FAOE Shoes! Shoes! FOR SCHOOL OPENING. We have a complete ranee of the most, reliable footwear for, children of all ages. As our ANNUAL SALE continues a while longer why not take advantage of these prices now! Growing Girls' Oxfords, Black; or Brown. Several patterns to choose from. See these. Sizes. 3 to 8. Priced at ?2.98, $3.49, $3.9S, "Mickey Mouse" Cushioned Soled Shoes ARE NOT on sale. These are sold at contract prices. DAILY EDITION h. r. pollen CANON McKIM: PASSES AWAY Anglican Clergjrmaiv Well Known In West, Died in Toronto - Yesterday 3RONTO. SeDt. 5:-!-Canoii;'Mei Kim, formerly' identlfed with the pastorate of the Anglican Church a,t Prince Albert, Edmonton, Vancouver and elsewhere ln the west, passed away here yesterday after a lengthy illness. Northland Transpprtat,ipn Co.'s motorshjip Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived ln potj at 7:35 this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging two!: carloads . oi frpzen fish, fps transshipment cast over the Canadian National Railways, sailed., at 1DU40, a.m, for Seattle. The Only Corn Flakes Enriched With Sunshine Vjtamin "D" Y Valuable, Couhpns in Sturdy BJack, Call Oxfords, strong sewn soles. A shoe that wlH, wear. SalerpriQfw 5-7J $1,39 8-101 $149 11-2 ............. L.& Boys' Strong "Red Stitched." School Boots. Boots that will stand the sjraln 1M2A $2.95; 1-51 $3.45 The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE' RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Managlng-Bdltct Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except, Sunday, by Prince. Ruperf Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1934 THIRD SON OF SCHOOLS KING OFF FOR Rc nPFN LONDON, Sept. 5: The. Duke of Gloucester, third son of King! George and Queen Mary, left yesterday on the first leg of a trip to Australia where he will open the Centenary Exhibition next month. FISHERMAN IS THOUGHT: DEAD Empty Trolling Boat of "Cab Hans-Johnson of Ketchikan Found In Sumner Strait Holidays (her. Pupils Are Back at Studies Atain Chances, La. Teaching. SUlfs City schools reopened yesterday following the long summer vaca British IJound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK, Sept. 5: The Brl tlsh pound sterling closed at $5x12 on the lpgal foreign .exchange market yesterday and the Canadian dollar at $1.02.13,16. MONTREAL; Sept. 5: The Hrl tlsh pound 'Sterling closed at SWg here yesterday. Quaker Corn .- MAM IN CANADA '4k. V RECEJPJlttN DISCUSSED (Continued Irom page,, one) this report, the department does not wish to ask the. pqwer company to carry out any extensive work on the transmission line until, there is some assurance that definite improvement in radiq reception would result therefrom. Meantime, the Dower comuany has already suent some $2000 ox $3000 on the trans-, mission line in such work as painting Insulators etc. with, a view to eliminating some oi- tlie disturbance The company, is also, giving every co-operation possible to the radij ,itWpeetois..in.itM;ir testing of the line This among otter information came,.out last night at a, n-iing- tn the City Hall of a large, numher of local radio owners with Mr. Irvine when. the. whole, matter of local, 'radio reception was thoroughly canvassed, a number of iuteresUigi suggestions with a view to better- jments being made. The meeting passed a resolution that a strongly ' worded, communication be sent to 'the department setting out the. t difficulties besetting loca.1 radio set, owners In the, matter of-rereuUon. and urging, that nft.tlm.e. blost in,J j implementing any recommend,-, tlons that may.be.