w, , ;ay. October 10, 1934 THE DAILY NEWS IM.GE' FIVE . '. Want Ads' Today's Stocks SLAYING AND BAItTHOU OF ALEXANDER CAUSE OF . 1 Prayer Service Held On Board "Victory'' V (Oottrte 8 0 Jote-UiO OX,.) WlUKftPIlEAI) SEXSATlbN ' 1;." UATEniAL Irorrt -wrecked' house. Htrt ;,' tc. ,mj pCiR SALEDlnlng room suit, dressers, book, tit. Phone Blue I2 SN'AP new 31 by 8ft trolling boat, Fritfo Standard em the. Apply Kiy, poatbu-dcr. Cow Bay, (Iff; BULBS Just armed, Hyacinth. Dai-fodft. Tulips. Crocuses. Plant now ' t Indoor bloomlnc. Also row ten Agent for Layrltx Nurseries.1 Pbohe Blue 631. KOK TtKNT TtiR KENT -Four roomed house, nose In. $12.00. Phone Green 402. ttf LOST LOST about Oct. 3. pair shrll-timmed gltses, render, kindly return to Pally Npws. WORK WANTED GENEMtL foundation repairs and e ica rations wood, cement or roek work Albert Moretto, Phone 756. ?55) YOUNG Woman wanU housekeeping for widower with children. For (are from Edmonton will work 3 months. Very fond of children. Can ew and will guarantee to give best of care possible to children. Tu start as won a possible. Write Box 223, Daily News HAIRDRESSER rEHMAMjrr WAVING! Cloiter Carl: Utest Styles NELSON'S BtAUTY BHOPPI TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phont 177. Birch. Jaokpine. Cedar. . tt PAINTERS PAINTINO ano Papertangtng Moller. Phone Red 802. .UTTIOV MI.E TIVIHI.K Mil: Xllit f. 4ii , for t! it Pub- i ... Aiwwirkn tumn tai I itn uT OX October. 1M4. tn the offk of the DUtrtt Tik. Prtrvre Rupert, U uw tiiim iami tinsooo butrd n" Cxyir And lletnlack on Mi Mir, of Soruo. . ... .11. A G. .. re AUUAled on in rni w 'Ta wk ny. Lyetl Wnd, Queen ChArwtU Two yer win be Allowed lor fnotl of Umber . . r Trot ided Mir W unSbie to aimao. the suction in person submit Under to be opr st Uw hour of ucUoo nd tmutd: u oilt bid." rurtW rrtw-uu mat b obtwntd fron thr af Fwtr. Vloturi. 0 C the Dto'rietyDntrffr, PfUoy nupft fl.O. MMTKR rthrrtoti1ln1 X' TAKR NOTICE lht Kotn-n It. Trrr? i . . . . . . . . -. . ti r vllt k r Uf lor Uofiw to. tt Mid. m 33 C W of -t-r out of UuU crk. lw known a Crvk. whlfh f!ow Utrrly and tfraliu into llt 8tr Hxnt Itoo ft. nortHrrtjf from ? K. eof. tt 1013 , The wt ill 6e'irid from tb 'train idnt htviut M0Q fret It. Wmtnly ffwiv NJt. Cor. L- Ja "xt 1 b umsI for jnlnlni purpuM UPt U mlU dwntx-d m Plcr Wo, 181, No 180, No. 178. No. 7, 1 10 . W V4V, Till noUrt m xrtrd on th ground on the 88th df ot Auut 1934. A on of Uit noUc and n nput tlon pumunt thrto tid to " "w; IV.. U( . . huk... . Mu4 U 1 ITwTt Qb)Uoh to tli .ppUosuou tuuT L ttlrd itir Ui wr Rfcurder or. ltu th GMnpumUtr of Wtr l"M- rriumnt ViUMnwL Vlotorii, p C Mn thirty uyi Tir the urn P" truc ut inia noiic in NORMAN H.TWttlT. Appcnt Th d4t. of .the. tlr-' yubllOBtlon. of thU noUo U Ootoocr 1, 1B3&. AITTIOM CAM. TiMnr.H flAtr. xn m Tivera will t nffMl for all At Pub llo Aiirt-lon. -t noon on the 37th diy ot Ootolier, 1834, In Vho otflre of J,be.DUWlft ratr. Prince nuoert, the I-fUof X1740U to cut 4.037.000 feet. boAfd toe ur, of Spruce; Cdr And Ueinlock on n rA tltUAted on the Wmt lde of Dedg-Kk iny, i.yeu Wind, Queen OhrioM Ilhi,LAnd Ditriet, Two ymr will lie Allowed for r0Al of timber. "Protlded ny'oie unAblo to Attend