... . TO ceiafeer 3.t IftM jmji iiiat vmu : I 1 1 " 1 nrun B&RtnmaMamaammmKmmmmaum Fresh Flounders and Soles a-! The now Ranri Bar-' auo. We Of f?r Two of Our Own Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey White Pine Wild; Cherry and Eucalyptus LMentboluted) A ideal; cough remedy for the children Price, 50 cents Ormes Special Cough Mixture T mixture ha loemQ very popular during the v;ir and we Cully recommend it to you for loutfh, Collanl Bronchial Affections. Price, 50 cents udden change in the weather is emming many colda ST0PTHRM NOW! Ormes Lid. b BU SUM rhnei: II & s I I B:B;BS.'BIBraiBBiaB'ata4B,'.B';B.BClBJtfB'ia3B I A Hawu New Year We wm) to tftank oiir nwny friends and' patrons for a most siiceeaefVil ami, proe-perous soason. We Mincoroly hope that the coming: year v. ill bring ovoh greater happis ami. pre. . . parity to everyone, Lambie & Stone g c.iBiBikBia iiBiBriJBiiiniiBriia II I I B B"BJtBBBIBTB1B'BIBiBlB1BlBllBBIBIBIB;B1BJB A Happy New Year And Prosperity to All Wr look forward with confidence to' improving nditions during the coming year and hope all I' mce Rupert people will be more happy and prosperous than ever throughout 1Q33; . W. J. McCutcheon The Druggist. D m m 1 BB.BiB-kBiarBJiBfBiaiBIBtBJBBlB)BBiBBtBIBIlB WeRsi which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally, By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Miss Elk Steen sailed hut night m '.he Caula for Anyox wh.ete she will pay a viatt wtth friends. A watch-night service will be held in St Andrew's Cathedral at 11:30 ais evening. Olebrate New Year's at Oddfel- I nunuuiu (mace Wlllffll : starts 9 o'clock. Admission 505. Ile- j freshments. Miss Annie Boddie sailed last nitrht on the Catala for Anyox j where she will speno a holiday , visiting with friends. ' The Capitol Theatre is giving a Ifrff show far unemployed on J 1'hur.iday afternoon. Tickets are bwm given out at tht City Hall. Arthur Brootubank. who has. been un a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. tatwnted t the city on the Princess Nerah yesterday morning. ML-. UUttaa Halllwen- retsrned o the city at the end of the week liter havtsta spent Christmas at Terra r with her parents. Mi and "ts. H Hallswell. Jack Finn of the staff of the Prtecc Rupert riaherte Expertmeev al Station returned to the city on the Princes Jtar&h yesterday afcee ' nd'nn Christmas at his home in Vancouver V 8. CloMteanlng arrived In the ity on the Caata last evening rom Vancouver, being here as re-ie it &uve of the Kmplr Shipping 'o tn vi unectton with the loadtag a grain ships at this port this month He Is accompanied by Mrs. iCtend earning who Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrt. George D THe of this city. James R. Mitchell, supervisor of schools at West Vancouver and president of the British Columbia Teachers' Association, has accepted tn invitation to address the Prince Rupert Oyro club at luncheon on ! Wednesday. Hts subject will have to do with Boys' Work, especially in! regard to gymnasium and manual I training matters. i "llulld B.C. Payrolls" THE DAYS BETWEEN CHUISTMAS ;tisi AND NEW ij YEAR'S ARE 1 1 API Y ONES iy& PTf ) Sosne of tlyt fun and feasting is over. Mtf l to coma. U ! Just one ptece of tweet good time. For Pnelfle it is a special occasion the demand now for this Milk is particularly large. Pacific Milk "100 U.C. Owned and, Controlled" PLANT AT AHBOTSFORD BlaiB 'BtB.'Biia. TH& DAILY NJJW8, FA0B l warm and comfortable by rid-, You can rent a car at WBltort?Uley NfdT,ap wadone Ui lu 32 Taxi It qogU the s;me. , as low as. $L5a a day, plu 7. a tf mile. board t'nomc, Uupt's Float. elation meeting possponad to Wat- naay, January 9, H. A, Nelson, wno has ben on a trip to Vancouver, returnee to the iClty from the- south on the Catala last evening. Everyone come and he Muose Leglonairres ring the old year out and welcome the new year in Begins at 10:30. Aclmiseipn 50c Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Rodger, wv have been on a holiday visit t Vancouver, returned to the ofcy from the south on. the Catala laal evening. Mail Schedule For Ihe East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt dyi 4,:36p.n From the Cast Tuesdays, Thursdays jand Saturdays lQ'Jst pjn For Vancouver . Mondays (train) 4:30 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pxa . Wednesdays (train 4:3A ftin Thursdays . 