IVJdW AuUt .311 M4 Want Adsj District News oENERAL Electric Refrigerator! for .is Phone Blue 691'. rJfiED School books, 616 81xth Ave; 7m 1C00 lbi for aalo cheap. Aiy J A. LlndsayPP; Bor 287. 7yb BALK Enjrltah collapsible cart Price $2.50, Dally News. tt C3RK Linoleum, Waahtub, and bssrd, '-:. coal scuttle, kitchen tabl. r ric futures and range. 150 i Ave Ea-st 204 FOK RENT' FOR RENT or SALE Remington TrpcvrrUcr Phone Black 558. (205) FURNI8HED House for rent, all modern convenience Including t:r'ric .range, washing machine; nulla, and piano. Available at c. Location between Booth tr.i Hisb School Apply 608 inn, A E Phone BUCK 454. 204 WANTED BOARD and Room wanted by y -4T man Box 217 News. 203 LOST LOST Eve Glasses in brown lea-'i i ase Finder please phone Rrl !29 Reword. 202 MUSIC VIOLIN Tuition, theory and har mony MLm N, Lawrence. Phone 17 Classes start Sept. 1. 202 HAIRDRESSER mtMANKNT YVAVlNOt CUiter Curls Latest Style HEUBON'8 BEAUTY BHOPPE TUAN8FEKS CAMERON8 Transfer. Phone 177 Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. tf 1 11 PAINTERS PAIN TIN a and PaperUnglo McHer Phone Red 802. Steamships Sailings for Vanrouiti Monday ss, Pr. Rupert . 3 p.nv Tuesday -Catala 1:30 p.m, Friday s. Prln. Adelaide 10 pm 8s. Cardena midnight 8c,urday- ss. Prln. Louise pin 8s. Prince, George . 0pTn, Trom Vaoruvt Bunday u. Catala - pin Monday- -sa, prln. Charlotte a w Wed. ss, Pr, George'. 10 aw Friday- sa. Prince Rupert 10 a.m Friday, -sa. prfn. Adelaide, A pjtn 8s. Cardena p.rn r AnyoT and Stewart Sunday n, Catala 8 pjn Friday Prince Rupert 10 am from Anyox and Stewart . Tue&dav. .it rVtnio n-ft'oirv Saturday -sa. Pr Oebrge ...A pirt 'r Naat River ana fort Sunpton-: Bunday is. Calala ... 8' p,m rom ."aar River fi'rort' Simpson iuewayss. catala vll:30a r Ocean Falls-Monday- pr. Rupert ... 3' p Friday, -as. Prim Adelaide. 10' p asturday. pr, Oeorfe. ,tl W nm Otean Fall-. wed,--ss. Pr: aeortfe lO d Tiaay-..M. pr, ocorgc .... 10 a 8. Princess" Adelaide 4 p os. cardena r Queen Charlotte Island Auk, 4. tft t, o. -i i - . . viuiura .... "orn Qoeen Chartottif Islknds-Aug is, soas. Pr. Claries 10 I MondayM, prin, charlotte wed.- . ss. Pr. Ooor e 3 -v4 Ufc .m. a.m. p.m a,mi p.m pm. ZT.,uttkt New.SUncr.,323 t We 8t- Vancouver. V 2; ley. Terrace, BA. Dif etbr.; Umith-. fi no Prtnoe i TERRACE an Mrsa n. is. Brummie nnH their, t,wo children' of Emlthers are peiiftlriK 8'holide.V'aCLakelae Lake. Dr. and Mrs, Stanley MUl recent. ly paid a few. days' visit In Prince Rupert wher they met old friends in the Navy, Twenty Olri Ouldea. la chare of Captain Btewerton, have returned lb Prtxlte Runert from Lakeb lav here they.had'thelr annual week's camplnn. Lieut Kielback was wltli me troopa camp nurse and chan- erorte. Mi C. 1. Norrington was- the guest recently of Mrs. Will Robin. con. Mrs. Norrington accompanied the Girl Ouldes from Prince Rupsrt. Terrace- had a visit recently from the deputy minister of public work. Arthur Dixon, together with C. Brady, Prince Rupert, district engineer. Raymond Loen met with an alarming mishap recently when the car he was driving hit a stump, broke the windshield, and he lost three of his front teeth. Fortu nately, beyond cut and a rough shaking up. he escaped serious in- ury It happened near Lakelse Lake. A party of three ladles started for a mountaineering trip to the Ka- um Lake country, W. Treston act ing as guide to the ascent of Maroon Mountain but cloudy weather pre vented the party reaching the summit. They also paid a visit to the fine waterfalls which are found on, Olacler Creek. The ladles were all ,of . Terrace Mrs. Burnett. Mra) Mills Jind Mrs. Sherwood. The only resolution Terrace dele gates took with them to the Also dated Beards of Trade convention In Prince Rupert was one that urged the government to complete the highway from Prince Rupert to Haselton. Weather has been warm, dry and clear recently. There are some surprisingly good crops of hay and oaU, considering the very dry sea son, and the potato crop Is also pro mising well. Mail Schedule r the han Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt days 5 pjn mm the East- Mondays anU Saturdays 2:15 pm. Tliursdays 10:20 pm For Vancouver Mondayr - 2 p.m. Tuesday . 