THE DAILY NEWS 3 : e ae agai ca: aie al D i The letter was addressed by the City Clerk,apparently at the instance OF SHERLO rt The aily News of the Board of Works, to a local contractor: [MES The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. July 25, 1911 { pulilitaad tithe Dianil Cigith Weldnidnas callbiigs Ghacaal Dear Sir,—I enclose herewith cheque for $17.50 in payment THE ADVENTURE OF THE RED CIRCLE of your account for hauling rock crusher, etc. As | explained to you 4 DAILY AND WEEKLY a week ago, the Board of Works together with the City Engineer, ‘ . SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAILy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. | consider the charge of $15.00 an extortionate one, and after con- BY ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE ie WEEKLY, $2.00 per year, OUTSIDE CANADA— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, : : es cinenanlstiinseaihnsisilsecssinsamuiaes hy $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. sidering the same for a week or so, the Board decided to pass the ” ; : Copyright, 1911, by the Century Syndicate TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates |“°COU"t for payment, and it instructed me when paying this account on application. to inform you, you were to receive no more work from the City. The landlady drew an envelope HEAD OFFICE I hear from various sources that you are complaining because | from her bag; from it she shook Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, you were not asked to tender on the hauling of the crushed rock, {out two burnt matches and alhe remarked, when the landlady |absolute secr BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES and I mention this fact so that you will understand why Vou were | cigarette-end upon the table.. had left us. “It may, of course;| How j New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. . . , : ; “They were on his tray this| be trivial individual excentricity, |to reach hin A SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. F not asked to tender, that is, I was simply carrying out instructions morning. I brought them because|or it may be very much deeper iby advertisement + ' Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trank Building, Trafalgar | given te me by the Board of Works. I had heard that you can read|than appears on the surface, The} paper. Ther : . an Square. .| great things out of small ones.”’ first thing that strikes one is the |and fortus “There are certainly some points|and canno of interest in this case, Watson,”’ |letter witho oH x Holmes shrugged his shoulders. | obvious possibility that the person | ourselv: DAILY EDITION. agar TUESDAY, AuG. 1 || “There is nothing here,"’ said |now in the rooms may be entirely | Here ar ) c ‘The matches have, of course, | different from the one who en-| tracts of th: 4 tie. Ue a The Continental Trust Co., Ltd. bea used to light cigarettes. That | gaged them.” lwith a bla i’ me a } : WH is obvious from the shortness of “Why should you think so?” Skating Clul os mt mo or | cea taeatte ee ae shi heart ee Half i stan | oo " ed am } “ i | ‘Surels Jim a ’ aaa “| “Well, apart from this cigarette- | eee ' t break The Reciprocity Bill is a proposal between Canada and OFFICERS: is consumed in lighting a PIPE | end, was it not suggestive that the mothe r's hi , the United States to reciprocally ablosih taxes on the food WM. 1 eat p poavin lt. HAYS, 1st Vice-Pres. or a cigar. But, a me! | only time the lodger went out by ae a i J. ° ice-Pres. | cigarette st certainly remark- |. i sy Sal | fainted i e | products which are exchanged across the border between the JAY KUGLER, Secretary-Treasurer ice CB. PETERGON, ee | Cigarette 6tub te — ainiy rema , was immediately after his taking | ‘ ee I two countries. ales | able. The gentleman was beardec Ithe rooms? He came back—or | 4S not interest 1 | 4 y Executor and Administrator Receiver or Assignee Farm Lands and Mines | and moustached, you say? | someone came back—when all wit- |™) heart ‘ B Wi It will mean a reduction in the high cost of living, and Real et Insurance et For Coxe of Real Se Escrow Agents Yes, sir. nesses were out of the way. We|50%—unmitigated bi Ah! thi . t t istrar ai “4 ’ nee : ' is Siete” make food more plentiful. te ge Under Morigege end Deeds of ” neta moon I don't understand that I have no proof that the person 3 a littl : p Listes It will enable the people of British Columbia to enjoy the |J_ 54/ Deposit Vault and Boxes Collections should say that only a clean-|.49 came back was the person |'® this: ‘Bi will find early fruits of the Pacific States free of duty. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 4 per cent. on Deposits shaven man could have smoked | who went out. Then, again, the |S0™e mea mmunicatic It will enable the fruit growers of British Columbia to Va Pina oe cs . fee asda eve | man who took the rooms spok: en ° ' a x market their later matured fruits in the markets of the United ; Lp alas 2 ES ee ee ee ' English well. This other, how-| |" Bore t Mn ¥ States at a time when they will bring the highest prices. The Continental Trust Company, Limited, PRINCE RUPERT. B.C mn yaa i dameniaia jever, prints ‘match’ when it should | se a Ie Pips rarrived. It sounds It will open the markets of the United States to the lumber ‘Nig no: the ond is matted. 