' Today's Weather .rHnce RupertOvercast, light , fsouthcj d; barometer. 29.C2; ' tcmpcn?V sea smooth. GRAIN SHIP Van IS IN PORT Firt ship to toad grain from here if. 'vr r a year, the Reardon-Smitn frriiihtrr Uradbum arrived in port tit r.wn today front Japan and Immediately went on berth at the Albert Wheat Pool's local etamtor where loading will commence as soon as possible, probably by Wed-rridjv The Uradbum ts already ..nrd and it to expected there will be little delay in the pouring of ' uui Dy the end of the week Me should be ready to sail with a .full cargo for the United Kingdom ; Continent. The Uradbum was five miles off L; ngara Island yesterday afternoon bur ran into a blizzard and was : ve to there for several hours, fin- ... v arriving at Triple Island at 9 lock this morning where she: picked up her pilot. Capt C. W. W 'armouth. Capt. Wearmouth ar-ived In the city from Vancouver on the Catala last evening and was ken out to Triple Island aboard I :ir Armour Salvage Co.'s power! vessel 8ajvage Princes. Capt. Re Green, to meet the Bradburn. The master of the Uradbum Is pt Shotton. Forty carloads, or new grain are f uc to arrive from the prairies at '''' local elevator tomorrow or W ancsday. couver Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec 31 CP-Whcat was quoted at 78sic on the " ) exchanco Saturday, and at " Sc today. 1 damaged The mishap occurred during a blinding snow storm last night The Victoria left SeatUe on Saturday bound lor southeastern and . southwestern Alaska points with , . - . . rtfcty-WllLPtKngefi'-knd' a crew ' nrllMi l'rltMrr llradburn Arrives Qt tlghiJmllx boanL paaen-1 rm-i.Pn-'fr Ld . gm and w are Jaffa lb be tn no ' lor V. K.-Contlnent ; dinger. 1 ! Reports Irom the vessel thli morning stated that she had thirty fert of water astern and fifteen feet forward. Two sal rage ships, the Skookum ! No. 2. which is engaged In raising the cannery boat P. W which was rammed and sunk at Namu recently by the steamer Cardena. and the Orlffeo. are standing by and an- other tog was ordered from Namu. The coaatcuard cutter Halda Is, steaming at top speed from Porti Angeles. The Oriffeo tried to pull the Victoria off at hlh Ude today but the 1 effort was unsuccessful. Eight hun-1 Idred tons of cargo is now being I moved to the stern of the vessel In j I an effort to lift the bow. I DESPERADO IS SUICIDE Manitoba Bsnk Robber Chooses Death Rather Than Capture Companion Taken ASIir.KN. Man.. Dec. 31: (CPi Cornered by a police-led posse. I'etrr Winters, one of two men sought for the robbery of the branch of the Canadian Hank of Commerce here on Friday when M500 was taken, killed himself I Sunday night rather than submit to arrest. Kphralm Kort, Winter's companion, surrendered after holding out fur two days. to the indents of Norlhcni and Central r UritisH Columbia I Wish me whmui. (IreetlhjiK and prosperous New Year. OLOK HANSON &he Fourteen More Anti-Stalin Conspirators Put to Death By Firing Squad in Russia MOSCOW, Dec 31: (CP) A Leningrad firing squad on Saturday ended the lives of fourteen asserted anti-Stalin terrorists following their conviction Hy a military court of plotting and carrying out the assassination of Sergei Kiroff, powerful Communist and lieutenant of Dictator Joseph Stalin, on December 1. Leonid Nicolaieff, who the Soviet said had confessed to firing the shot, and thirteen associates were shot in the city where the murder was committed. . This made 120 alleged anti-Stalin, conspirators who have been executed as an outcome of the assassination of Kiroff. Lowell Sherman, Movie Director And Actor, Dies HOLLYWOOD. Dec 31: CP Lowell Bherman. film director and , actor, died of pneumonia on Friday of forty-seven. He was: at the age rnrmrrlv the husband of Hclene, Costellg. also an actress, by whom he was i divorced. WEATHER REPORT TL Terrace Cloudy, calm. 10 above. Anyox-SnowlnR. calm, 18 above. , Stewart-Snowing, calm. 17 above. ; .iloKlton-Cloudy. calm. 4 below. ISrAtthf r cloudy, calm, miioer. Dums Lake Part clear, windy, 5 below. Dead ' Tree Point - Overetat. calnn barometer. 