PA02 sn " I 1111111111,1, I II . I Ill TTrrr f u u iiki ::( bi Bin sin bi nv Personal Christmas Cards A beautiful selection to choose from Special Discounts Also a special selection of twelve richly colored cards with envelopes In Gift Box For 50c Travelling Home for Xmas. Where? A good guess wilf decide her destination Sec Our Window For Prizes in Pea Guessing Contest 3 Prizes for Girls: 3 for Bovs The correct number of peas win be announced over the radio at 10 p.m. Dec. 21 from over 200 miles away. You are cordially Invited to look over our large assortment of toys, fancy goods, cards, etc. iny article you ,fancy will be, cladly reserved for you Regal Shop Get It From MUSSALLEM'S Where Your Dollar Buys More. Our Stock is Always Fresh FRY'S COCOA V2's Oft per tin &3, FRY'S CHOC-O-CREAM-Sugar & Milk mixed In, Just add fffp Boiling water, per lb B & K PASTRY FLOUR Q Q n 10-lb. sack OUK, PRESERVED EGOS-Large OOn per doz 05l 3 doz.' 95c CORN STARCH 4A per pkg JLUL ICING SUGAR Bulk CtCn 3 lb?. PEANUT . BUTTER Bulk Q9n 2 'lbs. "OQ (Please bring container S AIR DATES Fresh Stock 90 3 lbs. -501 BROWN SUGAR CHn io lbs. DL SPANISH ONIONS )) 3 lbs 50 V For your Cleaning and Polishing we rent our Vacuum Cleaner and Electric Floor Polisher Rental: pcr,da,yfrt $1.50 per half day . Ac We deliver and call for them at no , . extra post. JOHNSON'S FLOOlt WAX or OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX rff-Mb. tin lOC 1 Bottle FURNITURE POLISH FREE with every purchase MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. nox 515 Phone 18 Toiletware Beautiful designs in Sterling Silver. Finest workmanship and quality. Also a fine selection in PEARL-TONE and PYRALIN made by the best Canadian manufacturers. All grades, colors and prices. Our Schick Dry Shaver is going over big. Seeing is. believing. Come in and let us demonstrate to you. Our Basement Store is loaded with China and Glassware for your inspection. Our values for grade and quality is equal to any store in Canada. MAX HEILBRONER - Diamond Specialist BHHHHHIillHillillliH SPORT CHAT Toronto Maple Leafs defeated Detroit .Red Wines at lht M.into .played before 1 howling fans Aurey banged the Duck ln fornprf' Wings' first score two minutes and fifty-eight seconds after the start. of the third period after a rush down the Ice led by Whelan u-hn was crtdlted with the assist. A determined seige of the Toronto net with a power Dlav In the pin.. ing stages of the game resulted m another goal for Detroit from the stick of Anderson In ble In front of the net with five minutes" to go: The" Red Wlnir vert .however, unable tn unr. again. The Maroons and CannHtin! played at Montreal Saturday night, , me aiaroons winning three to one. By the end of the stcond period, Maroons had scored twice, each team netting the puck once In thc third period. After half In which each team scored mC uujwii uiuins jan away from the St. Louis ii 'with the execeptlon of the Newj , York Rangers whom they arc scheduled to play tonight. Saturday night's game was a real thriller Louis to win four to one. Thei Eagles were again the victims of the Red Wines at Detroit Rnr.H,' night, the Wings, as a result, tak ing exclusive possession of third place ahead of the Nur vu Rangers who were losing to the! Americans m New York. American Football Notre Dame 12, Army 6. Yale 14, Harvard 6. Northwestern 13, Michigan 0. LOCAL NEWS -- ins, the train, ..,, which mum was w ao to mj i have lave " 1 Leaf Gardens In Toronto Saturday ! left night by a score of 3 to makinsldid 2, not net amv until 1 rvi rwU Mil ?el! SCVCnth stralSht victory morning. Tonight's train, due at .without a oefeat since the Natlo-il0:15, is reported on time Aivva&j iitrtguc dcaun openea. ?? Le.?,.aVe ,now der"ted every Artcr Pending a busy five weeks team ju iuc Lieasue mis season r m , . .. . a" imcf viuaees ineiuriini? Alyansh, Greenville and Klncollth, tapt. Hutchison and Capt Hanney of the Church Army from England a crow a or 13,000 thi mnmir... , n. pi,v I """6 "urn mt-nurwi. nicy 2?! ? here Ki having and on one occa-CLX S T "!; rough at times sion there were no less than five ! !!'0UIy L1 thc vl,la&" Players In the penalty box. Good- , V "recn;,1Ie as we fellow of Detroit was the Prindpal.'