iay, October 34 1934 JJIE DAILY NEWS MOB FIVB L.. ! 1 - '.'J I I'll , Classified Ads FOR SALE dotirS. Windows etc. from wreck-i t house, fort, tf. "Aimed nous partly furnished, i qo in. $10.00. Hart. tf fltiL tVANfiJtf BACHELOR tle-hacker wants a luteketper. Apply Tony Rosso, r iJicymount. B.C. 150 WANTED Man with experlchce In managing sales. Must know value if merctiandlse. Apply Box 224. Daily News. 247 MAKE Money copying names, ad-dresses for mall order firms, experience unnecessary. No can-vising Write for details. United Advertising, III DeKalb Avenue. Brooklyn, N". if 2461 PAINttittS. Birth. Jackplne. Cedar. rctio nxt.r. rr dar f lvrotxT IU. in tne of- ct the DtaUM rorMr. Prince ir.uert. BC. the IJcenre X17IM. to cut 140 COO feet board meacur. Of Spruce. d and Hemlock on an area altuated t lie head of Powhtc Bay t-Tn !! u::c QiKen CharloUe laland Land Du-I Two year wul be aJUwed for the re.; tr.- vat of timber I Proruied any one unable to attend, auction In jetwn may aubmlt' tender to be opened at the hour of. ii'iloa and treated aa one bid." . I r rher parUcutert may be obtained t from CWef rortr. Victoria, D.C .i w Dtntrict romter. Prtoca Rupert, DC iv r ui)ii iTf! WATkK rirr IHiertlon and I e TAKE NOTICE Uit Norman it. Terry, I i ) oaa addreaa U VtaMett. B O . Will fly for a licence to Uie and uae 3S C t of water out of Bull Creek. al0 k&fiwn aa Oar Ore, wttlcb fW terty and drain Into Hecate BtratU ibuut 1700 ft. north my from NX. oof. ioaa. , . The water will be dtvened from the m. m . - .i . qeftft teet N. Weatarly from N.E. Oor. tr 1033 and U1 ba ttaed for mlninc purpoae ttpon the tniitii flMrrllMi ia Placer tea NO 81 No 180, No. 17B, NO. 17, Lot 1019 tvt inJn 1 Thla nUlce waa po4 bu the gruun4 on the 38th day of Auttist 193 A copy of thla notice and an VP"' titm miMMM irtA Ulil to the Wa- Act" will be'flled in the office of Uir Water Reoorder at Prince Rupert. Objectlur. to the anpUeaUon "T 3 "led with tha aald Water Iteoorder of wr.n the OunvptroUer or water "' PirtUmnni nuilHiiw Vlctutla, B. U.. wWt thUlVjaara-'aner. th flrat p- Prtnc of -tnui noVW ln lopal nw- ..... ,hh)I..M ..The date of the tint publication of nin notice U October 1. i3. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skcena, came in from Smlthcrs on last "iRht's train. Mrs. Hanson, who ha4 bn In residence for the summer at Lake kalhlyn. is expefcted to re turn here on tomorrow night's toln for the winter, tie conlfatW, w the winter have not yet been f 1 by the Canadian National Railways but cutting' of ties has com mnced 6n the assurance of ln-crstd orders. WOKK WANTED GENERAL Foundation repairs and excavations, wood, cement or rock work. Albert Moretto, Phone 75C. atf " William Richards returned to the 'lty on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver, accompanying his .mother, Mrs. John Ny-hoirn. whn im Viri rprf lvlnir treat ment In the South And wnbsq cohdl-J V"m Is now such that it was neces ary to remove her frdm the steam r In the ambulance. (255) hi, CerUHoat CfTltle WO. 379S-1. US tf K, BVwk a, Queen Cliar.otle City. Map 934A. WHEttEAS pttni tj loM Of the- abov Certificate of Title, iMMd in the name o Walter 4erom, 8mlU. fui been filed in mi omce, nouct 1 hereby given t the VPrt' on mown (rum lh date bf the nmt pub. lleatlon hfeof, tMue a provisional Certificate or Title In lieu of the aald lot certificate, unle in the meantime valid objection b nude to me. In writ t .the. Uwl RejlMry Office. Prince Rupert. B. c thU 20th. dy of Sptntr. 