PAGE SIX THX DAILY NEWS Everything Reduced: Prices Dynamited! Look For the Yellow Sign and Tickets See Our Windows Twelve Bargain Inside GIGANTIC SHOE SALE ! Racks A mania for buying shoes on account of being offered irresistable values has been our trouble. We have too many shoes and the creditors demand their money. Consequently Henry D. Raefrom Vancouver known as CANADA'S GREATEST SHOE SNAP SPECIALIST has been instructed to clear out the entire stock immediately. SALE STARTS 9 A.M. FRIDAY. Come to the Cut Rate! We Have Bargains Galore! ffor every member of the family, but time and space forbid description. Many Lines at Half Price and Less 5000 PAIRS OF TENNIS AND VACATION SHOES TO BE CONSISTING OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS,' GIRLS' AND Children s Runners 'iQf I per pair, up'from - Youths' Runners- fiQf per p.-4tr, up from - Boys' Runners 70 ' V per plr. up Irqm - Men's Runners SQC per pair, up from : Ladies' Kid and Patent Strap Slippers. Cuban or Low Heels, Reg. values to $3.50 Sale prise, pair $1.49 SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT We give you a quick service with our steam pressing machine. It takes only from 15 to 20 minutes to press a suit. Suits and Overcoats Winter samples just arrived. Big -selection! These are made by the House of Hobberlin, the House of Stone, Best clothes made. One price throughout Canada, Let us take jour measurement today. The suit will be sent direct LING, THE TAILOR Second Avenue. Corner across from Post Office NOW OPEN ''''' '$$1$ Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Aiross from the Tower. Co Third Avenue Van's Bakery i (Lf Opposite Boston iCaie Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 SACRIFICED, CHILDREN'S. stales Dress Shoes in kid is patent with T-strap out out pattern, Reg values to -f Q Q $450; Sale price QiJU have a nice line of Ladies' Shoes with arch support and combination fitting Sale price up from Children's Sizes, same as above per pair, up from Men's Dress Shoes Sal? price, Up from Men's Work Shoes With Panco soles 'Sale price, up from Boys' School Shoes Same as above Sale price, up f rpm Leckie's School Shoes For boys Sale price, up from 82.49 aliases' Patent Stxaa Slippers with good heavy ewn soles, low heels QQp w5Jl Sale price, up from nrm Kimrs aiip maiip nv tup nrcr I MANUFACTURERS IS CANADA 89c $2.49 $1.99 $1.89 $2.89 WE ACCEPT CITY SCRIPT Cut Rate Shoe Store On the invitation of City Commissioner W. J. Alder, members of the Rotary Club visited the Prince Rupert Public library Just established 'in the old -provincial building on Second Avenue and many complimentary remarks were made on the facilities provided in the new home. Ivtany other visitors called during the afternoon and evening. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet nit", trains. Frelghtfit passenger service anywhere. Lakelse. Lake and .Lodge, new boat (H. A.,8.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00: $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too lilt. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY , SUNDAY Local Speakers At Rotary Club W. II. Tobey, Trter Lakle and Paul Armour Gave Brief Addresses At Yesterday's Luncheon There were1 three imrromptu speakers at the Rotary Club luncheon yeslerday afternoon. W; H. Tobey. president of the Oyro Club, Peter Lakle. district freight and passengers agent of the Canadian National Railways, and Paul Armour, who returned this week irom a visit to Rochester. Minn. Mr. Tobey spoke of the friendly relations existing between the -Ro Mon to extend the system of hear ing local members In Impromptu "eeches In the near future. i Hotel Arrivals Savoy Ambrose Ryan. Port Simpson: 1 i MrKenzie and Dan S. Hin. city;' Mia Clara Leir.ton. MeUakatta.1 ''Irs A. Johnstpn and Melba Jonn--m Porcher Island: A. M-.Iver. 