.'.A; --v.- Wednesday- March 14. M. thb.dailt tctnt PAQE THRBZ 1 Tf aa CANDIES For SAINT PATRICK'S PARTIES MINTS AND HARD CANDIES Whoever I he rwllerii nuy be, you may he aure that she will like thr-.r i rand randies on St, Patrick's Day. Or IT )oue having a party, he sine that ju hate an amiilr supply on hand, SPECIAL .OFFER THIS WEEK lb. Moir's Chocolates 50c 1 lb, (ianontr's Chocolates . 70c Maraehino Clierrie., Page & Shaw, 1-lb. box 70c Special St. Patrick's Offer EASTER NOVELTIES A new assortment to (hoote from at very reasonable price. Come In and ire them. rmes Ltd. 2Jut Piontcr Drurigt'sts The Iteaall Store Phones: 11 ti 12 A CLEANER KITCHEN and A COSIER HOME with "SILENT GLOW" Tike good Jook st the je two free from smoke, soot and odort Pictures the store 1$ the sime ItgivesaiW, ntnbt which in both, but what a difference you can adjust or regulate by in cleanliness snd convenience! the turn of a valve. No labour, Which is the happier woman? no watching and bsoluteIv A Silent Glow Oil Burner in- safe. Durns cheap fuel oil. Each stalled In vour present range, burner is guaranteed in writing heater or furnace saves labour for five Tears. See the Silent nd Is positively dean, silent, Glow before you buy . IT LIGHTS QUICKER-GIVES MORE HEAT DURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATED. )Jri" Mt m aak x yviN can. Ao e at. orr.sCt I IT Oil Burner H up BsssssVHHsHMMHHHI SMITH & MALLET til Third Ave numbing and Heating t For Your Health Clllrnnrsrtl Ultra Violet lUys Intra Ked Hays Massage All at t... W. C. ASPINALL D.a ,i "rem til Phones Green 541 Exchange Block SSWBMI" Tlie I'hnne 174 AUCTIONEER packlng-Cratlng-Wrapptng it Qenerol Furnlturt Repairs List your goods with me Phone Blatk GEO. J. DAWES UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stesmers leave Print hupert tor Vancouver T.SS. CATALA KVKRY TUESDAY, IsSO P.M. .,,.. Vis Ocean Fslls and Waypolnts, arriving Vancouver Thursday sriernoon. T-S.S, CAHOKNA F.VF.ItY FKIDAY MIDNIOIIT . ' ... A S..I..I. a "iwving Vancouver, Monday am. lv sailing to Port Blmpwn. Alice Arm. Anyoi, 8 ewwart and NM uiver points, Lesva rrltice nupert duiiqsj. h' in, iMfJdn.,ormun regarding all aallnga and trkete at i!i ,m rHr A N:Vf Third Avenue. H'" , i LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion D.E S.L. meeting tonight. 17. 8ujper ftervcd 6 to C. Mrs. W. J. Sloan, who lias been in a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prrnce (tupert this morning. R. W. Scclye, well known Seattle mining man, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning 'eom the south and wilt pruned by this afternoon's train to Utk wpert he is interested In the Lucky Uoli mineral group. Pictures of two Porcher I&lanf hildren appeared In the Vancouver Sun on Sunday. They were Edward Roland, son of Mr. and Mrs H E. I,egg of Surf Point, and Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Murray of Refuge Bay. Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Stewart, whi have been spending the past couple of months holidaying In Call fornla, returned to the city froir the south on the Prince Rupert thls morning. Among former Prince ! Rupert people wliom they mei I while away were Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield In San Diego. KNOWN TO MANY HERE Nil ho Thompson, Who Died In Vancouver At Wrek-I'nd, Paid Many Visits To Tills City Nicholas Thompson, promsneni pioneer business man and Indus trialist of Vancouver who passed iway In the southern city on Sa-urday at the age of eighty ears was very well known in Prince Ku pert He was always a promlnen (igure In the Vancouver Hoard o Trade steamships excursions wtUr1 used to be run to Northern British Columbia waters and. up until ; few years ago. made pfrtodfca business trips to thlv city. He was il.so interested In mining at Ha zel'.on on Rocher du Boule Moun tain. 15. Announcements United St. Patrick's Tea, MarcJ Anglican Shamrock Tea at Mr? Aloer's, March 15. Oddfellows old time dance Marcl 0.. T St. Patrick's Supper and Concei Urch 17, Catholic