.f?0 fh,c7 tney Pro" ceed to Kltkatla for their of next visit. fender, belne sent off th w ! twice. So far. their trip has been most sue cessful, they state, and thpv n. very " pleased with the enthusiasm narvey wacKson was again the , scoring ace for the Maple Leafs. r thc natlvcs n evangelical work. uaiuiis vy ggais. me nrsi m tne first period on a pass from Charlie , Mail QliJ,J Conacher and the second In the UUIICUUIC third when, -with thirteen minutes ' to go, he went right through un- For the East assisted to net one or the greatest Mondays Wednesdays and Frl- goals that had been seen on the, day-s - :30 pjn local Ice. Nick Metz. scorlne hUi From lhe tost first counter in maior ltatrue hno. , Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- key. netted the third and wlnnhV 10:15 Djn. oal for. Toronto from ritrht. in ror ancouver front of the net on a pass from Conacher with eieht and a htr minutes to go TBS DAH.T KBWfl Tuesday Sea Serpent Sns.p Shots WlUIc we may feel a little like a suddenly burst balloon following Dr. W. A. Clemens' announcement that our much-touted "sea serpent" Is merely a basking shark, which they tell us is more or less common in northern waters, we can at least say that there was a lot of fun while it lasted. The public as well as the newspapers the world over entered fully into trie spirit of the occasion and it nude a lot of diversion. And it must not be overlooked that Prince Itunert eot a creat deal of publicity out of It and, unquestion ably, a lot of new people the world over found out that we arc on the map. If for nothing more than mere nratltude for all this, we should sec that our "sea serpent's" remains are suitably preserved and placed in our local Hall of Fame. If Dr. Clemens had only been kind enough to hold off his positive identity for a day or so. Prince Rupert j might have become a Mecca for the scientific world. Some of the leading zoolorfrts and biologists of the country had their attention attracted by the find and were talking I about coming here to assist In the identity if Uiey were required Among these was Dr. Trevor Kin-cald, head of the department of roology of the University of Washington, who expressed willingness to come to Princt Rupert to examln" the monster. In fact the Dlly News was asked by the Associated Press to arrange for Dr. Klncaid to be Invited here but Dr. Ncal Carter, dl- , rector of the Prince Rupert Fish- j cries Experimental Station, who , knOWS I)r Klnralrl rwrrtn-.1t f.K ! Owinir to a rorv itiirin Kotu.., I that, before extending such an in- ' nmn -j , ... i Vltatlnn I)P ncmani nnA n.tU1.. ! aim nmsoury. wmcn was! fvxwijr , cleared about 5 o'clock this morn- , mcmDfr 01 lnc University of Brl tlsli Columbia staff should first ho given a chance to express their op inions. In addition to being asked to cable an article to the London Daily Mau descriptive of thc monster. Dr Carter 6n Saturday was called on long distance telephone by a Port-, land newspaper In regard to thc matter. Other publications had also asked him for signed articles on the subject. During the past summer a couple of Skeena River salmon fishermen are reported to have had some sort of a monster tmfirt n In their'net while flslilng. This was off Oceanic cannery. Thinking nothing of it. thev threw thr LiU aside after having cut it off. Pos sibly, it might have been a basking shark, it Is now thought. Meantime, reports contimio