the Auotlou Jrt peron imiy eutimlt Un dw t6 he opaiuM At the hour of sUcilou bd treAtrd At one bid." PU filter partlculArt fUAy be obUAned from the Chief rurMter, VldturU. DC, or JJItfrlot Poimter, Prlno Rupert, B O, H, M. Rose of Premier was a Passenger aboard the Catala yes terday going through for a trip to ,iflWUTtT. , i . - ., , Vancoyrr -Alexandria, '.blt' Jiayva-W .vt U( C. Nlcket iJ7. K Big Mliuwuh, Mi '. Bradlan, 2i0. Bralorne, ttio. ' B. IL Conl., .08. ' ' B. IL X. Gold, Butt I. X. Lj J) J (ilt Cariboo Qturtt; pQ i -Dentonla, il'. 4' Dunwell, je.1.'' VJ " Oeorgla River. .00. : Oolconda, 3. Herculea, .03'4. ' Indian, .01!,. Minto, .19, Meridian, M,,. Morning Star, .11. National Silver, j03'. Noble Fife, ir7. Pend Oreille. .40. Porter Idalto, .08. Premier, 156. Reno, 6, Bllter Crest, Dl. Salmon Oold, . 12tfc. , . Tayjor Bridgf. .29 Mask).' Wayside. .07. ' Waverly Tangier .01. ' United Empire. 55. '.. : Toronto ' Central Patricia, .89;. Chlbouiiamau, J09V.' Lee Oold, .10. Oranada, J0. Int. Nickel. 24.00. Macassa. 21, NOranda, 37 DO. Sherritt. .47, v Slsco. 20." Thompson Cadillac, ,40j Venturea, St. V Lake Maron, .40. Teck Hughes, 420. 1 Sudbury Basin, im Columarlo. 54. Smelter Oold, 52. Can. Malartlc, X2. Utile Lonf Lac 6.15. . Astoria Roiiyn. .05.' , Stadacona', .27. ; Xlaple Leaf, .17, ,' Pickle Cnrw. 1J57.. -Long Lac .Lagoon, 56. Manitoba 'JU Eaternt 53. UmOUs1 A. P. ConC .OSti. "V Amalgamated. X8 (ask)i C ti E, .62. Dalhousle. 52." ' ' Fabyan. Mt. Freehold. .07. Home Oil, .63. Merland. .19. ' , lASlt Kr.OIURV ACT H. OrUtloat of Title No. 179S-1. to Lot 30. Blork 3, Quren Chtrlotte City. Uui 614A. WHELBZAS proof of low or the bor CtrUflcl of TlUe. lont tn the nun of Wtltrr Jerome Smith, fUed Itt Uil office hok U hereby ih.t 1 hU. At the etpirtMi of one mrmUi fiai Uie Hkt of the flflt DU- ...... v. . Mmftlftn.l Vr4U finite of Title in nu of the uid lot weMflcie Ainlewi In the mesottme. iuiid ojcuoi he made to m in wm - ... ils . . . . fiftof HmJB thugth, o4y of seotMnbrr. 1M4. ... (Continued rrom fageq; fsttcot by the sabre "o! a lleuUnaht.- pty tie continuea to snoot. He-was: ' then fired upon by the police who preyJnt2d the crowds, Infurlatcd,!; frora killing him outright -on '"'(he' . -,. spot. Kalllnln died later In a news- ' -.stand to whkh had been .carried. -lie was found to be armed with two j' " . pistols as well as carrying a Pw4iCf 'fnt bomb. ' ,; .' -'VTV'T'; ,The assassination of Alexander carri'c In spite of elaborate 'jarecau-tlons which had been made' for his protection. The king had Just landed from a Jugo-Slav warship and was on his way to Paris to pay a state visit, at France's Invitation, and to discuss political questions which it was believed would lead , to a solidification of peace In the long troubled Balkan states. A mighty demonstration of friendship had been arranged by France; Marseilles was en fete and King! Alexander was about to receive a I formal welcome to France. i The bodies of Kln$ Alexander and Foreign Minister Barthou lay Jni', state, In Marseilles Hospital last night, -thousands already gathering to pqy thejr respecU to the dead. Queen - Marie, consort of Alexander, was on her way here by special train' from