Si . Mt3I TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE KTJPEHT . BRITISH. COLUMBIA f f ? f f f i I u ? I 9 f s Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue DAILY EDITION H. F. PULLEN Local readers, per Insertion, per line Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by rnal or carrier, yearly perlod paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week , Hy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In.advance, per year r - By mall to all other countries, per year ,. . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnch per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. . Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations TELLS VALUE GOOD SPEECH The Spoken Word" is Subject of Very Interestins Address by Mrs. Mandy to Rotarians In a delightfully humorous and inoUivo orMrpM tn thp members ol 86 98 Cyrus "As the man, so is speech." $5.00 .10 3.00 0.00 "From Potlatch to Pulpit" Hy William Henry Pierce The new book which has been creating sucli great interest, and Hie edition of which is strictly limited. Written by a local man about local people and places. Price, $1.50 Down Many Trails. Old Tribal Customs, The Coming f the White JUan. The Old Medicine Men. The Work and Influence of the Missionary Among the' Coast Indians. For Sale Only At CVose, oioan &cQalla cJPimtlccI PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Down Stairs Besner Block Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Postpaid. 1.40 .25 m Friday. January 19, 1934 Arllss as an example of a man who, though homely in appearance, was distinguished when he spoke. His whole body radiated his speech. The value of a charming personality was illustrated by a story of a student who entertained a senator so delightfully that It later secured him a position in the senator's firm where he soon became a partner. Mrs. Mandy then suggested that the Rotary Club yesterday after-! 'hat she had said could M applied WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone G 18 Bi S PO RT RA1LMEN GO AHEAD Takes Leadership in Senior Basket-ball I.ea;ue As Result of Victory Over Grottu Last Nlsht Intermediates Good lli-li School Defeated BmI Required Two Overtime lVrio.l-. I Order To Earn Verdict C.N.R.A. defeated, the Grotto Si to 32 last nlsht to go ahead in the Senior Division of the Basketball League. The score does not truly indicate the play as the Tobao conists had a lot of tough luck in their shooting, only being two paints behind at the interval. Af- ter the resumption of play th! Grotto lads fell down on shooting. GUly Santerbane turned tn a noon at the Commodore Cafe. Mrs. to members of the Rotary Club and nfce game along with J Morrison J. T. Mandy spoke for nearly half PPP "ince Kupert in lour an hour on "The Spoken Word," ' ways. By studying their own par-recounting a number of incidents ticular PrpWs they; could eradi- ta illustrate her meaning and;1""' 5' without :tne children toward better speech thrusting home her points fear or favor. It was one of the best I and habits, Thev could encourage h in the schools and addresses heard by the club in training many a day. Mrs. Mandy mentioned that all neonle talked a eood deal of the time and some talked all the time. Without speech it was difficult to convey to others one's needs. In business, speech counted a great deal and in social life the brilliant conversationalist was glven'an im portant place. If a person were shallow, lacking in mentality, it was Impossible to give expression to tbeautifal- thoughts. The "chatter ing" woman and the "wise-crack .Ing" man came in for scornful men tion. While thoughts revealed the inner man, speech gave expression to those thoughts. Speech was an outward sign of an inward condi .tion. The speaker told of the value of voice culture. She mentioned that the voice of a person revealed his or her character. She took George couia encourage popular speasing and amateur dramatics which hel- ! ped to develop better speech habits. Illustrating the last point, Mrs. Mandy