feaii Saw ?AOE iyfC TH2" DAILY NiSTWeJ Shoes! Shoes! FOR SCHOOL OPENING We have a complete range of the most reliable footwear for children of all aees.As our ANNUAL SALE continues a while longer why not take advantage of these prices now! Growing Girls' Oxfords. Black or firowfapeT61 P""15 to choose from. See these. Sizes 3 to ?. PrVed at ?2.9S, $3.19, $3.9S "Mickey Mouse" Cushioned Soled Shoes ARE NOT on sale. These are sold at contract prices. DAILY fornoN Sturdy Black Calf Oxfords, strong sewn soles. A shoe that; will wear. Sale price 5-71 $1.39 S-104 $1.49 11-2" $1.69 Boys' Strong 'Red Stitched" School Boots. Boots that will stand the strain 11-13J $2.95; 1-5 J $3.45 The Family Shoe Store Thjrd Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Member ct Audit Bureau of Circulations ineir neauquaners. NATIONAL PUBLICITY Phone 327 Published 'Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupart Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PUTJ.KH - - - Mansring-Edltcr I SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period paid In advance 35.01 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts cf British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per lncn per insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Cnculatlon Telephone Editor and Reporters TaJepnone 98 8S .11 3.0C 8.0G 2i a Friday; August 31; 934' SOMETHING FOR FISHERMEN A man prominently connected with the fish business makes a suggestion in answer to our advertisement that there should be a fishermen's headouarters established in the city for the benefit of local and visiting fishermen. It would be a fishermen's club which would be used by the men, particularly those without homes here, and would be conducted something along the lines of the Y. M. C. A. but adapted to the special neds of the fishermen. The man making the suggestion says that hitherto nothing has been done at Prince Rupert for the fishermen, yet the life of the city depends upon them. We are glad to pass on the suggestion and hope that be fore long something will be done by some organization to provide such a place so that.when in port the men will have some place where they can feel they have a right to go and where th.ey can smoke, read, play games, bathe and make Thiraprning we received from the Canadian Travel Bureau ia ! proof of the first advertisement to be inserted in United States newspapers inviting American people to virit Canada for-their fall vacations. In it' British Colum bia is described as "Canada's evergreen playground of soaring peaks and glorious valleys." Possibly the closing words of the advertisement may be a hint to people of this city. It says: "Whatever you do, wherever you go, a royal reception awaits you; at the border considerate customs and immigration officials ; in all cities welcoming tourist bureaus; across the Dominion renowned hotels, modest inns, modern auto camps, resorts, cottages and camp sites to make you comfortable." We believe this nuhlieitv move is a p-nnd nne and nil we v e v -i - o - - - ask of Sir. Bennett and the members of the government which is responsible for this campaign is that they make it possible for Prince Rupert to share in the benefits of ths advert : sine by h ipir-'v o huild the highway connecting us wi'h re rp-t of C anada. The CANADA STARCH CO. LlmlUd 54 The Letter Box REGARDING IDEAS Editor. Dally News: Would it, not be a fine, idea to bev rid of all the barking dogs in Prince I Rupert? They have become a Iwr-Irlble pest and they start their' dreadful yowling and howling and yipping generally about 10 pan., keep it up most of trie nigtot and sleep, reading or writing is Impossible. They are dirty. They soil the streets and sidewalks. They are an intense nuisance on all the avenues and streets and they are utterly useless except to chase cats. They would certauuy never chase a burglar. For one reason no self-respecting