vw2 he Today Tomorrow's Tides mmm High 1:07 ajn. 21.8 ft. Prince Rupert Raiding, 13:18 pjn. 222 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 3051, Low 7:19 pjn. 3.1 ft. temperature, 48; sea smooth. i 19:33 pjn. 22 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER T V il. XXIV.. No, 62. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1934 PK1CE: FIVE CENTS 51 L ECONOMIWUNCIL BILL United States Refuses To Give Its Approval to Waterway Vote Was IG to 12 or More Than Twelve Short of Two-Thirds Necessary to Ratify Roosevelt Had Supported Bennett-Hoover Pact WASHINGTON, D.C., March 14: (fcP)-By a vote of 4G to 42, the United States Senate today refused to ratify the St Lawrence waterway treaty negotiated by Premier K, B Bennett and Former President Herbert Hoover and supported by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The vote was more than a dozen short of the two-thirds necessary to ratify. New York Stock Market Showing 1 Stiffer Signs: NFW YORK, March 14: After V. (full days iri which rfrorit-' ki: wiped out the strengthening 'jf of any flurrte of buying. c ;a was a stiffening up In the New y k ?tock market on Monday : lei to a belief that a steady i. i -1 swing might soon be ex-Monday's v- turndver amoun- 1250.000 shares, closing av-r f r the day being: Indus-101 23. up 1.46: rails. 48 63. up . iHes, up .49. and bonds, 63, 4! Today's Stocks IT 'irtny 8. D. Johnson ) Vsnrouvrr Alexandria, .Q6. It.rvlew. .02. 1 H. C Nickel, .74 H. nil Missouri. .42. HiV.orne, 12.25. Bi.:1ge River Con, .44, U R X . .77. Butte I X. L.. .29. C : iboo Oold. 2.35. Dur.well, .32. Georgia Rlxer. .05. 0( yonda, M. Hrmules. .05 Vi. luthan. .03. M! to. ,35. Mrrldlan. ,19ft. Morning 8tar, .43. Native 8on. .07. National Silver, .06. . , ' Noble Five, .16. Tend Oreille. 1.25. T irter Idaho, .16. rremlcr. 1.62. Reeves McDonald, .18. Reward. .10. P no. 1.12. Silver Crest. ,023.4. Salmon Oold, 59. Taylor Bridge. .70. Wayside. .40ft. Whitewater, .OB1,;. Wavcrly Tangier. .02V. United Empire. .25. Dcntonla. .64. Toronto Central Patricia, .74. Chlbougamau, .11. Lee Oold; .17Vi. Granada, .81. Inter Nickel, 27.00. Macassa, 2,42. Noranda, 38.50. Bherrltt Oordon, 1.21. G'vo, 2.15. Thompson Cadillac, .46',. ventures, 1.03. Lke Maron, ,12'A, Teck Hughes, 6.70. Sudbury Basin, 1.76. olumarlo, .84, KH) ATI! RENCE TREA TY IS Senate SEARCH IS ABANDONED Ncwtncton Expected Back From - Egg Island-This Afternoon- Having failed to find any trace of Daniel MacDonald and Walter James Flewln. the two men who were In charge of Egg Island light house In Queen Charlotte Sound and who are feared to have been drowned about last Friday from rowboat which was found over turned oft the Island by the steamer Catala which stopped to investigate after finding the light out. the lighthouse tender Ncwlng ton abandoned the search Tuesday afternoon and left Queen Charlotte Sound for her base at Prince Ru pert where she Is expected to ar rive this afternoon. The Newlngton did not turn homeward until she had thoroughly I MimM the rocky Islet on wnicn the lighthouse Is located and the !.ntl vlrlnllv nf tunc but without success. New Police Chief In St. Paul Bus Over One Hundred Persons Under Arrest On Liquor Charges Fol-lowing Week-End Raids f 1I.mIi IX Ol. i AUUi JVUIUI., kivii ' Over one hundred persons were under arrest here last night night on liquor charge as a result of raids conducted under the direction oi the newly appointed chlet of police of this city. Card of Thanks j V. Soucle of Terrace. B.C.. desires to thank all the kind friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and those who sent flowers or loaned meir cars and for the many kindnesses shown him during his sad bereavement. UNITKO STATES GUNBOAT in chinks' watlks is abandonkh; chew safe nMn Mnrch 14: J,,. iT.