Strasbourg where she wa informed of 'her,hubarid's death, Owing to 111 health, she 'had been travelling to France by train with the Intention of Joining King Alexander In Paris. Queen Marie arrived here this morning and fainted after throw ing herself upon the body of ' the klng. With the" pomp of grief and .majesty of death, the king's body was started back to his homeland .today aboard a Jugo-Slavlan destroyer (exactly twenty-four hours after he had arrived In France on his good will visit. Boy Proclaimed King BELGRADE, Oct 10-Elevtn-, year old prince Peter was pro claimed King of Jugoslavia by an emergency tendon. ,df ParllamehtJqhipnlct describing it as a very last night Until he -aUaltu h'.mviRrave: trajtf dy for all Europe Jorlty: Jugoslavia TfMlfuMlb5 "j 'iCj-.-.. V r "i.;r;.V Queen Mar e Is the dauehter bf m : r -t: ' . uocai, new law, aoz. TH I Ir'tHK TOILER" T f': - Mac Can Bide His Time -Bv Westover ' ?Xo. mHi I vi. IS Be om -me 0O-.T. A, s coMmd Eir r ! ilil .Jk'Kil M,&x'"- 6ETAtoT . Tyfiiv 2&?MzcLs$$ -f,; ' Wtt&x!&m . WiiMftr isssssssr 1 1 &lfa m.?&3msrGi 1 There's No "Stringing" Mac . . W - ...... , --- " - . .'- - "-. UUfiat.. CtVdciX IW..Vf'' -VQ; :'t 'Ur." S ' J Ji-iSfS-SSE-SSScsS- tiirVeP.-'if L 4 a regency ta be elects by-to ment, the- present prospect being j that this may Uke the form of a military dictatorship: Klng'-Deslg-nate Peter was.: tin England ittendlng the famous Eton.-Coliegc for boys. He had not been informed up to last night of his father's death but was told today and Im mediately left London for Belgrade. The government lasv light .officially derijed reports, emahatlhg ltf foreign countries .of' widespread rioting and disorders ih, various parts of thUxounlry. Forty-six years of ,age; and .trie second son of the late King Peter of Serbia whom he succeeded' as Prince Reaenl in 1918 . Klha Alex - jander had personally tj Jed ,?- the Ser c'i. - ' I.. I Ih. i.) It?--.....-.! uiau diuuco tti uic lll.ai. nni niiu had always been a stroitg ruWr; Inl -fact, a virtual dictator.--. ' Visitors at prayer during a service conducted aboard Nelson's old Navy Week Dowager Queen Marie of Roumanlal and sUter of King Carol, I King George Condoles ! LONDON, Oct. 10: Messages of condolences were sent yesterday by. rung u cor ge vo uic gurcuiuicm. ui. Jugo-81avia and Roumania follow-1 lne the assassination at Marseilles . of King Alexander and Foreign Minister Barthou. Most of the British newspapers and a large number on the contin ent1 take.serlous views in connection ' with the Marseilles assassinations. I Some Italian papers compare the! slaylrigs with those at Sarajevo In 1914 Bdth th London Times and Ihc News Chronicle see In the IncI - dent grave! possibilities,, the News ,11 -.CLvvJ.J mau ulucuuic for the East, , , . . - .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- 1'days Jy. - :30 pjn, From tho fiaiu- f 'Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur oays . 10:15 pjn. For Vancouver "Mondaj f train I l.ou Pau. .Tuesday 12:30 pjn.; . Wednesdays (train) . 4:30 pjn. , Thursdays : , 9;30 pjn .'"Friday .'.i...- li pju. 5, 15 and 24 4:30 pm. VYom Vancouver-- Sunday .::.:...: 4 pjn. Tdesdav Tuesday ,train) xtraln) 10:15 10:15 DJn. pjn. , 1 "Wednesday ..... 