Hall. Presbyterian tarch 21. Colnnbl April 5. St. Patrick t Fair Onthedral Hall Presbyterian Easier Bale April 12 C. N. R. A. Anniversary Hall, Ap 11 13. St. Peter'a Church Sale April Hi SplnLster'a Spree, Cambral Cluip- ter. April 27. Moose Hall Friday, 16th MASQUERADE DANCE 9:30 1M. Two cash prizes for the best Hard Times Costume. Two cash prizes lor best Comic Costume. lUffet Supper DOMINION DAIRY NOW OPEN At Second St., nesr Third Ave. Fresh Alilk, Cream, Butter, Buttermilk, Eggs and Cottace Cheese Tel. C36. Prompt Delivery .Mllh direct from our own herd IKKSII KVF.ItV DAY We buy anything In cold. Pre mlum pricet. Max Heltnroner, Do r1 forget St. Patrick's Supper . St. Patrick's Tea Uniuc Church and Concert, Catholic I lull, March Parlors tomorrow 3 to 0. iLf tva Js-ki n MiA fA rot nri-tAI In MANY FURS WANTED OoMMoom, Old Reliable, Has Many Orders For Reaver and Rals to the city on tho prince iwpcrt Huyers antl Trappcrsi ' this mornm- from a! trip to Van- .W,,cn , advertigcd for. couvcr. V i. ... . . , ; miiiK ruccmiy l rvvviviti Tlie Venczla"arocry has moved' lwcc as .manJ' s 1 askc(l to the former prcmLses of the Ful- for. People who sold to me ton orocery. across from Linzey u at that time can prove that Davles- I paid. more than anyone else. There is a similar con-the constable Alex Uv.ngstone city detachment of the provln-, MtUH today, (rial police returned; to the city on'. It i.S for your lcnefit to the Prince Rupert this mornlntrj .send your furs to (iold-rom a brief trip to Vancouver onj ,;0()mf (he 0,d KciaWe JIe scort duty. j ,ag f()r w m j. a. Meeker, well known Dioneef ' vcr and 100,000 rats and is f the city, loaves on thu after-; also interested in any fur loon's train for Edmonton where ; as Ionff as it has hair on it. e win iaKe meoieai treatment Yr some time his health has not een of 'he best WAS KNOWN IN RUPERT Or. Maclleth Had To Do With Local Church Jtorn and Lived In Weit Don t sell your furs until you have seen Goldbloom The Old Reliable Money wired on receipt of ! your furs i Hotel Arrivals Uyal Jan Asphalsin and Erik lagas, Rev. Dr. R. O. XlcBeth of Van-Unyox: B. Garrlck. North Vancou- ?ouver, wno died recently, was Ver; Charles Moore, Jasper; t A, very well known In Prince Rupert Bourgeois, city, ind had a good deal to do fori Central wme years with First Presbyterian M. Holmberg. Moyne Rabben and Thureh of which, durmg tlie va-1 Frank . Mowatt, city; L. F. Cales. ancy following the resignation of'prince Oeorge; D. W. McNabb. lev. J. R. FritelL'he was interim , Vancouver; E. G. Storey ana V. noaerator. Many local friends will Franz. CJIJt. egret to learn of his passing. I Prince Rupert Standing six feet two inches inj Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Roots. A. C. Hocking feet, the late Dr. McBeth, j oardlner and W. A. Templeton of the late Hon. Robert McBeth r. w. Sinclair and atr. aj)d Airs, nd served with distinction in the p. H. King and sop Inverness-. Rell Rebellion before -graduating Mrs. O. aw-yer Salv4sTrH. Man-trpm the University of Manitoba, uel. Kamloops: Stanly Mills. He taught school for a short while Terrace: M. W M;Krr.re. ,Kam-md practised bw for a time at sops: Jonas A. Bladno Seattle.' rlnceton. New Jersey, but soon -eturned to the prairies and en- ered the ministry. He held pas orates In Winnipeg and Carman. Manitoba, and for a time was in Ontario. In the late nineties he ame to Vancouver and had been here practically conUnuously Ince that time. For many years he , vas pastor of St. Paul's Church, i Dr. McBeth also achieved con-j Iderable prominence as a lecturer; ind author both on tneo:oglcal and oopular subjects. One oi rus nest known books was "Romance of Western Canada," and "The Burn- ng Bush In Canada," the latter; Vlng a history of the Presbyterian :hurch In Canada. A widow and three daughters urvlve S? It. S. lune m t opics HIGH LIGHTS TUESDAY 6:30 Parade of the Provinces, CFCN. 7:30 Maurice Meerte Orch., CFCN. 8:15 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30 Winning the West, KOMO. WEDNESDAY 6:30 