PeonTc."iUf ntvtffbetlft iHrt wfien mde wilh Royal City P. Ui Retail Slore mm Rich in flavor -Easy to Serve. Ormes Ltd. ZJi Piottter Druggists Phones; SI & K Writing Pad and Envelopes . Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder mid Klrnzo Toolh Hriuh Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder and Jasmine Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Get This Antiseptic Special Mi 31 Mouth Wash, realtor - Mi 31 Tooth Paste, regular 50c Mi :il Shaving ( ream, regular 2oc The Three For 82c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each This new bar contain the vitamins equal to one of COP LIVER OIL PRIZE WINNERS IN MALKLVS -CAKE KOR TEA" CONTEST $200 IN CASH PRIZES lu been dWlrlbuled among the folloInt: I Ill's T I'Mti: sum MitffkMuild I' W .Ira Ave. "ibrr HC i oii riu: sn :.i . . M N I.im1iU. .'iver. DC i Hutu inir. s:o 1! O. TuriM-i t toth Av.. .' vit DC Twenty-Two Prizes of $2 Each vwvsnvra nr Wm Irt U Adler. 2057 W. a I H 3 3rd: IIM N BrJsi WWH) BalM'ltv. MIm 8. Bur-wlh. 40 nutrtl; Mm I. M Dickooo. 383 K. 35th: Llr K OlUlm. 1817 itommrrdal Mm. W. C Mc'k IW.W IIUi: LJMt,Bn9SZ r. IUstlnr. , Mm. Edith wnn- MM K ixs 4M5 IMve.' 67 W llth. Mm Hoxboromth. J OrunrJIU. Mr R Btrl. JIM W (Wh. Mta Mrr WaKef. m W; Mr L M Wrtum. S W 16; Mm. D. C . Mr. L artm. Natoh IHM. n o : Mm. J- O. Halt. 174J Marin. W. V.ncoiirM-. 11 C ; MUw. Jnri D. Hrt. How. BC; Mr K O Kuhnert. 383, Cnmbrook. nc Mrs E AUrlor. BlWr Hy. BC; Mm. J. A. QlHi)l Lvunby BC: Mts IT ruutwden. Box 6M. Xtltan. li r Mr N WUce aj4 8tnin, NMMtmo. la ddHlon, 100 wtnr- of camwUtlon prtrrt bsve ln notified y n1 The W. H. M ALKIN CO. Lli The AUCTIONEER Packing- Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repaint LUt your goods with me Phone Mack IZt RE04 J. DAWES " iniormiLMim unrHina in minnifn una J'ItlSt: lll l'KUT ,(I;N('V Tlilrd ATiine. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet lUys Intra Red Kays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phanes Green 541 r.ifhange Block UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btfumer le av Prince Hupert for Viu-xniver TS.S. CATALA EVF.RY TUf.SDAT, 1:38 P.M. Vi ovn and WurpMnti, rrlrlrn Vancouver niumiT T.S.S. VRNTlllli: EVERY FRIDAY. MlHSIfllir. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. Wwkly MlllnK to Port Otmjwon. Atlw Arm, Anyox Blewnrt snd nsm Uiver polnu. tv Prince liupert Bund f pm. SPI CIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP KL'PICRT TO VANCOUVER. $32. (Meals and Rertli ,,u;,",'f,l ) ., On Bale Nov. 10 to Feb, 28, return limit March 31. IBJa. IMione LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight 7 o'clock. Miss Nancy Rorie leaver tonight i Mabel White was fined $50 in city police cont yeaterday by 'Magistrate MoClymont (or belni the keeper of a disorderly hoKte. for a btiKlneM trip to Vancouver. ds Checked By modern vaporuing ointment just rub on V VapoRui A charge against Ronald Mc 'Uod of contributing to the dettnojianey of Juvenile through upplymg Juvenile boys with a sawed -ff 22-eulibre rifle which i hey had beM Using in shooting about the dty w dtemtoeed by Magistrate Mcdymont In city poj-xt court yesterday. A. II. Robaon, purser of the as Prince John. H expected to return n hU duties on this coaat within tte next week or so after having been called to Halifax on account 31 the serious illness of his brother, i a member 01 tne crew 01 me ss i Prince David, who has been suffer-jlng from pneumonia. De Jongs ' Cash and Carry j For Friday and Saturday j ritted Dates New Stock 9f j 2 lbs for I Malkin's Best Jelly Powders ffp per pkg HHBJMdMHHa Cauadlan Cheese xr lb. Cow Ufand Baking Soda lKr large pkg. Enslcn Peaclies- Halves Size 2"s, 2 tins for Milk All Brands per tin per CI 1 P doz. case on a trip toria. 