Jur in Kin ' Alex 5c mm, Today's WeatL r upert -Overcast, calm; 30.02; temperature, 58; y, xxiv r; 235. ander Slain Juto-Slav Monarch SHIP FIRE-IS PUT 0U1 No Serious Consequences as Result Of Ulaie Aboard German Liner Konlgsteln "f KfMMiiieln for upvprnl hours .e lit .ship was ISO mile east of ' N vj, Scotia coast enroute to New V ilk from Eurntvi with nas- 1 I' iid cargo was extinguished, v un radioed. There was no t iif. or injury. Halibut Arrivals Summary Amrrman -D5A00 pounds, u 3.5r ic I0.3o and 5c. anaaian -None. 0.0c Coolldge, 21,000, Royal, 10.0c and l7,000, Cold 8UjraBc' 0 0c Hazel H 0 Krv nA ciAnn irui inn nd rr,man' ,0'00, Cold " Storage. wlu' 10c . V Zagreb "7 Ik spark whkh Un.dl4 the Orcat War. j IiiiaT tltitMrl An I not bellctre the circumstances of yesterday's unfortunate Incident lo hare been of such a nature to lead to serious international compllca-uons although clrll strife may ensue m Jugo-Slavta It U pointed out ;,hat. after all. the dead king. the objert of many previous assassination aitempu in hts own country was the victim of his own . juntryman Barthou "i slaying wa. undoubtedly, not the prime lnten-u.m of the aimsiln. young Jugo-SUt rrortst. but was Incidental to the punned killing of the king. What effect the staying oi -fcou would have on IntemaUonal n UUons in Europe appeared to be uncertain last night. Barthou. 72 years old and a prominent French .tatesman became foreign minister nr the RtaTlikr scandal. He had been a jealous worker for goodwill jetween France and the nations oi ,hc UtUe Entente, had been Instru-nenUl in Improving relaUons be-.ween lUly and Jugo-Slavla and Is 'redlted with having had a good leal to do with the recent accep-ance of Soviet Russia Into the League of Nations. The French government jester-lay officially declared one month if national mourning. Attawln Is Dead incFtri.ES Prance. Oct. 10: rh- K9sln of King Alexander o( . i rnr.lin Minister NEVV YORK. Oct 10: (CPi-Flre , tun hours afUr V i. '. ....... .u. uauiuu. J. :i i ijnn in t rvn nnin ni iiic .. . i. ....... oMipV- am aeaa me muruciuui '"" i himself as a result of wounds In-1 fllcted by mounted guards and po lice after he had worseo j through bodyguards to mount to the running board of the car in which King Alexander ana yannov. ....., rMinir nast the Stock Ex change In a procession and pump bullets point blank into me euuj, of the king and the arm and leg a' Barthou. .... v King Alexander was snoi mrougu the liver, left shoulder and left blood from the arm and leg Injuries was the cause of death of Barthou who expired two hours after being shot. ' Petroff Kal-nnin The murderer was n ss.vcar old Jugo-Slav ter rorist who rnnarently entered France on Scp- Latest Casualty List Shows Dead in Spain Former Pre mier Arrested OFFICERS ARE mmm 500 MADRID, Spain. Oct. 10: (CP) The rebellion in Spain, which during Its duration of six days resulted In 500 being killed and thousands wounded and arrested, was reported last nleht to be still weakeidng despite the declaration of extremists of their intention to continue the revolt. Fighting during the day was of a desultory nature. Former Premier Manuel Agano was reported to have been placed under arrest as one of those responsible for inciting the out break. ALL RETURNED LIMITED TO INYESTOnS--" OTTAWA. Oct. 10: CP So ernmenfs invitation for Dur- chase of shares in the new Central Bank of Canada that t it Is announced that there will i be a limit of fifteen shares for each applicant. There were ! 13.000 anDllcatlons for 230,000 shares, IPASSING OF ..i. t a I - f r.ranil Forks "'u " . clpalltle here. English Woman, Gandhi Disciple, Will Tour States NEW YORK. October 10: Miss Margaret Slade. daughter of a British Admiral, who became a disciple of Mahatma Ohandl, Hindu nationalist leader, will shortly arrive here to make a coast to coast .tour of the United States. B-tR SILVER nkw.vork. Oct. 1Q: (CP Bar silver cWd at SOic per ounce on nun intent upon upon apparently tember 28, at the local metal market yesterday. yesterday. assassination of the king even that time. He was a mcrcnanv v. up 3Vc from 50c pn Saturday wmcn was down from "the range of from ' - . - - - 1 5.5c I ,;; h, had fired upon King AL Ue Wfcc earlier in tne t . . . ... . i. it.. Th.t. ra a rnrinpr aavaiiLC w 12.000. Atlln. 