. - ‘ MAY ROBERTS TELLS EXPERIENCE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 when a very young girl. Oh, would fill a big volume to tell you of all the incidents of my career since then and of the parts i have played. “My first two years and a half on the stage were devoted to muscial comedy. Then the late Sam Roberts, an actor of con- siderable renown, persuaded me to enter the dramatic field in Chicago. I did so with the re- sult that I soon had star parts in some of the best companies playing the leading theatres be- tween New York and San Fran- cisco. A Player's Romance After my marriage with Mr. Victor Gallard in Chicago I got my own stock company and my own company I have had ever since. There is not a city or town between Old Mexico and the Arctic Circle on one side and the two seaboards on the other but that has had an opportunity to see my company.”’ Takes Real Work “How many plays have you in your repertoire?’ ‘interjected the interviewer. “Fourteen.” .“‘How do you manage to rem- ember them all?” “Hard work and nothing else Frequently we prepare a play in one day and we have never yet fallen down in a performance. I love the art of my work and I know I can say the same for the rest of my company.”’ “What about your experiences? I suppose you get all sorts of queries from stage struck young men and girls?” “Why of course I do. Since I have been here [ have had several letters asking me about the stage, invitations to dinner, congratu- lations on my work, etc.”’ Two Kinds of People “And the people here, «what do you think of them?” “They're just dears! I think there is far more culture shown by the audiences in this city than in many of the so-called first cities of the continent. “There isn’t anyone in the world I dislike—but, wait, yes there is, and I would like to smack his or her face.”’ “Who can that be?” asked the News hastily who! play and play “The hypercritical critic has never seen a. first class by a first class company then dares to criticise every and player.” Hardships and Joys Then the interviewer got a glimpse into the hard side of life to an actress who is on the road with a stock company. He was told what it feels like to play occasionally to an almost empty house in the face of a big salary roll, a company with a weighty bill of expense; of jump- ing from one town to another in and uncomfortable train or boat, of being forced to take the attic apartments in a primitive hotel and of the hardest blow of all— to give out the best work possible and then have a cold, unrespon- sive audience. “There are a hundred and one hardships incidental to the life of an actress or actor but there are also a thousand and one sweets. Real friends are met in every town that go to compensate for all the things that sometimes spell tears. It is a fascinating life that demands brains and lots of them,”’ asserted the lady. A Lucky Traveller Fate has been good to Miss Roberts she says. She has never been in a railroad, accident and she has beaten the celebrated Casey Jones for railroad travelling be- cause she has travelled on the Union Pacific and the Santa Fe and also the Canadian Pacific and the G. T. P.—Casey never heard of the last two, he claimed. Fate, however, handed Miss Ro- berts a bad deal eleven years ago. It was Christmas night, 1900 in St. Joseph, Mo., when the theatre she was playing in was gutted by fire and her wardrobe valued at several hundreds of dollars was hopelessly cremated. A Faithful Companion “Before you go,” said the in- teresting leading lady, “‘let me introduce Becky Sharp.’”’ Becky is a tiny German tan dog, which Miss Roberts brought from Ger- many six years ago. Becky has been smuggled through a score of ports by cryptic means and told her mistress in dog language “whither thou goest I shall go,”’ and Miss Roberts told Becky it had always been so and would continue thusly until the day breaks, etc. Thanks to Rupert “Give the people of Prince Rupert my love and thank them TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT MAY ROBERTS And her Company in The Funniest Comedy in Twenty Years. “The Judge and the Girl ”’ SEE Miss Robert’s as the Lady from Germany R Ira Robertson sin SEE Lillian St. “I’m Glad yi m Not a Girl.’’ ohn Dance. PRICES—$1.00, 75c, 50c. DOORS—Open 8.30. SEATS—Nearly all sold. Curtain 9 sharp. PHENIX THEATRE Monday, July 31. Tuesday, Aug. 1. BY REQUEST Dr. L. M. Slocum presents Mr. W. H. Harbeck’s Scenic Travelogue “LAND OF THE SUNSET SEA” Our Pacific Northwest Beautiful—The Greatest Motion Pictures ever shown on canvas, 5000 Feet of Film. Wonderful—Awe Inspiring. Secure Seats Early. Houses Crowded Everywhere. Curtain rises at 8.30. Two Solid Hours, Admission - - - 25c. and 35c. Sectional Cases These are ‘iin class For Looks and oo Cabinets of the day for both home and office. Savers, they are incom Durability, they last Ctorever's =e are a!ways worth t Ce staal for catalogue ran } THE DAILY NEWS — ———. THANKS TO MR. BUSCH et et ot One j 1¢ best of cut flowers iin Pr. Mens 66 99 Cables Sent t+ ‘the American |by the Arcii, Studio, i today e ews assi 1eC S Association nue. Carrations Itd aye, a . e cheap, only 85 ‘ak selling Very Te ae a Los Angeles, Cal., July 29.