7 o May the New Year be One of Continual Progress, Happiness and Prosperity May work be plentiful-and wages commensurate with the ability to earn is the wish of IB The Family Shoe Store I Third Avenue LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels Phone 35? THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN . Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in. advance, per week; . .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States,, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all. other countries, per; year. , 9.00 , ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per. Insertion, per line , .25 Classified advertising, per word, per. Insertion .02 Transient displa advertising, per Inch, per insertion t.40 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News tfeparttnent' Telephone 86 Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION t,SE Monday, December 31, 1934 THE YEAR 1934 The year 1934 is passing tonight,. It has been an out standing year in that it has seen improving conditions throughout Canada. Unfortunately, all Canadians have not yet felt the-betterment but have had to subsist on subnormal wages and a, number have had but a bare subsistence. Politically while- there has been a decline in interest in what are generally known as freak organizations, there has been a decided movement toward legislation for the betterment of the masses, Not much has actually been done but leaders have been outspoken and, doubtless, legislation : will follow, Conservatives are becoming more liberal and Liberals; are becoming more radical. All of this is a movement in the direction of alleviation and equalization. THE COMING YEAR It is difficult? to saVwhat will hannen in the comintr vear. Wars have bTen""prbphesied but it seems hardly likely that there. WilWtfny- important, ...outbreak during 1935. The anti-war tendency is ndailV becominir more nronounced while war preparations are increasing. This is a curious jhnpmajyv4, - ?-' Canada (becoming more conscious of the fact that the country is made up of a. number of different factors and that each of these must be satisfied with any policy that is adopted making for the success of the whole. If Ontario and, Quebec adhere to the idea that they are the whole of Canada and tha.Uhe rest of the country is but an adjunct tacked on for their particular benefit, there is bound to be a; breaking up. But there is every sign that a change is taking place and that the wishes of the east and west will .he considered-more than ever before in the 1935. policies. IN THE LAV OF THE. GODS The future of Prince Rupert is very much in the lap of the gods. Business this vear was hetter than Inst nlthninrh not very much better. Some merchants rennrteri fivp. ten twenty-five and.even fifty percent better, while one or two said business was npt as good On the whole, the average was decidedly -up' it seems. There is tahVdf pulp mjll activities early in the New Year but it is not at all a certainty. There is a possibility of fishing commencing earlier this year. Grain is moving through the elevator and there is work lined up for the .shipyard. Logging camps wul be busier and mining is in better shape than for years past. Also more work will be done; on the highway. We predict a more active season for 1935. than for 1934, In view othc. situation and the fact that an election is to take place this year, we suggest that local people do not allow politics to take precedence over local interests. While We may be divided in our choice for representation at Ottawa, we can unite wholeheartedly for all things that will advance the interests! of Prince Rupert. REAL MAKCII FORWARD Editor. Dally News. The macld waters of mere party-, . a J rr . ism are somewnai aisconceriq. jveraoe mentality oi grab, of serv es the party at the expense of the country is out or aare. me b"" reality imposes on politics a, sternf r duty to the nation, and demands service to the masses. Today every one realizes that economic freedom spells all kinds o( abuses, a drama- tlcally bared in the Stevens' lnves-tlgatlon. In this crucial hour, the j philosophy of action has won over: Inertia- I Events are fast moving with legs pf giants. On the right, there Is the leg of. Premier Bennett in his leftward movement but burdened with the dead weight of the banker a bank., sponsoring. a co.nttolle.d economy, consequently, a control of prices, wages, profits and market ng. On the left, there Is the .eg of the social creditors with the people's bank and consequent extension of credit and a policy of distribution of purchasing power through public works championed by Mackenzie King. In other words, the Issue Is "Controlled Economy" versus 'Distribution of Credit." Premier Pattullo has advocated the mobilization of naUonal credit to. provide work-and wages. Parallel with that he has enacted the Economic Council the Wage Board and the Marketing Act. One, can readily see that Pattullo Is for a real m.rch. for he is moving with both legs. namely the one of state control of economy and the other of distribu tion of purchasing power with work and wages, which will provide a real New Deal Bennett and Mackenzie King are for a llmpy march whose combined action would constitute a real march of attack against the common enemy who is to be found within everyone of ourselves, namely, selfishness and greed. Mr. Editor, In reading your worthy editorial, "Political Purging." I realized that a real march l& to be la Canada. The die Is cast Shortly the rublcon of "laissez- faire" is to. be crossed. The march for a real New Deal as advocated by B, C. will be resumed. Som,e time afo, we were saying: the modern tiate must conscientiously become the centre of na tional economy in order to domin ate all the forces of the market and establish the equilibrium between prices, production and. distribution, so. as to utilize the Immense resources possessed by humanity and the natural forces and exercise them In the Interest of the naUon. V.BASSO-BERT. Ladies' Music