SEATTLE REIFELS FEARS ARE ARRESTED IN ALLEGED LIQUOR CONSPIRACY longshore Strike May Result In Alaska Fish Coming This Way Instead Today's Stocks Vancouver A AjjidrU- .034-15 .. . ii.-w. J0I4-B. ( Nickel. M. I): i nie. liM. D.. MUwurL .40. u. n.c.n. D R X . 136. Da : I X. L, .18 i ,wti UoM QOartE, IM- LnunrU. JO. u- gu Rim. Jlfc. 0 "uda. -40 talk)., II' ;' UM COIL. 1 ..ii.. m. !.(;, .nn. .12. M .nuns 6Ur, .20. Kd'iTi- Son. j03. V "ial Silver. .034-K !.:! Fife. J0T?. r i oreuw. .;- r ',cr Idaho. .08. r mifr. i.2. P vt McDonald, .16. r ujtd. .06. I! M r Crrat. J03lj. ior Bridge, JM. W . de. .07. W: 'iK water, .06. -W ivcrly Tangier. .01V4-t . itcd Empire, .19V. Toronto (.' t hai Patricia, d ibougamau, .13. L Oold. .13. I 'm Nickel. 24.60. M i. ,Mia, 2.40. N runda. 43.60. rtitt Oordon. A3, feisoi. 3.31. Thompson Cadillac, .49. Voture. .83. L ike Maron, .09. T ..:ic Hughe, 6.95. Sudbury Basin, 1.45. t iumarlo. .25. KinrlUr Oold, .23. Canadian Malartlc, 58, L'MIe Long Lac, 6 JO. Btuamac. .15. EUQarona. .39 V. Maple Leaf, .37. Pl kle Crow, 1.68. I.oi.jj Lac Lagoon, .33, Manitoba k Eastern. Jl. H Walker. .33. Inter Petroleum, 27. Brazilian, 8t. f P R. .14. Klrkland Lake. 64.. Hlir Missouri, 38. Eldorado, 195. Buffalo Ankerltc, 309. New York V 8. Btccl, 39?,. American Can, 08H-Allied Chemicals, 133. Cuca Cola, I30i. Cuban American Sugar. 8j- t HOLLAND. IS IIAVINtl ITS TROUBLE ALSO AMSTERDAM. Holland, July t ' A revolutionary movement broke out under the leader- ''hip of Communists here yes- tfrday Rtidrunjdjeds of extra police were.rushed to this city a erloutfrloUn1fwas feared 4 of Through Business .Means $330,000 a Year and This Port is Already A berious Rival Tacoma is For Shipments SEATTLE, July 7: (CP) that the diversion of Seattle's Alaska ships to Tacoma on account of the longshore strike here may mean the trans fer of the fish business to Prince Rupert. The business brings yearly returns to Seattle of $330,000. It is pointed out that the fish business is PASSING OF YOUNG LAD City Engineer and .Mrs. Good Sadly Be travrd by of Son LONDON, July 7:-Sir Klngsvcy Wood, Postmaster. General, an-1 nounccs the appointment of Gerald k .. ....inrtrt (nil nf Ihp Accilt fjenernl, ns assistant to John Grlcr-i.on. head of the general post office film drnartmcnt. t J. A. Meeker teft on yesterdays wny freight train for a trip to PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, , , . departure. The Northland sailed OHy mgtnm andNlrs. F N. Oood at noon uzy for Al- ymfttmr ttemon when the' . . avay lattr m lnc C 7 death occurred at the family real-;8" dence on Cotton Street of their second son. Mark Frederick, aged, nine yar( and six months. The lad had been taken ill only on Monday ft a UU uhHIaii kMoma etanAffllw worst, hope for recovery being abandoned on Thursday. The be reaved family will have the deep sympathy of many friends. , The boy was born In Napier. N.Z.. and came here from Vancouver with hte parents about four years ago. In addition to his mother and father, he U survived by three brothers. John, who l older, and, Peter and George, both younger. The .lad attended Booth Memorial School and had Just been pro moted from Grade Four to Grade Five. He attended St. Andrews Anglican Cathedral Sunday School and belonged to the Wolf Cubs of that ehureh. The funeral will take place from St. Andrew! Cathedral tomorrow Afternoon. Selective Buying In Stock Trading Mrtal Shares Somewhat Irregular In New York Yesterday With Tendrncy Upward NEW YORK. July 7:-Sclectlve buying prevailed in quiet dealings on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. Metal shares were somewhat Irreaular but fractional Im- Puget Sound Now Being Madc'Basc Northward Seattle port authorities fear largely export and handled .out of the North Atlantic, being moved across the continent by raiL For this reason Prrnce Rupert ts al ready a dangerous competitor and could make a successful bid for a large share of the trade now en-Joyed by Seattle. The general strike situation continues unchanged with the Alaska boats now using the port of