PAOZ FOUR Deal at I TOMATO JUICE Campbell's, 2 tins TOMATOES Mac's Best 2lVs, 2 tins CARROTS Quaker, 22's ' 2 ilns PEACHES Aylmer, gallons halves or sliced, per tin JELLY POWDERS Grandma's, 4 for P.o; Box' 375 15c MOTHER'S BISCUIT MIX CQ OV 2 pkgs BORAX 1-lb. pkg SOLVENE Fof washing 3 for EGGS B.C. Fresh Firsts 3 doz SCOTCH MINTS per lb SWEET MIXED BISCUITS 2 lbs KIPPERED SNACKS 4 tins J1ACON Diamond "A" per lb. 25c 25c 75c 19c 19c 21c 95c 29c 57c 25c 20c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' 111.. Thlrf Innn. IV.. I Phone m Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dorki Tatal eayaelty tnt Shipbuilder n4 8hl Repairer far Bteel and Wood Vfflt Iron an Brat Cattlni llectrle and Acetylene W Mini ll-Un Derrick for Hear Llfu lawmlll and Mining Machinery Repaired ani Overhaolt ATF TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Phone 234 ,S A VE ! Save 25 Percent on Footwear Having purchased a large shipment of Sample Shoes and Rubbers froin Leckies at away below manufacturers' prices we can outfit the whole family today at what it would cost for the man and woman alone elsewhere. Prices Now Away Down Rubbers and Strong Shoes are needed in this weather. Our prices for these arc away down. We have them for men, women, misses and children. You might as well get the benefit of our low prices. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Latta I I . .UHA.AdlaL 1 Queen Charlotte Island run between Vancouver and prince Rupert, keeps people of the Islands as to her, peqted times of i i arrival at her various ports of JaIl is provjng a great Doon to, tnel MUSSALLEM S sZuuT ;p in.Trch more wh w With Steamer Prince John ' fore have , . had . , no means of com- jmunication from the vessel. i The new arrangement whereby Some of lhe have to tra. the steamer Prince John, on the,-i . a lhe steamer Often In the past this has meant hours and sometimes ; days of waiting. Now, however, as a 'result of the radiophone messages Ifrom the ship, these settlers know exactly when to leave their homes In order to meet the vessel. The messages are picked up on the ordinary receiving sets and have Jeen received from as far away as Ad fertile In tne Dally News "TILLIE THE TOILER" H . VHAT I S L I UPaMS aeiiit1 VOW life. rr FiQHTlNff OH, It WAtl NOTMIMg. MB. SlMP- that svmeul cp you, M-C TO "CTaXNO up por ME VOHHM -TMK BOSS BVOl-ED Ml out fcw uockiwe miss qall IN THE -THAT'S OISA tiAMS C31VJES HE A PAIKJ V ..THE DAILY MEWS Makes Inspection Of Prince William Vancouver Man Looks Over Steamer At Local Dry Dock With View To .Making Offer V. O. Erickson sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit here, his business having been to make an inspection of the steamer Prince William, which has been tied up at the local dry dock New Manager of Hudson Bay Co. c. Stevens Due Tonight Vancouver to Succeed It. humidity Wardrop Here tlon. and evaporation Of less im mmm n 7 1 M FM MM w I'J Ti f IbBBSBEBBH BEERY AND DRESSLER Much - Discussed Seattle - Filmed Picture 'Tugboat Annie'' Here This Week-Eiid With Marie Dressier as Annie, redoubtable feminine skipper of aj Puget Sound tugboat, and Wallace! ' Beery as her shiftless and drunken but irresistable husband, "Tugboat Annie," much-heralded fllmizatlon jior the last few years and which of Norman Rellly Balne's well Canadian National Steamships are!kn(jwn story comes to the Capitol offering rPr sale. Up to the time or , Tneatre here as the week-end fea-1 i leaving the city, Mr. Erlcksen was , ture offerlng. It marks the first co-j uncertain as to whether a tender starrmg appearance of Miss Dress-: would be made for the purchase of,,er and Deery slnce the memorable the ship It is understood that no tenders had been submitted for the vessel at the time bids closed recently. "Min and Bill two central figures