—The | Roses and other flo, . 1 dozen, ow | American Medical Association, re-}er than they } Led ya Cheap, Peed ne nt or or ac se 10 cently in session here, has sent |season, veen this by cable two messages to Adolphus —T OVER— Poe: j . ; ° HEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING ER |Busch at his German villa in Miss 3 é § irecognition of his liberality in Pustac & GRANT } ’ ese ° C STENOGRApHp , 7 ee a | moting the aims and interests PHER Lo d F aod fn Be ciation, The first one =e ate eg riting romptiy st an oun attended to | reads: aa The Insurance People $a. ir “Adolphus Busch, Lengensch- SL LNENTAL TRUST go EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St for being so kind to us all,” was the valedictory presented to the interviewer as he left the presence of the clever lady who has charmed Prince Rupert audiences’ by her talents all week. ere evesvevy ® ® & AT THE THEATRE » oy & VVIHOKGHEVsvVesoevevsy Strong Performance of the Ro- mantic Drama ‘‘The Adven- turess.”’ Again last night the May Ro- berts Company charmed a large audience by their art. The play selected was the romantic drama “The Adventuress,” in which Miss Roberts scored a triumph as the fascinating but dangerous Mar- quise Stephanie, the adventuress. The play deals with the work of the secret police in Rome of one hundred years ago and gave scope-for a display of some of the gergeous Parisian gowns for which Miss Robert's wardrobe is famous. The entire one, the play being more strongly presented than any of the former ones. As the dashing young En- glish nobleman, Sir Horace Welby, who brought the schemes of the adventuress to nought, Mr. Gil- lard had a romantic role which suited him excellently. As usual Mr. Ira Robertson gave a finished performance in the character parts, this time as Barrato the police agent. George Zecco as Prince Malcotti, the adventuress’ accom- plice, Miss St. John as pretty Alice Varney, and Leonard Garey as Alfonse the servant gave ex- cellent support. “The Judge and the Girl,” a modern comedy, will be staged for tonight. cast Was a strong MAIN LINE AT HOUSTON Contract Let for Masia Right of Way What will be pleasing news to those who have invested in Hous- ton and to who investing in good proposition is that the con- tract for the right of way for the G. T. P. main line has been let to W. R. Poulton of Houston. He has already begun work on clearing a 400-foot right of way for the G. T. right through the townsite. Lots in Houston, which the rich Bulkley Valley are selling like hot cakes in Vancouver, where Law-Builer have an office. Some important sales have been made at the local office on Third avenue. townsite lots, those propose such P. main line running is in FELL DOWN HOLD John Viiednon Titled on SS, | Camosun While unloading freight on the SS. last night John Ferguson, a deckhand, fell down the hold and rather severely in- jured his back. He was taken to Hospiial where Dr, tended to him. Camosun General at- the Tremayne ANOTHER WRECK Fifteen a Reverted Killed Near Bangor Maine (Canadian Press Despatch) Bangor, Me., July 29.—Fifteen persons are reported killed in a head-on collision late last night McRae Bros., Ltd. Everything for the office. between a crowded excursion train and the midnight train from Vanee- boro to Bangor. Several persons were injured, wi ilbach,—-The president, Dr. Mat- tison, the local committee and | | 34, 000 members of the American | Medicine | greetings and best wishes and a of thanks for your i generosity to the American Med- Association, your donations scientific advancement and LOST—A Kokak; left on Metlakatla wharf. Finder rewarded by leaving same at Campbell's Cigar Store. 162-tf Lost— A small black purse containing $7.75. Finder please return to Mrs. Swindle, sane Hotel, and be rewarded, Association send hearty Fir ernarermrnrnt For Rent balers EGE | Furnished rooms with bath. the week. Talbot House. well furnish Splendid view of oie Apply P.O. Box 1519, Mcintyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished. State terms te Box R, Daily News.140-tf |rising vote — lical | to the | your contribution to its personal Special rates by 166-tf private family. Contiomes only.