The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Penman's Full-Fashioned s THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCFEBT - BRfTUiB COLUMBIA Phone 357 ilk Hose We carry the newest color trend in Hosier' Tones for all occasions. Pine Silk, Picot Tops, Cradle Sole, Reinforced Heel and Toes, Semi-Service or Chiffon Priced at Putillined Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Bcpert Daily News, Limited, -Third Avenue H. T. PTJLLEN - - - ifaaaglng-BcUtor Ctty delivery, by mali or carrier, yearly period paid ln advance $5.00 for lesser periods, paid ln advance, per week ' jo By mall to an pafts of British Columbia, the British Empire and umwra suites, paw m advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, ner word. rer Insertion Transient display advertising, per lnen. per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circalauon Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone r DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ef Circulations 9S S 3X0 9.00 2Z. 1.4C Saiorday. July 7. 1934 PRINCE RUPERTS HIGHWAY Prince Rupert's highway is shown on the latest Imperial Oil road map as little more than a red speck. Every town and city in Canada of any importance is linked up with the highway system with the sole exception of this one. It has only a highway in embryo, just enough to be seen on the map after careful search. " Prince Rupert is, from a highway point of view, in the same class as Cedarvale. It is not as favorably situated as Usk from which point a person may drive for fifty miles or more. Ana yet rnnce Kupert is the fifth city in the province in point of population and fourth in rank as a seaport. It is the distributing point and focal centre for the great empire of the north. In view of the importance of Prince Rupert and its value as a trading centre- and agricultural market we do not think that sufficiently strong representations have been made to the two governments, provincial and federal, to do justice to this centre in the way of highwav construction. We know of no better argument than the Imperial Oil map, which shows the highway facilities of every town and city in Western Canada with a table of distances and miniature road map of the whole of Canada. Cf.Prince Rupert was hit very hard by the depression and many of the men pcominent jn. Chamberjif , Commerce and political circles have moved away or been removed by death. The result is that there is a lack of initiative in regard to nublic movements in the city. We do not press for things like we did in the days when we seemed more prosperous. Now, however, we are coming back rapidly. The young men of the city are growing up and will assert themselves and take the lead in regard to matters of this kind. ' : For several years past we have had no work done on the highway. Yet there were hundreds of men out of employment who had to be fed and clothed by the governments. What we want now is action in regard to this.matter. We understand that the highway is one of the public works recommended by the provincial government to the government at Ottawa. Whv the inaction? CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESB YTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday and Thursday evening at 8 o'clock and ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL HALL , on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock The Rev. E. J. Springett will give an address on BRITISH ISRAEL TRUTH All Welcome Admission Free LOCAL NEWS ! Rev Father E. left for Anvox. Mane OALI. has .itt!e daughter haw left for a vaoa- uou trip to Vancouver. Len Ingram was a passenger on 'board the Prince George yesterday 1 To Show Here 1 j SBgjBBSSHggi " '" i I 1 "wmx 7mrr Gordon WLa . the Vancouver boy who Is to meet Jack McEvoy at the Moose Hall soon in a six-three-minute round contest. He cannot afford to lose this fight and McEvoy feels he has got to win so the fans should be assured of a good contest. Among some of his latest fights Wallace beat Justo Pascoe twice, once in Seattle and once In BeBtngham. ln eight and ten round contest. Pascoe went ten rounds with Barney Rose, who now holds the world's tight and welterweight titles. DRJ.0.J0HNSEN'S Office WILL BE CLOSED ' Until the Beginning of August SMAPr HJLANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. TH2 DAILY NZVT3 S-iurday. July 7 1M4 bound tram tfeuouv U Stewaa. iai plenary and at press aetmf wtrnre he will assume the pofitUoniaa i-Stor at Alert Bay. - north of ML ItKvmaa at the Uacd Km-, on t)M Prince John tMi trtp In pire mine. He was formerly located oompany with a party ol native at Anyox in the .service of th- Granny Co. shtkimi from the nauve aooi at Alert Bay who will spend the sum-Imer at their beam on the Queen Miss Helen Earl of Klsptox and , Charlotte Wands. He arriwd here Mr and Mrs. W. B. Cornish and (Miss M. A. Mat-am of Hazetteo lTtevraaay irifta and sated last ,'who are engaged In miMiomnr night by the Cardena on his re-'wwfc is the iniertar, arrived m the . turn to Alart. Bay. jolty by train Thursday night and Mr. and Mr. A. H. Harris ! (sailed last night on the Cardena) Norman, A. Walt. government Swa:ison Bay. who haw been Iter Vanawiver where they will agent. Is making the round trip on spending the past couple if weeks.) in the city, have returned to their home down the coast. 