(Brf states cun- 11.11 V W x " a ff nifl nav to UUIIV UU UUfcJ 7.V- .;v nkht and was abandoned, the crew of 187 men being rescued. 4. t Iall DID NOT DIE Thrrr Sailors Already Rescued From Capsized Japanese Naval Vessel More Believed Alive Hull is Docked Steel Coffin Is Bring Cut Open In Hope of Extricating Furthej Survivors SASKHO, Japan. March 14: (CP) Ten additional members of the crew of the torpedo boat Tomozuru, which capvhed off here on Monday, have been rescued and sixty-six bodies were recovered. Ifope Is abandoned for any more of the 1S men who were on board being still alive. SASEBO. Japan March 14 (Can adian Press With three sailors rtscued of 13 who had been trap ped In the hull of the capsized torpedo boat Tomozuru, rescue workers were cutting doggedly at the steel walls of the vessel last night In the hope of finding more members of the crew alive. They were spurred onln their work by a story from the rescued men tha eight of their companions were still alive In the englneroom. The three rescued men escaped through a hatch under water to reach the surface. The floating coffin, still bottom up as It was when a cruiser founo. It off the coast, was shoved Intoj dry dock, Its masts and funnels in I the cutaway where keels ordinarily go. j The Tomozuru ran Into a terrific . storm during manoeuvres and It Is believed her heavy armament caused her to turn turtle. The cruiser Tatsuta located her bottom up and towed her five hours to port when it was dlscov- ered that some members of the crew were still alive. APPEAL IS PROCEEDING Ex-Mayor C. II. Orme Seeking Reduction From Court of Valuation of Fulton Street Corner Hearing of Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme's appeal against an assessment of $13,380 Dlaced by the city on the southwest double corner of Third Avenue and Fulton Street Is continuing before Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court today, having resumed this morning after being In progress nil day yesterday. Mr. Orme Is appealing only on the valu ation placed on the land and not on thfc assessment of the building which was reduced by the court of revision from $5700 to $5000. The case turns on the Interpretation of the term "actual value" under the Municipal Act. The first witness called yestetday was City Treasurer D. J. Matheson who approved the assessment roll as It now stands O. H. Arnold, called as an expert witness as to land i values, vaiuatea me aouDie cornet ln question at $7500 , John Dvbhavn testified for tlv city as an expert witness. He de clared that there had been no rcla tlon in recent years between price I paid and actual . values of property ! City Engineer r. n. uooa gave , , The city was continuing to pre 1 sent evidence today In support of , the assessment. Thomas McCly linont and Max Hellbroncr being 'among the witnesses. NOW BEFORE VICTORIA :rN.R.A.C0DE I INCOME TAX BELIEF NOT EFFECTIVE THIS YEAR TIS EXPLAINED r 4 VICTORIA, March 14: CP The deduction of one per- cent tax from salaries of less than $50 per month will cease on April 1. Other Income tax relief will not bt operative on ; 1933 returns, according to an explanation given by provfn- clal taxation officials of the new budget proposals. '; TWO MEN INJURED Suffered Serious Hurt in Explosion of Powder Yesterday at Alberni Logging Camp PORT ALBERNI, March 14 (Canadian Press i A. Pearson and Jo seph Harme of Vancouver suffered serious injuries when they were burned about the head and face yesterday ..ln to prmtmovxplo-q slon of powder at Camp Five of the Alberni Pacific Lumber Co. They are stateo to be progressing satisfactorily in hospital here. PROBE OF FISHERIES Senator Tajlor Moves For Invest! gation