19c 12c 35c Finest Crestwood Butter 00b QCp Jibs, for Drlnkmore Tomato Juice 01 C Tall tins. 2 for Buckcrfield's Corn Meal 1 C per pkg. Malkin's Best ORANGE MARMALADE per Jar 31c $4.00 This Is good buying. May advance at once Sweet Potatoes- 9,?P 4 lbs. for Mfa. II. O. Marvin, sailed afternoon on ttye Prlflce Hup- . . en for a visit in Jsw-wart wh;s Eurioo BagsftoM pleaded not 'the formerly resided. t -uiHy before MfcgMfate McCly- ' ,1-. mont in police court yesterday oa1 Mil Netta Clark k learin; to-'i r!nge InUxieettkm and wa re- night for Vancouver. She plan to tnanded for eight day. visit with friends In Vietorta and at other points before returning. ; T. W. Hall, Inspector of sehools.j j returned to the city on the Prince! P.. W. Sinclair of Inverness John this morning from a two-!nnery 1 paying a brief visit to weeks' trip to the Queen C'harUrttei town on business, having arrlted Islands on official dutiea. ' Uht morning frtm (tie Skeen I - - River. II. R. Beaven, weM knewn Queen! ' Chailotte City merchant, arrived: u- amiw 01 awe,. , tn ih ,. r. k PHnr. inhn thi rrrea in tne city on tr.e prince ImArnlnc from the Islands and will)'0"" Uto morning from the Quee:, ;sall tonight on the Prince Rupert 1 v " night on the Prince Rupert for a ilrip to Victoria. j ! W. J. Raymond, pioneer news-' ' paperman of this city u confined ! to bed at the Inlander Doardin?, with a severe attack of influenza this week and it may be i ome days before he to able to be iround again. j Dr. Neal Carter, director of thei I Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perl-' I mental Station, returned to the Hiy yesterday vta Vancouver fram; Ottawa where he attended the: recent annual meeting of the Bk- j logical Board of Canada. - P. E. Wlteon K. C. Prince George who has been visiting here for the past two weeks with his son4n law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kennedy, left on :ast ev-.-Ing's train for Caljary, having jeen called there o?i account ot the serious Illness of his mother. who has reached the advanced age of over ninety years. Following j his visit at Calgary. Mr Wilson win return to prince oeorge C H. Worby. superlntendant oft I ,ibe sleeping and dining ear department ot the Canadian Katlonai Railways with headquarters in WlnnlDeg. Is due In the city art Thone 331 Phone 953 Announcements tonight's train In the murse or a. ; trip west on official duties anal Durns' Banquet. Presbyterian will san on the steamer Prince j Church Hall, January. 25. Rupert for Vur.fouvc: . ; Elks' Dance, Friday, January 28. United Choir Concert, Jan. 26. Scotch Dance Seal Cove Parlsn Hall, January 26. Varden Play January 26. Prince Rupert nadmlnton Club uance. Elks' Home. Friday, February 2. Jamaica Oranges per doz. 29c 10c Annual 8t. Valentine dance 'ambrai Chapter. I.O.D.E.. Feb. it F Rl I) A Y Tomorrow Night DANCING Starts at 10 VM. In THE .MOOSE HALL Sirs. J.- S. Black's Orchestra Admission 35c & 25e Buffet Supper Special Revival Services In SALVATION ARMY CITADEL January 16th to 21st Thurs. Special Service by Staff-Captain J. Acton ot Wrangell, Alaska. Satur. Special Illustrated lecture on "Native Work In Alaska" by Staff-Captain J. Acton. Sunday 11 a.m.. "Special Holiness Service" by Staff-Captain Acton. Sunday 1:30 p.m Salvation Meeting by Captain A. Coxson, who will speak on "Youth and True Religion." Saturday lecture commences at 7:30, Every other night In week meeting at 8 o'clocH. Step out of fog' into sunshine ITOw many days of jour life are lost in the mini ot half-health? IlalMiearteil days are frequently due to common constipation. It clouds your Making hours, takes the sunohine ut of living. Yet it caa be over come m easily liy eating a cleliciou erel. Tetds show that Kellogg's ALL-BRAN pro rides "bulk" anil vitamin H to aid elimination. ALL-BRAN is alo a rich source of