9M piu Friday n pj From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pjn Tuesday (train) ........ 10:16 pjn. Wednesday 10 ajn Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday 4 p.m Saturday (train) 10:13 pjn for Anyox and Stewart- Sunday 7 pm Wednesday 3 pjc from Anyox and Stewart " Tuesday ...11:30 ajq. Thursday g- pm ter Naa River ana Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjj From Naas Uiver and Port Slmptoi Tuesday, i..ll:30 ajn For Queen Ciiariotte Islands- Advertise in the Daily News BslJBIB B KrfBIE.ftiatHlBIHB Wool Underwear For Ladies And Children These cold days demand warm underwear. We have a complete line at prices you want to pay WALLACE'S ri tmaiBiia tia an ays' r.i i u in H H :BII 3aJlBBSBIBJBSBlB3EB.?a,lBJBaaaafJI 5 It is our wish that the months to come may be 2 for you the Happiest and Most Prosperous New Year GORDON'S HARDWARE 2S? f 'it a a ai B-a b a m aaf,a utT8sxaj-aims ajva sBjCBvajceusfa COLD WEATHER: NEEDS lllankote- , 5 ' 00 from, per pan Mattresses, all felt. A good! mattress 7.50 " assures warmth MACKENZIE FURNITURE'S IMIONE 775 T Are devilment had a call pt 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon to title i-Midf-nrr of Ole SfraBd, 59 BBeaah Place, vjheitf there was a J. B. Mi!!er, well known local mer chant, who has been receiving me-Bical trratment m Vancouver far he past few weeks is reported to Be progressingi fasweably and1 expects to return to the city soon af-i pr the New Year. Announcements. Oddfellows' Scotch Hogmanay ffeanee, December 31. Preabyterlan Burns' Tea. Ja. Moose Hall 3Ioosc Legion NeY Year's Eve DANCE TONIGHT Want Ads FOR SALE Wt SALE Sedan car, snap, $100. Phone 171. (tf) rRESH Founders and Sole foe sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. tl TOR SALE Piano, $175, and household goods. Phone 176, (tf ) FOR RENT aOCSXKXXPINO Rooms 141 Sec ond Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf FOS RENT Modern six-room boase, 3231 Fourth Avenue West. ( (5 HYDE Transfer building, including residence. 6 room& bathroom and furnace, with warehouse. $30 a month. Phone 176. (tfl MODERN House to rent, 4 rooms, bathroom, basement and large attic. Close to town. Phone Green 548 or write Box 102. (tf ) EXCHANGE OR SELL ?ARRY ISLAND (59 acres) Lot 3102. Range S Coast District sell or exchange for Vancouver property. Wra. H. AUman. 822 West 63rd Are.. Vancouver. B.C. 1 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for Prince Ru pert and Northern districts to act as either part or full time representative for established Canadian Educational Institute. Leads supplied. Insurance or similar expartenct desirable. Writs Bex Bit Dally News. LOST LOCT sum of money in buckskin wallet. Finder please leave at News Office or phone Green 428. Reward. PERSONAL UP TO $150 EACH PAID FOR CANADIAN COINS. We buy aU dates previous to 1900. Send 25c. for complete 1935 Coin Guide and Catalogue showing prices we pay tar Canadian. American, and Foreign Coin, tokens stamps. currency, etc. Hub Coin Shop. 113 N. Forsythe, Sarnia, Ont. 5 PAINTERS PAINTINQ ana Paperhanglng Mollcr, Phone Red 802. Iff THH BHHtFMlSf COWRT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA in riioimr. IN TlIE MATTKR OF Til? "ADMJN13-T1VVTION. ACTP and IN TUB MATTER OK T1U5 ESTATE Or MATT VABCS. OecetuMd, IntesUt. TAItE NOTICQ Ut by order of III Honour Judf Flh. Loral Judfte of ttie Snpriii? Ooart ot ErttUh Columbia, made this tUh. Vy at November 183 i. I w kopointed- AduilrUatr&lor ol Ui I)s-tiiic tX lite ftJjoM-tuuncd deceased. AU rxrwiM haivlnK oUttaw aoalnat lb taii KhUub nr rtauied to lurnlalv Unnj to me properly trilled oa or bafore th 31t dv ol ueewnoer nut omerwiM aisDoaltum of th said EUt wUl be nuifo nuluMit, regard tlierwto. AU par-tits laiMHtd to th U1 Satt a to borvUy i. ,,uired to pay ti anxMnt ol taw UKlt'Diwtnffla. to me lorinwiiu. NORMAN A, WATV OtrirAl AdnUnlMUtor. Pritioe nupert, B.C Cci . 