r ALADA TEA "Freih from the Garden" ntroducing . . . -oz. Bottles, regular price $1.00 xxial, at Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqrt'jts The RexaU 8lor jturday m r.r uvnt AMB iu,i:r 5c swifts L AR I) 8c K 9C 5c t mm u- rhonra; II ft 12 FltY CHICKENS each roMtrr BUTTER 3 lbs. 69c mi 365 Toiletries .Manufactured by Lorie Perfumers, Toronto 3G3 Eau do Cologne 3f5 Hay Rum 365 Fresh Lilac Shaving lotion 3G3 Old English Lavander !i365 Rhum and Quinine Hair Tonic 3G3 Fragrant Body Rub 75c Specials Phone G3 clb. FRESH COTTAGE CHEESE 20c lb. FED PORK STEER llEEF IiRAIN 25c Rumps, lb. 18c n?. IK 25c Pot Roast, lb. J 0c ton Butts, lb. 20c Brisket, lb. 8c ROUND lbs. STEAK 10 NEW ibs. spuds 50c 55c KI MPS F VEAL . lb 18c STERLING TEA Hi. 45c 'anadian Pacific STEAMERS for Ketchikan. Wrangcll, Juneau and -;:w.;y Aug 6th. 13th, 23rd and Sept. 1st. in? JtVi 1Kb 1DMi 181b nnrt Rftif fit h . I for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way PorU, "Princess Adelaide CVtrv Frlrtav in , For Reservations W, L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver CATS! ....... iMl TUESDAY, 1:30 PJH IrrfvlnVVt. "v'ng Vancouver Thursday nvtag Vancouver. Monday AM. Jr3.10? B"P' Alio. Ann, Anyoa. Btewurt knd-NM ' tr infm-mi. PrU, RuPrt Sunday S pin, i. regarding ail sailings ana ucxeis Alir.S'rV' Tt.i.J ......... Phan rhenr at- Ml lcJ ,dcsn't pay to advertise poor products, 11 00C8 DaV to llllv ihneo nrlt oriUfvV LOCAL NEWS NOTES School Shoes at Annette's. 2031i : You can rent a Car at Walker's as low ai $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. Am Mks Way and Miss Ola'fson' are enrolling music student lor com ing term. Phone &45. (204- urowtn Girls Shoe 2V4 to 7 regular value to $4.85. School open ing sue special $2.85. Annette's (203) Henry D. Rae. well known Vancouver shoe salesman for thirty-five years, ha arrived In the city from the south to take charge of J. B. Miller! Cut Rate Shoe Store. James N. Klltas sails this afternoon on the Prince George for Pre mier where he will spend a month while Jack Hotklns. who Is In charge of Mr. Klllas' store at the raining town, goes to Vancouver on a vacation trip. Mrs. W. H. Tobcy. who has been visiting for a couple of weeks in Vancouver with her mother and sister, returned home from the sooth on the Prince Oeorge this morning. D. L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Odd Mining Co, is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning to Premier after a trip to Vancouver and the southern Interior on baslness in connection with his company's interests. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Church sr.. Mr. and Mrs. CampbU Church r and the two daughters of the latter. Betty and Peggy, arrived here last night aboard the tugboat Chief and will proceed on this evening's train to Jasper Park en route to their home in Seattle. The Churches are the owners of a fleet of charter yacht and have been cruising themselves in Alaska waters. DANCE Elks' Hall Saturday, 9:30 To Welcome Smithers Ball Team IIALAGNO'S ORCHESTRA Every body Welcome AdmKtion 25c JOiNES' Family Market Leg of Lamb per lb. Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Loin Lamb Chops per lb. Veal Chops 3 lb. Leg of Veal 6 lbs Boiling Beef. 3 lbs. Carrots. 1 bunch Hamberger. 3 lbs. Onions, 2 lbs Shoulder Steak 2 lbs v. . Pot Roast of Beef per lb. Round Steak. 3 lbs. Carrots. 1 bunch Rump Roast of Beef per lb. Prime Rib Rolled per lb. Corn Beef. 5 lbs. 1 Cabbage Phone 957 20c 15c 20c 50c 75c 25c 25c 25c 10c 50c 15c 18c 30c Phone 957 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and FjiRlnrer. Iron and llrata Catling. Kltrl and Areljlen Welding. Sprla!iats on Sawmill and Mining Machinery. All Type f Gaa Knglnra Repaired and Orrrhauled. School Shoes at Annette's, 203 We are still buying old gold, Bulger's. (tfi Growing Girls Shoes 2Vj to 7 regular value to $4.05. School open ing sale special $2.95. Annette's. (203 On Labor Day. September 3, the Post Office wickets will be closed all day. The public lobby will be open from 8 am. to 6 p.m. G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief trip to Ocean Falls on company Ned Tobey, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Tobcy, returned to the city yesterday after having spent three weeks holidaying at Porcher Island as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Manson. Miss 8. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning after having spent the summer vacaUon visiting in Los Angeles with her mother. HOW TO KEEP COOL Take aa eflerresdcg gUw of plasast-tasting Andrews Liver Salt when you begin to feel the beat At once too will feel cooler and youll stay cooler. Andrew not only quenches thirst, but cools your blood. Taken occasionally My twice each week Andrews win keep you fit by puriiyinir, your system and insuring regular and tempiett elimination. At all druggists. In tins, 35c and 60c New, larre bottle, 75c Sole A tents: John A Huston Co, Ltd, Toronto. 