cast in lnlml portance are wind, sunshine, and : iJStJ table roles which only they could faithfully portray. Laughs, tears, thrills and tense drama all have: their share In the narrative! Throughout various entertaining episodes the couple are seen In hilarious quarrels and difficulties. From xhen their son, whose part Is played by the popular Robert Young, grows up to become the captain of a liner. To save him from a wreck C. Stevens of Vancouver Is ex- the "useless" father comes through pected to arrive tonight on the Ven- with an heroic sacrifice. Maureen ture to take charge of the local OSuIllvan has the other Juvenile branch of the Hudson's Bay Com- romantic lead. pany. R. Wardrop, whp has been Much of the picture was actually in charge for a number of -months, filmed in Seattle harbor where has been promoted to the position many Prince Rupert people are no of travelling buyer for the territory strangers. of Alaska and Is leaving next week for Anchorage where for the pre-i , . . in . . j . The prevalence of grasses anu sent he will make headquarters. . , L7 . the Arctic i sedges jn regions of ! Canada is doubtless cue to the Viewed In their relation to plant better facilities for wind poillna- llfe, the most Important climat; j tton by the agency of InsecU. factors are temperature, precipita- - .. Ji JUJI x H t-JU 1 1 Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone- 957 Round Steak, I lb. Onions, 4 lbfc. Sirloin Steak, 3 lbsi ' Onions, 4 lbs. T-Bone Steak I per lb. ....i , Rump Roast of Beef per lb 4Lamb Chops 3 lbs. COAL! COAL! T,r- 1 tr.1 rkn. Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, Wr also sll Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co 58 Phones S5I 3 lbs Liver. 1 lbs. Kidney. 1 lb Leg of Fork per lb. Shoulder of Pork- 4 lbs. They're Loyal to th e Boss MOTHIUS- FH7 MlS fiALL ftOfiTW I -Z ' O. Phone !)57! 50c 50c 18c 15c 50ci 50c 50cj 25c. 18c 50c y i n iiin Hrmri)innii VES. IT IS TBUE AND FRIDAY & SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 1 ti 9 Admission 13c & 50c SATUKDAY MATINF.K at 2:30 15c k 35c 1 GAUL GOT VAJKAT COMlklG '1 Will the Frame-up Work? I - 1 1 1 1 A V ' I I A w " I I I 1 t KSfk . w. w r- .. nix. Phone (Quality Service Mi M .nJ - 1 61 1- V MONDAY and TL'tSDAt MASQUERADE The Two Lending Stars of the Screen Marie Dressier and Wallace Beery in TUGBOAT ANNIE' . nBk.n A , S" . lllllllftf tt , , . a.. . " With KU1IKKT lUUiMi, JIAUKl'-l'ii UOl'LMVAN Saturday Evening Post's Riotous Stories Hrought to Lift Un the screen. A ueieasc SILLY SYMPHONY "PIKD PIPKR" (ALL COLOR) The picture tells a vivid story of Comedy "CROOK'S TOUR METRO NKY$ Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! LOCAL (l07.. . FRESH Loin Kst. Pork, lb. EGGS ...35c Fresh Killed Local Lamb Leg Lamb, lb 25c Loin Rst. Lamb, lb. '22c Shldr. Kst. Lamb, lb, 16c ' Trimmed j Breast Lamb, lb. 1!r Sunnybrook Huttcr lb 85c Fresh Killed Veal Le:tf Kqsist Veal, lb. 22c Ijin KouRt Veal, lb. 18c Sh'ld Hoist Veal, lb. 12c IlreaifVual, lb. 10c Extra Specials 22c Ayrshire Hhcon, lb. . 22c ; Btlced Cambridge STg., lb. 12!c CotUige IColi; lb. 18c Liver Sausiire, "lb. lie baiuaL'c Saiwae, lb. wciners, id. ; viarilc Fresh Killed Poultry Roasting Chickens lb. 28c foiling Fowl, lb. HI-Y HULKLKY VALLEY PlU)ltTTS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Ptoprlctur "A IIOMK AWAY PKO.M HOME" lUtes $1.00 op W) Rooms, Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 HBAao Mi5S 3auU AMD VJOftMVAOCD Ouv4MM A tftA.N;-jp OM you -AMD STnUffO Ml Si CTALl- I trr a. -a-vo you T 'PMOMS AOOTM TO I HELLOi MB. MACOOUflALL - J r I I I -s . . 1 " 1 23c 2.5c 25c r Htilchrr Central Hotel American and European p'm Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Conl That (liven Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 By Westovcr.