12t30 p.m. Wednrsdays . $ P m. Friday 11 P-m Saturdays 4 pm. i-"rora Vancouver Btioday P-n Wednesday --10 a-m. Thursday 10:20 pjn. Friday - 10 ami Satanlays . 2:15 pan. For Ahvox and Stewart- Sunday ---7 pm. Friday - 2 pm From Anyox and Stewart Twsday -.11:30 a.m Bnlorday 3 pm For Naa River and Port Simpson-Sunday -1 P-" lrom Naas River and Tort Simpson fuesday. 11:30 ain For Queen- Charlotte. Islands Atia'ust 4 alid 18 P-m. From'Qaeen CMarlotrr" Islands AMgtist' IB and 30 10 p.m. -IIUCK LOAN TO BE I FLOATED IN-PALI! HY OTTAWA GOVT .. days In town following their arrival from Ketchikan) wUl'sall'tonlght on the Prince Adelaide for Seattle. Lee DOlan or Juneau, who has been at Vital Creek in the. Omlneta uuiricft wJxfrc' he is interested In "TILUE THE TOILER" gold mining, sails, tonight on the DaU Mrs. John Dybhavn and son, Ocorge. and" daughter. Alma, returned to the- city on the fUh parker Jedwoy this-morning after having spent the past couple of months at Massett Miss Margaret Beattie, who has been spending the summer vacation in Prince Rupert arid Queen Char-1 lott Oily, will sail tomorrow night! on the Prince Charles for the south. She will resume her studies at Crofton House School In. Vancouver W Halliday. A. McDonald; J Gor don and Roy E. Ouss arrived in the i city on the Prince Charles yester- j day afternoon from the Queen: Charlotte Islands, where they have! been employed In the logglngj camps, and will sail tonight on the i ij.i.ij. , , t C N;,R. Trains or the Bast- Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes-j days and Fridays 6 pm j From the Mst Mondays and 8aturcays 2:15 pm,j Tuesday and Thursdays, 10:20 n.m. . LOCAL .MAN WINS IX SWEEPSTAKE News was received In the city today of the good fortune of Allan Cross of Prince Rupert to win $800 In a Transportation Mutual Benefit Association sweepstake. He Is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Cross ami an employee of the Northern British Columbia Power Co, ; , ! THlTD"AlLV NEWS PAQE" FIVE . . Fhefflarkets OTTAWA. Aue. 31: (HPi. ! lletail Drlce currer. ; nere area The federal government, will .j follows: float a $250,000,000 loan, in Fruiis October with the chief purpose Irnpru, doz - .40 of refunding the - $229,000)00 . Oranges, dos. 25c. to -80 1919 Victory Loan maturing Orapefrult, Cal, each-6c to 10 November lThe-- balance will t-Bananai, lb. J5 be used to meet' obligations Red, Climax Plums, CaL, lb. ;1I outside of ordinary, account. -! Cherries, Okanagan, Lamberts - , whole 1B,Ci Peaches, Elberta; dox. (BartlettkfiearSrCal., doz. 35cto COURT HAS BUSY MONTH Flfty-Two- Cases Heard Durlnr Aiicust and' Fines Totalled Flhes collected In city police court here during the month of August ending today were the highest of any single month In the last two years, totalling $627.50 as compared with $605 In the same month last year. Fines so far this year have reached a total of $2046.50' as compared with $1561 in the first eight months of 1933. Fifty-two cases were handled in city police court during the month. LOCAL NEWS Canteloupes, Cal.. each, 15c to. .Casaba Melons, lb Raspberries, B.C., basket j Apples :Cal., Oravensteins, 2 lbs. Okanagan Duchess, 4 lbs. ( j Ern B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned .... (Local, new- laid, doz. . Butter Onions, Australian, 4 lbs. 25: Garlic, Imported, pet lb. 25 Cabbage, B.C. new, lb .07. jB.C. Head Lettuce, 5c to Xft cauunower. ig.. B.c I5c to .... 25 Tomatoes, hothouse, 2 lbs. 25 Tomatoes, outdoor, lb 10 Parsley, bunch .07 Turnips, new, bunch 04 Mr. and Mcs. Ed. Martin, who celery, Cal, head. 12c to have been spending the past few j Radishes. 3 bunches - .07 .40 ! M 55 .15 .10 .25 21 26 .40 Fancy, cartoned, lb. .'. 