burglar would never come to Rupert AH the avenues and streets are Inflicted with this scourge of barking dogs. Even the Public Reading Room or the new Public Library are not free from these' dirty pests. Here is a suggestion for the commissioner to raise funds for real improvements. Why not increase the taxes on dogs and fine the iwners of all dogs that are not indoors by 10 p.m.? If a roisterer goes home singing at night the police run him in" and rightly so. If people give a "sing song" in their homes the neighbors complain. But dogs can raise h all night and nothing is done. Prince Rupert is known as the "town with a curse" the curse of barking dogs! So. Mr. Editor, if you will not publish this letter write a strong and powerful i editorial calling on all owners of 1 The above letter was addressed to The Editor, Dally News, DogvtHe, B.C.. but did not go astray. Ed. Corp. Andrew Fairbairn. chief of uffe SmitheTsdlstricv detachment of the provincial police, and Mrs. Fairbairn, who have been spendine a vacation visiting in Vancouver arrived in the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and will- proceed to the Interior on hls evening's train. Step out into the SUNSHINE Hpw many br of yotir life re ltwt in frrlinr. nruW par? Haw nny hours whtrh mifbl be Lriahl are doll and difpiritrJ? Half-hearted dtjt are frKjoenllr doe la common ronttipatiaa. It rloudt your waking hour, takra the anmhine out of lit inat. Yet it ran he overcome m eaily by eat-inf a delicious rrreaL Laboratory teta thow Krllott'a AlX-BatN provide "balk" and vitamin B to aid elimination. Au-BaiM la alto a fine aonrre of iron. The "bulk" in Au-Bu la much like that in leafy vefrlablr. I ant thit "cereal way" pleatanler than ruling pi I rot medicine? Two tablefpoonfolt daily are DMulIy nffirient. Vita each roeaL in chronic catea. If not relieved this way, tee, yoor doctor. tel. Serve AtuBlt a a cereal er awe in mnfiuu, bread, omelet, etc. In the rrd-and-green pack it. At ail (roeera. Made by Kellop in London, Ontario. Anyox Visitor Is Entertained dogs that keep the city awake to I . keep their "pets" Indoors at nihtjMls, rcbblr Stone Was Ilostc and then perhaps Prince Rupert: At Party Last Night In Honor will be a city worth living in. With-1 0f Mrs. Benn Wlndle. Her out going into details, a distinguish-, sis.er ed admiral, on a tour of inspection, referred to Prince Rupert In very uncomplimentary terms, an because of dogs. JAMB WAINWRIGHT. Mia Peebles fUe vu hottest last mWat a (4UgMtil bridge an j dandnf pa ty at her home. Eleventh Street, in honor of her stater, Mrs? Beany Win die. who Ut xeturning to Aayox this afternoon with tier ii In le daughters following a visit here. Deheious re- ft-uneH were served and the -iffal2 wsiingrAtSy eviloyed by al pmept. Prtee-wtaBrs in cards were: ladles' firet, Mis Mike' Budlnietv second, Mte Cfcrisaie McLeod. mti's iirat. Tommy Fraser: second WQttai Laatbie. vmr m tb- Daily News. Orange Ladies-Tea and Sale Is Very Enjoyable A most enjoyable tea and sale of home cooklnR was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. T-1 Andencn. Sixth Avenue West in ;id of the Loyal Orange Orphanage. under the auspices or the local Ladies' Orange Benevolent lllV IWUia iuij iivvi - i a . ated wtth orange and yrtlow! M ' streamers ana wim iweet paai m William Woods Of Sandspit Interred .Many Friends I'ajr Final Tribute? Of Itetpect to Mrmwjr of Skldrratc Pioneer SKIDEOATE MISSION. Aug. 31: -The Inte WUIIam Woods of Sandpit, one of the oldest pioneers of .he Queen Charlotte Islands, whose death occurred recently In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. took place at Skldesete Mission nth Rev. William Mackenzie. Uni-ed Church clergyman at Queen "hariotte City, officiating. Many of he pioneers of Skldefate Inlet were n attendance to pay their flna! ributes of respect to the memory t deceased, these Including Capt onn Han and W. P. Rudge of ?ucen Charlotte City. Mr and Mrs t. C. Stevens and Mrs C M Mac-ntyre of Skldegate and J Mathers "nd J. Kttson of Sandspit There were many beautiful florai fTerlngs from friends at various -lOints on the Queen Charlotte 'slands THE (hzUU fdvtuu IN TIRE CONSTRUCTION Gutta PerchaTires For Sale Hy S. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 Ford Dealers Third Ave. East Get Ready For School Opening September Now Is the time to make your selection of books. Sec me first. Prices away down; D. ELIO Auctioneer and Exchange Furniture Dealer Phone (Jreen 421 Catholic Ladies Hold Tca-Safc Successful Afr4irVtVwrdijlAltt noon At lloaie offylrs. Hi E. Moore A very successful tea and sa B. I of home cooWng wms held by thr Catholic Ladies' Aid yetray aft emoon at the home of Mrs. It R Moore, Fourth Avenue West Manv ladle catted doting th afternoon to lend their patroniee to Ue Curtln and Mr J Fred . . , . . a .a a a J V VWtli V art .VM . pastel snaoe caniia ana M F Sl Amo,ir M j as floral decorations. lomt MaiLarw and Mrs. Hubert Mrs. Roberv received the Murray .y.rt Mre F oiu-wv wa guests. 'cashier AcUn? servlteurr were Mrs 8.! In :iurv. ot the home cooking V. Cox, Mrs A. Ouyan. Mrs. E. Lar- were hirtr 3 Anhur sen and Mrs. M. Lamb. J and Mrs. Joswpt; 0ron. The home coeking Uble was In) mw w raffles, Mrs. charge of Mrs. J. R. Murray, assta- Oaron winning a pair of ted by Mrs. Barber. ;batn towels and Bishop K M. Hu- A beautiful cushion, donated by 1 nol o, M. L Wvr doiukH of coffee. Mrs. Wm. Jones, was won by Miss Alice Gomez with ticket No. 60 Mrs. R. T. Anderson was the convener for this entertainment which was the commencement of the fall and winter activities of the Ladle Orange Benevolent Association, WHIFFLF.TS' From tho Wntrrfrnnf I CNR dnaier Prlnee Gerre H E Nrdien 'ith a isoed t!sed lht of passengers. In:lu3hu quite a number of looal pecpte re j mine borne after -pending rummer hotMays in the south, arrived 'n port at 11 o'clock this morning from' Vancouver. PoweW Rvw and Ocean Falls ad stalls at 3 o'clock this aMoraoon tor Anyox and Stew art whenof sfce wll return here r morvw evening sovthoowd C. P. R. steamer Prtnteas Ade-lalds. Capt. S K. Dray, is due in oort at 7:15 this evenlnit from the south and will nUi at 10 pro. on-her return to Vancouver and way points. ft, BURNS f4 mm Anil mmm mt . Maw. Im tlM pslnful wnartlnf tfopi rl'Kmc of Burs I SINCE THE BALLOON TIRE! fyfldj--!L "SHOCK ABSORBERS" Every fiuttn Prreha and Hoailcrnft Tire built f the )ii(jhent-iiality rotton rortla, rvery strand linprrgiiated villi and irotrctrl hy riilihrr. Hiee pnitrctrd ronU are built Into crl-crolfl)crn for addnl atrrnulli, and' nre further protectetl at cruclul jMiIntrt by bnad- jolit of- lhe Kutn rubler built-in ix-txreii the idieit to aalrguanl the ninl from daniHgr. as nhown In the photograph at the left. See for yourrlf liow bin on the trrad or aidr-wulU Hould lx" ruohinnrd hv thec "ho-l.-ulorlm." lliere are 7 of thrtn tlie 5 you nee in the photograph and 2 on the othrrnideof the tire. Only Gutta IVrrha and Itoadrrafr Tires gite you1 thin safer construction at no extra cxt. CUTTA PF.RCIIA Bm4 Ub.1 1UHU.XIO. I Runnr.n. limited r um V I UM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Ptoprletor "A IIOMB AWAV FROM I10MK" lUtes 11.00 up 60 Rooms, Hot Si Cold Wnter Prtncn Rupert, U.O, Phone 281 p.o. Box ISA TO Au . " ' ' WRIGLEYS IS mil T."r-' More Good -Buys CurWin Sfivirh- -jutal)lb to any g- ,63 x aiie, at,. Clothes Line (mn if. W foot line, 2 pulU-vs . hooks S1.00 x for Kaien Hardware A sstUfsctory place to "P- Try It! rilRSH MIMv AND CREAM DAIM VALENTIN Phone 05" FOItSALE The $2850.00 house ut down Pumiturc lncludinn bed, dressers, couches. dW" room sqU. vacuum ,'rrtftn('7ar-Plumbers.' fUhertne nv nenters.' blacksmlUj" jndwr Viftlcterora' innls. Null1 ki These, goods must M " t ihm nW nr SI S lower than the low ("f price- F. W.H AKT f irrrii - U a '