Pattullo's Proposals Regarding Pacific Great Eastern and B. C. Treatment Are Quietly Rejected CONDITIONS IMPROVING I Company Doe t'lltjr rercent .More llulnrn in Wmt toronto. Jan. 18 An indica- dial condition! arc improving ii.'t iut buinc u on the upturn li' wn by Uie (Act Uiat the Sai- yn T a Co. Mild over 54 more ... in Western Canada In 1933 than .i. '.m llib is especially tlgnlfieai ' i s.iUda U a quality lea. Today's Stocks Vanrouvrr pis MUKMtrt, is s 15 1 Nickel, .Co. n it x.. .60. HrMgc niter Con, JJ8. ' rilwo Hold Quartz. 2-33 1!' (ionic. 1030, nr-iRU River. .031. Mint" (told, Jltfc. Meridian. 21. Morning Star. MM. N.itivc Bon. .07Vfc. Silver. .OSfc. f'lr Five. .124. r -rier Idaho. .12fc. rrrmlfr. 1.06. R-no. .02. lWvca McDonald, .20. Prward. .11. PHvcr Great. .02V. Wayside. .41. Whitewater. .074. Waverjy Tangier. .02. Oils Kabyan. .00. t to E.. 1.03. Home. 1.76. Ntcrllng, 87. Freehold, .13. Toronto Aldertnac, ,16. Alexandria, .03. Central Patricia. M. t'hlbuugaman. .0CV. toluinarlo, .03. Uranada, .63. Klrkland Lake, .334. Marasea, 2.17. McMillan Oold, .44. Noranda. 3450. Anthony, .434. Bherrltt Gordon, 1 .06. Blsco. M, Powagamac, .32. Ventures, .80. I'uernallonal Nickel, 22.60. wine, 34.10. Trek Hughes, 0.10. Mclntyre. 40.73. ' Eldorado, 3.63. Holllrigcr 12.25. Thomas Cadillac. .31. New York u0 Steel. 53i,. ' n Motors, 30. N V Cent., 37. Southern Pacific. 24. Amulcan Can, 09 Wheat Prices May, ca, Chicago May, 89 Juiy .07M. J"iy. 87 , 8pPt., 88fi, Rc(ticst For Downward Revision of Liquor Taxes Meets With Belter Response; Railway Case Placed Before Meeting in Masterly Manner by Pacific Premier OTTAWA, Jan. 19: British Columbia's suggestion that the Canadian National Railways absorb the Pacific Great Eastern and the request for an economic commis- ion to inquire into treatment accorded that province as compared with that of others in the Dominion were quietly turned down at yesterday's IT-ITN? i nnmn ; IVlllllArrlnJli A JL.A JL ill A. A. A IU IN ST. PAUL Ci. ltrrmer of Wealthy Brewing Family Held For ttOO.OOO it a ST. PAUL. Mian.. Jan. 19: -Ed. 0. IliwuT.; 24ya,-0ld.. banker -and lekHi of a wealthy and powerful brewing faintly. U being held by kidnappers for $300,000 under penalty of death it was revealed yesterday. U reaver's family U In communication with the kidnappers and has requested the polk to keep out of the esse. Ii renter is married and has two children. In Canadian Dollar And Pound Both Show Weakness ; MONTREAL. Jan. 19:-The Brl-tish pound sterling was selling at $5.08 on the local foreign exchange market Wednesday, down ifcc from ' . Tuesday. The United States dollar! was trading at $1.00 7-16. Yestcr-j I day the pound was down to $5.0234 1 while the American dollar advan-! crd to $1.01 V. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 19:-The Brl- tbh pound ind sterling was selling at $504 here Wednesday but rallied to cloe at $5.07. up .01 from Tuesday be mi mcK nsiTW yesterday to uunc.ncu luunwcufcw.uiM.; ;The Canadian dollar aroppea 10 Ofl 516c from Tuesday's close of $1.00Mi but closed at $1 even, dropping to 09c yesterday The French franc closed at $.083 on Tuesday, at $.0032 Wednesday and $.0620 yes-terday. CANADIAN SHOW ON LONDON, Jan. 19: - Viscount CrnlRavon. Premier of Nortlwrn Ireland, will open the "Canada Shops" exhibition at Belfast, the purpose of which Is to extend trade between the Dominion and Nor- thcrn Ireland. FAVORED FOR JOB!: OTTAWA, Jan. 10:- It Is reported that D. C. Draper, chief constable of Toronto, Is being consld ercd for the position of sergeant HUnrms of tlfc House of Common! jovcr five hundred applicants. session of the Dominion-pro- vinclal conference. The third Item placed upon the agenda at the re- 1ucst of Pmler Pattullo. a down ward revision of excise taxes on 11 quor. met" with better reception support coming from all ocean-bound provinces on the ground that lower taxes would confound the smuggling Industry. No action, any. is expected, however, until later date, probably at the tune of the bringing down of the Dominion budget. Hesitancy on the part of the Dominion to add to Its already enormous obligations assumed in assisting the provinces prompted Prime Minister R.0. Bennett and his! spokesmen in their refusal