20 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs .78 Vegetaoies New Potatoes, B.C 12-lbs 25. Green Peas, 3 lbs 25 Oreen Beans, lb .10 Cucumbers, hothouse, each .... .08 Carrots, B.C., bunch M New Beets, bunch-..--. JOV Oreen Onions, 3 bunches .10 Oreen Peppers, lb. 20 Vegetable Marrow, lb 10 Feed' 1 Wheat. Alberta .1 2.40 Bran ; 1.90 Middlings : 255 Shorts M 1.95 Princess Adelaide for a trip, to ! nne Qat ch .15 -10 V.V..li.. 2.10 47.... 2.20 Crushed Oats- 250 Barley,:' J.... :...J&:. 155 Laying Mash Oyster Shell .... Nuts Almonds. Shelled, lb. '. AO Walnuts, broken shelled 25 Walnuts; shelled halves, lb. 45 Uuearth Old Temple fn Tennessee ' t& c ! - An old trmple. found on a level belcw an earlier builaing In which seventeen well-preserved skee-tor were dicovered, after an. Indian burial mound, dating from-long, before the ar.-ival of Columbus, had been-excavated a few- feet from the banks cf the Clinch' river, site of the Narris dam to be- bulit in Tennesse valley. .Meats Fowl NO, 1. lb. toasting Chicken, lb: Ham, sliced, first grade Ham, picnic, first grade, lb Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Pork, shoulder, lb. Pork, loin, lb Pork, leg, lb Pork, dry salt. lb.' . Veal, loin, lb. : 7eal, shouldar, lb; Beefy pot roasU-lb. 10c to Beef, boiling, lb.. 8c to Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 18c to Beef, steak, lb. 20c to Lamb, leg, lb. Floor Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Second Patent i Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c toM i ust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. Dried rrulu White f1ss, lb. .. i.i"k CookinR F!gs. lb 25"; 23 .45 .20 .45 .16 20 25 20 20 i.iies bulk, Uj; .B&'to emon and l range peti ...... Citron peel Prunes, 30-40, lb: Prunes, 40-50, lb. . lt iUam, iff. la i Ontario, mature. .Ib. 22 jiilton. lb .16 Roquefort, lb. -14 i Prunes, 60-70, lb". ; 12 & Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .14 Raisins, Cal, seedless lb Currants, lb. Apricots, lb '. .. Apples, dried . t ..14c to .15 Peaches, peeled, 16c to .15 sugar .10 White. 100 lbs. , '20 - Yellow, 100 lbs. 26 Lard .18 .18 Pure, Pure, lb. lb. 2Q .15 .15 22 17i .19 655 6J05 Lamb, shoulder, lb. .16 Comb Honey - - 25 l5 Fish 1.70 Smoked Kippers, lb. 15c. and '29 j0 Salmon, fresh, lb. .,. 20 J15 Halibut fresh, lb. ... .... J5 Smoked Halibut, lb. .15 12 Cheese 10 Ontario solids, new, lb. 52c & 55 iorgonwra. tb. Here are the' 46 memoers ot the Kitsilano Boys Band of Vancouver, winners-of. a world's championship at the Chicago World's mir who are touring England and Holland- Arthur W, Delamount bandmaster, who organized the group in January. 1928, and Mrs. Dilamont will be in charge. There are 70' boys In tlie band, nmjin? from 11 to 19, but only 46 are taken on tour. The band Is booked to visit, and to give concerts at Belle Vue. .Manchester; London; Torquay; Bugle, Cornwall; Eastbourne: Leicester; de Montford Park; Bognor Regis;' Shanklln Isle of Wight; The Hague, Holland, and many other places. True to Form - - - - i i- hi i- hi i ii r im n ii i i i i i i - i .... i I r ' . . I' HELLO, LJteMJl irJU-li UH, MU, QKNSOMJ l I vlr. rrT Tr I ! l-nih, rA.TE nmith bull, i i f'oi iiwr-. v uvrm'4'oui i.' "7, :7-r, jjmm jzttz .45 25 AS J6Q M Albsrt E. Berry, who Is In the ln-urance and real estate brokerage iusiness at Vernon, and Mrs. Berry ind child are visitors in the city: Uney came north yesterday aboard '.e steamer Prince Charles from .'aniouver via the Queen Charlotte aiands and boarded the Prince jtorgc today to make the trip to Inyox and Stewart and thence, juth trt Vanenuver enroute hnme; j Mr. Berry is prominent in fraternal' Lamb Chops. 30c to .35 -,Jar KxUacted Roneyf aoc-tojold military circles In Vernon. pATARRH I cl bud ot throat is MotSy bencfittd by tb vmpon d WICKS Vapo Rub CW 31 MiUimm Jan U4 Yimrl? Kitsilano Boys' Band On Tour Of England And Holland By Westoyer SB m i lljvx- i in---LruE& ' - . m ii 1 1 1 1 if r i aMti nrr - - mum f i '- " l " " i j ii n 1 I ' J r