told of a men's club in Kansas, a member of which said that. n rptilt nf V!c PTnrIcni Via a better husband, better father, better businessman and better Closing, the speaker quoted: "Speech, is the cement of the soi clal and political fabrics, "Speech Is the bridge which conl nects individuals with each other. "Good speech insures us full access to the rich benefits of the social order while poor speech condemns us to the poverty of an isolated existence. Her final quotation was from for the Railroaders while natch ford and R. Morrison did all the Grotto's scoring. The Intermediate encounter will go down on, the sheet as being a match of matches with the High Scho4 defeating the Warriors 4 to 41 after two five minute over tiirs periods. It was basketball "that is" from the start to trie finish, with. Nakle Nakamoto leading his crew to the tape at the Interval 25-16 and at the end 47-41. Although the Warriors out- lhem- second haH by mani .the believed better soeech made a three points, Nakamoto gave one of the finest displays of basketbai to be seen on the local floor for many a season. Fitzpatrlck. Coma dina and Pierce were the main stays for the Warriors although. It Pierce had not had such tough luck on his shooting in the second ha'f. jt might have been a dlffer-ent'story. Cardinals repeated their Monday's performance last night by taking the Comets for a ride 24-8 in the Ladies' League. Flasi es lost to the Scouts on a his; penalty 12-11 although the Lightening crew was leading 6-5 at the recess period. It was a hard check ilng Junior League game. Junior league I Flashes iU Palmer 2: Me- MeHn G: Hill: Ritchie; Fulton 3; McPhee; Cromp. Scouts 12i KlShlmoto 4; Na- Kamoto: Verlck7: Lindseth; Deane jgl; Dybhavn 1; Edgar. i Ladies' League 5 Cardinals 24 Boddle 10; Stone iRlvett; A. Morris; M. Morris; ! Brand; Lowe 14. Comets 6 Steen; Irvine , Smith: Dickens: E. ;.;orrts 2; Tlte Intermediate League High School i47 Nakamoto 19; Moxley 7; Tobey; Morgan; Davles; Santerbane 20; Miller 1. Warriors 4 J Comandlna 14; Illckey; Olllis 2; FUzpatrick: Pierce 25; Edgcumtte, Nelson. Senior League G.N,R.A. (56i Stiles 16; 10: Lambie 4: Smith 2: Nel son 1: Morrison 10; Santerbane 14, Orotto 32i Gurvlch 7; Stalker Olllis 1: Ratchford 9: R Morrison 15: Illckey: McNulty. (I.X; (HAPPED SKM! 7 ail or irMii. Applr II mi a 4tt. tmt Hmc Aim w 2S Hfnbl. D Vrr Klln I 1W OF PAljj Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies, mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Oame heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Wrlle For Prices K. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. Empress Wins In Billiard; Defeat Elks in Tuesday FUtu Lesion Leading firotto The postponed game of W. E. I Wlljlscroft. Empress, vs. William! Stuart, Elks, from Tuesday night's j Billiard League fixture was played' last night with the latter winning! 200-to 185 to give the Empress the! Warriors ' nBB?gate victory by a score of 1141 to 1072. Four out of six games in last night's lixture between Canadian Legion and Grotto were played, the Legion taking the aggregate lead 784 to 700 with individual scores as follows: O. p. Tinker Canadian Legion 200. Don Brown (Qrottok 150. . J. J. Judge 185, Earl Batt 200. Charlie Baptie 200, John May 171. M. M. Lamb 200, W. E. HuUon 172, j Gamps nf Alp Murrnv Lpolnn I , -...,. thelr vs. George Howe, Grotto, and Alex, ! Harvey vs. Bert Morgan were post poned. The second half standing to date' is as follows: j Q. m Canadian Legion 1 1153 Qrotto 1 Mil Emprvss 2 2209 Elks 2 3177 Ave.) 1153. 1105 1039 INDICTMENT IS REFUSED vauta Clara Grand Jury finds No Information Against Any Person In Lynching Case SAN JOSE, Cal, Jan. 19: A' Santa Clara County grand Jury has" refused to Indict any of the sup-' wsed ringleaders tn connection' vlth the notorious lynching case of' Thomas Thurmond and Jack Holmes, kidnap - murderers of Brooke Hart. The Jury found that' no definite information had been jresented against anyone. It ex-. oressed its willingness, however, to ionslder any. specific evidence that might be presented. The district at-' orney has announced that, he in tends to proceed with, the prosecutions of Anthony Cataldl who has" admitted his implication in the; lynching. :; Up to the week ending 28tn' December. 