PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NBW3 s. - PauiiiiiiiJisKaUariBirnH Rogers Rink NEWS Beats Boyd's Lawn Bowling lb ibtbi:bxb m :.l ax Jt'Bs iKBBi?E,ran!-ii r tc b iai.BiBmflXBi.BXJi :ta r ara rata i m msu rana TITI 17 1 UlLiE. kO out with three men on bases. Miner, substituting for Hibfcard, played excellent ball, getting fhre put-outs In centrefield, while Hill. for the Grotto, again played bang Score by innings: R Grotto .1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3- ON.R.A. 20000000 13 H 10 4 Advertise in the Daily New? GOOD BALL CAPTURED IS CERTAIN Grotto Defeats C. X. U. A. Again to Vancouver Pitcher to be Used By Cop 1934 Softball Honors SuJthers Next Week In Series . Against Prince Rupert The Grotto, by dof eating the Canadian National Recreation As- ' Prince Rupert baseball Tans are soclatlon last night 8 to 3, became 'btng promised the best display of the champions of the City Softball 1 the diamond spart-cf the 1934 sea-League for the 1934 season. 10 was son in the Smithers-Prince Rupert their third victory in the play-offs,, series to be played on the coming the Railroaders having taken one j Sunday and Monday. The Smither-game. jeen. will use on' the mound Ernie With, the score 2 to 1 In favor of : Kershaw, hurler for the Home Gas the C, N. R. A., the Grotto boys toam in the Vancouver City League, broke loose and, with mUpl&ys by ; and this, in ltsalf, will be an out-thelr opponents, scored three run standing attraction. Undoubtedly. In the seventh inning, also making Prince Rupert wUl use Bill Lamble, one In the eighth and three in the i ranking hurler for the locals, In ninth. The C. N. R. A. tried to do the same game which Kershaw! something in their half of the pitches for Smitbers. Kershaw, who ninth, getting one run across but teaches school at Smithers, arrived Miner fell an easy prey from Nel-, n the city on the Prince Oeorge 1 son to Antonelli for the last put- morning after having spent le summer vacation in Vancouver. T-e following players will be used cn 'he Prince Rupert team: Dido I Gurvich. Bill Lamble, Sonny Stiles,) ud hall. The c. N. R. A. infield was Eddle Smh. Walter Johnson. shaky after the sixth inning. Bury. Bury. Jack Nelson. Johnny at third, and Antonelli, at first, maaina. nay commons, bian were the individual stars for the Mortn and Alex Mitchell. . . ...... T1A OmifkaM m ...11 uroiio. wnue Nelson lmnroved to- u wards the latter part of the game. ,rom tne "rior on Saturday af-Yager again carried off the hit-1 ternoon ,inln- returning home ting honors, getting three safeties. carlir 116311 wk- himself scoring twice and knocking In three other runs. Grotto, slammed out hit in the ninth. ' Stiles lb- Astorfe Stalker, for a three-ply Umpires Comadina and Joy. Grotto Gurvich c. Yager p An- Unger'-ssMSlnfoshlf, Miner cf.. Cameroa-rf. Baseball Standings National League New York 79 46 Chicago 75 fit 1 inf. TO tonelli lb, Fong 2b, Bury 3b., Nel-'ZT ' ,.,,,. ,,, Z. .... .Boston 64 Bun ouiikcr u., nui ci., roiuu rf C. N. R. A. Geddes c. Pitcher n 2b..H6rton Sh Pittsburg 59 ooklvn 54 Philadelphia 46 Cincinnati 45 American League 50 52 60 64 68 76 79 p"frolt 83 43 INw York 77 Ej "'-"Teland 65 , ! Boston . 1 65 St. Louis . 55 Washington- 55 Philadelphia 49 "" t' 45 47 58 62 65 68 71 80 Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlglnsl For Sale at endon or direct from IaU Order Uept. Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street,, U.C .632 .600 584 516 .480 .443 . 377 .363 .659 .621 J52Z 512 .458 .447 .408 360 H,". Bottled and naranteed by WIHim - Grant A Sons limited CknMdicb and SBSbIMbBBCbB WC- Balvetie-Glenliiret Uittilleriea, Dull- I f iPH tfV'.1; town &Claagoi', Scotland. lEIiSKiH This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or the Government of IlritUh Columbia. The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED CI COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'HINCE HUPERT, H C. NEW MARK INSPEED Brazilian Clipper Sets Record For Fast Transportation Between North and South America MIAMI, Fla.. Aug. 31: The big passenger, plane Brazilian Clipper was back in Miami last night