'l i!i. .'Viii ii.ijr ,.f Ncembcr 1934, tmwawxKm wi wxwrmt mi uxn SK.xaii3'iZ'Ba aa aa Kimxmrf- m m m u i 1 i 4 M Commodom Cafz New Year's Special Dinner 11 A3L to 9 P.M. 'i , . No J; 50o Mo:k Turtle Angiaise or Chicken a la St. Monde . Choiue. o.f: Stuffed Roast Tom, Turkey Cnherry sjugf Roast Prime Ribs Beef Eastern, au Jus, Yorkshire Pudding Baked. Ma.shftd, or. Boston, Brown. Potatoes Gren Peas or Brussels Sprouts, Neapolitan Plum Pudding Punch and Hard Sauce Frjtdl QgJEP,t wJKhlpped, Cream. . Appte,. 11p Mince Pie. FUieappla. Creamt Pla Ice Cream Tea, Coffee or Milfc No. 2. 65c Ipe4 QaLery Queen Olives Mock Turtle Angiaise ot Chjckca a, la. St, Monde Fresh Shrimp Cocktail qpiU, Banana Almond Cream Dressing Choice of: Milk. Fed.. Chicken en Casserole aux Pommes We.ine Schncitzel with Montana Fried Potatoes Baked,Ma&hed- or- Boston- Brown Potatoes G?tenj Peas or Brussels Sprouts Neapolitan Phim Pudding Punch and Hard Sauce; ruit Compote with Whipped, Qteam . Apple, Hot. Upce. ?le Pinvenja Cream Pie Jc Ci;eani Xe4. Collee, or Milk . - - .- . ? No. 3. 75c Ied Celery Queen Olives Mock Turtle Angiaise or Chicken a la St. Monde Fresh Shrimp Cocktalt siputkMana Aimpno creamiDressuig,! New Year Greetings Through the medium of the Daily News ve wish to extend appreciation to all our patrons and friends and wish all a happy and prosperous new year The Exclusive Ready-torWear Mrs. IL S.Parker f- cnoice- or. .it aiuiiea rtoast 10m mrsey uranoerry sauce l Fried; Half Spring Chicken. Southern Grilled Eastern Ham Steak Delmonico Beef Tenderloin Steak Sauce Champignon French Fried, Baked or Boston Bcown Potatoes Green Peas or Brussels Sprouts, Neapolitan Plum Pudding Punch and Hard Sauce I Fruit Compote with Whipped Cream Apple, Hot Mince Pie Pineapple Cream Pie- Ice Cream Tea, Coffee or Milk ?b ib is lb ra raj-ay arMK;B mmw rm r a rara iimati3 j araxna-farua atassiaa anai a ibjs ua3BBB3KB3fj twpm urns mo? m Mi . . a i t:a r a eb z ib rara rata ia rara rBTBTBTBXBTBTaLa :a imxnz S UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Winter Excursion Fares TO YANCOUV.ER . From Prince Rupert $32aQ0 Rcturi ALL MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED, Children Half-Fare. Reduced return rate, of tare and one-third also applies from all other northern port; to Vancouver, and from Stewart, and ujo to Prince Rupert and return. Tickets on sale continuously between November 1st, 193f and. February 28th, 1935 good, to return up to March 31st, 193ij. STEAMERS lt PRINCE RUPERT AT. VANCQUVER S.S. Catala Tuesday 1 :30 P.M. Thursday P-M. S.S. Cardena Friday 12 .Mdt. Mnuui XM. Tickets, Reservations and All Information from Prbuie Rupert Ajent (R. M. Smith), Tblrd Ave Fhono 56S or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Cardena) CANADIAN PACIFIC PRLNCESS NORA1P for Kttchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skasway, Dec! 16th, 30th, Jan. 13th, 27th. FOR VANCOUVER direct, Dec. 20th. Jan. 3rd, 17th, 31st SS. "l'KLNCESS ADELilDEn for Vancouvec via Ocean Fays artel WX Ports, every Friday 10 PAL 7 Winter Excursion Fares to Vancouver ROUND TRIP - - S22.QQ Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1931 to Feb. 28th. 1933. Final return limit March 31st, 193$. For tickets and reservations W, I. COATES, General Afrnt, Prince Rupert, B.C. ir IV. -? m