2X.74; temperature 33; sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, moderate wuthwest wind; sea moderate. Capt! Ft. bammon re'urned U hecfty on thi Caula last i vcnin;: .omi'trlp to Van ouver EARTHQUAKE WAS HEAVY Heavy DamaRe May Have Been Done in Temblor Today Although Keporta Not In 11EKK1.LEY. Ca:.. i)cc. 31: (CD One of the most severe earthquakes on record was felt in sev eral sections of Southern California and Arizona at 10:40 this morning. It is believed to have centred in the Imperial Valley. Mexico, but no details are available as to damage. Prof. Perry Ilyerley, University of California seismologist, said today that the earthquake must have caused great damage unless the shock, which lasted for almost two minutes, was centred at. sea. Pasadena, Anaheim anl Phoenix were a morn; points reporting the shock heavy. In Anaheim buildings swaed. NO PAPF.lt TUESDAY Monday, being New Year's Day nnd a public holiday. : there wllhbo Tomorrow's. Tides 3 nigh 9:49 ajn. 19.9 ft. 23:08 pxi. 165 It. Low 3:13 ajn. 10:0 It. 16:46 pjn. 5.9 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIV, No. 302. ft. r i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., (ONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1934 nuc: five cenio , is HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL UiMzm sMM fMt-m zmz a: ; . zm :m : a ra :a ra ra j ';';'-sa:arBiBiB;:;Bia:;:BrB:: BUILDING VALUE IN PRINCE RUPERT FOR 1934 FAR AHEAD Steamer Victoria Is Ashore Down Coast; Strands In Blizzard Falliil' to Refloat up to Noon Today Eighty-Five Pas-' scngm and Eighty-Six Crew on Board The Alaska Steamship Co.'g passenger liner Victoria was afhore on Pointer Island in Lama Passage near Bella Bella, about 200 miles down the coast from Prince Rupert, accoruing to advices received in Prince Rupert this morning. It Was thought that the vessel might be able to refloat herself on the high tide today but she failed to do so and Snow It is hoped the may tomorrow She Is not believed to be seriously Sale To Manchukuo May Halt These Rail Wrecks Voder tte terms oT a bale anar ;ncT rec-'rTUy. tfte Chlneie Tisttoi railway, 'trotibte spot dftE&brl? ent, becomes the property of Mam h mkuo for a reported consideration of $50,000,000 to Russia. The sale is expected to halt such depredations as that pictured above when a locomotive was wrecked by" bandits near Harbin Manchoukuo Several passengers were killed in the wreck, and among the hostages were two American motion pa-lure salesmen, rescued later by , ananesc. Today's Stocks iC.uru) S. O. Joha)D OO.V Vancouvrr Alexandria, .01. D. C. Nickel .42 1. Big Missouri. M. Bpadian, 2.80. Bralorne, 12.25. B, R. ConsM 7. B. R. X. Gold, J8. Cariboo, 1.47. Dentonla, J8. Dunwell, .16. Georgia River, .00. Golconda, .30. Glacier Creek, .04. Grange, .21 ii. Hercules. .01. Minto. .19. Meridian, .14 Vs. Morning Star. .09 ft. National Silver. .04. Noble Five, ,06Vi. Pend Oreille, .48. Porter Idaho, .08 Vi-Premier, 1.55. Reward, .11. Reno. 1.33. Silver Crest, .013,4. Salmon Gold, .12. Taylor Bridge, .32. Wayside, .09. Whitewater. .04 Vi-Waverly Tangier. .01. United Empire, .07. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.19. Chtbougamau, .09. Granada, .13 Vt. Inter. Nickel. 