-subnxiUed by Mr. , Irvine with, a view, to. improving.1 reception. The. meeting, was presided over; by F y, Wesch, who, after, making brief Introductory remarks, called. upon Mr. Irvine, The la.tt?r Mild of tests that were- being, maije, of , the power line- Qthrxltiehe.sal(JLhad Just as noisy transmission lines. However these-citlea.were. closer to the broadcasting, stations and the signal strength, was., greater so. theJ effect of.theran5mlssiprvllne..noise, was not so, serious. Itj-was. noted that on foggy.nigh.ts here4he trans mission line, noise, was to a large, extent eliminated. Mr. Irvine agreed that, if the secondary wires were removed from the, transmission line, It would probably help a great many receiv- "MLsets. "Squealers" Troublesome Horace Duharoel thought that "squealers': were possibly a source pi as. much trouble" as the trans mission line. He thought there should be- a full time radio Inspector here whose duty It would be to tion. Yesterday was devoted to the collect licences .... . I registration or pupils, including a slon, tp Alls? Alice Pillsbury, who Is on a years leave of absence. Miss Margaret McLean haying taken charge of Seal Cove School in place a; Miss Mqf fatt Miss Dprpthy Patmore has taken a. permanent- appointment on the staff ox Booth. Memorial .School. test receivers for interference and be clothed with large number of beginners in the authority to outlaw "sniiAnlpr Pudhc scnoois, ana toaay tne young students are getting down to rou tine work. No less than 107 beginners were Many of those In the nwetlntr held the view that local owners of radiq sets should refuse to nav their licences until such time as admitted yesterday. 68 at Booth the department gave them some Memorial School and 39 at Borden return or service in the way of re- Street with more still coming. En- moving, interference. rolmeht at Booth School on open Inn 4n.lUJ jtn rm i JtETpHIKAN, Sept. 5: CP i. i. i . ' " With the discovery of his empty I aiEST" intnBaker! The re-opening of the schools futj2Jn 8uB??" . few changes In the staffs ex-ml fitett k- thEt L - - ieVe cePfc ln th case of King Edward p t ifit Johnson, aged 39, of Ket- jjjgn school where three new cLhHanTHtlShennen "iteachers-Mlss Dorothy b"u Cab Hans, Is dead. ;of vlctod couver an.d Roth Gordpn cf this city haje ta,ken up. appointments. Miss Jessie TV Mnffntt hg I. - , 1 vMt iaavii overjduty- as receiving class teacher at Borden Street-School ln succes Suggestions were made that the Canadian, stations should step ud their power so that they might be received more satisfactorily here. The statement was marfp that CRCV of i Vancouver- was about to increase its power from 500 to 5000 watts. W, R; Love offered the sug gestion that Kamloops would be an advantageous point for a central broadcasting station for British Co lumbia Jo. be, located. Mr. Wesch stated that two Vancouver parties had made application for licences to establish a radio broadcasting station in Prince Rupert. There was considerable eeneral discussion at the meetlne which lasted Jor. over an hour. SoftbalLAss'n Bridge Party h Enjoyable Affair A very enjoyable teleohone bridge was held last evening under the .auspices of the Prince Rupert Softball Association with about twenty-five tables competing, Przs. were won as follows: ladies' first, Miss Ruth Qlllles; ladies' second, Mrs. C R. Taylor: men's first, R. Gammon; men's second. Mrs. Q. Claverlne. Hostesses for the evenlne were Mrs. J, H. Horton, Mrs. W. Reld. Mrs. J. A. Teng. Mrs. F. A. Rotters. Mrs. J; A. Lindsay. Mr?. C. R. Tay-Ipr, Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mrs. P. li. Peterson. WashingtonTawn Visitediby Eire Oonjld.eral)Ie. llaniacr. Done, Hy Hames, opjxibor, flay , to. Jlerry. On Kettle River FERKYy Wash,. Sept. it Considerable damage was done ln the business and residential section of Ji,hs pwn by a disastrous fire on Laoor uay, ! TgDAIY NEWS The leagjie standing to dale: D. A. MacPhee D. Q. Borland O. P. Tinker J, A. Frew ... F. A. Roger F. 8. Walton J. J. Little .... Lates Move In Bacilli" War 12 1 12 9 3 9 7 4 7 6 7 6 6 8 6.. .6. 