19H- ANDREW THOift-SON, tVputy Re(latrar of Title .watch notice diversion and c8e TAkE NOTICE that Nathan Murphy, whose Mk U Atlln. B.C.. wlU apply for ltrMice co te and iwe 3t0 AII-Inches trf water out of Oanvon Creek, which flow aouth eaaterly and n i niiriMM M ttVJT,l'i( ,u,,i" nev itrrer. aooul lour PAINTING ana PapeiMnglOg mtk above th -RUJ U" BenchLeaae Moller, Prime Red 802. T- water wJU be diverted froiri the ' atrvwro at a point about four mlf bove the Ethel U Bench bean and rpr a MOB PDA VI ""i for alulctn In pen bbiej lltAnorDHO purptwe upon the the mine described , aa Ethel it. Orace VI. and Hulde Too rnm,nwq TnntfW Phnn ITT Thla notice wai poirted on th . mnj vn mot itui uay W AIU. If A copy of tola notice and an appllcn-mm . tlon punmant themo and to the "YV-ter Art. t4. wUl be nied in the of- ' flee of the Water Recorder at AUin, B. I C Obctiona to the application may be Tik K.i. vinu flora wim toe mm water neeormer or wi'" at rub-; ,.9 Partlament Bulldlnct. Victoria. BC . Auctioa at noon on the Twmiy with In thirty day rter the ilnrt appearance of thU notice In a local newt-paper. NATHAN MORPlfT. Applicant By MELVIN BECKMAIt. Aent. The date of (he prat publication of tnl notice St October 17. 1934. HOPS FOR HONOLULU !! THE SUTREUE COURT Of BlUTtan or )Vfitherr Klngsford-Smlth Is to Get Away From W Tirx VtATTtit or the -ADUINIb. Hoping TRATlON ACT" I Suva Thl Afternoon AND 1 m tiif viarrrfl np T11K ESTATE Or DONALD Mac Donald, ottorrw SUVA, FIJI Islands, Oct. 24: CP) aJ" Macuonaw. ch4rJe, KingsIord.8mlth was - unable on account of continued un take Nonet that by order of hi avdrable weather to get away for v Honor W. E. Flher the 0ih day of Oe- . mt ad. i34. l vaa appointed Ad- Honolulu last night In continuation tT utatrater of Ue eaUte of Donald Kc- ot fUgnt ,er0sS the Pacific DtmaM deceaaed. ad aU paitiea navinc Ocean and now plans to hop off at liima ajalnat te aald eaUU are here- j 0'cloci this af UrrtOOn (Pacific Use lm uwiuuaiu nir. day of November. A D. 1934. and all ;rtl indebted to lb ratate are re- uired to pay the amount of their In uei-'edneaa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT . Official Admlnlatrator. Prince Rupert. B. C Dated the llth day of October. A. D. 1914 Sir Cnarles moved his plane yes Uirday from the point where he lan ded from Brisbane to a better beach from which tb, hop off for Hono lulu via Fanning slands. Trevor Johnson returned to the city ort last niShfS train after spending fevf days at Usk. The Markets; Retail price current fieftf afe' its fellows: ; FowL No. 1. tb. 'TILUFTHETOI'.ER" A" pfrtV ! Mcintosh, fancy wrapped; lbs.i3J ; Jtjav McfhtoshC-CMde, wrapped! 4 lbs .'. : i5 BOX 10 ' ' mi - BG. FresH Extras, driide A large, cirltmed, Atit. loctf 1, new idlo rioi drade tit lai;, dBi. Oride Ct eai. Fnltl Basket .-..v. P?lr1ev Hiinti Turnips, upjriver, 8 lbs. Celery B C, head Oreert Peppers; IbA Red Peppers, .....L... Splndch, B.C., 3"Ibs. ,. Hubbard Squash, lb. Leeks, bunch Egg Plant .....1.. Bran Feed Wheat. Alberta . ' Middlings .. Shorts : .:!'. OaU . Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats . . .r... Barley Laying Mash Oyster shell Mratf -Vr- ...u Roasting Chicken'; lbv; Ham, sliced first grade. -....... Ham; picnic, first grade; lb. ...... Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Pork, shoulder, lb. ...J. Pork, loin, lb Pork; leg, lb. ,., .45 .55 ii i7 Cranberries is Lemons tioi. 25c U 4d Oranges, doi. 25d to 0 drapefrnlt, Ca!.. eicrl. fid to1 ltf Florida, each . i2c to it Bahahas, lb. .15 Ahjou Pears, fificy, do. '36c to .40 Pomegranates. ea6fl ic to JM Washlngtori Cahteiorupes, each i...!2c to' .15 dasaba Melons',' ft....: Quince, i Ids. :. ; Tokay Ofapfil :........, JO seedless drapes .. as fttbltf drapes, Jb. ...;;.Jl.... is Concord Drapes, basket. 