of Halibut and Sealing Treaties Charges U. S. Violation OTTAWA. March 14: CP Senator J. D. Taylor of New West- CampaiRn Aeains Non.Aryans in minster asked the Senate yesterday Germany continued by Hitler to appoint a committee to inquire Administration Into the observance and effectiveness of sealing and halibut fishing! BERLIN. March i4:-Contlnulng treaties on the Pacific Coast tween Canada and the United States. The committee would be : given power to call witnesses and secure papers ana aocumems. ; Senator Taylor declared that the United States had recently not lived up to the letter of the pelagic , sealing treaty. He criticized Canada for indifference with respect to the International halibut treaty and said he would also ask the committee to Investigate the movements of sockeye salmon. The resolution was adjourned without debate by Senator A. D. McRae of Vancouver. DEPARTMENT IS CREATED lion. A. Wells Cray Will Also Pre - , Municipalities i r ! VICTORIA, March 14: (CP)- Premier T. D. Pattullo Introduced a bill in the Legislature yesterday to create a department of municipali ties of which Hon. A. Wells Gray, minister of lands, will be the head Minimum Wage For Domestic Help Is Being Considered VICTORIA, March 14: (CP British Columbia will consider a minimum wage for domestic help, Hon. G. S. Pearson, minister of labor, announced In the Legislature yesterday. UNCHANGED No Alterations. Made In Regulations for Alaska Cannenes Time and Wage Proposals Fail KETCHIKAN. March 14 iCana- dian Press Hugh J. Wade, Na- tionai industrial Recovery Act ad mlnlstrator for Alaska, said on re turning here from salmon cod,: hearings In San Francisco, tha. no major changes had been made i in basic plans for salmon fisher- men and cannery workers Efforts ::ale had failed. Mr. Wade returned wltn two deputies who will assist him In applying the codes to Ajaska. Governor Rolph Is Mucli Better ii Chief Executive oRCatifornla Again Suffering FronvVPufmonary . congeal ion r SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 14: , -Rapid improvement Is reported in the condition' of Governor James Rolph Jr.. who Is again suffering from a pulmonary congestion. It is expected he will be able to leave St. Francis Hospital within a few days. He Is already able to attend to some of his official duties from the hospital. Jews Barred From Forts in Germany antl.Jewuh campaign of the niUer ngime presldent Paul von Hnf4.nh.ir hn slened a decree barrlng non.Aryans from military fort, thls countrv f tr Anrll l AleUr, Movcliol In niaoiva maionui sii Gold Rush is Dead SEATTLE, March 14; Earl War ren, noted police chief of the northwest and former United States marshal In Alaska during the Gold Rush days, Is dead here at the age of 76 years. UNIFORM BLIND PENSIONS WASHINGTON, D.C.. March 14: A bill has been lutroduced In Congress nrovlding for uniform penskms for all bllnd veterans of la" W"S PITTSBURG PARROTS ORDERED DESTROYED rui.l.uili.ii iicwiia 4. . PITTSBURO. March 14: Civic health authorities have ordered eighty-five parrots in this cltv destroyed following an outbreak of a malady which has been dlagnozed ns parrot disease. There have been ele ven deaths from the disease and there are now thlrty-sbc known cases. ; REJECTED Government Is To Be Responsible For Its Work and Wages Plan Premier Pattullo Tells Legislature He Does Not Intend to Neglect TJiis Pledge McCeer Rises to Defence of ' Aduor ....... Council ....n.;i i,,l.i Proposal .'. , ' VIL IUIUA, jllaren 14: not hesitate to be responsible for everything it has pledged wages," declared Premier iature yesterday, speaking in viding for the establishment -ouncii. Tne bill later received se-'r .ond reading. The point of this new council Is this:" said the Premier. 