Tacoma Instead of Seattle a their points of Welland Payroll Taken by Bandits Managrr of Dominion Yarns Ltd. 1$ Trussed up and Stenographer Fdrrrd to Assist WELLAND. Ont.. July 7: Two men. armed and masked, tied up Manacer James L. Turner of the Dominion Yarns Limited and fore ed the stenographer to place the company's payroll of $2,979.25 in a bag. then escaping with the loot. Missing Toronto Girls Are Found Edna Crothall and Rita Tarks Are Located in Shelter at Chatham TORONTO. July 7: Edna Crothall, aged 12. and Rita Parkes, 13. missing from their homes since Sunday, have been located, it Is reported, in Chatham, where they have been In shelter since Tuesday. Miss Edith Ball of the staff of Cnnualeetza Institute at Sardls came north on the present trip of the steamer Prince John in com pany with a party of native chll- at their homes on the. queen Charlotte Islands, and arrived here Thursday night. She will sail by the Prince Oeorge this evening on her return south. SIAMESE TWIN INVITED TO MARRY IN ARKANSAS NEW YORK, July 7: Violet Hilton, "starboard" half of the Hilton sisters. Siamese twins, who were refused a marriage licence In both New York and New Jersey, have been Invited to ro to Marlon. Arkansas, for their weddlnst ceremony. t nrovement dominated most of thcj'drent wno will spend the summer .... . . u- other groups, Is Appointed To Postal Service r.r.i,i r. N'oxon. Son of British l Agent (Jeneral, Is Given Post ! ! I Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 11:40 ajn. 16.3 ft. rcnr.e nupert Overcast, light 23:17 pjn. 195 ft :i;',hei!y wind; baromcU 3024; Low 5:25 am. 4.7 It. nerature. 58; se-a im' A. 17:15 pan 95 ft. 4&t. I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V 5 XXIV No, 157. COMPETITION Another Hindenburg Rising? Rumor, from Bert... s-.ite L.c y - ::ol 0;,ka; in Hi; denburg left, son and special oi President von Hindenburg. is being groomed to nucesjed Chancellor littler with whom he is shown a; a recent meetlne Young von Htndenbarg is said to be head of the military movement preparing to replace Uie Nazi dictator ENGLAND IifLEAD Third Cricket Test .Match is Under Way With Australia Trailing Home Team MANCHESTER. Eng.. July 7 CP Scoring 355 runs for five wickets, England yesterday made a strong start in the third cricket test match against Australia. At tea time. England had scored 253 runs for a loss of four wickets, play being resumed in the evening. In the two matches already played. England has won one and Australia the other. Farmers' United League Meeting Capitalist Classes Criticized and Farmer-lJibor Government For Canada Predicted REG IN A. July 7 -Criticism of the capitalist classes of Canada' and prediction of a "farmers and workers" government for Canada featured addresses of delegates attending the anniml convention of the Farmers' United League here. British Pound and Canadian Dollar on W-riinmrrtDorothv Round Wins All-England vni, vf,,L. iou orw rAcnnnf,c . Tfnnh Qver IfIen Jarobs MONTREAL. July 7: The British; a cfHin. u- tmriincr nf Rd of England won the $4.99, here yesterday and the Unl- ted States dollar at 99c. . j aU-England women's tennis cham- NEW YORK. July 7:-The British Pnshlp today, defeating Helen at'o . the United States ; cham-Uam pound sterling was trading n, wni fnrpim, oy. ! plon, 6-2. 5-7. 6-3 In a startling up- sf.ii - j w van wv . w . f ... change market yesterday and the Canadian dollar at $1.01. Baseball Scores American League Chicago 7. Cleveland 5. Washington 9. New York 8. St. Louis 3. Detroit 4. Philadelphia 0. Boston 18. National League Pittsburg 1. Chicago 9. New York 2, Brooklyn 11., Boston 10; Philadelphia 13. Cincinnati 16, StrLouls Is. JULY 7, 1934 TROUBLE BREWING BERLIN. July 7: (CP) Nazi vigilance against revolt was resumed yesterday with disquieting rumors that "something more is brewing" among friends of the "liquidated" Nazi leaders. Defence Agreement For Belgium Said To Be Impending LONDON, July 7: In spite of the blunt statement In the House of Commons yesterday by Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Acting Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council, that Great Britain had no intention of making a defensive alliance with France, reports still perslsa in well-informed quarters that a tacit agreement at least for common action in the event of Bel- iglum being invaded may be reached. TITLE IN OLD LAND .. " , . ,. 