fixn two ORANGE PEKOE BLEND DAILY EDITION ALADA TEA "Fresri from the Gardens" Ww - - Footwear for Summer FOR COMFORT, COOLNESS AND STYLE- New Lines Just Received See These Shown in the Following Numbers All White Ruffie with fancy shawl CO Q tongues. This is the hit of the season v7el Others Shown in Dress Ties and Pumps GQ QC from yO.VD The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau af Circulations Phone 357 : Published Every Altemoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ., Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - MAaftflnr-Edltor Friday, May 18, 1934 IMPORTANT CONCESSION An important concession was made to British Columbia! by the federal government when it allowed an amendment to the budget providing for the duty on sugar to be removed at the end of this week instead of on July 1 as provided in the budget speech. This allows the fruit canners in the province to operate this year in taking care of the surplus products of the gardens and fruit farms of the southern parts of the province. It means a great deal to the canners and growers of British Columbia; LAX CONDITION AT KINGSTON A very lax condition of affairs seems to obtain at Kingston Penitentiary There has been trouble at that penal institution on more than one occasion and the setting fire to the place seems to have been the culmination of these disturbances. It would seem now as if a complete cnange oi control would be in order. 7, SILVER SITUATION "'It is rriore than likelv that some action will tnV pn in the near future to improve the price of silver. Evidently President Roosevelt is considering, the matter seriously and there is possibility of action that may have the effect of stabilizing the metal to a certain extent. It is rortnin that any action the president may take will be with the object of improving conditions in the United States and not J 1 1 v . m . m . . . . particularly in uanatia. in spite oi that, Canada is bound to feel a reflex from the movement. It is a curious thing that the people of British Columbia no noi seem to oe looKing to uttawa tor help in regard to suver mining, instead ot that their eyes turn to washing ton which is the onlv source from which thev sp cm tn or pect help. Possibly we have the wrong slant on this and fsnoum oase our nopes on action by the xJennett govern ment instead of from t)ie Roosevelt administration. H. R. Frost of Massett, through wlhout a licence and was fined his counsel, W. O. Fulton, pleaded $50. A similar charge atralnst D. guilty before Magistrate McCly- J. McDonald, also represented by mont in city police court yestcr- Mr. Fulton, has been adjourned aay on a cnarge of dealing in furs for eight days. KEEP UP YOUR HOME ! It Pays to Paint and Repair! ! For best paint values and for sound advice consult " GORDON'S HARDWARE f USE IMI PAINT I Football Off to Good Start ker and Qpapperton. The First Half Regiment won the toss and Wlng ham elected to kick down hill. After Commissioner Alder had given the ball a hefty kick the sphere was recentred and McKay set the game in motion. The Merchants started off as though they meant business and for the first ten minutes look ed as K they would overrun their younger and lighter opponents. The Regiment was penned in its own half of the field until It got its bear- even. Early, in the game McKay and H. Dickens hadshots on the Regiment goal but Moxley was safe. Campbell, for the Greens, was soon through the Merchants' defence but over-eagerness spoiled his part ing efort. The Regiment, at this Undsay and Campbell being a treat to watch. The first goal came after fifteen minutes play. A. Dickens fired in one of his famous pile-drivers from twenty yards range range which Moxley stopped but could not hold with the result that McKay dashed up and scored to open the Canaries' account. This reverse only spurred the youngsters on to greater efforts and the Merchants goal had several narrow escapes, Styles being forced to kick into touch to clear his lines, Play was very fast and even, end to end play being the order of the day. Ten minutes from half time Styles and Wingham collided and Styles was forced to retire with an Injured leg. The Regiment, with the advantage of an extra man, tried hard for the equalizer and Parkes saved two shots in quick succession. Half time arrived with the Merchants leading by one goal to nil. Second Half Styles was able to resume after half time to complete the Mer chants' eleven. The Regiment was out to score and, after six minutes' play, was rewarded with a glorious goal from the foot of young Jack Campbell. George Hill secured pos session on the right and passed out to Lindsay who carried the ball fur ther up the right wing before put ting across a beautiful centre. Campbell met the ball first time to put it past the helpless Parkes. No finer goal has been scored on the Acropolis Hill grounds for some time. This goal served as a tonic to the game. Play