t1.. ... v M Van, , tCil! j in V pc : M Pi, Wife of Mysul ' - grcss. i! K f . ; Mauter just af i- ...pc.iU t authorities to flnO 1 John, win u .ia..: . ki.uw Bruiui Ilaupiuiann and Kan'rt follow) n iho aUf-it o the latter on extortion . connection with the Lindbergh ransom. Flying Dutchmen Win Second Prize in Great Air Race To MI I HorRNE, Oct 21: (CP) Having successfully 1 1 ' iu- muddy racetrack at Albury 200 miles north r in re they had been forced down when they ran 1 ( ir-1 after having lost their way while flying from a . die. the Dutch flyers, K. D. Parmentier and J. J. 1 'I'-'! their Douglas monoplane here at 7 o'clock p.m. KiPaotflc Stanoard Ttm Tuesday RAIL HEAD ' pal. chief engineer of pushing on towards Charlevlllc to !' and commissioner of jay. "' Itobcrt Crelman, Srolfs Double Victory Mfftc manaaer for the An unofficial check Indicated to ' nint to wi;. se.nd prtie In the, England to Melbourne air rate. They were given a w!xime almost accorded C. W. A. rttalllni n 1 rtrn t rTnim PAYS V I S3 I CnMI lllxk- Ulf Br-1 XI 1 U T Iul : tish flyers, whj had landed nineteen hours eariitr to win the great AlUJr Ira er. Vitr-President in race. The Dutchmen had lost ten llur;t of Traffic, and Party : hours at Albury. In City i About three hours later, the Amarkno flyers. Col. Itoscoe Tur- A ,.Ki by a party of other ne. and. Clyde Paiujborn, in their A ' Ur Frawr K.C.. vice- Seattle built Uoelne plane, brought harec of traffic. Ca- their ship In to take third place 'iKiml Hallways. artUed honors. Thpy had been delayed m the Prince Gcortie.an hour and a hail by a forced -lrom Vancouver in the 'landing at Bourke. about 150 miles western Inspection tour north of hcte. on account of engine vt by train this evening trouble. 'on hU return to Ills Cat-heart Jones and Ken Waller. at Montreal. Those Britishers, in fourth place, landed s.-r Include C. 8. Glow- at Port Darwin last night and ar -'on. WinniDen: W. O. day that Scott and Black finished ' ' !Rht traffic manager , first In the handicap as well as the m region, Winnipeg; speed race but they can only take 1 " Rencrnl freight agent. ; one prtae under the rules. It Is quite ! and O. A. McNlcholl. nossible that the Dutcn lean ''nger agent, Vancou- Parmentier aud Moll may qualify ,for the handicap prise or siu.uuu Frascri flmt vUlt tn-while the Americans, Turner and ' i t While here he is In- Panaborn, secure second prize "! terminal facilities $7500. However, it will be several iK with local officials, days before the official standing is Port Townsend available. Badly Damaged1"" yt $300,000 Announced as 9UIL i.r II. . .... Miuiui ciale a "rst of Week 1i.,,.. ' 71,6 Bale which swcot No other machines had reached Port Darwin, up to today following the arrival there of Jones and Wal -GANDHI HAS WITHDRAWN enund at the flrk nf ih poona. India. October 24:-- .. r-llK,rt !ftn Ann j m t . vMtm'Hiiv nn . 1 ... - . 1 1 - lorn h u,1C0d yesterday. At As! pounced his wltliarawai as leaner " ilUllrlnn na A m . . m.. ti lT.itlmn 1 let rvn ... h Ul o uuo was donouor me ah uiuia nnuiiui, aa, Ti:oma $100,000. She VICTORIA, Oct. 24: CPi Officials of the British Columbia Liquor Control Board, commenting upon the reduction of liquor prices In Washington, staled that they could not 001 cut cut prices prices so so Ion? long as as the the federal federal njt ti i TL J melbourne: Americans 1 nird goremment continued u take SUCh i a large profit in the way of taxa- (j0(l f fgta the liquor business. Spruce used In the construction of the dc Haviland r 1 monoplane which C, W. A. Scott and Campbell Black used nmp of the T. A. Kellcy lagging Co. on the Queen Char- 4 MIc Inlands. OWN LIFE; ACCOUNTANT IILLll FOR SHORTAGES , I TORONTO, Oct 24: CP- , Robert K. Orant. manager of , the Bay and Richmond Street ; branch of the Canadian Bjnk of Commerce, shot and killed himself today at his home. : Ray Lansing, accountant of the same branch, ts being held on ball of $20,000 following discovery of wnat police say were ricfalcaUons In the bank's accounts amounting to $50,000. 