10 ajruj The Markets Retail price current here are follows Fruits Cranberries Lemons, aoz. 25c to Oranges, doi. 25c to ... Grapefruit, Cal.. each( 6c- to Florida, each ..12c to Bananas, lb Anjou fears, iancy. ooz. mk w , Pomegranates, each 5c to Washington canteioupes. io. i. , each ix i iCasaba Melons, ft ! Quince. 2 lbs. vr....u.... I Tokay Orapes f (Seedless Grapes Rlbler Orapes, lb Concord Grapes, basket, I Citron, lb. - Rhubarb, 6 lbs. Apples Terrace Gravcnstelhs, lb. .... Box - Terrace Peters, lb. '"r"i"ui . Box A m-uwo", ' Box .... i. ! Mcintosh 'C Grade, wrapped 4 lbs. Box Fancy bulk. 4Vi lbs "C" Grade bulk, 5 lbs. Box " ! Crabapples. Crabapples, Hyslop. Hyslop, lb. l Box Eggs LasC night's tram arrived here B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A tirom the East oh time at 10:15 p.i lam. cartoned, dot. flagship Victory, In Portsmouth ockyartf, held In connection "In England, Butter Fancy cartoned, lb No. 1 Creamery, J lbs Vegetables Potatoes. BXrr12 ibsI I...-. Sack .'......-..j as ; cucumbers, outdoor, each Carrots, B.C, bunch - Bulk, 8 lbs.. iNew, BeeU, bunch .... 40f Bulk, 8 lbs. -80. ; Pumpkin, lb. . ......... 4- Onions, B. O, 7 lbs. .ia ' Qariie, imported, per -lb;' Cabbage, local, per lb , . Cauliflower, Urge, B.C, 25c to .08 Tomatoes. Hothouse, lb. Basket ' : '. It .iparsiey( bunch . W .Turnlos. uolrlver. 8 lbs. '. 1 n i.l.i' i.lto '-20 ! Green peppers, -j Red. Peppers,. .l i Spinach, B.C X, lbs.-. S . Hubbard Squash, lb.; ; m 1 Leeks, iuoch I....'..,...-. .Egg Plant Feed ;j)5l. Wheat, Alberta Bran 1,60 Jq5 Middlings Shorts' ttf if) Oats r rw i-l,r,. - t.--; .Crushed Otds'l.: -s Barley ;. 2 j0 Laying .Mash,-i'j i5 uysier; sneu -.f--55 . Meats 135 Fowl. No, l;lb:i... 05 Roasting Chicken, lb. 1.75 Ham. sliced, first grade Ham, picnic, first grade, lb; ...... 1 Bacon,, side, sliced, best grade .43 Pork, .shoulder-. Jb.. .50 Pork. loin.. In.. -.75 rnmh tinnov 7fi T jog . . . Nuts 55 xtrainf? t,rr.v- i-iiii ? n'..rv". . .. .. . .. 5alnuts, shelled halves, lb io , -Almonds, Shelled, :1b. 3 "O0r Tlova, irs. Ni. 1 hard wheat..... 15 Second Patent - 1.71 m -.15 Aust. P.astry Flour, 10 lbs. 2.501 Dried frultj 1-60 j White Figs, lb J 1-85 Black'COdking FlgS, lb 1.65 Dates. JSulk. Ib ...8c to 2.40 Lemon and l.range peel : 2i5 Citron oesl 2i5 Prunes, 30-40, lb.-. 250 Prunes. 40-50, lb, -. 2.79 Prunes, 60-70, lb. 1.65 Raisins, Australian seedless.. lb. Raisins, Cal seedless lb. 25 Currants. lb; 58 Apricots, lb. .45 Apples, dried i,; -14c; to 52 Peaches, peeled, 16c to ............ .43 Sugar 50 White,. 100 lbs. 50 Yeilow;. 100 lbs-Ct irtil iHW.l r.Hhl- iMk-M with Pork, leg, lb 51 i Pork, dry salt, lb. .80 Veal, loin, lb. i Veal, shoulder, lb. .25 Beef, pot roast, lb. 10c to 1.60 Beef, boiling, lb., 8c to .06 Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 18c to .04 Beef, steak, lb. 20c to 55 Lambshoulder, lb.- M Lamb; leg. lb 55 Lamb Chops, lb. . I- JOi Fish 55 50 50 .15 .15 .10 50 55 .15 55 50 25 Ilalfbut.'lresh, lb 50 -35 smoked Kippers, lb. 15c. &nd 50 -6 Salmon, f resh, lb. 50 50. Honey .18! hxtracteti Honey, per Jar 20c to 50 1 4 .45 55 12V4 10 .13 23 52 .18 .14 .12. .14 .15 .15 55 .17 .19 650 5.70 ' a a B i