nsa win Holiday - Week Prices f Men's Dress Sox Fine patterns now' All Wool Men's press Sox now Heavy Silk White Scarfs Reg. $1.75 now .' . 'mm: Men's Dress Oldves lined now Broadcloth Shlrts-tjn white, cream and crey, now Phone! Black 324 m Itfell MILK ANll CI03.AM DAILY , ; :,vA'tBNTiN..D'AjhV" I t'L' ' Phone 657 At the B.e. CLOTHIERS LTD. STILL THE SHOPPING CENTRE For Men's, Ladies sad- Boys' Apparel Silk. Ties pine pattern now ': ... ..... Hand Made Sllk-Iri plain and striped pattern, rcg. 75c, now 25c 39c 23c 39c 95c $1.25 $1.00 Stanflcld's Combinations S2.25, S2.45, S2.75 Col4 Fleece Underwear In all sizes, buy now! Men's Pawn Trerich Coats Qf QQ Reg, $7.50. now . 0UU Black &!!;Ifcr Coats now '$ CARDS Men's Assorted Overcoats now Blue Melton Overcoats now , Men's Fine Dress Suits $14.50 to Boys' Long Pants-- per pair NEW YEAR FAVORS Balloons Npicinakp-s, Serj)Citine, Etc. End the Old ' ' Vqariwitlv a edebration 1933 DIARIES l'or the.OXf ice,-the. Home and for Personal use. Pick I r .......... t;yui mu iuusl suiuiuiu. irum our very rcprescniauve - . alocK. s Eiijoy Sdiiie Good Books Treat yourself .to a sdbstriptlon to our Rental Lib- V(0 1 m ls 1 v raiy. a:3xitiriii 'i i-tfi' MiMm ikxM mm ru im tmimvm imsmza rmiM Stkiriships Sailings ForVBncdnvci'r Tcsday-Cafala .Thurs.s, p :.T.f:3(f p.m. Ocorgt 40:30 p.m. Friday sSj Prin; Adelaide 10 pjn. . ,qs., Cardena tnldnlght from. Tancouiei 8uhdy-i.8s, Catala .,...'.... ,V,pjn. Wed.M- Pr. Oe'orse . 10 airi. FrWa'pr-iss. PHn. Acfclaldc ',i pm. as. .cardena p.m ForAnyox and' Stewart-' ' Su4day ss. Gatala i'p.m'. Wcdncsday-r-ss, P. Oe6rge ' .m. rrony Anvox and Sltwart Tiicsdiy s, Catala t t):3li ain vTltuwiday ss. Pr. .ac'oteer8: pjri; fnr prt Klvff-inrt Jor( ijjip- M.Si(rIH- ss. Catala . romrNaj Klvrr k. for) lmnrt . Tisdaj-ss. '- cataia ...ii:50.a.ni ' v;': 1" - - I for Ocean Falls 1 Thurs-ss. P. Oeorge 10:30 pjn.! Friday-s. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. rrom Ocean Falu Wed-ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide .. 4 pjn. Ss. Cardena pm. From Skeena River Friday ss. Caroena p.m VTILL1E THE TOILER" ! Boys' Blue Lumberjacks All wool now .. Boys' All W00V Tweeds Reg. now '. $3.00 Boys' Towers Slicker Coats-Reg. $3.45, now Boys' Greb Boots Solid leather $2.49 to Men's Felt and Leather Slippers from $1.23 to i::xi:ii:Kii;3 i::i3c:.B:EKiE:iRi:i iM2 wi mi mi ui Biaxin NEW YEAR 1 j .;.We have a ..--, large stock for you to choose from. New i ear anu inanK iou iarus. $5.95 $12.50 $13.95 $16.50 $1.25 $1.99 $1.99 82.25 $2.79 $1.95 Next Door to Frizzell's Market Ted Tite arrived in the city On the Catala last evenng from Van-couver to spend a holiday visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Tite. He Is on vacation from his duties as a member of the crew of the steamer Cardena. iTo Our Customers and rrlends in and out of the city we wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year For your convenience our CorTfcciionery Store will to open from 1 to 5 p.m. and 8 U) 11 pjn. on New Year'. Day, January 1, 1935. IWUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have ftlore Cents' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC . . r.. TUMJMiJNKW YEAR Retail prices current here arc as follows: B.C. Frcslj Extras, 'Orade A Lare.cartoiicdi doa.:i.