| Do away with this. Patronize a white | laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 comfort. JOHN B. MURPHY} “President.” (Signed) The second one is as follows: Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset de s, Third Avenue, between Seventh and | OXS3Q@2300 Adolphus Busch, Langense ot Eighth. 117-tf : . ° ‘ walbach,—-Cordial greetings, grate- }ful appreciations and best wishes Help Wanted LEATHER BAGS \from American Medical Associa- Porm comme esses perms rsrmarmmeemedlh | tion.” Wanted.—A woman to wash and iron one day al in Crocodile, Morocco, Etc. } (Signed) Murphy, Gorgas, Ja- week. Phone 301. tf | ! cobi, Welsh, Mattison. A woman to do fancy ironing, Wages $2.50 per | oreete ! day; also girls to work on mangle. Apply at i once Pioneer Laundry. 165-167 | | Girl wanted, immediately, for light Densswrork: | THE CORRECT STYLES | Notice to Eagles. eae eangeantcaniad amma ny a The funeral of our late Brother | Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden | Souvenirs Jewelry Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. Take 8. ipo or Venture. Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, a Ave. | 144-tf |George Lichtnauer will be held ‘at 2 p.m. to-morrow from Hay- ooeeee : ) ner’s undertaking rooms. Al! } —o ' } OFFICIAL WATCH INFPECTOR FOR 6.T.7. Brethern are requested to attend. Peete eet FOR. W. Cameron & Co. j For Sale |@ Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. Coal Famine Continues | PHONE 82 Srey a Da aA a aisle Winnipeg, July 29.—The coal $50 English perambulator for quick sale, Will | |famine continues throughout Sas- take $18. Apply P.O. box 787. it} er ‘ we oe Noti katchewan and Alberta. Even if For Sale or Lease—Best located restaurant in | otice : : Stewart. no opposition, liberal terms. Full in- | en all the mines were open d at formation apply or write to G. George, P.O Take notice that the partnership consisting of ' : ‘ i ‘ Box 251, Stewart, B.C. 165-168 Aneus D Melnnis and Prank Kelly, Contractors | O2CC, the famin could not be Before buying your Stove or Range see A, J./ carrying on a street contracting business in the | dispelled by winter The winte r’s Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves | City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British from $14. 129 9-1m Columbia, under the name of ““McInnis & Kelly’ | ¥ Stat was dissolved on the }5th day of July, 1911. All) supply must come form the liabilities of the partnership are to be paid by | 2 Storey house, house- Angus D. McInnis. For Sale Chicken Ranch. hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if | . : taken at once. Address Box 368. tt A.D Bel. | Are You Behind the Times? | Dated at Prince Rupert this 17th day of July.1911/ You must be, if you haven't q ee 165-171 | , ’ 2 : — rot dur footwear on. See Scott- g Fire Insurance | Froud & Co., The Redley Home Near Prince Rupert. to catch up. fo es seers srerers THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack | Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf | | | The Board of* Railway Commissioners, for | Soeae will hold#a sitting at Prince Rupert, Busi Ch Will Re-open August 25th. usiness ances C4 on or about the 19th day of August, 1911, n : | at the hour of 11 o'clock in the tevensen for the | Girls from 6 to 18 years purpose matters, applications, or , 2 , »ceive | Soaeels' filed cae the Board and served upon | Boys from 6 to 14 years receive d | the parties in in accordance with the} Rules and pernences of the Board. By on of the Board, . D. CARTWRIGHT, Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, | Watertown, Wis. 137-wi Fee $10 per month Applications for admission should be made as soon as possible to the Superintendent. | Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. , Dated at Ottawa this 26th Day of June, 1911. Tenders Wanted — _———___—-- $500 Land Registry Office Re Lots 10, 64 and 171, Coast District Cash buys furnished hotel | with 20 rooms. Price $1000, Cash buys fine residence property including House on 9th Avenue, Section 5, For building Concrete Wall, also Stone Founda- tion. Inquire of McCaffery & Gibbons. 