4!' Hi Y . . . . LAV NOTHING i ; UNKNOWNJ WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WE Jkckandjlll 1 - . .. .. HEALTH SHOES Tn iyttcm tSat makes you siaht- You tnovr by teeing Inside the shoes on the child't foot ri3 yo eiemine die quality of the ihoei. . Solid aualiiv throughout flexible comfortable and smart in style. suf. of correct UXI-UKUb, b I KAHb AND fitting. BAREFOOT SANDALS $1.65 to $2.95 The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 557 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA '. Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor' SUBSCRIPTION' RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5X0 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 Bymail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year .. ... 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line , 2, Classified advertising, per word, per insertion jf)2 Member of Audit bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PRICE OF StlA'Fj Wednesday. October 24, 1934 ' Silver is today causing considerable speculation the , n urm over, rso one can ten wneiner tiie price will advance ' or not but the general opinion is that it will go a good deal higher. One mine owner recently stated that he had a lot ofrsilver in his mine in the Hudson Bay Mountain but that he did not know any way he could make money faster than by leaving it where it was as it would eventually sell for Over a dollar an ounce. If silver holds even at its present price there should be sbine activity in silver mining. Already it has had a great effect on dividends. Take the Premier as an instance. Over half the-prcduction from that mine is silver and the metal is selling today at double the price it brought during the lowest part of the depression. If there is milch more advance a great many mines in this district should operate. . MORE OLD-TIMERS PASSING ON The death this week of Captain Babington, formerly of this cityand one of the pioneers in the development of the north, draws attention once more to the fact that very soon none of the pioneers will be left and the men and women ofthe younger generation will have to carry on alone. Captain Babington was a man who was not afraid to un- dertake some new thing. He was not always successful but he turned a furrow for others to fpan a hnrvost It is-fi-Tlitv that Cnmo nf thnca man ir,r. At A 1 ;.l work of the early (lays Could not have lived a few years iwuucr iu bee me aeveiopment mat is coming to Prince Ru peri and district in the near future. . - - When An Engine Explodes The wreck ot an engine at Cedar Falls, Wash, that exploded when Uie boilers went dry killing the engine watchmaa A portion of the engine was hurled 150 feet. T. Payne has arrived at Alice Ann from Vancouver to superintend af-. AUin, sooth after having spent a week examining the Toric mine at Alice William Dann. managing director bf the United Empire mine, who was fn the city yesterday going through to Yancouver on mine business, states that the company prdboteJ to inaugurate" aii extensive diamond drilling campaign within the next few- weeks. supplemenUng (He development work now being done. It U Hopefl. M7. Dann says, to start the construction of a mill early In the spring but. before doing so, the company IS employing a cautions policy of first having ample tonnage blocked out Mr. Dann states that good progress is now being made with the develop ment. The completion of thfe laying of some 1500 feet of water pipe has given additional power with the re sult that the two compressors are now Iri bperatibn. One rnaehine Is in the southeast drift and the other in the northwest drift there being also ample power for diamond drill ing purposes. Much of the ore beings ja&O extracted In the course of this de- T I veloptrient is being piled up at. the, lower tram termlnaTnear