'Before pioper Judgment can be exercised, a person must know tne tacts ana; l believe the proposed council can do much to co-ordinate the large imount of Information which we already have. Members ol the gov- (jrnment havgjiot time to,. do 'this wurk btiinitfirt'-be hSHdfedvbj' some one properly equipped." Mr. Pattullo Is back in the House again, apparently in good shape, after a brief sojourn In St. Joseph's Hospital suffering from a recurrence of nasal Infection. G. G. McGeer K.C.. Liberal member for Vancouver-Burrard, replied to C. C. F. criticism that the economic measure had no teeth in It, stating that the final provision of the bill empowered the Lieutenant Oovernor-ln-council to implement recommendations of the economic board. NEW MAYOR IN SEATTLE Charles Smith Elected To Replace John F. Dore Davlizht Savinr Is Rejected SEATTLE, March 14 (Canadian Press'--Charles L. Smith was, elected mayor of Seattle In the civic election final yesterday over flavor , John F. Dore. Incumbent for-the past two years. The vote was 62,093 for Smith to 46.562 for Dore. I David E. Lockwood. with 62,057 r?Ies:iT" .cTa":..th 5,:: at i. iiiu Austin c. uruiuus, wuu 56.860 votes, were elected council-men. B. C. Webster. 42.303 votes, Ralph Nlcholls. 37.805. and George W. Dilllng. 34.260. were defeated. H. L. Collier was elected city treasurer With 6t,296 votes to 16.-462 cast for his opponent, M. L. Callahan. ls dead here at the for!of the. Yukon; H. W. Carroll was unopposed the office of city controller, rc- celvtng 63.774 votes. James A. Early was elected port commissioner with 44.460 votes against 23,457 for George F. Cot-terel. his nearest opponent. James A. D'mcan was elected ' school director In a close contest iwlth Paul C. Houotr. present pre ;sldcnt of the school board, the,c. and 4c vote being 37.000 for Duncan to 35.086 for Hopper. The new civic officials will take office on April 5. Daylight savtng was relected by the voters with 32.480 In favor and 48.235 against. The New Mayor Charles Smith. Seattle's mayor- elect, was formerly assistant cor- poratlon counsel and is a former well known University of wasning ton' football player. He Is a coni paratively young man. HOUSE (iuf) IhlS government Will for everything it does and itself to, including "work T. D. Pattullo in the.Legis- the debate on the bill pro of an economic advisory Congress Expects To Adjourn Before Middle of May WASHINGTON, D.C, March 14: feMaJorttyr Leader-Benator Robin- son. following a conference with Congressional leaders, announces that adjournment of the session may be expected between May 1 and 15. Arrangements are being made to expedite business to as great an rxtent as possible. AIR TENSE IN MADRID General Strike Called and Many-Business Places Closed Kindergarten Set Afire MADRID, Spain, March 14 Can-adlan Press t The situation In Madrid was still tense today, follow- lng the calling Monday of a gen- " teral strike. Factories, food stores' and theatres are all closed. Yesterday a Catholic Church kindergarten was set afire but there were no casualties. Strikers are blamed for the act. uken hy the authorltles ta p,:. , outbreak of more ser. lous disorders. Pioneer ot f XT' Yukon 1 Dead at Village on Lake Athabasca FORT CHIPPEWAYN, Alta., March 14: Edward Gllroy. pioneer age of seventy-seven years. Halibut Arrivals American Rainier. 34.00,0, Royal, 6.6c. and Sentinel, 24.000, Cold Storage. Sherman. 16,000, and Teddy J., 11.000, Cold Storage, 7c. and . ' Onah, 10.000; Remus, 10,000, and Cora. 3.600. Cold Storage. 6.9c and 4c. Canadian Melville. 20,0O0i Thresher, 4,500; Cape Race. 6,000; J.R, 9,000, ana Tramp, 14,000, Cold Storage, 6c. and 4c. White Hope, 16,000, Atlln 8.2c. ' and 4.2c. f Gony, 3,000, Cold Storage, 0c and 4c