P O R K butt 20c r0,NS 25c I) ELI CO BACON pkg 7cSc FRYING CHICKENS lb 2Sc asarmrnsanBsanarssm-E LEGS lb. SHOULDER lb. BREAST 3 lbs. Pork Tenders lb 28c 1 lb. LIVER j lb. BACON both 30c Phone 1 63 3 lbs. 69c COMET BUTTER 3 lbs. 69c LAMB 22c 15c 25c VEAL HUMPS 1'Rn lb. LOINS lb 4h WW 18c BABY BEEF LIVER lb 15c OX TONGUES lb 78c MURESCO! MURESCO! rnn nr i i t ivn ntm lin Tinnnn i mwvxr IM I'UK ilLiU AIM) DEiV-'UIviV 1 lUi. N Muresco's popularity rests on its lovely soft finish, its economy B and ease of application, and on Us great practicability. It comes 5 In eighteen beautiful tints. 75c Package 40c Vi-Package i GORDON'S HARDWARE Make the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters while in Prince Rupert Comfortable rooms at M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the Eli.ctrlc Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes just in. Prices reasonable .Cleaning arid Pressing.