3.137,024 hogs wtre gra-M ed in Canada In 1933, compared! vith 3.1C6,loa in the previous year, in increase of 30,918. S. It. S.. lune m lopics HIGH LIGHTS THURSDAY 6:00 Chatham Kiltie Regimental Band, CFCN, CRCV. 6:30 Radio Theatre Guild Play (Waterloo), CFCN, CRCV. 7:00 Hands Across the Border i Exchange Program). CFCN, CRCV. 8:30 Foothills Revup, CFCN, CRCV. 9:l5-B.tllad Singers, KJR. FRIDAY 6:00 Gypsy Rhapsody, CFCN. 6:30 Melodic Strings, "Alex Chuhaldln, CFCN. 7:40 Bert Anstrlce and Mountain Boys, CFCN. 0:30-8ymphonlc Hour, KOJN. Wath this ad, for further details. and RememberWe offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 33C 2art. Av. LOOK, FOR THE TOWER 1 ' Thursday, Januai7 H, 3t An important ANNOUNCEMENT? to car owners regarding PASSENGER TIRE GUARANTEES HKFORE 1933 - Previous to Janunrv 1st, 1033, tire made hy the(tijntrupie, whose names appear helow were (jiiaranteed againir iajW" ,n., material and workmanship only. 1 DURING 1933 One year ago, on January 1st, 1933, annoMncemrnvttiin;ult that all straiglit side passenger car tires fortise in jjHI Wra'n? would le sold after that date under a written jti;tranree nphi all road hazards, pxcept punctures and running flat, For tt jHjndi of twelve months or nine months, dependinu on th? ytnd n tire, and that a certificate of such guarantee for each tire woiik hq issued to the purchaser. 'Ilres purchasenl previous ro the introduction of the written guarantee carried the former guarantee until the end of 19.13. This jxrioil now having cxpimi, no further claims can lo con-, aidered on any lussenger tires ul in private service utile? they were purchased since January 1st, 1933, and are accompanied by the guarantee certificate. AND NOW If you purchased, .during 1933, tires made hy any of the companies, and did not receive a written guarantee, you should at once see the dealer from whom such.tice were purchased, and get a guarantee certificate, giving date of purchase of rich such tire. IN FUTURE Purchasers of straight side tires for private parttnejy cnr service hereafter should he sure t olnniu Irom tliotniltfLH written guarantee with each such tire purchased. l'tirchajtr oT cars sliould get a similar guarantee for ca.h new tire on. the car at time of purchase. After this date dealers, branch oifices ami service departments: of all companies can entertain no claims for adjustment oj such tires unless ACCOM PAN HU) BY THE WKI'ITKN fiUAK. ANTMK I-OKM. . DOMINION DUNLOP lh,tnv 1 tt ft Hyl.Ui Unit Co Uuiu4 FIRESTONE January 17, 1934 Ace Bailey Now Home in Toronto Injured National Hockey lafue i Star Kttprni After Month In i ltoxtvn UuHpltal With I'ractureil Skull ' lOItONTO, January 19- - Irvin CAoe") Bailey, Toronto Maple Peats National League hockey tar. returned to hU home here yesterday alter spending more than a month in a Doton nospitar rt-coverlng Irom the effects of u fractured skull which injury he sustained when tripped on the ice , In a game with the Boston Bruins Ufiitfcd Farmers j Annual Session EDMONTON, January 19- iiie' United Farmers of Alberta, in annual convention here, asked re I fompense for individual farmers' under the wheat quota agreement and also recommended a national livestock board, j GOODRIGM . GOODYEAR (Mill I II, k K.h' t . ullMI 1 1 1,1 GUTFA PERCH A SEIBER LING Iniliton "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Origin1 For Sale at Vendor or dlrrrl froiu "Malt OrJtr Iftjtt." Liquor Control Hoard, g7 tcatlr St-, Vanf"',r puke a SCOTCH MUSKY R HICMCSJ IN riNtST JjBL HIOHLANU MALT IMlW 14 uri.ia hy Willi.. tif ulSn1 Vii.H.,?,KJlJiul!!rM' ivTa MLVMaHLTft ria . . . inis aivemci.icnt is ot puMisl.l or ilisplavcil l.y the Up,r Control Jloanl or the Government of llr.tuh Colum)ift. If your paper doei not arrive, telephone Hie office