1 ware ~ z img om d 4 ‘ mi terious one coul sale iti i = wat ee eS fh Oe he meme _ se 7 7 } agine that the word was taken) ~~ STstand Ep i Bettie Columbia. |suppose there could not be two]... of a dictionary, which would | &lish, eve It will open the markets of the United States to the fisheries ¢ people in your rooms, Mrs. War-|. oe sae oe eRe Tet us pee if 5 sas . é ;give the noun but not the pilura k up of Northern British Columbia. ren?” \The laconic style may be to|the trace ag: Ves, hen It will bring twenty thousand fishermen and their families | ¥ “No, sir. He eats so little that} sepa : bas ‘ ; ‘| conceal the absence of knowledge | gre—three « ** cad to Prince Rupert. > I often wonder it can keep life | of English. Yes, Watson, there|: 9. ccesful ar ; ’ It will bring prosperity to Prince Rupert. ‘ in one.” are good reasons to suspect that “We think we s rai ; ; tience and pr ee ; Well, I think we aes Walt | there has been a substitution of for a little more material. After , will px ( The United States Congress has carried the bill. lodgers.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ all, y ave nothing lai ' ; fe ek after a3: All that is now required is that Canada carries the bill. : a _ ae bbe Si lan ay “But for what possible end? week : A - . a > s ol. ou Nave received you ent, , this t ae eee eee cree ee or tree Preece, oe cemenae ), loor S ace for Rent and he is not a troublesome| ‘Ah! there lies our problem oe a! to endorse reciprocity at the polls. ip Sa ah eS te cicdatahy an| There is one rather obvious line | Pau To secure prosperity for British Columbia support Sir in the Hart building, corner of lunusual one. He pays you well, j of ee He took down | signal m é ! aj Wilfrid Laurier and reciprocity. Second Ave. and Sixth Street. land if he chooses to lie concealed |the great bi a, a which, day]|reed—one A I The mutual abolition of taxes on food is the only issue ; 4 lit is no direct business of yours. by day, he filec me all agony you wi in the present campaign. : The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert. We have no excuse for an in-|Columns of the various London} |, i trusion upon his privacy until |Joumals. weer peat eee . ae, is no THE HAND OF THE MACHINE ay we have some reason to think|‘tum™ing over the pages, “what a)” = * ae ; Red “ee, chorus of groans, cries, and bleat-| VETyY 4@pproy i) _ Apply that there is a guilty reason for}* , ings! What a rag-bag of singular | lodger it. I've taken up the matter, and I won't lose sight of it. Report to happening But surely the most|] 4d valuable hunting-ground that ever | \.:1) The News prints the following letter without comment. No & i comment is needed. It shows how the machine works to eliminate Fi Jeremiah H. Kugler Ltd. free competition of citizens for civic work. The thin trick by which | % e me if anything fresh eccurs, and rely upon my assistance if it|W@5 given to the student of the| —— the Board of Works shuffles out of the obligation of soliciting tenders should be needed.” ‘unusual! This person is alone,! in the open market for the hauling of crushed rock is quite apparent. Bsszacrnsrnancescenernsenssaceaceneesccnernspnssnccscentessrasts %, WV, OR \A ce I FW xf, as ee a ye eps id % ’, AO / on \A / ey TOU ye CAS CAE AC DENY oredr OS SII co OIG pao Ke ae of yh GEO. D. TITE AUGUS GEO. D. TITE "As Furniture Dealer - Third Avenue Furniture Dealer - Third Avenue } DPaTt~ PLAS ASOD FURNITURE SALE We must have the room for our increasing stock and we offer you these daring values of 20 and 25 per cent. from regular prices whereby you gain to make the home comfortable, and receive just what ———_—___—_—_<——==—ee: is walted. Our complete stock of Iron Beds, Spring Mattresses, Dressers and Stands, Chiffonniers, Dining Tables, Dining Chairs, Buffets, China Cabinets and Easy Chairs for your selection at these sale prices. CARPET AND RUGS DRAPERIES --- DRAPERIES Di S SEZ CZESS = TF. Tapestry, Wilton and Axminster Squares, all sizes, and Hearth CARPET ENDS Ten thousand yards, Madras, Scrim, Creetons, Muslins, Sans Rugs, receive our Special 20 per cent. Discount. and Lace Curtains at 25 per cent. under regular value 100 Carpet Ends, Tapesty & Brussels Blankets, Comforts, Towels, Sheets, Pillows and Pillow 1 1-2 yards length. Procure now while they 50c last, sale price, each - ° © z ° Cases at Great Sale Prices. — es e 7 500 Iron Beds, any size, Sale Price $3.50 and up. er i Uae (1111) rei ‘ pi ! ae Couch Covers, Tapestry Curtains, Curtain on 4 (i RO Ltt rah it" Extension Rods, Poles and Trimming. 50 Only Chamber Sets, Yes! We do Upholstering and during this } oe 4 \ We take pleasure to show you the good values 5 piece, all white, 1.25 month Special Redtced Prices on all 7 f ia | |) ( whereby you save money on each and Special Sale Price 4+ ordered work. ’Phone 20 for estimates. Foldina Go-Cart, regular value I every purchase. “$12.00 ot $13 50) 8 50 w Sale price - - - : i == _—e Z| veins na ene GEO. D. TITE Furniture Dealer CNGAAEs RED CRES REDS SOR EDOM