speeded up consid-' erably and, almost Immediately afterwards, the Merchants were THE DAILY NEWS , ; -Jfy,) FrldHy. May i8 m, With Regiment and Merchants Playing Last Night to Draw The 1934 football season was officially ushered in last evening when Merchants and Regiment played to a one-all tie in the opening game of the Gilhuly Cup series. City Commissioner W. J. Alder kicked off. The weather was ideal for football and a good crowd was in attendance to give the boys a big hand. Many of the old faces were miss ing from the Regiment team but ' their places were ably filled by promising high school boys who were playing their first year in senior company. Merchants seemed to; Kay took the kick and. althouv-h have difficulty in fieldlne a full It the hp hnll ball pniKrvi entered the h. net. t Referee nr.r' - team, several changes being noticeable from the advertised eleven. 'Hie start of the game was delayed fully fifteen minutes while players were rounded up. All team mana gers are supposed to see to It that all players are on the ground ready to kick-off promptly on time. The .Merchants' Club has taken ver the equipment of the now defunct Home Oil eleven and turned out in the familiar yellow strips for merly worn by the gas an doil men. The following teams took the field last night: Merchants Parkes, Moe, Styles, awarded a free kick, right on the , Regiment goal line for a foul onj Moxley for carrying the ball. Mc-J Anslow rightfully disallowed the' point as the ball should have been . played by a second player. Thei Merchants tried hard to secure the lead again and H. Dickens and Mc- Kay were prominent with several: hard shots which Moxley did well' to save. Lindsay broke away for the Greens on a pass from Campbell but his shot was scrambled away by the j Canaries' defenders. Hill shot over when well placed. Carroll raced away to the other'end and Weed , a corner which was cleared. II. Die-1 kens passed out to Carroll who shot 1 past. The Regiment came Into the McEvoy, A. Dickens, Howe. Willis- picture again as Nakamoto passed roft, n. Dickens, McKay. Later out to Comadina but offside spoiled . and Carroll. Regiment Moxley, Davles, Eby, Naylor. Wlngham, Hill, Comadina, Cromp. Campbell, Nakamoto and Lindsay. Referee. Anslow; linesmen, Bar a promising movement Parkes did; well to save two shuts one from Campbell and another from Lindsay. A. Dickens moved up to centre' forward in a desperate effort to secure the deciding goal, McKay dropping back to centre half. A, Dickens soon made his presence on the forward line felt and came close to scoring on two occasions but Moxley saved his chance in fine style. The Canaries were tiring fast and only over-anxlousness on , j the part of the Soldier prevented , them scoring. Parkes saved a cer- j tain goal when he fisted a lovely centre from Lindsay right off ' Campbell's head. Several scrambles ! occurred in front of the Regiment! goal and the game ended with the ; ings and then play became more Merchants attacking hotly. A draw was a very satisfactory result as It ! represents a fair reflex of the play. Rood Exhibition In summing up, the Merchants seemed to lack condition and their attacks on goal were not as metho- stage of the game, showed some!ulcai 85 usuai- 100 muc a Kick- clever touches of combination, par-! ""-If Dem8 indulged In. This, of ticularly on the right wing, one course, wui be remedied with a little passine bout between Nakamoto. I "ore practice. The Regiment, al- hwwB. wwaa a-rwri. va W.av J UUll" sters. surprised even Its most ardent supporters. What they lacked in experience they certainly made up by willingness and energy. They will undoubtedly Improve considerably with future games. Considering it was the first game of the season It was a pleasing exhibition and augurs well for a very successful year. Regiment was best served by Moxley, Eby. Wingham, Hill and Campbell although all members were hard workers. For the Merchants the Dickens brothers were always In the thick of the fray, while Howe, McKay and Styles worked like Trojans. Referee Anslow had his whistle tuned to per- letion and turned in his usual satis factory game, .being :ably assisted by his Wo linesmen: ' ' fc Victor Fielder, for drunkenness. was fined $25, with option of ten days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate jvicuiymoni m city police court yesterday. ANDREWS TV UVIR SALT -ZZZ-r- m Ti ll-. " Kjffenturnt 639 KEPSYWNT FULTON CASH & CARRY Sixth Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITALIAN OILS, MACCARONI, CHEESE, ETC. Agents for Jones' Tent and Awning Co., Vancouver. II C All sizes Yukon and Mountaineer Bleeping Ilobes. Every description of Loggers,' Prospectors and Fishermen's Dryback Clothing and General Requisites, Tents, all sizes, Best quality Lowest prices. Call and inspect. Prompt attention to country orders. Phone 7fiG , i,(), ox 350 ELECTRIC COOKING is Cheaper! . . . and it's Cooler, Cleaner