3000 MAY VOTE HERE Return) of Enumerator Are Ex pelled to be Completed Today , Federal election registrations In Prince Rupert city are expected to total about 3000. Six out of twelve city enumerators had made their returns to O. M. Hunt, registrar of election, up to last night, their lists totalling 1731. The rest of the re turns are expected to be in by to day. Port Simpson and Warke Canal returns also came In yesterday, there being 53 voters at the former, point and 16 at the latter. i BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Oct. 24: CP Bar silver was unchanged at 53c on the local exchange today. ITALIAN FLYER SETS NEW SEAPLANE SPEED MARK OF 423 MILES LAKE OAR.DA, Italy, Oct. 24: (CP1 A new seaplane speed record was set here yesterday by Franceso Agello, Italian aviator, who flew a new plane, which was built recently with the utmost secrecy, at the amazing speed of 423 miles per hour, thirteen miles faster than his own record of a year ' aco.. MUPTMANN ARRAIGNED Alleged Lindbergh Baby, Kidnap- per Now Facing ,S'ew Jersey Trial IS SHOWING STRAIN h-- ,j I, ,. .. .. . I'LEMJNGTON, NJ Ocl- 2lt Bruno Richard llauptmann, now in the county Jail here awattinc trial for the kidnapping and murder of baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh, is beginning to show obvious signs of strain. Ills prob able that he will be arraigned to day when defence attorneys expected to ask that the trial delayed until December change of venue is also expected ( to be sought from this county on j acccunt of local prejudice. i James Fawcett, chief defence J attorney for llauptmann. who. , under New Jersey state laws has no alternative but to enter a plea of not guilty, gave some idea yesterday of the course which the defence would follow, also intimating that llauptmann would take the stand on his own behalf. Fawcett stated that the defence would endeavor to prove that the Lindbergh ransom notes were not in Hauptmann's handwriting and that a new theory would be advanced as to how Hauntmann had come into possession of the ransom monev. NEW YQRK. Oct. 21: Bruno Richard llauptmann has been taken to Flemington, X.J., to face trial for the kidnapping and murder of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. following the refusal of the federal Anncllate Court to Interfere with the decision of Judge Ernest Hammer denying his application for a writ of habeas cornus against extradition. The decision of the Appellate Court against llauptmann was unanimous, making it impossible to continue the anneal to the. Supreme Court of United States. Four hours after the decision had been given, llauptmann, under heavy guard, had been removed from the Bronx jail here to Hunterdon County jail In New-Jersey, llauptmann had appealed against extradition on the basis of an alibi. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cochrane of Ocean Falls, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Grace, to Arthur Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs." W. Bailey, New West- intnetftr 9: j The wedding will . take place In J November." lomorrows lides High .... 2:47 am. 20.0-f t. 14:33 p.m. 22.0 It. Low .-8:37 a.m. 73 ft. 21:20 2.7 ft. p.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIV , No. 247. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1934 price: five cento A.I LIQUOR PRICES SLASHED HERRING INDUSTRY COLLAPSE LOOMING inatfin tynta Nnu) Supplies Rushed To Fire-Swept Nome rr uuiiuigiuii UlUK. If IS 14 5es Booze For Less Than Anywhere in U.S. British Columbia Unable to Cut as Long as Federal Gov eminent Continues to Take Such Large Profit, Liquor Control Boaru Announces . OLYMPIA, Oct. 24: (CP) Liquor nrices termed the lowest in the United States with reductions in the existing ; prices up to thirty percent on many brands and approach- ing the pre-war prices were announced todav bv the Wash- . . L'l.i t I r i ? i i ! Tt jngiuu oiaie liquor uoara wmcn auriouies ui siasn lo economies In operation. a , .. , , This Province Cannot Cut r-.. .. I,-,, ii. .1- A :on agamen oi 1 500,000 feet of lumtrr to be used for the re-construct.on of f.re-dest.royed Nome Alaska, going aboard a s: it r at Seattle Wa:;h. tz Emergency Conference Is Called in England To Rescue Fish Trade ', Seas Arc Yielding Catch of Volume