it it i fi P 1 H Mil SIlVO For cleaning and polishing gold, silver, glass, etc. 9 C per tin JC KASS0 For cleaning brass, copper, etc. per tin JC - FOR SALE BY - GORDON'S HARDWARE "" CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not-satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you. Buy Bulkley Valley COAL TRY Shenton's Sheet Metal Works .FOR YOUR FURNACE, OIL TANK, FOR YOUR ROOFING JOIJ Prompt in Service, Low In Cost and a Good Job Done ,JiALJ2wn3 Prince Rupert, B.C. IX your paper does not arrive, telephone the nffin- FILM IS Nothing will contribute to much to your contentment and happiness . . . 1 NOW o much to the life and gaiety MUSICAL Cicely Courtneidge in "Aunt Sally" Edward G. Kobinson In Mystery whh fun that is fast and furious. outstanding dance ensembles and catchy and tuneful music. "Aunt Jally," one of two feature offerings on the screen of the Capitol Theatre this mid-week, combines spectacle and comedy with Cicely Courtneidge, popular British entertainer, ;in the principal role. The of the whole family at a bright, cheerful home . . . and yet with the modern isyto-clcan Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs as a foundation for your colour scheme ... it can be your for only aetc dollar . . . Mitrprisingly few. No more beautiful assortment of rug patterns has ever been offered than awaits you at the nearest good house, furnishings shop . , . colourings and designs by the world's leading creators of rug patterns form the new Congoleum range. He practical! Itcfurnish with laiiti. ful, labour-saving, money-saving Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs.. Sold alto by the yard T CONGOLEIM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL tory concerns the efforts of Sally t mva to get a part In the super cabaret of a new London night club. She falls to create on Impression at first but finally gets Introduced to the proprietor a.1 a famous French actress and secures an engagement, eventually proving an enormous success. Sam Hardy, well known American actor, plays the part of thef cabaret proprietor. "Man With Two Faces," the other RADIO Interference Sometimes originates in the chassis or tupes, to make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone 057 . "Sm. ... Eik r. PAOt SIX TKt WW M DAB7T Ktm canettay, October lB. ini LET YOUR WORK OF THE SEASONS BIGGEST YOUNG MEN HOME BE CAY r IJHagnjiR u c s IbbbbWsbbbbbHIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH - I end of the double bill. Is a novel murder mystery, with Edward O. I Robinson in the leading role, sup-, ported by a splendid cast Including 'Rlcardo Cortex, Mary Astor. Louis Calhern, Arthur Byron and others. It Is one of those mysteries, rnn. cernlng the affairs of a theatrical family, which Is not unravelled un til the very end of the play JONES' Family Market Swift's Blue Itibbon Beef Rump Roast of Beef f o 1 n per lb XAttU Round Steak per lb. Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots' Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs, it I Cauliflower Leg of Veal ' . 6 lbs. Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. & lsUn'Peas Lamb Stef, 3 lbs. . fcl UhjpeaV:" Leg of Lamb per lb EXTltA SPECIAL Sliced Bologna, 2Mbs. & 1 lb. Tomatoes Tomato Sausage per lb. 15c 25c 25c 35c 25c 75c 75c 75c 25c J 20Cj 25c 10c Pltonc 957 President .labour Outlines What rf .Hat Been Done in First Year . . Is n tii , . lly Junior Chamber I I jfwere looked on with suspicion, to- day they are looked unon with con I In his report to the members, re tiring President S. J. Jabour of the Junior Chamber of Commerce outlines the work done during its first I year by the organization. He mentions that, while a year aeo they fidence. Considerable time was spent In organizing and creating a new constitution. The following were the subjects dealt with during the year: Carrying through a "Buy at Home" campaign whleh made the people at least conscious of the fact thit buying at home was good business and helped to create a spirit of loyalty to the city. ' Campaign to secure the use of lo al labor in the canneries. .' Preliminary work with a view tr securing better opportunities for sports In the city, i Effort to secure the resumption of wok on the highway. ' KI forts to secure the forecasting of weather conditions through the meteorological servlee and its broadcast by the Canadian Radio Commission for the benefit of Ikhermen. Correspondence wllh a view to hiving Prince Rupert registered as an airport. ! Campaign for books for the library In lonnection with a drive by the Library Patron's Committee in which more tickets were sold than by any other organization In town Work to Interest tourists in Prince Rupert. During the year 200 'elr'ulars were placed on each boa! leiving Vancouver giving farts ! about Prince Rupert: Co-operation with the fair board in reviving the fair and preventing u crying a natural death. The report mentions that what had been done was as nothing to what the Junior Chamber expected to do. The organization Is now compete and recently fifteen new members were added. It has been formed to assist rather than to re place the older organization. Young nin are romlng to th fore more and more He asks for support in the chamber's endeavors. ff. ... I" 1(1 1 Nlcol Thorn pron of Vancouver Uritlsh "Columbia manager for th Fnellsh Steel Cormra'lon. was i Wssengcr aboard the Catala ye-terdty returning to v It a week's business visit to Look For Our Window Specials. It it Always Profitable 8WANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg KELLOOO'S ALL BRAN 2 pkgs. KELLOOO'S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. I.B.C. SODAS Family size 2 pkgs, ROMAN MEAL per pkg. ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP nop 2.1h tin UUj ASHCROFT CATSUP 28-oz. botUe LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF 99 o 2 tins ECQNOMY BRAND COFFEE Freshly ground at our op-store. 3 lbs. OOK, ECONOMY BRAND TEA ' per lb. , 30c 41c 25c 39c 34c 22c 42c Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cauliflower. ' ft K1.1 mm. U fm.t. l-..ti at Reasonable Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents"- 1. O. nok S75 Phone 18 1 Motors Heavy Duty Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up t Christie Truck Sc Car Palt 1630 W. 1st Ave , Vancouver I 1 1 Drawer 1015 X COURTNEIDGE 7 II MS S S 1. X THE INCOMPARABLE COMEDIENNE Js U Ml SALLY THE JOVOUS HJT At 7 00 and 9. 1 Paramount News at t:20 (Once Only) PLUS He was Broadway's greatest actor . . . but he pMjed the greatest rol of hU carter off the stage ... to savr a lovrly wuman from Ihe evil power of a modern Svrntall! X "The Man With Two Faces" Ro with ID WA RD G. BINSON M.lltV ASTOR, IIICARDO COKTKZ Once OrSy at 8 34 TONIGHT and THL'nsn.W rwinr J Badminton! Prepare Now For Your Winter Pleasure We have a complete line of Badminton Knckets of Quality and Value Come in and make your selection. Standard Prices. Association Badminton Shuttles, guaranteed accurate, 3 for $1.00 Ask about our special trade in arrangement. We take in your old racket on a new one. Save cost of re-stringing. Just Arrived Complete new Stock of School Bags In leather and canvas, with strap or handle Excellent value' From $1.00 to $3.50 Personal Greeting Cards At $1.00 per dozen Unprecedented values In high class Christmas Cards, printed with your name and address and choice of greeting. 60 beautiful designs, Be sure to sec our samples without delay. $1.00 per dozen DAPLART FLOORS Dapl-Art Is a new ard quicker way to paint floors and linoleum. ! It makes thejn like new. Easy to do and you get a smart effect i that gives the whole room a bright and cheerful atmosphere. USK: I Satln-(Jlo Knamcl and Hapco Floor Enamel THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Telephone 101