whlchlhe company acquired last week by purchase from ChitleS Bibeau an other five acres for a mill site. In discussing clearing of this site, Mr. Dann said that he would not proceed further with the work unless he Is assured that a rotary snow plow will be In operation on the roads this winter, thereby keeping them open sufficiently to facilitate mill construction In March. i j Capt. Charles A. Mackenzie, who played a prominent pari In mining affairs ot the Portland Canal district several years ago. died sud-' denly In Vancouver recently as a result of a heart attack. Capt. Mackenzie, who formerly lived In Vic- Or. New royal 3. rUrelH, Pidprlitor -A mii A At rituM nimt3 Rates SI.N np 60 Rooms, Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert. BjC Phone 281 PjO. Box m 221 BnTuF o 4. NEWS OF THE MINES Alice Arm Looking Forward to Renewed Activity Next Year Engineers Visit District United Empire Purchases .Mill Site j The recent uuward trend of the price of silver has awak and Clay Porter, another i fairs at the Esperanza mine. He was prominent Portland Canal mining I joined at Alice Arm last week by operator, were among speakers at a Mrs. Payne and children. dinner of the Stewart Board of (Trade on Tuesday evening of last Paul Everest, field engineer for eet There were forty-five in at- the Britannia Mining it Smelting tendance. Co, left last week on his return Today's Weather Ann. 1 Prince Runert Showery. Hchtt -.southeast wind; barometer. 29.75; ' H. Powell, field engineer for the temperature. 48: sea smooth. ! Consolidated Mining & Smelting Lanara" Island Raining, light: Co, has been at Alice Arm during southerly wind: sea moderate. f the last few days making an exa- Triplei Jsland Part cloudy. Ueht ruination of the Tyee and Highland southwejt wind; sea smooth. group of claims In the upper Kit- Terrace Cloudy, calm. 38. sault country m wen as other mining properties. ' j W. R. Tooth of Stewart reports a (28 gold assay from a newly dis covered quartz vein on the Palmy group in the Portland Canal district This vein will probably be ex plored next season. Alyansh Clear, calm. 36. AnyoxPart cloudy, calm. 37. Stewart Light rain- calm. 38. Hazeltcn Clear, calm. 34. Smithers Clear, calm. mild. Bums Lake Bright, calm. 3d. C5(T ANNIYERSaJUm mfeterman's Today's Stocks (County 8. O. JohncMXi fto.) Vancouver Alexandria, JU. Hayview, .&& fa. c. NtekeL .61 . blj MUsourL 52ri... Bntdtan. 1 J& a r. oohi. .oi"& B. R. X. Gold. 53. I ened hopes of renewed activity in many mining towns in ' cariboo cuartx i critisn ioiumoia ana no town is ieenng more nupeiui m . ucw. ! tfcn Intiira tVmn Alipp Arm sa-s tho Ali Arm .mrl Anvox DunwelL .18. ! Herald. Should silver rise to around" sixty cents an ounce j and show signs of being stabilized at that price the result ' i should be instrumental in renewed - ' j development of the silver belt of tcrla. became interested in the the upper Kitsault country. The Portland Canal district some twelve Britannia Mining & Smelting Co. , years ago and he and his associates ni without a dotibt recommence" aid considerable work on the Prince operations at the Toric mine Just as John and M C properties, later ac-soon as silver is stabilized at a price ' quiring title to them by purchase, that ensures profitable mining. it had been some years since Offpi Other companies will unquestion-' Mackenzie was last in Stewart. The ably start development on other funeral took place in Vancouver silver properties if encouragement with burial in the Masonic plot. Is given them. No one. of course, can Capt. Mackenzie Is survived by his even guess when these good for- widow and a married daughter in tunes will be showered on Alice Ann but aU residents are hoping that next spring will see the last of the local mining depression and many farmer Alice Arm residents who now reside in