7: CP WIMBLEDON, Eng.. July set. Wheat Prices Winnipeg July. .76. October, .78 '4. December, .79 Chicago Julyi .89?,.. September, .89?;. December, .9U. Mi--. Th'-'ma Planner s-iUcdon V Primes A-'T'fle thm monyi-.lna tor a trip to Vancouver. Well Known PRICE: FIVE CENTS Men Are Charged With Running Booze to U.S. Apprehended at Seattle and Released on Heavy Bail Bonds Civil Suit For $17,000,000 Also Commenced SEATTLE, July 7: (CP) Henry Reifel, president of the Brewers and Distillers Limited of Vancouver, and his son, George C. Riefel, were arrested yesterday by customs agents, accused of being leaders of a huge international liquor conspiracy and released sfter posting $100,000 bail h jnds each. The Reif els are charged with smuggling $10,-000.000 worth of liquor into the?. United States within the past three years. Civil suit has also been filed seeking $17,000,000 total judgment from the Relfels and several others for asserted duties, customs penalUes and Internal revenue taxes alleged to have been evaded. The defendants allegedly direc-i ted transportation of whiskey byj means of radio messages to a fleet of boats. t The Relfels have Issued a state-. menrthrough their attorney deny - , ing any violation of the law. . NEW REVOLT ' IS PLOTTED Twenty-Four Former Machado Of fleers Arrested in Havana In ' I Raid on Canadian Bank I HAVANA, Cuba, July 7: Twenty- four army officers under the for- mer Machado regime were arrested when policemen and soldiers raided the Nova Scotia Bank building yes- terday. The government alleges that the men were plotUng a revo- lutlon. I Miss Edna Gillies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gillies. Sixth Avenue East, has left for Calgary where she will pay a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMillan. i GERMAN OARSMAN WINS 4 j DIAMOND SCULLS WITH RECORD MAKING TIME HENLEY-ON-THAMES, July 78: CP Dr. Hebert Buhtz of Berlin today won the Diamond Sculls, defeating Wlnthrop Rutherford, former Princeton Varsity oarsman, by by three three and and u a half lenBths ln ellt mlnutes and ten seconds to tie the re- cord for the mile and 550 yards set by F. S. Kelly ln 1905. HERE Vancouver June Building Permits Here Two New Structures Provided For In List Which Includes Repairs And Alterations Building permit Issued in Prince Rupert during the month of June .-prp fifi.fnllnurfi.. - .4. b . John CurrJe Teneer resl. dcnce Ninm Avenue and McBrlde Street. $2300. Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage, Limited, frame warehouse building for Atlin Fisheries, $3000. W. J. McCutcheon, garage, Third Avenue. $350. J. A. Lindsay, repairs to residence. Park Avenue. $150. Phllpott Si Evltt, storage shed, $400. rnnre xtupen ucnerai nospiuii, shingling and repairs, $500. O. P. Tinker, repairs to residence, Sixth Avenue and Young Street. $75. Ole Skog. concrete basement. Seal Cove Circle. $200. Mrs. A. Parsons, alteraUons to residence. Seventh Avenue East, I55- Marie Dressier Fights For Life No Change in Conidtlon of Veteran Actress, Suffering From Cancer, Reported Yesterday SANTA BARBARA. July 7: Marie Dressier, veteran stage and film star, who Is suffering from cancer, was continuing her fight for life yesterday with physicians reporting her condition as being unchanged. Funeral Notice The funeral or the late Mark Frederick Good will take place tomorrow (Sunday at 3 pm, from ; the Anglican Cathedral. BARGAIN COUNTER RATE Special Offer For July and August Only $150 to End of Year Those paying $1.50 now will have the Daily News delivered to their homes in the city until the end of December. Tn tnVn full advantage of this subscriptions should be nnM nt once as each day of delay makes the period one dav shorter. t L 1 t. I . n