and Far Less Trouble Pay it little it $6.00 DOWN and as low at '3.00 a month Do you know that you can do all the cooking for an average size family for as little as $3 a month when you cook electrically? So why put up with more costly methods which are also more inconvenient? With electric cooking, you have no sulky fires, no matches, no kindling, no ashes, no soot Your kitchen is cool on the hottest days. Cooking heat is yours on the instant at the turn of a switch and it stays just as long as you want it. Cook this modern way, for its cool comfort and convenience and for the money it saves you. Northern British Columbia Power Company ' Limited Classified Ads FOR SALE TRANSFERS FOR SALE Young man's tuxedo CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. suit. Phone Green 812. GILLNETTING Uoat for sale. Cheap ' for cash. Apply 6eal Cove Pot Office. 121 1 1M9 DODGE sedan In A-l confil-j Hon. Owner leaving town, mutt sell for $100. Uux 200 Dally Nw.t FOR SALE New Remington . Portable typewriters $45. Rase,; Cowan & Latta. 110 tft Birch. Jackpine. Cedar. HAIRDRESSER PEKMANKNT WAVING! Cluitrr Curl; Mtest Stylet NEtaON'8 DKAUTY BIIOPPE PAINTERS tf FIVE-HOLE McClary Model Range,' complete with water-iront, u, PA IN TIN O and Paperhanglng splendid condition. Phone Black Moller. Phone Red 802. 905. . FOR SALE Very late Model T Ford Truck, excellent condition,! good tlre eab, Atwater Kent Ignition. $150.00. E. DIX, Ter race, B.C. U voit SALE, Rent or Lease, KlUum-gallum Lake Lodge with Dafieej Pavllllon, and Annex. Lots of! Fruit and Berries. The price Is right E. DIX, Terrace, 11.0, tf ! . T..."'. " ' i vh waljs 1 stiii nave a rew sweet pea seedlings more than I need, and some summer chry-fantlifumums, stocks anc asters. Apply evenings. Mrs. Pullen, G raham Avenue, 1 POWERS No. (J portable motion picture projector In perfect mechanical condition, with 110 volt mazda lamp equipment. Will sacrifice, no reasonable offer refused. Uox 207 Dally News. FOR BALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft., 7 ft., 0 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty); boat and engine like new, a Snap at $450, E. DIX, Terrace. B.C. tf FOR RENT HOUflES to rent. Hart. Aircraft Engineering YOUTH to learn Aircraft Engineering, Small fee. Canadian Av latlon Corporation, 555 Howe St., Vancouver, B. C. 1 lit xotick of AMi.triTinx ion trie-1 11 if 11 1: or iMi-Hfn i:ir.T HnM flllf No, 3 I rartlmial Mlnrril CUIni. (Uld llllf No. Mlnrml ( lilm. Murgarrt nrril fl;ilm. flllf Iriilhtnal Mineral TNIm. BUuaU in Uw Portland Canal Mlnint Dlruion, Whr located on tr at aid of Boar Hirer about lhr mtlea front Birwart. B C. Lawful Owner Will lorn Dann. Nllmlier rf Um hmrfap. f ,ln'l crrltflrt-.7T70-D. TAKB NOTICE that William Dann Frr Mlre-r'a Ortlflrata No. 7T7JO-D ln tiiMl. at tha em of aitr cUra frt.m Ina data hereof, to apply to th Mlnlnr Remrder lor a retUflcatr of Iniprort-mnt for tha piirpoMi of oMutniiur a Crown Grant of the almr rlalina AND FUHTIIW TAKK NOTICB that action, under Section 8i of tha "Mln-rral Act" mut b comnieiwed befora th laaitunra of auch rortlfleiUa of lm-proemei,U. rJATtD thU 33rd dr of March 1934. WIIJ.IAM DANN MM ACT Solke af Intention In nppljf o .rn IjiimI In Prlru lliiert Utnd Ilerordlnn DWrlct of Iflno Hiipert, U.C., and alt-iiat in Qlawdwt Uy locoUd at lha N.W. d of tMevlflM lAiaitd, Uan . IVmt DlaUVt. Taka notk that John Olaunen of Prlnca Hmrt, iJC.. otvuprtUon rl Packer, lntnd to fipply for a lea of U follrma-tiiaj d-rlbfd Iwtda: C rill rlll'l T1 . hl.Ml t th 8. W. corner ot a wiuill Inland bout 1 chalna B. E. of Avory Wand twnra Nl, theiura watrly, oUhrrly Jtut eagerly, followln high watermark o point of conunmiwwinent, and coti- tAlnLTiff 2 ar-rm ,..r. ,.u . - tludliig tha rntlra area of tha aald ! JOHN CLAUSEN, ... twii tHU Aarll 1, JM4. NMIrr of Intrnllon la ippfj 1 1 lit rrttir RufwH Ulkd ReMWt ' Dtiftft u Prlocv Hum. BC, an4 t 1 Mutt- in QUtrtmt liy loral4 M N.W rod of fwrptwno imml Kif T not dial John Chufn ( Prim nut?t. nc. owupatioa run Pm iff. MMkVi to Hft4y tor I ot the rUkratoi owmbm lormbatt OMnnxitcinc M 1 po ptaMMl ' U 8 W. mmw of Bmtt Uitt ftfcoul a uIm S K of Arm Itn4 I Nn xvr 8 W.I. Chain: IkMW WMUrtf rhitna: thtw M K S rltaliui mot or t ia hl(fc nrk on hr N I powt of It uUAd; thr B t 4ir-tfrtn rhalfM mere r lua Wlotl high nurk m ni af nxnni"- mmt. JOHN CLAUSE, IU'mI April l IttH FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 0:00 am. till noon. (10 to 13 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 p.m. (15 to 0 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 pm. on, (0 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO'ELECTRIC PHONE: I1LIJK 328 Second Avenue & Third Sire. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll. pioprUtor -A IIOMK AWAY WHOM HOME" Kates f 1.00 up 60 Rooms, Hot & Cold Wstr Prince Rupert, U.O. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M AdrfrUie la vae Dsiiy I1