to accede to the British Columbia requests. The Pacific Oreat Eastern case was placed before the conference a masterly manner by Premier Pattullo but met with little sympathy. To take on this addlUonal responsibility while the Canadian National remains one of the federal government's greatest problems was held to be out of the question. With reeard tn thu. rmiiftl tnr on . ------ - " kfM.MVW 1 economic commission on British! Columbia treatment from the Do-i minion Premier Bennett held that any claims of British Columbia which may exist can be taken up ; laireci wnn ine Dominion govern ment and that, until this means has been exhausted, the expense of a raval rommLuInn .a nni InctifUl ' jUV...VU. rTZZtil- CapUln Wait" Wande. ?:U.M.... - - ""v u-aui, uui . ciopea irom new Or leans. La., with Walter Baker. 21, a member of her traveling theatrical troupe They were secretly married at Gretna. La, on December 26.. and as soon as they have completed their present theatrical engagements will leave on a world tour, said happy Aloha. "I have thought I could never marry again, but I love Walter, and the future again looks bright." Canned Salmon Stocks of All Varieties Being Cleaned Up; All Canneries Will Operate "It would appear that canned salmon stocks . of .... all var- inline !. T)u:t:,U 1- tl 1M 11 1 icvita in uniisu uiumuia win time the new 1934 pack reaches the market which shmiM create a healthy situation for "nilOnllnnf0 nf of ll'VllnVl which all nil nnnnnnVn canneries n iL. 1 "11 1 consequence on the coast will probably be in operation this summer," stated John Dybhavn, president of the Massett r"" Vl ,ui r ri5n ua uia" t.iu.t , yesterday following his return from buslneu trlP 10 Eastem Canada The The suggestion suggestion of of Premier Premier Tas- Tas-, cnereau of Quebec that MM b j Walked In Canadi and that a,a ,ygtcm of pensions for needy blind esUbllshed met with strong on- 'position from delegates at the con rerence this morning. SENATOR IN BAD SHAPE lion, Robert t'orke butters Heart Attack and Condition Yesterday Heported Unchanged WINNIPEO, Jan. 19: Senator Robert Forkc, former Progressive leader In the House of Commons, who Is suffering from a severe heart attack, was reported yesjtcr-day to be in about the same condition. ' WHITE BAIIY ADOPTED BY CHINESE COUPLE 1 VANCOUVER, Jan. 19: For the first time In history here, a Chinese couple have been given legal authority to adopt a white baby six months old. bahv baby up. , in in Vh, the pim.m Protestant I Ift,th' 4 Wid ow of Slain , , . , ... , . . , and the united States. "It Is to be noted, however, that there has not been as yet any great tendency to- i wards advance In canned salmon' prices, due. no doubt, to the fact! that other food commodities. par- tlcularly agricultural products, have I not advanced materially." j Speaking of the Masset Inlet! Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29 .56; High 4:45 ajn. 20.7 It. temperature, 42; sea choppy. 16:54 p.m. 18.7 ft. Low 11:00 a.m. 5.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMWA'S NEWSPAPER 23:06 pjn. 5.4 ft. V , XXV No, 15. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1934 OTTAWA CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS A TTEMPT TO ASSASSIN A TE GERMAN MINISTER TO POLAND salmon canning situation, Mr. Dyb-j went ' on strike yesterday In e-jhavn mentioned that there was'mancl for an increase of twenty- considerable uncertainty as to the 1 outlook for operations there this year. A number of problems had arisen due principally to the fail ure of the pink run two years ago. JOIN WITH FEDERATION United Farmers of Alberta Criticize c- c- ,lt Decide to Line Up With It EDMONTON. Alta.. .Jan. 19: Charges of errors In strategy and domlnaUon of the Co-operative commonwealth Federation by la T,1 5T8e 01 a " ' solution I h u .u by he United Farmers ,ol, Alberta, in their twenty-slxth an-! . , iitin I ftnnVAnnmt 1. n i adopting the Federation. ' Wanderwell Weds " - - lineiy oe cleared out bv the the industry all around as a -i . . . . TUmitlire ""wmmivig MakerS uo on otnke In Increase Demand KITCHENER, Ont, January lr Around one hundred employees ox 016 Anthes Baetz Furniture Co. nve Percent In wages. Card of Thanks Mrs. E. II. Mortlm;r and family wish to express tnelr grateful thanks to all those who have been so kind In their recent trial. 