after having set a new record for speed In transportation between North and South America. The ship had made a trip of 1900 miles to South America and back between breakfast and dinner. Challenge Howling Match Last Night In a "side of beef" challenge match last night, a lawn bowling team consisting of Angus Macdon-ald and D. A. MacPhee defeated D. O. Borland and J. H. Preece 12. Baseball Scores American League Detroit 6, Cleveland 1 Washington 2, New York 8. Only games scheduled. BOWLING SCHEDULE Aug. 31 No. 5 vs. No. 1; No. 8 vs. No. 3. Sept. 3 No. 6 vs. No. 2; No. 9 vs. No. 4. Sept. 5 No. 7 vs. No. 3; No. 8 vs. No. 5. I Sept. 7 No. 6 vs. No. 1; No. 5 vs. No. 2. Sept 10 No. 9 vs. No. 3; No. 3 vs. No. 4. Sept. 14 No. 4 vs. No. 1; No. 9 vi. No. 7. Personell of Kinks Personell of rtnks for the season Is as follows: No. 1 J. J. Little. R. E. Benson,' H. T. Cross, G, Woodland. i No. 2 T. McClymont. Steve King, J. M. Campbell, F. S. Walton. No. 3 L. S. Arroll. J. Boyd, T. Mc-Meekln, J. 8. Irvine. No. 4 W. H. Wilson-Murray, F. Vickers, A. R. Nichols, J. Frew. ; No. 5 F. A. Rogers, E. O. Aves, F. Dibb, R. Gammon. No. 6 E. Delkman, J. Preece, D, Crerar. G. P. Tinker. No. 7-H. Birch, A. J. Webber, W: H. Tobey, A. MacDonald. No. 8-D. A. MacPhee. J. W- Mc-Auley, J. Watson, a. Hill. No. 9-S. Painter. R. E. James. F. A MacCallum, D. G. Borland. Mrs. Betty Pedersen, who has been visiting with friends at Mas-sett, returned to the ritv I Prince Charles yesterday from the j Queen Charlotte Islands. WILSONS ffiw REALLY KILL One pad kill file all day and everv day for 2 or 3 wetka. 3 pada in each packet. No apnying, no atlrkineai, no bad odor. A.k jour Drugitat, Croaery or Ceneral Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? TUB WILSON FT.Y FAD CO.., Ow. COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always freshUsing the SUex , methodDoing, away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafei P. A. Rogers rink defeated James Boyd's by a score of 18 to 9 last evening In a. postponed game of the , Canadian National Resreatlon As sociation Lawn Bowling League. The standing to date Is as follows! D. A. MacPhee 12 1 U Angus Macdonald 9 ,3 D. O. Borland -. 7 3 G. P. Tinker 6 6 P. A. Rogers C 7 J. A. Frew . 5 F. 8. Walton J 4 James Boyd ,3 J. J. Little 8 7 9 ... ... 2 10 LOCAL NEWS Mrs. P. J OBrien and daughter, Mary, and son. Mike, are sailing to night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Little Miss Nora Dougherty, who has been visiting in Vancouver, re turned home from the south on Wednesday. Miss Annie Walker R.N.. who ha been relieving for the past two! months on the staff of the Haze!-: ton Hospital, returned to the citvj from the imirior on last night's, train. j Mrs. Belkovich, wife of Capt Belkovich, Saltation Army commandant at Ketchikan, arrived in ! the city early this week from Alaska and Is a guest at the local Citadel! itor a few days. ; Mrs. O. A. Edgcumbe and daugh-' ters. M1sms Betty and Joyce Edg-1 cumbe. returned to the city on the j Prince Oeorge this morning alter' having spent the summer vacation j visiting In Vancouver and Victoria, i Miss Betty Edgcumbe will proceed on tonight's train to resume her school teaching duties at Long- worth In the Prince George district Sept. 12 No. 7 vs. No. 2; No. 9 vs. ; Mis Joyce Edgcumbe is a member No. 6. ; of Booth Memorial School teaching staff here Make the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters while in Prince Rupert Comfortable rooms at moderate rates LIQUEUR WHI5K.Y Ml . ' Is" I A iptCUlly HLcUd Afc. Wonky ol mt ,Mitr( land Sandy ti i prfect of nnt old it.cli. t i, leM fot its mtllow imooAdMv This advertisement i, v,,, .u!.iliri or hiL cl l the Liiti.r Control H. .., r -. ( ... prtimfnt oi IJ'iti.h t'. liinilna. He's on His Way, But Where? Wk-. t(aW ' Im Sergeant D. O Fin lay of the Royal Air Force is Dloturcd htre straining everv mu tf Inch out of his jump. The phot i was taken during recent United Serices V, Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. i L . 1 LJft- 'iJT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai BBBBBBBB or by the Qovtrti went of British Coiu: ;mtt-