October 16, 1931 rr,,n urn I II I 1 1 in H)pw 11 BETTER LIGHT X I BETTER SIGHT m J wetiH CANADA LOOK FOR THIS MARK gtmnl jour cliililrrn againat danger TO on rjralrnhi avoid inferior lamp, 'ifiry nflru eUt far Iraa light llian llirlr marking indiratm. Play mfc by rliooning JClllON MAZOA Lattipa. Tliry it mure heller light Ix-llrr flight. SDlSOW MAZDA LAMPS CANADIAN GHNBKAL BM2CTKIC CO., 1-14 Limited TRY VITA-FULL A New Delicious Chocolate Beverage One tea.poonful of Vita-Full Powder makes one glars of rich, health giving Iwverage. Rich in Vitamins A, H, C and I). One-pound tin, 50 cents One half the price and equal in finality to any preparation of its kind on the market today. PURETEST BREWERS' YEAST FLAKES A highly concentrated form of Brewers'' Yeast, the richest natural source of Vitamins HI and Debitterized and exceptionally palatable. Brewers' Yeast Flakes tends to the promotion of good health and the development of a clear complexion. Special, 6-oz. tin, 50 cents Ormes Ltd. Jjte Pioneer Druqptsts the Retail 8 tor rhonei: l & Canadian Pacific 'RINCESS STi:ami:us for Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Bkagway, Oct. 12th, 21st. 20th, For Vancouver direct Oct. 5th, 10th. 25th. Nov. 2nd. for Vancouver via ocean Kails and Way Ports, "Frlncoss Adelaide every Friday 10 p.m. For Reservntlfcns W. U COATF.S, Oen. Aent, Prince Uupert. BO. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Ruper( for' Vancouver' t jLV ATALA EVF.lt Y TUESDAY, 1530 FM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8. CAM) EN A F.VKKY FRIDAY MIDNIOUT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. wl uiuns to Port tllmpaoD. Alice Arm. Antoi, Stewart and Naa. riiMV. .T7 PolnU. Lmu Prtnc. Rupert Sunday. 8 pin. nrthtr Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- 'lN(r, RITPckt inrvrv. Thirfl Attnar. VMM M treatise It doesn't pay to advertise poor products, f.n.Wvt.9 JWY those nth eruscn. Fresh flat fish.I'hone 48. (t() You can rent a Car at Walker's u low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Cash Malting for old cold teeth, coin, chains, watches, etc. Duller', (tf) Mrs. Murdo 8mlth of Terrace Is I a visitor in prince Rupert for a jfew days. You can still enrol for night classes in BookXeeplng and Eng lish for New Canadians. See Mr Rorle or phone 387. (tf) for SALE ' Lots 1 and 2, Dlgby Island $100 each. Norman A. Watt Administrator. J. K. Pyne Estate WaUon Noble, storekeeper of, Mill Bay cannery on the Naas River, waa a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday 'bound for Vancouver where he will spend the winter. ! Mrs. James Morriee of Stewart was a passenger aboard ine uaiaia yesterday going through to Vancouver enroutc to Kelowna where the will spend the winter visiting with her patents. C. F. Swanson of Rcmo. who has been working at Big Missouri Mine, arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday and will leave by this evening's train on his return to his home in Rcmo. I TVre was interruption of about a quarter of an hour in the city's! "lectrlc lljht and power service I hortly after 4 o'clock Monday af-i ternoon when a tree fell over the transmission line between Balmoral and Falls River on the Ecstall River Switchover was made tc Rhawatlans power until repair" had been made to the Falls Rivet line Children's Colds W a Checked without vW7 "dosing Rub ori flVttf U MlttlOH JARS UStD YEARLY Roger Young, who has been teller in the local branch of the Bank of Montreal for the past three years, will leave on Friday night of this week for his home In Victoria where he will spend his annual vacation after which he will report to head oflfce In Vancouver for transfer. HIj successor here is A.S.CBlack.wh has been relieving on the staff ot the local branch during the pas summer. Announcements Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Ugion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar October 18. Anglican Tea Mrs. October 24. W. J. Nelson's Hill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 25 . St. Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 Presbyterian Tea. home of Mrs. R W. Cameron. Federal Block, Oct. 25 Prince Rupert Tennis Club an nual dance, Friday, November 2. I. O. n.E. Girl Guide, tea, Nov. 2 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, 8. Daughters of Norway Dance November 0. Anglican Fall Bazaar Nov. 29. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES I Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is, now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. THT DAILY NEWS PAOE THREB Local News Notes PERSONAL XJLS CARDS Exclusive designs. Also business and professional. Best values' in Canada. Ilellbroner's. (tf) New moving pictures on Scot land, Canada, etc., Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, 8 pjn, Collec tlon. Refreshments. 