-:j..... M "Local, new laid, doz, ..... .45 Grade B, large, doz .. .31 Grade C, doz. v- -22 ' ' Apples Mcintosh, fancy wrapped, 3ti.lbs . . - .25 Box 2.50 Yellow Ncwtons, fancy wrapped 3. lbs .25 Box ..... : 175 Spltzcnbergs, fancy wrapped 1 3V2 lbs. 3S Box 2.35 Rome Beauties, bulk, 4 lbs .25 Box 1.75 Jonathons, fancy, bulk; 5 lbs. .25 Box 1.65 Grimes Golden, bulk, fancy 5 lbs ..., .. .25 Box 1.85 Delicious, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. .25 Box : 2.75 Bulk. 4 lbs, . .25 Box . 1.85 Winter Bananas, 5 lbs. 25 Box , 1.60 Fruits Cranberries ., JO demons, doz. 25c to .40 Japanese Oranges; box 90 Bundle - 1.75 Oranges, doz. 30c to .. .80 Grapefruit. Cal., each, 5c to 10 Grapefruit, Florida, each 10c to .15 ' Bananas,, lb .. .15 Pomegranates, each 5c to ,ns Emperor P rapes, lb. .20 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb .:... .31 No. 1 Creamcty, 3 lbs 1 J50 Lard Pure, lb. .... U 't getables ' Potatoes. No. 1. Terrace. 12 lbs. .25 Sack ....... 1.65 Ashetolt,.J0.b 2i Sack 2.00 Southern B.C, 15 lbs. .25 Sack 1.40 Pumpkin, lb ...- . j05 Onions, B. C, 7 lbs. M Oarllc, Imported, per lb. M Cabbage, loca, per lb. ... .04 CauliRower. large, B.C., 15c to 2i Tomatoes, hothouse; lb .. .20 Basket .93 Parsley, bunch .08 Carrots, 10 lbs. 25 Turnips, uprlvcr. 10 lbs, 2i Beets, bulk, 8-Jbs. '. 2i Celery B.C.. head .10 to .13 Green Peppers, Imported, lb. .. Spinach, B.C.. 3 lbs. .... u... Hubbard Squash, lb Leeks, bunch Egg Plant Brussclls Sprouts, lb. Lettuce, Cal, head 8c to Feed Wheat, Alberta ... Bran Middlings 8horts Oats Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats ... Barley '"-icy 0 25 .08 M .15 .10 .10 2.15 uo . 2.00 . UO 220 2.4S 2.45 2.10 Laying Mash 2.75 Oyster Shell 1.63 Meats Turkey, lb. .-. 25 Fowl, No. 1, lb. 25 Roasting Chicken, lb. .28 1 Ham, sliced, first grade .45; Ham, picnic, first grade, lb .20 1 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .48 1 Pork, shoulder, lb. : . 18 Pork, loin, lb 25' Pork, leg, lb .25 1 Pork, dry salt, lb. 20 Veal, loin, lb .20 j flour I Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat l5 Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to . .50 ust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs .35 Dried rrulu White Figs, lb . ,12W Jlack Cooking ngs, lb. . 10 "Girl of the Llmberlosf Feature ricture at Capitol Midnight Frolic Tonight Ocne Stratton-Porter's famous story "A Girl of the Llmbcrlost" tomes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here as the New Year's Eve and Day feature offering. The story, as many who have read It will know, deals with the conscientious efforts of Elnora Comstock to gain an cducaUon. Denied every privilege at home and refusing any aid from her friends, she catches moths In the swamps of the llmbcrlost and sells them for money with which to go to school. Marian March has the title role while Louise Dresser and Ralph Morgan play the parts of the parents. Helen Jerome Eddy. Henry B. Walthall, Betty Blythe and Eddie Nugent arc other well known members of the east. Midnight Matinee Following the regular picture program tonight, there will be a special midnight frolic which will lnalude variety stajie and screen entertainment. There will be novelty dance presentations such as tap dancing on .roller skates and Japanese costume dances. Musical and