other parts of the province are anxiously awaiting the good tidings so they can return. England. Andrew McCuUougti. chief engineer of the Canadian Northeastern Railway, R. M. Stewart president of the Dunwell mine; William Darin, managing director of the United Empire: W. J. Assebtine. mia superintendent for the Premier Gold Mining Co. and M. L. A. for Oeorgia River. J01. Gokonda, .21. Indian. .01. . MinW. .15. Meridian. .10. "Morning Star, .14. National SUvfr, .03.. Noble Five, .07. Pend Oreille, .45. Porter Idaho. JB, V Premier, 157. Reward. .04. Reno. SI. Sliver Crest, .02. Salmon Gold, .11. ' Taylor Bridge. 55. Wayside. .07. Whitewater, .04. Wavfrlf Tangier. .6l. United Empire. .15i. Toronto Central Patricia. 56. Chlboutamau. .08. Lee bold, D9. Granada. 33. Inter. Nickel. 23.75. Macassa. i.10. ' . Noranda, 33.45. Sherrltt. .46. Slsco. 2.64. Thompson Cadillac,' 22. Ventures, it. Lake Maron, jD3. Teck Hughei. 3 J7, Sudbury Basin. 120. . Colcznario. Hi. Smeller Gold. 53 . Can. Malartlc. i2. Uttle Long Uc. S.Kj. Aiorla Roiiyh. AS. Stadacona. 59 4. Ktable Leaf, .16. Pickle Cfbw. I 9 Long Lac Lagoon. .18. Manitoba it Eastern. 52!i Oils A, P. ConJ, j08H, Amalgamated, i63i. C. & EL. .65, Freehold. M. now Free Sinirtle at Dfugdsts , of the Reiatrkable New AU fas iLi flw-,. 1 1 1 111 me rrevenuoil (A Cold imMkiS fe N'Ofr 0feHiltf m frfta iti. bt Us UUui tloMWdw, VicUs VdpoHut it?tV VmibHiiUh (tlefl fhen-tt the , U0W Vicfes I'laH Wutkn tit 11.1k ..I niiiij li t. nsre tieveiopta a new 3.1a m preventing- colds- VklJ Vs-trtid. lor note 2i!d thtoat This hew Victs Contact with Olhf ha4n fc iUlSU kUil . , AJ . . . rrwT a.av. t . :xfl ld4 hi Bret-h I lwtt ways !E at orrs b - far Belter lltnilttil m rVi1H tint.ii. ...... Jo1 UHp SbrUd i ty ufebafalihri 14 it Ideal ftHrr, f"" wcu Uteti bi tfeatliix edldt These fw6 iitt pfepartUonl to- L; glhef with le simple tule. htipf illness bt the Plan ih reducing Umi-eflhtihtfM !.".' . r' YTTV,, . rt"'u'.fli phleim vx'b.n sfUsns (Full details of the" Plan are lrt each haele bt VJck Va-trt-nbl aftd of Vicks VapoRttb rirlely herf Is h(r Vlclu Plan wbrkt: Walth yourself and children alter exposure to any condition that mi I know Is. apt to be followed by a I cold, such as - 1 - . . crantc. ease !?:-:: i- tm " and hp4 break kr .ft.-sUsa UUIIUI UC CT IV t a . - - - it- Coia-trowd. stuffy fll-tentflated ! oi Va-tm-no rooms, public places sudden ehan- folder uUing how 1.3.1 ru . I . ui irniperaiurr excesses in llv-1 fewer eoldt and mg, rocn as over-eating, smoking .med tfl Vfci Plar ; Br or drinking, which red tit Wd v fe- trdl of CtMs Ai auiance. vntir Araaoitt .. Home OIL 0, ilerland. 50. Mar Jon.' .10. United, JO34. fw hfftiM at heede T' i'r y full ll-honf tre'' " j rlskl of eenttan! to't f: wroen so onen up'j especially of thiM'- TjUl ratkate Tnt Your drufgiu f a r. Uan packages r.jr' ! 0 . 2. 1 C. N. R. Trains for the East M.P.McCafferr.whflh..r u " f- . .aiuslnes. IHd ddrtng Uiei 1 Jpft, aaJ W . rvu.-10 Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this mornlnjf. With Watirmin'i latest Hafflpfr-,nrip-nU'J---tbe ink never touches the holder I The point tstobmerged only to the vent- hole 1 arartitic advance! in founfiid pin, cbnitruaion You mif have ''Tltfll i& iht itttmia't you buy today choosing from a full range ot colours and styles for men ana women, uniy waterman's cift give yoU mil ihele fea. tores, inclddihg Yoiir Cboici of 1 different Pen Points Mtlce the interesting test with the Waterman's 7.point Selection Tray.- One of these points exactly suits yoUr style r i- . ...... i .. ..... oi wnung, assuring smooenness ana esse Of writing! Try it today. And complete your fcjulp'me'ht with" a Waterman's Pencil and Waterman's Inks. OTHER MobtLS FROM 35.75 to $10.00 c days Daily News Want-Ad' Usfj No, 7 mt Jtt-BUii mtil J7.00 Waterman's PENS 'PENCILS INKS