233 illHHii'llJ-ll dll.M'llllT SSHOT FLAVOUR ... like thit of touted nut-meats. Criip.. with arAcriipoi that mtlu in your mouth. Nourith. inr . . . at only rich wheat and rice grain can be when exploded for complete dlgeiti-fcllity. That'i Quaker Puffed wheat and Puffed Rica. I Elnar Magnusson, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of thirty days" impirsonment. by Magistrate McClymont in cltfipolice court. .f The price of Okanagan onions in Watts' Grocery Fall Food Sale ad vertisement yesterday was shown as two pounds for 21c. This should have read 8 pounds for 21c Olof Hanson. MP. for Skeena, re-lumed to the city on last night's rain after spending the week-end at Smithers. He left for the Interior last Friday night Major W. H. Watts of Vancouver, field secretary for the Canadian Instltutee for the Blind, and Mrs. B. F. Harmer, after having spent a week at Anyox, proceeded from the smelter town to Stewart on the steamer Catala on Monday The Inquest in connection with the death of Valentino coiussi.i section hand at Tyee. who lost his life on the railway line a week ago Sunday night Just east of Hays-port, will be resumed before Coroner Norman A. Watt this evening. Some of the witnesses who have already been heard are to be recalled and there will be some additional witnesses who are being called to shed light. If possible, upon the movements of deceased during the evening in question. Relieved "naby'a Own Tableta har ben the only nmlicine tny four rhildrrn have ever had. In no ingl instance baa it been necessary to consult our doctor." So write Mra. Harry IDmer. Cumberland Hay, N.tt. When tha babv or young; child loaea appetite; u aleepleaa or restless, haa coated tongue, eolio, indigestion, cold or diarrhoea or . . . 1 . !-. ll.ku'a Own la teething . . . pta Baby a Tableta tor 'aft, quirk relief. Price SSe at all drug atorea. Or.Willlimi' 20Q COFFEE De Luxe Served nt All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe north. t ha Elei Jack Allen arrived. ii. the-Uy-oli the Catala yesterday from Stewart, where, he has peenMocated: Jor a' time. . . , ... t i Mr onH Mn Mnrlpv fftiier of the- Pr'mtM!aeUrg'lcdar, gWfg through on a trip to Anyox. E. O. Aves, deputy provincial av sessor, returned to the city on th Catala yesterday from a trip to Anyox and Alice Arm on official business. Bazaar Catholic School Hall Wednesday and . Thursday evenings. Thursday evening only drawing of prizes and admission by ticket .or 25c. (236 ' Otto von Hees of Premier arrive? ! 'Ti the city from the north on th- Catala yesterday and will proceed on this afternoon's train on a visi' to Terrace. B. F. Smith, manager of the Premier mine, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning to Premier from Boise. Idaho, where he had been called on account of the serious fcness and subsequent death of his father. D. Zarelll. proprietor of the Royal Hotel reaTneartothcvcity on the Prince George this morning from a business trip to Vancouver Mr Zarelll will be leaving again next month for Bridge River whrrc h has become intercsird in a hotel construction of which is being started this week. Meantime, he is expecting to make a big game hunt ing trip to Kodiak Island with a party of New Yorlc men which Is due here soon by airplane enroute Today's Weather Terrace Heavy rain, calm, 48. Alyansh--Cloudy, calm. 48. Anyox Foggy, calm. 45. Hazelton Heavy rain, calm. 4?! Smithers Raining, calm, in.. . Burns Lake Raining, wind. 42. Dead Tree Point Overcast, caun; barometer. 29.94; temperature, 48; light swell. Triple Island Raining, moderate southerly wind; small chop. Langara Island Overcast, light outheast wind, sea moderate. Good Values In Used Cars 1932 Chevrolet Coupe Rumble Seat 1928 Essex Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan Sport $500 125 $300 $135 1930 Chevrolet 11-ton $f 3275 Packard Sedan . . Nash Coach $250 160 Kaien Motors Limited Hours: 8 A-M. to 8 VM. l,. 14 v Prince Rupert's Lowest Prices for Shrewd Buyers Our buyer has had forwarded to us all Leckie's samples of Ladies Misses' and Children's Shoes and these are to be sacrificed. If you wish to economize this is the place. Now is the time to buy! Men's Knee Special per pair, up from Gum Boots s 2.95 Men's Storm King Gum Boots thigh length QA QC Special, up from r'1'"' Men's Work Shoes. Lekie made Special CO QET 50.3 per pair Boys Kner Gum sizes; Special per pair Boots all S2.59 Boys' Storm King Gum Boots, thigh length QQ QQ per pair Child's Rubber Boots, per pr 89c 1.35 S1.89 Boys' School Boots that stand the test of wear and wet. Made by Lcckie. all sizes per pair 82.89 Ladles' Best Quality Rubbers Special 0 per pair, up from uwv Ladies' Zippers in small sizes. Special Q per pair, up from eTj" Ladies' Brown and Blaek Zip pers with Dome fasteners. Special Oi AO per pair, up from v Misses' & Children's Rubber? Men's Best Quality Special per pair, up from RiDbera 79c Ladies Kid Straps with Cuban neetS. in all Size They fit and wear C Half price, per pr. Kiddies' Rubbers as low as. per pair 59c Misses' Rubber Boots, up trom r 99c,S1.99 Cut Rate Shoe We Accept City Scrip Stor F Doosworth, assistant manager Father Mnrie OMJ . parish priest ot the Granby store at Anyox. and for the Roman Catholic Church at ttn were passengers aboard the ss. Anyox. is a visitor in the city, hav-Catala yesterday going through for jng arrived from the smelter town a trip to Vancouver. on the Catala yesterday. FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing See SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and McBride FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 theFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED 1. 1, BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.