iilooil-ltuililing iron. This MI.ulkM in AlX-RRAN is similar to tkat id leafy vegetable. How much better than taking patent medicines! Two lalilepoonfuls daily are utually sufficient. If not relioed this vay, see your doctor, Get the ml-and-green package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in Ixtndon, Ontario. , Keep on the sunny side ot life )ia(JL wmmmmmmmmm i THRIFT SPECIALS For the Week-End SUGAR B. C Limit 20 lbs. 10 lbs , Fine Granulated 73c KELLOOG S ALL BRAN per pkg RINSO per lge. pkg ROGERS SYRUP per 2-lb. tin FRESH EXTRA EGGS Scolfs Cartoned, per doz lynn Valley peaches RED PITTED CHERRIES "Cedar"' Brand, 2's, squat per tin NABOB BLACKBERRIES per tin CANADA STARCH-Corn or Laundry, per pkg. lCTORY" BLEND TEA per lb. FINE ALBERTA BUTTER, per lb. BREAKFAST BACON - - Diamond "A" per lb. WHOLE CLAMS Saanich Tall tins, per tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES Packed In Canada, per Un CAMPBELL'S TOVrO SOUP, 2 tins JAP RICE 3 tins 'VICTORY" BLEND ! COFFEE, per lb. ENOS FRUIT SALTS per botUe 20c 22c 19c 31c 17c 14c 10c 28c Swift's 18c 14c 5c NABOB BAKING POWDER OAp per 12-oz. tin w SHELLED WALNUTS 9.0 Fresh Stock, Pieces, per lb.w' PALMOLIVE SOAP 13 C 2 bars - CLASSIC CLEANSER 4 C LDK' 2 tins PICNIC HAMS per lb WAXED PAPER j per pkg. EUREKA. BLEACHING FLUID, per bot. 17c 12c 24c 81c 13c 7c 13c Thrift Cash & Carry hone 179 201 Third At. "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention trm 1 r'B r ' ' !" 1 " r Want Ads! F0USALB I SPECIAL Roller .Canaries. Singers and females. St and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Huston, Rand Block. FOR SALE Large circulating-heater, store and window e-'ectrks lighting fixtures and two show cases. Rose. Cowan & Latta. tf FOK RENt FURNISHED apartment for "rent: Phone Red 444. 20 VERNON Apartments honsekeep Ing rooms, newly renovated. 141 2nd Avenue. Pbone Red 421. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BFvAUTY RHOPPS TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar, Jackplne. Furniture mot- ing. ti FOUND FOUND Keys in case. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red R02 IN l'fcOIUTK In th supreme Court of Hrtttn Columbia In th matter of the "Administration Act" and In thr matter of thr F.ttatr f sliliun Titkunia, liwrowd. Intrstale TAKE NOT1CK that by order of HI tonor W. E. Ftaher. lh 3th day of January. AD. 1934. I aa appointed Administrator of the etat of SMnw Takuma. decwed. and all parties bating claims aatnt the aaid mtaU are hereby required to furnish earn, properly verified, to me on or before the 8th day ot February, A.D. 1034, and all pwtlea Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their lndbtedne to forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince nupert, B O. Dated the Rth day or January, ah. ije C N. R. Trains r'or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pxn. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursday and Satur- rr m. 1 M ALbBRAM I E ' O I $ VA COalTlMTlOil Mr S. R. S. lunein lopics HIGH LIGHTS THURSDAY 6:00 Chatham Kiltie Regimental Band. CFCN, CRCV. 6:30 Radio Theatre Guild Play (Waterloo), CFCN. CRCV. 7:00 Hands Across the Border i Exchange Program"), CFCN, CRCV. 8:30-Toothllls Revue, Ct'CN, CRCV. 9.1S Ballad Singers, KJR. ' FRIDAY 6:00 Gypsy Rhapsody, CFCN. 6:30 Melodic Strings, Alex. Chuhaldln, CFCN. 7:40 Bert Anstrice arid Mountain Boys, CFCN. 9:30 Symphonic Hour, KOIN. Watch this ad. for further details. and Remember Wf ejfer yen a modern, efficient and liable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks Total etfaefty ZI.IM tM ShlabutlJere and Stdp Repairers fr Steel and Wee4 VeasMla Iron and Bras Caitllg gleetrie and Acetylene WtlsUai tl-tOM Derrick for Heavy lifts Bawmtll and MlnlnrMaehktrj Repaired n Otarhamla4 Adrertlie th 'the Dally Mtvr