10.3c and 5c. exander. Kalllnln was xeiieo w.c 1 51 '.C today. Nrth. five.) 26.000, Pacific.' 10.3c and 5c. (Continued on page 1 1T11VU. ULrAMJ . - - ik. TmrvHai Oil Co. Ltd. here. i, And Other Members o Mun,. s clpal Executive Reelected Vnncouver Iate Brand madC h" h0mC l0r KXMLOOPS rlLOOPS. Oct Oct 10- 10. ( (CP)- uri . numbfr ,n pr,nce Rupert Mayor T. A. Love of Grand Forks, , it . , . in uie cany uajo. one . j j president, vj and j ,u. the entire slate of ' husband. .ffl.. I v. fear wrp rp- officers or tne pa T she Is sunived by a son. A. Carlyle elected at tne convenuon u. "(Bnindi ,ormer accountant for the Union Of British Columbia Muni--" Canada . here and . Royal Bank of now In the brokerage business in Victoria, and a daughter, Mrs. C. W. Wearmouth of Vancouver. Capt. A. E. Slocomb of Victoria Is a bro ther NOKTUEKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPEJIT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 194 T!g J M. 6. Norfolk, homeward boand al ;er a twoy ar n here off he coast of Cali fornia as she met a repL .a of the Boumy famous Oid saving ship, bull by a m6tlor picture firm PUT DOWN .... .. v-:roaDWORK " NEXTWEEK To Work on Continuation of Skeena River Highway Work of actual grading of the continuation of the Skeena River! from the present end of the road -iwards Cloj-ah Bay. a distance of. about a mile and a half, is expected I to start at the first of next week,! living employment to from fifty to ! Fresh Air For Hour Tuesday The funeral took place yesterday ; QlaCC BaV Coal' mot lornlng In Vancouver from T. Ed-, . wards Co. Chapel to Mountain View Cemetery with Rev. W. J. Mlnto Swan of St. Mark's Anglican Church officiating. Little Change In Stock PricesOn New York Market NEW YORK. Oct. 10: There was little change In price range In yes terday's trading on the New York Stock Exchange when 770.000 shares changed hands. The Industrial average at closing was S1.71, o(f .79; rails. 35!bl. off J: utilities, 19.61. off 35, and bonds, 92.68, off .01. Mine btrike Is Ended Saturday GLACE 10 (CP.i BAR. Nova Scotia, Oct -The !?...i? local colliery strike Twenty Killed In Chemical Factory At Lyons, France LYONS. France. Oct. 10: (CP) Twenty persons were killed yester 1 OTTAWA. Oct. 10: (CP) 7". 4 lonlhly grants for relief costs.ot. Saskatchewan. $100,000 to Alberta and $:00,000 to British Colombia great was the response of Ca- """""""" nadlan Investors to the gov- Between Fifty and Sixty Men to Go Hef arreements by the Dominion with the provinces, it is learned here.The agreements will ter minate March 31. 1HAUPTMANN , sixty men. J i rvinttnintinn nf a nv mmn at;No Delay Expected the present end of the road Is now S Alleged Lindbergh Baby Killer ! To New Jersey MDQ RPAWTlat CIovan u111 abandoned! as U has fallen almost completely; TRENTON. NJ.. Oct. 10: (CP)- .Bruno Richard Hauptmann Is ex-. iiiv va w v . j Well Known Resident of Prince The public works department, at pected to be delivered to New Jersey Ftupert In Early Days Died in ,the instance of Premier T. D. Pat-J state authorities either today or v....v.r 'fniin ha. etwifiorf that Hniv iv ' tomorrow to face trial on the Mrs. Annie Agnes Brand, wife of , rf f E. Carlyle Brand, formerly well ; known as an engineer on Grand ' Trunk Pacific Coast Steamships i n..!l... I A ! In thP PrvirelJUllUUUlCl5 1U j charge of murder in connection' with the kidnapping of Charles i Augustus Lindbergh Jr. day of the kidnapping. Fascist Uprising In Portugal Is Crushed by Gov't T.TRRfiN Oct 10 The Tomorrow's Tides High 2:36 a.m. 195 ft 14:25 pjn. 21.9 ft. Low 8:29 am. 6.7 ft 21:10 pm, 32 ft. PRICE: five CENTS urrrr DArwir nrrAM ctidm da rue W?0P 4K TflVSE FOLLOWING DOUBLE ASSASSINATION Slaying of Alexander And Barthou Cause of Widespread Sensation o Serious Political Repercussions up to Last Night Llcvcn Year UUJ i'rincc 1'cter rrociaimca rvinj; Killer of Monarch and Minister Himself Dead DEATH LISTTOTAli? FIVE MARSEILLES, France, Oct. 10: (CP) The death toll : from