John" McCormlck, KOMO. 7:00 Corn Cob Club, KOMO. 9:00 Stars of the West. KOMO. 9:00 Oeorge Peaker. CFCN. THURSDAY 0:00Show Boat. KOMO. 7:00 Paul'AVhltcman's Orch.. KOMO. 8:00 Symphony Hour. KOMO, 8:00 FooUillls nevue. CFCN. 0:00 Under the Stars, CFCN. FRIDAY 6:30 Armour Trogram, KOMO. 7:30 One Man's Family. KOMO. 8:30-GIlinore Circus, KOMO. 9:00 Nlt-Wlt Court, CFCN. and Remember We offer you a modern, efficient and re-liable lladlo Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 33S 2nd. Ave, LOOK FOB THE TOWER Auction Sale OF COMPLETE Household Furniture ON THURSDAY. MARCH 15th 715, Fifth Avenue West (Corner llordrn and Taylor) Commencing at 2:15 Sharp Large CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 10-TUBE VICTOR RADIO COM-BINATION, Dining Room Table and C Chairs, Electric? V'tlouurn Sweeper. One Spic Span. Writing Desk, ClMterfield Table, End Table. China Cabinet. 2 Bedroom Dressers. Chlffoneer, large Ward robe. 2 Taberettes, Steel top Klt-cfien Range. Silverware. Cut Glass, Wine and Sherberts, Water Sets. Silver Teapot. Heater. Beds, Pictures. Croekiry. Dishes. Pots and Pans. Etc Must be sold. Owner leaving city. G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black 120: Red 633 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oa-emtlng three Dry Decks Total capacity M UM Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Steel and Wood Teasels Uen and Brass Casting lltctrle and Acetylene Welding ll-Un Derrick far Heavy LUU lawmlU and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Account Books Account Paper . Account Fasteners " Adding Machine Rolls Bull Dog Clips ' I-Letter Baskets Waste Baskets 9th Ave. West FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. ROOM and Board In private home. Terms reasonable. Phone Black 4A9. 62 FOUND FOUND Single Yale Junior key. Apply Dally News GARDEN SEED to 4c- per packet. Packets. New Crop, Fresh. Tes- Shannon Cases Blotting Pads Blotting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books Carbon Paper Cash Register Rolls Letter and Paper Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Classified Ads FOR SALE FURNITURE for sale. Apply 303 1 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAV1NO! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NEXSONS BFAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS GARDEN Soil $250 a load. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177.- tf IMMVATE IlllJ. NOTICE VERNON Apartments honsekiep- xcmcz hew lhit ap. lii room.,, newly renovated 141 phc-tica wiu b made to the igsi- 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421 , Irowlnc i lUa CWumMa m tt next aenBloa hj 1 the Garuditn North-Eatm Railway . Cvwjxinj (formerly known as the Port-PA1NTFRS 1 Und Oanal Short line Railway Com- ; pnY) for A3t extenlina Uie Unve fcr tbe ccmpletlon of the Unes of rail- vho u-as seventy-four years of age, Vancouver; John Maemlllan. Etele TJn A p,rrh?inpinu ib Oiasuiian Narth-EaK-m ,as a man of powerful la.ueJMacm-llan and William Dan". HA,,W Vhone c M MrTJnV' w v m a o nuiiMuvft vt oust OlcWall , s. Cj. Y U, tvUl t41 t&l&AC, Ast. 1911." and the "C Indian Nrth- Eaacenx Ratlway Cmpuij Act. 129." ; v.hcrirea to ecwmvt. and ttx'Mt the t time for the Wnplrtlon of aald UneA DATED : Trail. B.C.. Ihl M:ll dy , lS Jacucrv. 1934. 1 R. C. CROWE. ! Sdieltor for Canadian North-Eoatern , RaUwav Oomtunr. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH j COLUMBIA HAVE A OOOD GARDEN. Plenty ot f in i koiute ' everything to eat fresh and foi -jj the matter of the "admin-winter. McFaydcn's Seeds cost! istration act-so little and grow so much -3c.;' n M g uversizei frank RIVA. otherwise known aa Fnak Hni 'Doecafed. Intestate. ted Seeds. Over 150,000 saUsRed! TAKK notice by ord.r Hu customers last season. Invest!