'rrandale, John O rah am and W Stephenson, Warke Channel. Royal I D, Hamilton, Anyox; Jim Mu- 'ick, Atli inlet; Percy Olao.tone. ' Sbdegatc: Rox E. Ouss. W. Holli-tay and C. E. Codd, Lydl Island. J Goring .and A. C McDonald, "umshewa. E Brawn ana li. R Stevenson. " Vancouver; Mrs r ttmn, Ro6? Lake: John Dodds. C N.R; O. BerRseth city. York O. Sunddw. A, Carlson and T. 'Rising. Atli Inlet; F. Bergman and Martin Paulsen, city. Prince Rupert Mr and Mrs. E. L. Wasson. Car-nwa, YT; Elliot Tyrer. Atlin: E. H. L. Attree. Victoria; J. C. Burtls. Muskogee Okahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Church sr., Mr. and Mrs. nampboll Church Jr. Miss Betty "hTttch and Miss Peggy Church ScaUle Butter 3 lbs. ELVIG'S PECIALS Brookfleld Eggs In cartons per doz. Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb. Turner T caper lb. , King Oscar Sardines 2 for Kipper Snacks per tin Peanut Butter per lb Prunes Good size 2 lbs A New Onions 7 lbs. Rump Roast of Beef per lb. u Round Steak 3 Jbs. ......v. T-Bone and Sirloin 2 lbs. Pot Roast and' Hamburger ') C 3 lbs : aoy Potatoes Gems ' 15 lbs, New Carrots 8 lbs. . 69c 33c 41c 39c 25c 6c 12c 23c 25c 15c 50c 45c 25c 25c FREE DELIVERY Phone 7fi3 303 3rd. Ave. PICTURE IS NOVEL Hollywood Party" and "Smoky" On Double Bill at Capitol Theatre A- distinctive new form of entertainment 1 presented In "Holly-! wood Party." one of two feature pictures on another double bill , which Is being presented at the. Capitol Theatre this week-end. Basically, it is a -straight drama with love romance and all but, sights, thrills and laughs are ln- ected as a logical detail of the , tary and Oyro Clubs and lllustra- drama with comedy Interludes.' ted his talk by several stories. Mr. brilliant musical spectacles an Lakle gave a brief sketch of hU other swlft-movlng Incidentals, j earlier activities and Captain Ar-! Acting honors are divided between , mour told about his trip. I Laurel and Hardy. Jimmy Durante.1 Much of the cross-conUnent trip' Charles Butterworth. Polly Moran.! to Rochester was made by Captain ; ' Lupe Velez, Frances Williams, Jack Armour by airplane. He would have Pearl Eddie QuUlan. June Clyde j flown all the way there and back and Ted Healy and his stooges ! but the planes were booked up and Among the lilting song hits are j he had to make part of the trip by, "Hello." "Reincarnation," "I've Had rail He told of the way In which' My Moments." "Hot Chocolate Sol-j the drought had dried up every-j dlers" and "I'm Feelin' High." ! thing in some parts of the country) "Smoky." the other end of the whereas other parts seemed to have- double bill. Is the story of a horse had sufflcjent rainfall. whose vicious hatred of men brands An interesting feature was hear- him as a killer. He befriends but ing an address at Rochester Rotary one man. the man who has tamed Club from a doctor who had re-1 him. and this friendship k the basis -cnUy toured Europe. He heard of of the romance. The film portrays he unrest especially In the smaller the wei with panoramic beauty countries Sweden was afraid of at-; Irwie BenUey and Victor Jory have tirk from Russia and almost eveyyithe romantic leads. man theretseemed to be In uniform.! Switzerland feared Oerman apgres-' r and military preparaUons were Fred and Harry Emmerson. sons V-InT made there Mr and Mr R O Emmerson of President J. J LltUe thanked the'01'"3 1land- "tun city eukers and exnressed the lnten- Dn Prlnc Charles yesterday from Tlell. Queen Charlotte Is!