65 Citron, lb, .....r ... j07 Rhubarb, fl lbs.. 25 BUtt Fancy cartoned lbr....'.. No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs fret&abie.; Potatoes, B.C. 12 lbs Back Carrots, B.C., bunch .... Bulk, 8 lbs. . New Beets, bunch Bulk, 8 lbs Pumpkin, lb. '. Onions, B. C, 7 lbs. Oarlic. imported, per lb Cabbage, local, pe lb. J. Cauliflower, larg e..B.C 25c to Tomatoes, Hothouse, lb 1 Jl .80 is 1.60 .04 25 44 25 JD5 25 25 .08 30 .18 .75 a tm 29 38 .45 22 .48 ,20 0. f iyinBoaf Off Oil Greenland btui pi .1 wb? fl6ya! Mt Force flylrig hdtlk off f brtsrrt'jUtk Enclatid' nt Prunes, 60-70, Currants, lb. f ApricoU. lb. xio: 235 235 230 2.70 1.85 ' Peaches. welecsT16eto 2-30 Sn'itf Vhlte. 100 lbs. 1'. J 5 yeiipw, ipa,ibs.,;:.: Stilton', lb. .. Roquefort; lb.' Greenland. fiuuj jjutfuouca j an air route to1 Atif f 14; ! IM kn$u Atbtnlc. Pork', &ii iMt lb". aa Veal, lolri, jtt. 20 italj slioTlWer) tt. . 15 Beef) pot fbastJb. iCe lb .15 Beef, boiling', ib'., 8c' td .. .10 Beef, roast prime t lb. ite. to .20 ifjee steak IK itftf tif Larhb; shoiiidef, to. iamb-, leg1, to. Ldrob Chops, Ifjt. Black Cooking Figs,,lb.'; Dates, b.ulk. lb Lemon ihef t,'rancv r.,r. r-- " dttrcn-.pctl .Jij..-. Pninfts '30.40 .jJPrunes,, 40.3 .25 14c. ; Ontario sol Ids, new, lb: ...22c 'St Edam, lb. . Oh,tarJ6. naturef lb ftorgoruda, lb: - , .-- 5s: .15. '25 30 Fish Halibut, fresh, -lb . 20 Bmoked Kippers,-lb 15c. and 20 Salmon, fresh, lb, !.....- 2Q Honey, hxtrScted Honey, per Jar 20c" (o'30t Comb Honey - is Nuts - Walnuts, broken shelled 35 WalfiuU, shelled halves, lb, A5 Afmonds, Shelled, lb. 'io ' Flour TVomXiAVs, No. 1 hard wheat &5 Second Patent i.70 Pastry Flour, lOJbs. 45c to.-.. 0( Aust. Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 35 . iirird rrulu White Flgi, lb -! 12 Jic to.- a TW&r ' .12 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. 14 Raisins, Cal, seedless lb. .15 1 . 25 to -17 V 19 ..-'5.7d .45 33" Mr1.' A. MatCallum rejurnedCto' tije city on last niglifs train fom a trip. east. She attended, sessions of the Dqmtplon WomaiVs Auxiliary of th. nhnreh rrf Rnslahd. In Brandon and Winnlneg and visited n lie-' Klna. her' former home, and witn. 2S friends- at Prince oe6rge. la " -rr- - - ... ; 1 f t- TheWr Of CoMse We MakEvLoans ''V ... .,0;:-B 1 iminess-.'s. s' '.4' V jrnprove bustne-coadirjftnsc . ' . . . :-. ' 'Makirir JoanFft ?ai mrljaiiitsveryday.basmess.as' receivV i . Uig- deposits or clearingiciiequts. Interest on- loans arid invest-mems constitutes the. batik's main source;of revenue. ' - . , .. The Bank of Montreal; stinds Teady today, "as always; tolerid money for.'leHritnite .needs" of those - who can nicer, the. require-' nner tnehts' ibf .sound 'pankinjj priricijjlesl BANK tubliilidlil7 . m 6 d e a. r4 s r t c I e nt a H id i k c ; . a T c i . . . e omcomW ' '' ' Prince Rupert Branch : T: A? WaAIUM, Manager'., . ; Terrace Branch: ".. DJU. i. SflliuRftrt, Maiiar ; Vr Stewart Branch?" ' '0 V, WRiGUT. Manager .. t ota u a s i tis 1.2 ' xcxiS o i,; oro.6 i6,o " . . ; .. v j 5 d , MOSTZh W-iXH I WOVJ trlT 'Cv. 4 THkt. ; " l f l.M ,H tie AT "t THlj rtgTEZ aa ttMWKtagg BSttIHBriS2riElam.l TTiTMi 'I T lTrrwM m T I I M i " U.V '.. V . ... ' trVtmrt-. . i. t4f .-. w m hi V1 H-.12 ifiULlK ' tOVT AND UlHCC-C TO IS) maC-shb ..r.c-r rt DID Vpu "THC tlBRABY " 1 Ifj'fHE ,Ul3' iYiac ruw une uver , 1 BOATJf, lu tmc pttoirJ ROOM OR "T(-tt-" OUT- 60i.-ta.ltt MO I 5MB'S UOT tM TMOSe Places HiTrten. TtLutsi AMCf M OaVC 2ot to Have A S HOVAJ POVSIM Hi S4 aiMPUv Td oeo vjm-4 ATM iy j. .i ..i w j.j.y It - 5 it, j.V. I.J 4 -By WtdVei4 f