9 (Vi .5 7 5; .4-10 4 ; .3 9 In the single-handed serie J. J.! Utile beat Frank Vlckers 21 to 19 and Thoma MtM?kin defeatfd A R. Nlchol 2j to fl, I nte rnat lonal ; Matches, in an international match on Monday Canada, with Q. Av Wood lapd and F. A. Rogers as skip), de feated Scotland led by D. A. Mac 58 to 57. the skips of the three Scottish rjnks being David Borland, D- A. MacPhee and Angus Macdonald and the English skips J, H. Preece, O. P. Tinker and, F, 8, 8. J, Jabourrcmrn4 to th,fl' city, on the Oaiala 8updy nlgl; fron a brief businees trip M. T, LEE THE TAILOR has moved to tie store formerly occupied by .the Electric Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just in Prices reasonable Cleaning, and Pressing, iSoftballersTo 1 m These tiiues ..t gr;:is rea-y .v. Jhe vrx jryicw j. Oteu- s-...;-y bu wuiifr Utey ttffi tj,a iiw: :a :e Vwit i ui'j14j:. b ilU wt. i-r.i. the '4t-r ul Corny UUu.o underwent mucii crUcia npiwrt Pau4 by the r.eaith deparuaect Thy are "pre- ttrd' bati. ARE BUSY1 ave usy ee IJASEIJALL SCOIti: American league Cleveland 8. St. Louis 4. Detroit-Chicago double-hjoder postponed on account of rain. National .Lrague. Brdpklvnjl. Boston 3, New York 3-6. Philadelphia 2-5. BASEBALL STANf)l,NQS National League New Yprk 83 47 Chicago 76 St. Loul 75 Boston C8 Phee and Angus Macdonald. the PHtsburg 62 score being 52 to 2p, Qn 8unday Brooklyn 55 Scotland beat England by one point I PhUadclphla 47 Cincinnati 47 American League Detroit 84 New Yprk 79 Cleveland 69 Boston 67 8t. Louis 58 Washington 57 Philadelphia 51 Chicago 4a 53 54 61 0 73 7p 8J 44 50 59 63 69 70 73 83 StrecHtnihvayH In Spokane Still .638 .580 .58J 52J .488 .430 3.73 .056 .613 .540 .515 .457 .449 411 .357 Out, Of: HlliMnWK SPOKANE, Sept 5: -Spokane's street railway, system lsjstlll tied up by strike. An attempt, was, made ycMerday to move, the cars by nonunion labor but threats pf vlolnnco caused , the service, to be. tirn fagaln. Miss Evelyn ,Dalby retpmed to' the city on the Prince Oeorge this1 mrirnltif from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria, Team Enjoyed Welcome Dance . . ... 'Exhibition Game t be. I'layrd.To- orciiMtra rcJieitra Uague. Single-Ilanded and Inter-, nlgM Vtior (o Anyox naiionai .naicnes rjayru urf r Labor Day Holiday The Oretto seftbaU team, clvam- ploiu for 1934. have been challenged There was considerable activity to an exhibition aoftbaU game thk on the Canadian National Recrea- evening by a team of all stars The tlon Association's Lawn Bowling challenge has been aecepted and It League greens ovor the Labor Day jooka as though it thould be a real holiday week-end, three league game with errorless ball and plenty gambs. two single-handed matches of action. and two International challenge Tomorrow night mark the first matches being plajred. game of the serlea with Anyox. The In the rink league game, results local boys have been out Retting were as follows: F. S. Walton 19. a. P. Tinker 13, J. A. Frew IS, D. O. Borland 12. J. J. Little lb. F A. Roger 6. Into hape and are all set to keep the Northern B. C. honor. ln Prince Rupert. Tomorrow niahtt game will be played on the C. N. R, A. grounds using the ouUcanv ball while Friday' game i to be staged on AcropoU Hill with the lnseam bull as, used In Anyox. rvVOOOc " t A pleasant event in connection with the vuui of the Souther bat- S i ball team to Utf city over the Labor j i Day holiday mi a Qlndereiia ctan i '' iUd in Uta, Hits' ilom. Saturday rUfttt as a wtfconw to the vMVihg player. A happy tune wa spent , from 9 pjn to midnidht danaim m , the strains of drimmful mu-ic furnished by Chathc Bakr-.o Mrs R.. w clt!!l ,. Ufn on a vacate ver. ntaiMd to ,. outh or the Cau,.. Oetrt CrlpK' ;, sw, anMi (-.K16 moniilng from, -- Thomas Kay- ,: , , f is paying in,, ., v.sit to tf -t )..... m houvmt fhtlwuse Mat Ki n Vt ' OftRtflW UK) p-r , l r rptnm dtwi yUf nit. a vi Mm. W D Mr -Uu- cM. on &t' . '.rain fpjm a htlul j-. ewt of the wt 're hu- r- ( fh Pliffe Ru-.-r fie Ooaunpd" ' iok tbn fmi ,f ion. I'mMa W tt ". th -blt apd tliero ' nuance of m n Andrew Mp"u tkn uprtnt' n;i.-: dkM Noithe-u'''": r jPtnw wa .i p. UW CUH Bui.-' jlng to thr l',.r. KTomfianin b'. 1 j Who will or rmy. 'way cW"mjri w ITS NAME GUARANTEES 1 it 50 Rooms, Hot ti Cc'4 a. 4a - i NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. ZarelU. PioprkUr -A HOME A WAT FK0 HOME1 Katri IIJO B 16 oz. $1.80 25 oz. $2.65 4 m HIRAM WALKER &. SONS LlMl tSTABLUMCO I1 ht this advertisement Is not publlshiid or displayed W Control Board or by the Government 51 of BrltUh-OolumUUr t t a i Or Print Rupert, B Phone 381 P Boxia