1 work. Dr. H L. Alexander, who has spend she summer vac-Moo. Master S. Denhotme f Ocean . 1 rails arrived in the est on ttve as. Mrs A. E. Wood, who has beenlPrtaee George yesterday from the -eon a holiday visit to Vancouver ipoper town and returned to the city from theaouth.n the Prince wOl sail rontgfat John for TleU on the Prince Oerge yesterday. j where he win" spend the sommezi and later for Vancovr H. G Gardner and Art MsJonev rrived in the cVr on the Prince vacation wtth his uncle and Mat Mr. and Mrs. James Denhotae. George yesterday from Vmnsonws j Except for the making of ar-anc will sail on the Prince John rangemenis for a bazaar to be held tonight for Cvnubewa Inlet wherein the tali, fcvsineas on Thursday .hey will engage in timber cruMm ; night at a regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was of a routine nature Mm. J. H. Preece. the president been an a tJaree weeks' trip to va ln the chir Vancouver and Viosorta. retMrnedi fa the city from the south on the 1 Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. ander and son. j Rev. 'Commander. Oswald Hod? sen formerly tationed at Te: -graph Creek as Anglican Chvir h the Prlnoe Oeorge today to Aayex month's vacation. jpottfday afternoon's tram tui Montreal where she wul tmoar-Jaly M on the steamer LeUtia fj. a visit to her native home ui Mrs. w. H. Wilson Murray left on yesterday afternoon's train for Montreal where she will embark July 14 aboard the steamer LeUtta rer a visit to her native heme In Edinburgh. Scotia rid. Mrs. TiwmasMrCubbln of Pacific left the interior paint on last nlght' and Stewart and will be bock here n for Montreal where she will this evening. embark July 14 aboard the steamer ; Letitla for Glasgow She wOl pay Dr. and Mrs. H. O Johnson win a vMt to ntr native home in Scot- sou tonight on the prince Joan for the Queen Charlotte Islands land. on-aj Mk Edith Watson sails tonight j on: the Prince George far Vartcou- ver enronte to WTmttp, aecom- Mrt. Jack Wood Annette Stone) panying as far as that city her U-saSed yesterday afternoon on the ter. Mrs. J. A. Spencer, who la re-Prince George for a business -rip turning to her home in the Old to Anyox She will return to the Country aftr paying a visit here city next week. - Al Small. . stnan for the Swift G. w. LaldWr. local manager of Canadian Company at Prince Ru- W. H. Malkin Co. Lid., sailed on the Pt. the winner of a free trtp to wo rer a weea u Prince Oeorgo wstercay afternoon amago pas for a trtp to Stewart and Premier on company business Mrs J. W Moorehouse left on the World .-. Fair a a prite in a sales rimpeUtion. beatins all j ' c ttorr in the western Canadian jrorinces. the value J hhOXP, Chevrolet's Extra Weight means if J Extra Value . . . More Comfort . . . s:'! so0.1 J CtStlML r riODVCZD 11 , w"- ttttrt ' IS CANADA a Greater Safely . . Longer Car Life THERE'S something important to remember: Chevrolet gives you more ueigbl than sny other car in its class. More pounds of rugged, high quality materials in the Fisher Bodies, because Chevroltt doesn't skimp on comfort or safety! More pounds in the husky, solidly-built Chevrolet chassis, to safeguard dependability! And, best of all, you get these advantages of ample weight without any sacrifice of etonomy. Because, while it's a bigger, heavier car faster and more powerful Cbttroltt uses leu gasoline then ever! Drive the new Chevrolet and you'll never be satisfied with tnj other low-priced car! C ii KAIEN MOTORS LTD. GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach rUlilng. Htthlnc. ISadmlnton, PWtikt. tonlr I trite, Miw4 Ins in ihr imwa, Kent fullr fumlMird cottage t Sin(in ftltrr. For (uu jn.tculir appT MRS. DUNN Massett. R.C NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Pioprletor -A UOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 60 Rooms. Hot &c Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 PX), Box 1S Phone 52 NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue The Commodore Gafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Catering to bndc parties both afternoon and ?vn u.g supplying cards and score card free vt t-harge Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner If You Have Used Furniture TO SELL Oet m touch aith D. Elio 3rd Ave op(.ite M :se Hi He buys ai-d stu evri GET A REAL REST And Chance of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnie's Camp Lake Kathljn For Your Health Cbirractlc trttra Vlolel Rays Intra K4 Kays Mastare All at Reasonable Prizes W. C. ASPINALL D.C, Chiropractor) Hrteo III rbnr lrta 141 Ritbaocv Blck The AUCTIONEER Packing. Crating- Wrapptng General Furniture Hepain Lut your goods with ms rtionnlark IZt GEO. J. DAWRS CAMP I SUPPLIES Tents, from . . . $4.75 I'ack Sacks 95c Stoves $3.75 I Lamps 75c Flashlights 65c : Axes 75c Water Cans, 5-gal. $1.75 FISHING TACKLE Lines, from 5c Rods 95c Reels 25c Kaien Hardware Phone 3 If you have anything you wish to dispose of Try a Want Ad. I) 1 1 wfli let you rtiulti.