Club Hospital Program Patients and Staff Entertained! With Delightful Recital of Vocal Numbers Yesterday With Mrs. P. C. MUler in charge, the Ladles' Music Club rendered a delightful program of Yuletide music yesterday afternoon at the Prince Rupert General Hospital much to the enjoyment of patients and staff. There were carols, by the members of the club whlie other numbers included vocal quartets by Mrs. J. H. McLeod, Mrs. J. 1L Carson, Mrs. S. D. Johnston and Mrs. C. E; Cullin; vocal solos by Mrs. J. H. McLeod, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Miss Lillian Halllwell and Leonard Cripps, and vocal duets by Mrs. C. E. Cullin and Mrs. Ernest Anderson Accompanists for the afternoon were Mr3. E. J. Smith and Miss Mar garet McCaffery. Following the recital Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, was a tea hostess for members of the club at the Nurses' Home. Advertise in the Dally News COFFEE De Luxe Served at AH Times of Day or Night, Always fresh Using the Sllcx methodDolne awav whollv with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe U16 UAllit NEW H A wedding of wits ;rr;t to Ca .adiar.s took place at Garrison Church In T.nn.o when Mi-ss M u-y Gordon Anderson, daughter of Brigadier and Mrs. T V Anae son. became the bride of Wallace Rankia N'esb'Xt. son of Mrs. Nesbltt and the kit Hon. Wallace Nesbiit The bride and. groom are seen here having the church after the ceremony wh tch was performed by Bishop Renison. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Capt C. W. Weannouth, Vancouver prlot, arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from the south, being here to pilot the British steamer Bradburn which is here to load a full cargo of grain from the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator for the United Kingdom or Continent Capt. Weanno.uih was formerly a master of Grand "Trunk Pacific steamships and is well known along this part of the coast. He will remain here to take the Bradburn out after she has finished loading. William Elktns, for the past few-years a member of the staff, of the Canadian Pacific Railway office here. Is terminating his dutlesd there today. He Is about to Join the staff of Edward Lipsett Ltd. on. the waterfront AUarv (Bill Vance is Joining the staff of the; C P. R. of flee. With an exceptionally light list of only a dozen passengers, two of whom disembarked here, C. P. R. steamer Princes No rah, Capt. W. Q. Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skag- way and other northern points whence she is due to caJl here again Thursday afternoon southbound. Coming here from Vancouver, the Princess Norah made a special call I shoremen. A Union steamer Satala, Capt. James Flndlay, -arrived hi port at 6 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8. p.m. for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomor row morning and sail at 1 30 pin. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J.. ZarellL Proprietor' MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 on her return to Vancouver anci warpaints. The vessel brought north a light list of passengers. J. R. McWllllams returned to hi duties as wireless operator aboard the steamer Catala on lis preset) voyage north after spending a couple of weeks ashore at his home In Vancouver on holiday. During his absence the relieving operator on the Catala was William McLean who lived In Prince Rupert as a boy Ot N. R. steamer Prince John. Capt Nell McLean, if making good Mme on her present voyage north from Vancouver vra the Queen Charlotte Islands, having arrived at "hieen Charlotte City at 9:30 this morning. She should arrive here tomorrow afternoon or evening: alter, making her calls in Massett Inlet. OX.R. TRAINS For the Ea it-Mondays," Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pm. om. the Ft Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pm. A Daily News Want-Ail will get what you want. 3 I 1935 jj Kaien Hardware 3 A Satisfactory Place to Shop, 1 IB r,l L'l tBXB THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL imiTISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers, of Producers Si Refiners of ELEPHANT TADANAC Brand Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium I'huiphatrs Sulphate of Ammonia Suprrphnv phatf.i Complete I rtlll.crn I.rad-Zlnc Cadmliim-IJlMniith 'St' H Wc Hope Will be Happy 5 and Prosperous Fur You - We are thankful that we merited the business you placed with us, and " ! trust that we shall war- g 5 rant your continued a j- goodwill and patronage a for years to come 5 T The Letter Box 0 II j f B 1 - ITS o lis ifi '11 ri v-L 10 07.. $1.7.r 25 oz. 52.05 H,y w ' " HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED UTUSXCO ttu This advertisement is nui puoiisnea or displayed by the Liquor Controi Board or by the Oovernment of Britlh Columbia. .. - a. . , ii i u rr-. t- : ANY DEBTS OWING TO G0LDBL00M by trappers will not be collected until, after fishing. Send your furs to him He guarantees top price. If the price is not satisfactory gooda are kept until we hear from you. Return money and we will return goods. HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Birch Wood Jackpine Cedar Kindling Pembina, Jasper Eflg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving A SATISFIED CUSTOMER Inourcoalyatill is (he best advertise- jina tne nokt. meat any flrn can have That will niAfcp . ,,r in I., vour hamp Wo do our bent to supply . in. it.- i ..: Complete Jmt Willi me iiium Mm- able coalfor your re- (tuircmenfs. . 3 - When in doubt play fc&ftri5i trumps. Phone Us 651 - 652 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals nre guaran-teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No, 1 Uulkley Valley. We also, sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Darlcy. Prince Rupert Feed Co. SB riionrs 55H For Christmas Local View Hand - Colored Christmas Cards and Photo-Riaphlc Calendars, Sunsets, Colored Views of Prince Rupert Framed and Unfrarmtl. Views of the Slrnnee Sea Mon(cr Now on Sale Wrathalli