-; ands. where they have been spending the summer vacation. ! SOURED ON THE WORLD? THAT'S UVER Wake tip your Liver Bile No Calomel necessary HmT pnpl W Imi Mar. ttuuMk m4 im Ulr vTWtMi mk Uw uuka ( bUiac mix. mL mwl ur, Uulnt mmis mc rim. r ructe kh mi$ mm Ua bm ad Uaon tM km. Wkot Tv md M to nil mp ymmr knr kit. HUH rm few mmi Ua daolr ynwds ol liquid biU Uia rwt hmli. Omt T wnr wi Iiimim nikat M Uwr Canni IMm Urm Its 31 nw li m rrmtr ntmtbm. hf m Uuirk. Ask t by mm. Mat ntwuia. lm. H U aniuau. u PRESERVING SPECIALS This is the time to secure your requirements. Do not wait too lone as' we believe the season will be short. J iTALIAN PRUNES per crate PhACHLS per crate PEAItS Large box per box CUABAPPLtS Hyslop per box WATERMELON per lb. PECT-O Fruit pectin 8-oz. botUe (Highly recommended d GRANULATED SUOAR 20 Jbs PERFECT SEAL JARS- Quarts, per doz. Pints per doz. ECONOMY JARS Quarts, per doz Pints per doz. ECONOMY JAR CAPS 2 doz CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS- Paraeon 'aragon Assorted per lb. pkg CHRISTIE'S SNOWFLAKE SODAS, per pkg PEEK FREAN'S GOLDEN PUFF. Vlb. pkg CORN ON COB- - per doz FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs FRY'S COCOA V2-b. tin 1-lb. tin S1.20 S1.73 1.75 S1.75 6c 25c $1.19 81.50 S1.25 81.75 81.38 75c 35c 19c 15c 25c 21c 23c 43c Cloned All Day Monday Labor Day MussallenTs Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O, Wax 575 Phone 18 TONIGHT AND SATURDAY A .MUSIC-SPLASHED FUN SHOW? everybody's going to "Hollywood Party" Happy actresses, stars, celebrities, beauties of Hotly-wood, scenes of gorgeous splendor Songs, gaiety, novelty and something big every minute with Laurel & Hardy. Jimmy Durante. Lupe Velcs, Polly Moran, Jack Pearl, t rances Williams, Ted Healy and I lis Stootrs, Mlrkry Mouv and Hi Hot Chocolate Sol. dlers, Charles Butterworth 8Urt 7 00 is 8 25' SCHOOL Opening Supplies EXERCISE BOOKS Best Quality Pen Paper. 44 page 5c; 0 tor 25c. 88-Pmae Kraflol Com 10e lGO-Paae Krattoi Cover .. - 15c 2U-lae Krartol Cover . . .. tor. Pencil Scribblers. 86-paac ruM. 8 for Alrieht" School LEAD PBNOIL& HB with Rubber Tip Uon School Pencil, high quality. aeh .. Pencil Socond. 2 for Drawing PendU. CONFEDERATION. BB. HB and II f Ayshire Bacon, lb. . .25c (Sliced) Legs Lamb, lb 20c Loin Roast Lamb, lb. 20c Sunnybrook Butter 2 lbs l!c Shld. Roast Veal- lb. 12Jc R 1U At Last On the Screen WILL JAMES' Beloved SMOKY . Tlie most fc;- . ever captured story that, nu.uor: ; jm read and wiu wa: t plus a ru. r many thrill wu:i . r , ground of scemr p;. ; . - with victor jory irene hentley will james Starts 8 13 ti u it W W Wright, who retired re- Mrs Henry Ba:r r centiy as government agent at At- who&aa btcnjUltfeij CoUjtrM: lin. has joined the service of Louis. J IL Woods at The ou. & Schulc. pioneer busineM man ofjgary. ' accompanied Mrs Mdn'z Atlin. according to work received Irom Vancouver aat vhI and In the city and. with Mrs Wriiht it present the giir . v u-and child, will continue to reside at Mrs R L Mcintosh, a T. " Atlin was at KlUumkJ ,.t tk Vx Sit U it u ROYAL SOVEREIGN. aU grads lie - : 2: Rulers. 5c & 10c n Reeve India Ink t Erasers 5c is lc Waterman's and S' McLean Pens . 10c Ink l"-' ! Set Squares, each lftc BtaftereTs Ink Ik 1 Measure CompaaM 25c Reeve's School Cru . 15 Reeve Paints iOr Wax Crayons 1 protractors, metal 10c PaMe 1 CeUuloid 15c Loose Leaf Ring B E Drawing Portfoliok 10c LOOSE LEAF Rim; & t Music DlcUtton Books 10c Hit It ik I Drawing Books 10c Loose Leaf Fillers I Oc & Mapping Penholders ' 10c School Baas Mr Polnta. 2 for 5c Geometfy 8eU. compi' ' 1 ' I Complete Stock of Public and High School Books and in now on hand. Prescribed B. C. Text Books at Oovemment Prtcei CALL TOR LIST TERMS Caih With Order; Poltivcly no account will be oj'' for School Books or Supplies Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! No. 1 Steer Beef Hib Roast Hecf, lb, 171c (Rolled i , Pot Roast Reef, lb, . 10c Hamburger, lb 12c Rump Roast BeeflMJjc Brisket Beef, li). 7ic Cambridge Sausap; lb Extra Specials 15c J. KiliiVi - lb "if Rpasting Chicken, lb. 2Sc Shoulder Roast Lamb Trimmed, lb. 1,K Eggs, Shamrock 'Extras J UVt4, Phone JfPt Phone 10 I Quality Service 1910 Pioneer Hutchors