4 t PRINCESS MAQU1XNA AND BRITISH SHIP ARE IN COLLISION PORT ALBERNI, Vancouver ' Island, Jan. 19: (CP) The steamer Princess Maquinna and tht British freighter Ma- ! suada were In collision In the 1 8 yww vessels suffering damage to their bows. Strained Relations Foreseen As Result of . Youth's Rash Act Several Shots Fired at Envoy j n Special Protection Being : WARSAW, Poland, Jan. 19: Strained relations between Germany and Poland may result from an incident : yesterday when an attempt was made to assassinate German Minister von Moltke. Several shots were fired at the envoy by a Polish youth but all missed the mark. The youth was arrested and is said to have stated that he had CONTROL 0FBIRTHS Committee of Congress to Conduct Investigation Into PopuUrii-t ing Scientific Means i WASHINGTON, D.C, Jan. 19: 9")AirTHTinitttff - rf T!rtngTi'.vWT1 rrmt Uence at once on an Investigation '"to popularization of scientific I means of birth control to reduce the population and contribute to ward permanent economy. Information Available NEW YORK, Jan. 19: Mrs. Robertson Jones, president of the American Birth Control League, told the annual convention of the f V. 1 1 4 Ut4U 1 1 league iicic uut uiim LUiuiui u- formation will be available to ev- ten years. B00M BEING LOOKED FOR stock Market stni strong with c,ains or Up to Thrce Polnts i Recorded NEW YORK, Jan. 19: Most of the leading stocks moved in narrow price range on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday with speculative Interest shifting, from one group to another as numerous groups experienced periodical flurries and buying spells. Gains late in the day ranged up .to around three points and the close was irregularly higher. Profit-taking again failed to stop the upward trend and the expecta tlon still Is for a good old-fashioned boom with a long upward pull. The general tone of the market continues to be decidedly optimistic. Wednesday's and Thursday's upward movements were a continuation of that of Tuesday when Industrials closed at an average of 103.40. up .21; rails at an average of 46.25. up 1.99: utilities at 26.23, up .06, and bonds at 87.71. up .72. Wednesday's closing averages were: Industrials. 103.5: rails. 46.29: utilities, 26.19. and bonds, 87.88. :DEAD AT BELFAST Famous Irish Nationalist Leader, Joseph Devlin, Passes Away . nm ci 11314 - fAH in, V. Devlin, aged 62. veteran Nationalist leader of Ireland, orator and poll- :tldau outstanding tstandlng for for thirty thirty years, years, Is dead, having passed away But All Missed Their Mark'; Given to Legation Now ihot at von Moltke in protest at the jollcles of Chancellor Adolph Hit- r of Germany. Meantime special protecUon 1 eing given the German minister tnd legation oflces here. . LOBBY FOR WATERWAY Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Has Been Spent In Trying to Get Treaty Through WASHINGTON, D.C, Jan. 19:- Senator Clark, Democrat of Missouri, says that a lobby has spent $500,000 in the last few years on behalf of the St. Lawrence waterway treaty with Canada. r wr mr m jgy JOrK YaCflt In Distress At Sea; 14 Aboard NEW YORK. Jan. 19: Fourteen passengers, including three women, yacht Aiamvth which l m riu. 150 mlIes out at sea. Rescue vessels are proceeding to the assistance of the stricken vessel. Preparations For Whaling Seasorf Eijht Japanese Come North to A sist in Getting Rose Harbor ' Plant in Readiness - Preparations are being made tarller than usual this year for the 4 'Tha,inR ason on the Queen Char lone isianas. me sieamer Prince-John, on Its present voyage north, '" brought eight Japanese from Vancouver to the Consolidated Whaling Corporation's station at Rose Harbor. LONDON, Jan. 19: A government commutes has recommended legalization of voluntary sterilization for mentally defective- and some physically defective persons,,' t SIIOLTt) STERILIZE O VE It I NTELLI G ENT INSTtlAD I.MBLCILES MONTREAL, Jan. 19: Dr. C. L. Husklns, professor of genetics at McGlll University, . in reply to Dr. W. D. Talt. pro- . fessor of phsychology, advo- cated sterilization of the over- Intelligent rather than tmbe- ciles. ' t . a - lift,