2 L. W. Patmore. who has been on a vacation trip to Summerland on Okanagan Lake, returned to the1 city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. Patmore I and family will be returning to the city shortly. James Bryant arrived in the city m the. Prtnee George, this morning from Seattle to pay a visit with his ja rents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Bryant He attends University of Washing- Urn in Seattle and has been spend- i ing the summer in the employ of a stevedoring company there. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Breukelman and child, who have been living in the East Indies for the past few years, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit here with (Mrs. Breukelman's parents. Bishop and Mrs. O. A. Rlx. W W. C. O'Neill, vice-principal of Qorden Street School, returned to he city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver where he attended summer sessions of the University of British Columbia. Asi a result of his studies he was suc' .cnuui .it villaining ills dcilciur Ol Arts degree. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10. Block 15, Section 7 and improvements $450.00 whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator, Chas, Vess Estate. Announcement! Softball dance Friday. Sept. 7. Elks' Hall to welcome Anyox soft-ball team. Children's Masquerade in Legion Rooms September 14. Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar October 18. DANCE MOOSE HALL Friday, August 31 STROLLERS' ORCHESTRA By Popular Request Dancing 10 pm. to 2 am. Admission 33c. m iRANCE PEKOE BLEND TOT DA1LT RIWI PAGE TERES WALLACE'S $ Dollar Day $ SATURDAY T Children's Winter Weight Vests and Q4 A A Men's All Wool Work Sox- Qin.fl Bloomers, 3 garments : ?J.aUV 4 paIrs t?AUU Childrens Sweaters-Pullover style Qp CorSets, Corsolettes and Glrdles-A 0 Aft assorted colors, each J.UU full assortment of sizes, each Children's Ribbed Hose All sizes 04 A A ! 1 " "TTTT jJl.UU Brassieres Good cut and material 4 pajrj QQ Boys' Turned Top Hose rTTf "" " 2 pairj OOls Striped Turkish Towels Good Q-i A A durable quality, 22x44, 3 for ?XUU Girls' DriU Middies With detachable 01 00 flannel collar, each ?XUU sheeting Fully bleached, 72 ins. wide Q-f A A " mm'"- " " ?XvU nice, even weave, 2 yards Women's Winter Weight Vests C-J A A . yJJ 2 for Jap Buk27 inches, in a range of Q J QQ shade 4 yards Bloomers, Panties or Tight Knee- Qj QQ 2 Fingering Wool In assorted shades QQ 3-lD- v Flannelette Gowns Short sleeve 1 QQ skeins trimmed, each nicely Empire and Purple Heather Fingering Q-J A A Rayon Silk Bloomers Assorted colors j QQ 8 Bttim QJ..UU 3 pai" flannelette In white or stripes Q-l AA Non-Run Rayop Vest and Bloomer Sets Nicely 7 for primmed, assorted colors and styles g J Q Q pure SUk pjat p qq Suede Taffeu Slips-In pink or white, lace trim- qTaA curtain NeWFinn weae med yoke and hem 1.UU gQQ belge y, 3 yard3 , . ,,, . . Z , , . , . Pure Linen Bridge Sets Nicely embroidered TrcrU" S100 " four napkins gQQ XlSLTmX 91M Pino-FeatherfUled in art tick covers PUierSp!irH0SeFUl1 faShlned 69C Cushions-ln sateen covers gj QQ Boys' Tweed Pants Knee length 79C Cretonnes In a wide range of pat- Q-f A A 6 to 12 years, per pair terns. 35 inches wide. 4 yards ?1UU Men's Cot ion Handkerchiefs 710 tlV Damask Table Covers 52x52, in yel- Q-f A A Hemstitch border, per doz. 1()w green blue Oi-UU SEE OUR WINDOWS MotOrS TraekMoton Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W 1st Ave.. Vancouver Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Rates ZJS0 per day Special prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars write to R. W. RILEY. TERRACE. B.C. Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not give that set its long needed overhaul now? Phone Blue 320 and get the most out of your radio for this coming season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley W also sell Timothy Hay. Whet' Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co II rhonea It CLOSED SATURDAY AT 8 P.M. COLUMBIAN COLLEGE New Westminster, B.C. 1892-1934 A Residential and Day School for Girls Academic Courses to Senior Matriculation Kindergarten and Junior School Commercial and Secretarial Courses Music, Piano and Vocal Art and Elocution - Home Economics. Highest honors in Senior Matriculation received by one of our students at recent Provincial Examination. College Opening Thursday, Sept. 6, 1931. PHONE N. W. 160 A. E. ETHERINGTON; Calendar Sent on Application. Bursar and Registrar. MACKENZIE FURNITURE LINOLEUM DINING SUITES WINDOW BLINDS BEDROOM SUITES CURTAINS CHESTERFIELD SUITES BLANKETS CARPETS tAll Sixes) Complete Home Furnishing I Phone 775 prince Rupert 3 ims'KM7srKE:,gTTKriTK FREE! FREE! Special For School Opening 3 Only 60-Page Ink Scribblers Free with every cash purchase of $1.00 Limit 12 to each customer while the supply lasts. 2 GORDONS HARDWARE 8 CErarrrmrmrm"i::B; ,.a ViB ma kUm 0 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office