23.50. Macassa, 2.60. Noranda, 33.50. Shcrrltt. .55. Sisco. .2.64. McMillan. .38Vi. Ventures. 1.01. Lake Maron, .04V4. Tcck Hughes, 4.05. , Sudbury Basin. 1.50. Columarlc). .10. SmeU --r Gold, .16. J Can. Malartic, .01. Little Long Lac, 7.25. i Astoria Rouyn. .02. Stadacona, .16. Manic Leaf. .08. regular edition will appear Wedne-V Long Lac Lagoon 10vV Uuy afternoon M.n. & Eastern, 12, ) r V Local Construction In Year Ending Today In Excess of $60,000 Principal Item on List Was Ice Making and Cold Storage Plant of Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage Ltd. Building value in the city of Prince Rupert during the year ending today aggregated $66,565 as compared with S30.177 in 1933 and $54,230 in 1932, according to official records at the office of the city building inspector. The principal building project in the city during the year was the new ice making and cold storage plant of the Northern fishermen's Cold Storage Umlteda . permit for which was taken out In April. Building permit value for this nlfi Snan FllffiQ year month by month was as fol- w r lows, last year's figures also being given for comparison: 1934 1933 January . .$ 1300 $ 200 -March .. 172.00 fQJ0O April 43,900 May U75 June 7,030 July 525 August L... 1.050 September 1,775 October 5X)60 November 1,925 December Totals $66,565 FINES THIS YEAR AHEAD Total of $27780 Collected in Police Court as Against $2261 Last Year Fines collected through city po-, Jllce court In Prince Rupert this year i But Streets In Bad Shape Today 500 "The first cbld'SnffD" of the"wtnter 535 ended In Prince Rupert with a verl-225 table snow blizzard last evening fol-6,540 lowed by a southeast gale during 267 the night with mild temperature 11,500 and cloudy rain-presaging skies 960 this morning. While householders 275 faced relief after days of Intensive . 1.060 coal-shovelling into furnaces and stoves, the hard glare Ice on streets $30,177 throughout the city brought diffi culties for motorvehlcle operators and pedestrians alike. Road conditions were, apparently, worst In 1 Westview, where at least four automobiles met with mishaps, more or i less damage being done to vehicles i although, fortunately, none of the : drivers sustained serious mishan. Among the car drivers who had trouble were Dr. J. T. Mandy, W. M. Watts, Alex Mitchell and H. F. BAR SILVER totalled $277850 as compared with i - . i $2261 In 1933. For the month of De-; NEW YORK. Dec Si: CPl Bar ccmber this year fines amounted to ' sliver closed at SSc per ounce on $122 as compared with $135 In the! There was no change today. . v same month last year. i . , Police court fines month byi month this year and last were as- follows: 1934 January $ 95.00 February 222.00 March 172 April 165.00 May 250.00 June 145.00 July 370.00 August 627.50 September 305.00 October 185.00 November 120.00 December 122.00 Totals $2,778.50 4 i CITY COMMISSIONER 1933 j GOING TO MONTREAL $ 5.00 146.00 Word was received at the 70.00 clty Hau thls morning that 105.00 1 clty commissioner W. J. Alder. 55.00 j wn0 nas Deen in Victoria for 210.00; the past two or three weeks, 365.00', wiii be leaving there direct for 6U5.00j Montreal on Thursday of this 345.00 week. Important city ' business 115.00 ( is taking Mr. Alder east and he 105.00 is not expected to return to the 135.00 ! city for two or three weeks. $2,261.00 : A Happy and Prosperous f S New Year " Oil "i m I u The year just closed with its unempoyment and other adverse problems finds us facing the New Year with hope, courage and confidence for the M H M future. I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year S W.J. ALDER, Commissioner " '3 .t