in grow In number of fisherman nnH other local folk having seen In thc past while on thc water creatures such as this monster skeleton might have been In life. At least two stones are to be heard of them having been seen In the harbor Mondays (train) 4;30 pjn. ' 1 I76!'0" n your serpent yet? If Tuesday Tuesday i--in not. come un and see nne mm iim.i Wednesdays (train) JiJIl. , ....v- 4:30 pjn. Dr c W Ollmore of the Smith- Christmas Cards 5c, 10c, 15c up; Special 10 for 33c Christmas Calendars 25c lo;$1.00 Tags, Seals and Wrapping. Personal Christinas Cards printed in our own : plant on short notice. Hoso, (Sowcm &J?alla oQmilvJ PIUNTHRS AND STATIONERS nicc Kesner lilock, Third Street tV AND 1 T GOOD V I FOR YOU Chicago Doston Detroit Rangers St Louis SILVER TEA SETS All CHiWHOCUM lll EM rrT mm m n matin MG GUM llHTFiAVOR Copyright Wi-.i y t lni sonian Institute, who haa Just iden- wnea a fossilized vertebrae as belonging to a sea serpent which lived Iiliy-Ilvc million vears un t,n doesn't believe sea serpent exist A I ..m . uxiay. i aiway-6 feel they are myths." he saw. "or u thu t w mm m. j V4 i I out to be a whale or some other :rcaiutc well known." He predicted that thc remains at Prince Rupert UU1 wjinm some known classification. To say that Dr. Clemens' positive identity of the creature as a basking shark Is being accepted without question would hardlv be So many people had thought it was ouiucuung reaiiy rare that they are loath to believe that It could be anything so common, it i a un derstood that Some of the mnmK of thc Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Hiauon are hardly satisfied as yet. As much lnfnrm.ti, r a descriptive nature as powlble and probably further samples will be ent to Dr. Clemens to assist him in checking up his finding. Meantime. H should be rememberer! thn r- Clemens is a recognized authority uu nutu ir.iiueri ana mat there arc probably notje here any more com- i i" question nis identification than there are tn Hefinii., Identify the creature. CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. F A P Toronto 7 0 0 23 9 14 Maroons 3 0 2 12 8 6 Amcru-ans 2 0 2 7 8 4 Canadlens 0 0 4 5. 12 0 American Division 1 12 0 2 13 12 4 22 IS 3 14 18 8 10 27 We never had such a beautiful variety an our new stock fthows. And the prices are truly surprising. A teapot, suar bowl and eream pitcher for as low as $10.00, A very fine brand encraved set for $15.00. And other designs at prices all the way tietween. Glad to show you, JOHUglMEfc Tilt STOKE WITH THE CLOCK fa! "tt Christmas Cards . .1. 1 V. . - . Vlfi Fc i . & , LAST SIIOWI.M S STAHIi TOMOKROW Another Warner lttv Jlr: lilt' IIAMIS KKKSH MILK AM) CKKA.M I) All Y VALKNTIN DAIRY Phone G3 uur siocK is now coin pieie. xover oeiori- h;i w ! ... such an (jxtcniivu range of lwautiftil card - at l prices, hxcellont canls from 5c. Cards In Celtopliaiw jwekate 10 for . .. 30 3 : k Uoxcd asortment-10. 12 and 14 in a box: a wrtfty f -.i )"'. j all dogs, general ChrlMmas. Seotch curds, comics, rn w h Im.-iv i etc.. wonderful value at Sm European Floral Cards, each ... . . Individually Uuxcd wlth gill' at Christmas Calendars Purse Calendars '. 1J Fancy Dog Calendar.s 15c & 23c Scenic and Floral Calendars Marines (round) .25c A variety of larger sizes .D5c to $1.00 i Make your choice NOW. Nothing to be calnrd by delay and Iht best ones always go first. Come In and see our fine aMorlment. eMoAsMd MACKENZIE FURNITURE Bedroom Suites Five Pieces Iiedstcad, Vanity, Chiffonier, Dresser, Stool Phone 775 $94.50 327 Third Ave. BILLM0R SHINGLES jj Manufactured hy a local mill, hy local labor, from ,j local produce. Sold at prices lower than ever bofoic offered in Prince Rupert. jj All No. 1 Cedar Shingles 3-X, per thousand 5-X, per thousand $' PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone G 18 1