That Has Never Refore Reen Recorded Prices Cascade Downward And Product Dumped in Sea to Save Market ' LONDON, Oct. 24: (CP) A conference will meet at , Whitehall tomorrow in an endeavor to save the herring in-1 dustry from collapse. While the seas are yielding a herring catch such as has never been before remembered, prices are cascading downward. Up to last night fifty million herring hail been landed at Y armouth and Lowestoft, re- ' - - . -presertlng six . thousand tons of BALLOON IN EXPLOSION Trof. and Mrs. Piccard Have Narrow Escape After Stratosphere Ascent CADIZ, Ohio, Oct. 24: (CPl Prof. Jean Piccard and his wife, following a flight Into the stratosphere which started from Detroit yesterday, escaped unhurt in the afternoon when their bat loon exploded with a blast on falling into a grove of trees four miles south of here. However, the sealed metal gondola in which the scientist and hi wife were riding withstood the shock and the couple were uninjured, their valuable instruments and records being also safe although the bag was . torn to pieces by the tree tops. Prof. Piccard said, pending a check-up, that he had reached an altitude of ten miles and had obtained valuable Information regarding cosmic rays which he had gone aloft to study, which two thousand tons was .lumped Into the sea to save the market which now averages $7 to $3 per ton. the fish retaUlng at five for one cent. Slight Gains In Wheat Prices In Teg and Chicago "WINNIPEG. Oct. 21: CPi Slight gains of about 3ic per bushel were j recorded yesterday In both the Win May futures closed here at 81T8cj Halibut Arrivals Summary; American 43.000 pounds, 9c 'ana 6.5c to 12.3c and 7c. Canadian None. American Tahoma, 27,000, Pacific, 12.3c and 6.5c ... , LAB0RITE WINS SEAT Liberals Lose North Lambeth In British House of Commons By-Election LONDON, Oct. 24: I CP) O. R Strauss, Laborite, won the North Lambeth byielection from the Liberals yesterday in a four-cornered fight with a majority of 6,000 over J. W. Simpson. National Labor arid dependent Imperialist candidates rolled a small vote. OIL TANKER IN TROUBLE Rescue Vessels Speeding Toward American Vessel Disabled North of Manila MANILA, Oct 24: (CP) A wire less message received last night from the liner President Jackson Intimated that the Richfield" Oil Co.'s tanker Larry DohenyfbrUhe safety of which grave anxiety had Y been earlier felt, was still aHoat although serlouslydlbledsome 1000 "miles east nortneasFof Manllai&f much of her superstructure already swept away and other damage done by a typhoon In which she was wal lowing. Two American steamers, the Gold Star and Olympia, were rushing at top speed towards the strick en vessel, the former last night be-lgn 214 miles away and the latter 500 miles. The Doheny sent out "S.-O. S." signals and was then silent for several hours. Late last night, how ever, another messaee was nicked up from her by the President Jack son. The first "S. O. S.? was received by the steamer General Jackson. ' The Doheny. a vessel of 8000 tons with crew of thirty-three, sailed from Los Angeles on September 26 tor Manila with a cargo of fuel. IRISHMAN AMBITIOUS Vol. James Fitzmaurlce May Take Off Tomorrow For Australia, Seeking New Speed 3Iark LONDON. October 24 (Canadian Press) Col. James Fitzmaurlce. disqualified from the England to Melbourne air race on account of overweight of his huge Bellanca monoplane was to take the machine up for official tests with a viaw to hopping off possibly tomorrow for Australia In an attempt to boat the record set by C. W. A. Scott, and Campbell Black, winners of the marathon. POUND STERLING MONTREAL. Oct. 24'i (CP)-Tho British pound sterling closed at $4.87 Vi on the local exchange mar- terrific !n,pC3 and ch'caS wheat markets. yesterday ROMAN CATHOLiCS AND PROTESTANTS TO JOIN AGAINST CHURCH RULE ' t BERLIN, Oct. 24: (CP) The possibility looms of Roman Catholics and Protestants joining up in combatting the Nazi church rule. Dlssatls- Friendly, 8,000. Cold Storage. 10.9c faction continues to spread and; 7c . i against the Nazi plan of fell- Prosperity. 8,000, Cold Storage, glous domination, 0c and 7c. ' H 4 1 K: : 7 Til 9 I it ."V."