the assassination of Kinp Alexander reached five today when Madame Duhrec, widowed spectator, died as ur'ult of wounds from flyinjr bullets, fifteen, in all. hav-inr been wounded. The condition of Ceneral Alfonse Georges of the French Superior War Council, is good and ht is expected to recover. ' FAKIn. Oct. 10: (CP) There were no political rener-i ' "t consequence in Europe up to last night follow-dojble assassination in Marseilles yesterday of Alexander of Jugoslavia and Foreign Minister Jiarthou, the most sensational incident oi us Kintjj .nw T jrJ K, saving at Sarajevo. Serbia, in 1914 of Archduke RKKKLLlUN ' 1 1 MU.iuUUMJ. Trrr-f- Ferdinand of Austria, the, British Cruiser Meets Sailhg Ship From the Past kt Mite A I . San Francisco Region Bombarded by Seas of Very Big Proportions Caisson in Construction of Golden Gate Bridge Has to Be Abandoned Centre of Tempest 1500 Miles j Northwest of Golden Gate I SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10: (CP) A great storm centering 1500 miles at sea caused huge waves to bombard San Francisco Peninsula today, continuing a lashing that began Tuesday. No great property dama? has been caused but engineers had to abandon a caisson being used RELIEF GRANTS British Columbia to Get $200,000 Per Month From Ottawa Gate Bridge. Weather Forecaster J Reed said that the storm was north-Iwest of San Francisco and that it was one of the biggest and deepest .ever charted locally. TO RETURN TO ONTARIO ------ - jS1S5.000 to Manitoba. $200,000 to Harold Vermilyea Waives Extradi- uon so ueiievuie ror inai on Charje of Killing 3Iotber ONTARIO. CaL. Oct. 10: Harold Vermilyea. taken Into custody here on Saturday in connection with the "hatchet murder" of his mother at Belleville. Ont, last week, has agreed to waive extradition pro- t ceedlngs and return to Belleville for j questioning. He protested his lnno- cence and expressed confidence nirmn K Y I K A a iMmrn III I r ilithat he would be treated fairly by JLlA. 1 lrVll 1 UJLjthe Ontario authorities. Belleville authorities believe that in Delivery ot'01111 slew nis mother and ' tnen nea into we unuea biaies via I Toronto and Detroit, rushing here by airplane. BENNETT IS RETURNING Following Hauptmann's indict- j Canadian Premier to Sail From ment by a grand jury on the charge England For Home This of murder. Governor A. Harry More Friday of New Jersey yesterday signed the . application for Hauptmann's ex-! LONDON, Oct. 10: (CP) Premier tradition from New York. It was;R. B. Bennett of Canada, after nnt. inn? hpfnrp it -as announced snpndlntr nearlv two months in Eur 1.1... T Vb Jnn ....Inn. nf Via lunnH slsn hp narvrx nrovldlne for Ij-acus of Nations, negotiating CORBEIL, Ont. Oct 10: The , Hauptmann be delivered over trade agreements with France and Dlonne quintuplets were outside In j Jthout deiav. visiting In England, will sail on the sunshine for an hour yesterday.' It being their first experience of the ! ltness had en found who kind. Their physician, Dr. Datoe, , w.ould testlfv that Hauptmann had has ordered similar outings for been Ktn near the Lindbergh home them every day it is fine weather. tnt Honewell on March 1. 1932. the President Now Preparing For Congress Meet WASHINGTON. D C.. Oct 10:-Retuming from a week-end fishing trip up the Potomac River, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has now set himself upon the task of pre- Fasclst paring legislation for the forth- u '' ..l.Ifinlot which had threatened t, rcvo-; coming session of Congress which Lt three hundred miners to their ln PortuKaI c5h!d ltom' X? bone ?J he most, m0" i. iieraav. u was annuum.ru uicjiujuj m nuwij vi uv by the government. INDIAN BOY DROWNED The provincial police have re- country. POUND STERLING MONTREAL. Oct 10: (CP)The ..i.. nrA of h Hrou-ninu atiBrltlsh nound sterling closed at Haewlleet recently of wnile Oeorgc. i $4.82! on the local exchange mar- an Indian boy. 13 years of age. He ket up from $Ul Vi yesterday. It day in an explosion and fire In" the fell Into the canyon while fishing. Saint Oobaln factory near here. The body has not yet ixcn touno. nas rangea irom .ei to aur-Ing the past week.