- ' Honour Judge Fisher. Local Judge of ntp ntTo An and ppt , tht Supreme Ocurt ef Brltlah Columbia. gate. CUP this ad ana get ( ouule he 5lh 1Ureh ,931 r W!L, Large Packet Beautiful Flowers aapctnted Adminiitrator of the estate rppp 86110 ,nri 2Se "3C- for 10 lV Bie0 tbe ahove-aamed deceased. All per- I05, ,'5pns bavlDK cUlms aaalnat the aald Packets regular vegetables with tt are herehy Tpiirti to fumuh Splendid Coupon good for iJZ on first order. (Coin preferred: dvpoiuon or the said ett wui Stamps accepted.! McFayden " raadr without regard thereto. AU Seed Co.. Princess and Market to p,ty uie amount of the4r Sts., Winnipeg. Man. IN I'KOllATt: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE -ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD MacRITCIIIE. DECEASED. I (T.imritWTKs or iirito ksiexth Tu)Huah llouanxa. TulMinuaU (tilef, Tnl-Uuah Riltl Kscle. and Tn I-ui I f.ha tiiln, Mineral flnhn. 68 nCctatednesa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. - Prince Rupert, B.C. DATED thla 7lfe day of March, AX). 1W4 iOVUKVMKNT MlJI'm ACT Niilhe uf iilli-ullii fur IWwr (.Imire NOTICE hereby given that on the S 15th day of April nexi the uoderaKr.ed ttruatxU to arsiv to th L'.nuor Control TAKE NOTICE that by order of 111 B ard fcr a lie: nee la renpect of pre-Honor. V. E PUher. th Sth day ot aBl. b'loa Vr: f the bulldlm known Mroh. AX). 1834. I aa apotnted Ad- as Jha Hxytpirx Hotel at Haywrt Brl-:uknlMrator of ti. ectate nf Donald i sta CaluaiMa. uim ih Uncu deorrtbed MacRttrhle. deceased, and all parties k., iats S3 aud 54. Bloc tl. TovnMt having claims aalivu the aald estate are hereby requtrod to rurrasn naa. WuperlT erlftl. to mf on or be ore ihe 9th day of April. AX). 1934. aod all i parties Indebted to the estate are re i quired to pay the amount of thetr In l debteonens to nie roraaitn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. Utl the 6th day ot March. AX. 1V34. of Uimort. Prince Rupert Land Regis tration VLMtKf... in tbe ProTtnoe of British Cotumbta, for the sale ot beer by the glaas cr by cjien bottle for con- - sumption on tee pjmue or oy cioxea -itwttU for oonsutnptton el.-ewhere. DATED th4s 10th day of March. l3t. MARIE ANN DUPDI3 AppUoant Aft'THIN SU.K Timber Sale MK.V13 There will be offered for sale at Public Aim Inn. at neon on the Fourth 4U day of April. 1934. in Uu office of the .District Forester. Prince Rupert, n r .h. r Imm. Ymtu ti nit 1 AA m Sltttate In the Atlln Mtnlnx Dlvlalon ' -n Rnru. cedar and ilem- of Caaelar Dlstric. lock on an area situated on Echo Har- Where kioated: Left wua oi iunu- . )U, q,-. Round. Queen Charlotte ritiah River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Frasee. acting as awent for Taku Mine Company Limited, Free Miner's Certiorate No. 73408 D: J. O. Klrkham. Free Miner's Certificate No. 73400 D; Cart Carlson, Free Miner's Oertincote No. 7S413 D: Olen A. Klrknarn. rTee Miners vt-tlflcate No. 73410 D: and Oeorge L. Johnson, Free Miner's ceruiicaie no. 73412 D: Intends, slrty daya from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Ceitrttlcatea of Improvement for the purpose of obtaining Crown Oranta ot the above claims. AND further Use notice that action, under Swtlon 85 of the "Mineral Act" roust be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements DUxl this 20th day of February. 1934. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 6,17 iniuruia Land District. One year will be allowed for removal of Umber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour ot auction and treated as one hid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester, Victoria, B O, the Dlauict Forester. Prince Rupert, BC l-AXn IIF.OIHTRV ACT Itr: Certificate of Title No. 1IJ1B-I. to iMi 31, Itlm-k 31. Xertlnn S, Map 973, fltv of frlnre Itiiiiert. WHEREAS proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title lusued In the ame ot Bert L Clarton. has been tiled In .this office, notice is hereby given that ! t shall, at the eaplratton ot one month from the date of the nrst publication .hereof, tasut a provisional Certificate ot I Title In llsu of ssld lost Certificate, unt lees In the meantime vaUd objeotlon b made to me In writing. DATED at the Land ReWU7 Oftiee, Prince Rupert, DC, this ISth day of rebruary. AD. 1934, ANDREW THOMPSON.. Deputy B1stm.