165-167 Range 4, Whereas proof of loss of Certificate of Title No. 16836c to the above named property, issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Sulphit« Company, Limited, has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that i shail at the expira tion of one month from the first publication here | of issue a duplicate of the said Certificate of , i . | Furnished Hotel for Lease. Title unless in the meantime valid objection be | made to me in writing } Notice. The partnership formerly existing between J. K. Anderson and L. M. Hughes, General Mer- chants, at the Hi-Ellen Kiver, Graham Island, has been dissolved. Business will be carried on by the undersigned. 6t J. K. ANDERSON. Cash buys a nice lot in Section 7, Balance $25 a month. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Prince ‘JOHN DYBHAVN this 20th day of June, 1911. WM. E. BOURRITT, Pattullo Block. LAND PURCHASE : NOTICE Rupert, B.C., District Registrar of Titles District of Coast Range V », Vee Kime of Towner, farmer, intend to apply Skeena Land District Take notice wer I, North Dakota, U. Notice. ier perenaman to meee the following described — anc .C ’ an ¢ Commencing st @ post planted st the south- | In the Geng Court of Atlin, holden at west corner of Lot 2287, thence east 80 chains, u em mpany | rince Rupert. | In the matter of the Official Adminis- .Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices. | thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement trator’s Act, andin the matter of containing 480 acres more or less. ihe the es . h ‘lanagan, de- Dated July 15, 1911 GEORGE KIME ee Game ' Pub, July 25 Fred E. Cowell, Agent OUR GROCERIES are Fresh Take notice that by the order of his Honor, Judge Young, made the 28th |day of July, A.D., 1911, 1 was appoint led administrator of the estate of the Skeena Land Distriet-——District of Coast Range V Take notice font I, Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. 8. oY farmer, intend to apply for permiene to purchase the following eee | and First-Class Goods only. Give us your next order for a trial. , enna lanc Commencing at a post planted at the south- | John Flanagan deceased, andall parties east corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, |having claims against the said estate thence west 40 chains, thenee north 80 chain thence east 40 chains to point of commence nent.” jare hereby required to forward same V | properly verified to me on or before Mussallem & Company Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E, Cowell, Agent | phone 228 Black Sth Ave., East of McBride | the 20th day of Ange’. A.D., 1911, Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range V | and all parties indebted to the said Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply ic for permission 0 parent the following described lands: | Sommencing at a post planted at the south- | Q+ east corner of Lot 4415, thence north 80 chaing | thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 60 chains to point ¢ commencement. Dated July 13, 1911. JOHN EVENSON | Pub. July 26. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land Distriet-—District of Coast Range V | Take notice that I, Peter Erickson of Prince | Rupert, laborer, intend to aupay, foe for permlesion urchase the following deseri Commencing at a post planted ta aie north | bank of Williams Creek where the railway right-| uey creneee and - Seton be from the creek | n thence sout! chains, thence east 40 | chains, thence north 30 speins, thence west 40 | are sold by us. We chains to point of commencemen } don’t carry ‘*fake’’ Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON | goods. ose 8 Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V ‘Take notice that 1, Benjamin A, Fish of Towner, | N. D., occupation merchant, intend to apply Pre paratio n 8, Per- i CUMOR 8,8 for ission to purchase the following nds: Commencing st a planted on the east | boundary and about five chains from the south-— east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, | thence ‘east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, | thence west 30 chains to point of commencement. | Dated June 24, 1911. PRENIAMIN A. FISH | Pub. July Fred BE. Cowell, Agent Skeena Lahd District-—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I Adaigh 5 H. Christianson of Towner, North Dakota, ation attorney- jestate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 28th day of July, A.D., 1911, JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Official Administrator, Only Reliable Patent Medicines =, CURES HEAD ACHE INSTANTLY Acts more quickly than tabl¢ts, pills or wafers If your dealer does not keep them we will mail you a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 cents. I'S. MATHIEU Co.-Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q. NERVINE. POWDERS Neuraipa Toilet Articles and When you're in our store drink at the Fountain. : : 3 Phone O18 a Whites Portland Cement, G. C. EMMERSON AGENT Phone 125 Nade 0 Bloc k Second jy LAND PURCHASE NOTICE —— Skeena Land District District of Coast, Rar ge § Take notice that Wm, F , rancis json, Of Prince Rupert, B ( : ae Nich locomotive fireman, int, nd So ae permission to purchase the + PP fe described land ae Commencing at a post p {north bank of the Zim. ne a about two miles up stream in owl ly direction from the ction ro little Zim-o-got-itz river ay ‘aa te Zim-o-got-itz river, and m arked ‘We Francis Nicholson's soy thence north 40 chains, chains, thence south 40 chains mor less to shore line of river, thence sal 40 chains more or Jess alor KB shen of river to post of commence nent, a taining 160 acres more or legs, WM. FRANCIS Ni HOLSON, Cast corner ence west Geo. R. Putmar “ ‘. man, agent Dated July 17, i911 “J Comat Range 65 Land District Take notice that i, Jobs Hepoun @¢@ sumkalum, oecupation far mer, intend to for permission to purchase the folie lowng 4 Commencing at a corner of Lat S96), south 40 chains, et planled at the nothes me east 20 chins Ges 0 chas, cheer north 40 chains to place o! cor mnmencenent, JOHN HEPBURY Dated March 15, i911 Pub April 16. 5 keena Land Distriat Take notice that Rupert, Bb. C., cou apply for permissior described |ands Commencing at 4 pos of Goow ay, of the mouth on the easterly $6251 of No. the easteriy lim i Ti or No. $5250 40 chains, thes Goose Bay, & distance of thence northerly along chan more a ig re ol Com bg #0 chains more or jem, thence westerly @ am more or less Lo px COC art, Coal 160 acres more oF lens Dated Mareh PERRY QUES Pub. Apri 7 Skeens Land Let Take notice Rupert, b. C., occu lar permission ¢ Commencing at miles weet and (we Stanley Creek where Harbor, Grabam la thence 50 ¢ 2 thence 50 chans east to » al and containing 640 acres Dated Mareb | Pub. April 7 Skeena Land | Take notice th Rupert, Bb. U., « apply for permis descri| lands: Commencing at miles south and tw the White and Fiat river thence east 50 chains, (hence thence west 50 chains Dated April 20, Pub May 13 Skeena Land Dis fake not ce that |, Joe / B. C.. cecupats permiasion to pur lands Commencing « one-hall miles cists Ssom @ clind slough fr the same touches the 80 che ns, thence chains, thence « mencement, c i Dated April 14, ivi! Pub, May 15. Skeena Land District Take notice that Let B. C., occupats apply for permis dewecribed lands Commencing a 4 | west cormir 100 chal from the northeast cor Survey, Coast Vietr south, thence © north, thence 4 south, thence 4 cement, containing Dated May @, | Pub. May © Skeens Land Distric Take notice (hat B. C., occupstivn wo apply for per described lander Commenci chains, thence east 40 ¢ Dated Mareh 1/, ! Pub. April 22 Skeena Land Dis Take notice | Ont., occupation for permiasion to pur ands: Commencing & miles west and tw Creek where | Grabar 80 chains east, thence west to ence 80 chair pe bo contaning 640 acres ore « WANK ut Dated Mareh |), wil na Deo Pub. April 7 ot of Ot. Skeena Land Distt District dy Take notice that 1. Mrmr ig wo Rupert, B.« ecupation wae " to apply for p« eseribed land + planted od af Commencing at # Pow ois we and 120 chains soul! eal thea? “i lot 1738, Coa - chains, ther a | chains, the a point of « j more or less JOHN Lottie! MR Date Mar Pub. Apr it) Trout River on the westside of Lakelse Lake, | and about 6 chains from the lakefront, thence Second Ave. Phone No, 82 at-law, intend 60 to # ply for permi ion to purchase H the followin, lands " €. e rme Commencing oy a planted about one and ‘4 . + 1 one-half milas (11-2) northeast of the head of | THE PIONEER DRUGGIST “FROM HOME TO HOME. south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement. ADOLPH H. CHRISTIANSON Dated June 80, 1911. Fred EB. Cowell, Agent Pub. July 26. ommongiog st ves s ee on ~ @ h beak of WE Will ee Crook about a chains ee eunt " t it " 4 en hence sou chains, thence henee "north ' 40 wet 40, chai to point of eae, Canes uly 7, 101 PAUL HAGEN Fred E. Cowell, Agent Parpeatering. Also agents for Fair- ~Morse and Knox Gasoline ons Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock, Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf 1142 Pender Street West Phone SOOT OIG HOTEL ELYSIUM ‘ Manager Skene Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Range V M. AT DAVIS Sid, Sykes, an Vanooutll Rupert laborer, tatend nil vor apply. fr or bereainaon F. DAVIS BOAT HOUSE The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to date Hote! a urchase the tollo Ganeral Machine Shop and Ship’s Excellent Cafe. Moderate Pritt 0: Vancouver b } 8500.