comedy acts are also on the bill and a novel prologue has been arranged for pre-tentatlon sharp at the midnight hour. The Prince Rupert Boys Band will also be featured on the pro-' gram. Favors will be distributed and j there will be a drawing for cash prizes. "Melody In Spring." with Lanny Ross, well known radio sing er. Charlie Ruggles and Mary Bor land will be the screen feature Workers' Unity League Holds Enjoyable Dance An enjoyable dance was held by the Workers" Unity League In the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall Saturday night. Feature of the evening was the drawing In a raffle the lucky numbers being 325. 166 and 56. Date, bulk. lb.. 8c to ,1d Smyrna Natural Figs, lb. 10 Lemon and I range pcei 15 Citron peel 22 Prunes, 30-40, lb . 16 Prunes, 40-50. lb. 14 Prunes. 60-70, Jb 124 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb, .14 Raisins, Cal seedless lb. Currants; 16. . Apricots, lb. .. .' Apples, ff-i " dried 14c. to Peaches, peeled 16c to White. 100 lbs. Removing All Doubt susar 050 1 Yellow. 100 lbs. 3.70 Cherte Ontario solids, new, lb, ...22c it 25 ! Edam, lb .45 J Ontario, mature, lb. J5 SUlton. lb. M- Roquefort, lb .90 i tlorconwla. lb, M : IIUlllW I Masons Attend c! Church Service Member of Tslmpwm Lodge Heard Appropriate Sermon Hy Kev. Dr. F. W. Daioe Some forty or fifty members of Tsimpscan Lodge A. F. it A. M, as well as a few sojourning members of the craft gathered at First Baptist Church last night for a Masonic church service, O. V Wilkinson, worshipful master of the lodge, be Ing in charge of the party Rev Dr F. W. Dafoe preached a sermon ap' proprlate to the occasion John B Davey sang The Holy City with W Vaughan Davles presiding at the organ. Hockey Scores SATURDAY SCOItKS Montreal 4, Toronto 2. New York Americans 3. Canadlcns 1. SU.NDAV SCOURS New York Americans 0. Detroit 0 (overtime tie. New York Rangers 0. Boston 0 (overtime Ue). St. Louis 3. Chicago 3 'Overtime tie. l6nday, December 31 I TONIGHT and Tl-ESbTT 2 Shows Tonight, ypp 1 1 MAT1NKE TUESDAY 2 j0 HMD"- J 9 lOUItt OKSttt MARIAN MAt AlPN MQICtt Feature at 7 31 it ; . j ADDED Lron Krrol In l,(Jood Morninjr Kvc" "SCREEN SOUVENIRS M NEW YEAR'S EVE M Starting at 1 :J5 EJ i m -JB ' w.Nv unu mirai ijnpw Mil I 4f.J Fun Favnnt . . K j mmWY. Otfl I ' nmmW mm m w.k. vmm m m i r n w-niftFi n rr k ja 1 See a good show Win a cash prize EJ 1 j f. Band in Attendance . IP 5w T'f1'' We Buy Now Avoid Ruth W r'liw 1 i' ' ii iiiim i' 1 if J 1 wMmkJwmmwm&$ !i 1 1 A Thought For The New Year Keep your money circulating at home. Everybody bcneflU, Buying and selling In Prince Rupert will go far toward guaranteeing a prosperous 1935 for the, people of Prince Rupert Keep money moving among people who live here and all will get a share of It. D.ELIO SSSS Phone Green 421 o No. 9C Still Buying Old Gold RAW FURS For Highest Market Prices and Quick Returns Ship or Bring Your Furs to HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Fur Purchasing Ajency Prince Rupert, lt( Start the New Year Right! Use Bulkley Valley Coal and keep your fuel dollar in this district Your dealer will supply y6u IIOTTKU - CLEANER - 'LAST& LOM2 Hit cis?- . !rii xssz ts?d&' i-m vnu MIMO AT. 1 Wfl ttt-t -OVB voo or MOT By Westover -WJ.WinJ -i I JV "l I III 11 m l" I 1- I I ITITll -Ckta'W v I L ' r - V