SCHOOL SHOES! Listen! School Children, Opportunity knocks at your door Gigantic SALE CONTINUES AD Prices Dynamited Shop where your dollar will go farthest! Wop Natives! These specials are good for all week We welcome the opportunity to serve you. Everything at Reduced Prices! ALBERTA "ROSE FLOUR A r 98-lb. sack i?OtJ.p ALBERTA ROSE FLOUR fl j A ' 49-Ib. sack vi'OU B.a GRANULATED SUOAR 100-Ib. sack B.C. ORANULATED SUOAR, 50-lb. sack ICINQ SUOAR Bulk 3 lbs B.C. BROWN BEANS Choice, per lb. JAP RICE ;i00-lb. sack JAP RICE (50-Jb. sack SHAMROCK LARD ;20-lb. tin BUTTER ;i4-lb,.btw PILOT BREAD -per box Closed All Day Monday Labor Day Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Paint Before the Wet Weather Sets In USE ;6r Commander Outside Paint for beauty and protection1 at the minimum ultimate cost FACTORY MADE ' Shingle Stain . ijlrown,jjral. . $1.75 Green, jjal $1.93 Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place' to shop, Try It? AdTMtise ,m the. Dally Nova. Fortunate it is too, just at a time that every member of the family will require a pair of shoes for going to school. Our stock is large and complete, consisting of quality merchandise. Shoes that fit, wear and arc guaranteed to our customers. Such makes as Lcc-kie's, Sisman's, Valentine, Hcwitson's and many others. Leckie Boots with name on sole. At $2.89 Pair and Up Cut Rate Shoe Store WE ACCEPT CITY SCRIPT LOCAL NEWS called by the Princess Louise last Saturday on his return to quarters at Wrangell. i Mrs. H. B. Rochester and little Miss Muriel Vance returned to son and daughter returned to the the city 'at the week-end from a city at the end of the week alter jbrtc! trip to Port Essington. having spent a few days at Por; Miss Clara Lundquist of Hays Cove Circle sailed at the end of the week for Vancouver. Miss E. M. Earl sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a bus- jiness trip to Vancouver. afTfc Pot f 1 H f nrt4 ICm A n m 1 1 t H $3.15 25c 7c $3.95 82.23 afternoon on the Catala for Van couver where they will spend the winter. Mrs. James Oillett. wife of me Indian Agent lor the Queen Char lotte Islands, boarded the steamer Prince Charles at Massett on Sun day for a trip to Vancouver. $d.o5 'flc- was a week-end visitor In 5o.o5 rom interior on Saturday af-ternoon's train. He was accom-83.50 Pnied by Mrs. LeRoss and family 1 Lester B. Jones, agent for Canadian National Railways and Steamship? at Skagway. was a1 passenger aboard the Prince Rup-! ertert on Monday returning to! Vancouver for the winter after j having spent the summer m the' north. j Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrick sailed Ba-j turday night on the Prince Charles i via the Queen Charlotte Islands i for Vancouver whence she will proceed to East Helena, Montana ' where she will spend the next tvn ,or three months visiting with her parents. Major W. J. Carruthers. dlvltiom 1 commander of the Salvation Army1 ior nonnern British Co umhla nnrt rthe Yukon, who came south recent-! ly to preside over the annual Army1 native congress at Port Essington, "TILLIE THE TOILER" tssington with Mrs. Rochester's mother. Mrs. James A. Brown. Mrs. C. P. Ashmore and son of Anyox, after having spent the sum mer vacation in the south, were passengers aboard the Catala Sun day night returning to Anyox. Mr. Asnmore Is at present or a buying trip outh and will be returning V famuy of Claxton sailed yesterday to Anyox later i D TAtn-. .MIU. i I sssr rw ' - i f XSHOTi FLAVOUR... like that of touted nut-ineati. Criip . , with a frtih criipne m that melu in your mouth. Nourish ing... si owy rich wheat and tic. grains eta b. when z. plod.d for com-pl.t. dlg.itl-bllity. That's Quaker Puffed Wheat and Pufftd Rlct. plus Will Hay TJEB DAILY NEWS - SEPTEMBER PICTURES List of Bookings For Month Is An nonnced by Manager David G. Borland D. G. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre here, announces the following feature bookings for the month of September: September 5-6 "Miss Fane's Baby is Stolen," with Dorothy Wleck and Baby LeRoy; "Come on, Marines!" with Richard Arlcn and Ida Lupine September 7-8 "SUngaree," with Richard Dix and Irene Dunne, plus '"Three on a Honeymoon," with Sally Ellers September 14-15 "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back," with Ronald Colman and Loretta Young. September 17-18 "Now and For- September 26-27 "Many Happy Returns." with Burns and Allen, plus "Witching Hour." with Judith Allen, Tom Brown. Trains and Boats Change Schedules Fall Services Now in Effect on Kail And Steaimhlp Lines in and Oat of Here Both rail and steamship schedules of the Canadian National Railways in and out of Prince Rupert are being changed to fall service this week. Trains will leave for the east henceforth on Monday. Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 5:30 and will arrive here from the east Tues day Thursday and Saturday nights at 10:15. The steamer Prince George will arrive from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls at 10 o-clock Wednesday mornings, sail at 10 p.m. that day for Anyox, return here at 8 o'clock Thursday evening and sail at 10 p.m. for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. The steamer Prince Runert will arrive on Friday mornings at 10:30 from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls, sail at 10 pjn. for Stewart, return here at 8 oclock Saturday eve nings and sail at 10 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. There will be no change In the present fortnightly service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss Dorothy Patmorc whn t-n been spendine the nasi fw wpv holidaying at Laketee Lake, return ed to the city from the interior ai tne end oX the week. Miss Phyllis Lamb who hn been spending the semmer vacation visiting at Casslar Cannery wun ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jame.-- Lamb, returned at the week-ehd to Alert Bay where she 'will resume her school teaching idutl2s. She was formerly a mem-jber of the teaching staff of Booth Memorial School here. ELABORATE MARRIAGE Miss Hannah Douglas and Cecil Lewis or Kltkatla United Yesterday Afternoon A colorful marriage ceremony was solemnized at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon In 8t. Andrew's Angllean Cathedral when Miss Hannah Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Douglas of Hartley Bay. was united in marriage to Cecil Lewis f Kltkatla. There was a large gathering of friends at the nuptials, the wedding party Including fourteen bridesmaids and 'ourtcen groomsmen. Short-Sighted The bride, who was dressed in Sentemhpr 10-11 "The Ohoul.'"! atilt rnni xalln with voll nnrt TWO FILMS PRESENTED "Mka l ane's Baby Is Stolen" and "Come on Marines" at the Capitol Theatre An Impressive drama, "Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen," featuring Dorothy Wleck, Alice Brady and Baby LeRoy. and a fast-moving comedy love story of the nnvy "Come on, Marines!" with Richard Arlcn and Ida Lunlno in the lead ing roles, comprise another double : picture bill being presented at the Capitol Theatre here this mid-' week. "Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen" Is aj kidnap picture, poignantly rcalls- Uc and replete with emotion stir wuii uons ivanoii, pius ine t-oor orange Diossoms, carrtea a beautl-""K vutura in a icnaciy cuargea aw-Rlch." with Edna May Oliver and f ul bouquet of rose and sweet peas, j mosphere. The story Is that of the Edward Everett Horton. The matron of honor .was Mrs. Ed- i mother love of a great picture star September 12-13 "Jane Eyre." die Clifton who wore blue crepe ! 'or her baby the pride. Joy and Those Were the Days," with back satin. Each of the fourteen 1 happiness that is hers while she is bridesmaids carried bouquets of i w,tn him and the shivering terror sweet peas. ' that grips Her when he U stolen, The bride was given In marriage A1" "ac and Jack LaRue are hv hor tmrlo lfnrv Ttrnn-n timu BmoniT Other nrnmllient memtwri m J . . ...... J . u n . . . vatu r - Ryan of Metlakatla was the chief of the east. ever." with Oary Cooper. Carole j groomsman ' "Come on. Marines" is the story I Lombard and Shirley Temple. Following the marriage ceremony. 1 of a bunch of marine who are September 19-20 "Looking For , there was a wedding dinner In the sour on bandlU but sweet on Trouble." with Jack Oakle and' Spencer Tracy, plus "Right to Ro- guesU present. Speeches were made back to the tropical Jungle after Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will sail to morrow night on the Irine George for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and will later take up residence at Kiikaita. William Darn managing dire tor of the United Empire mine was a passenger aboard the Cain i a 8undaynhrht returning to Stewart ncr a Dustness trip to Vancouver JONES' Family Market Stewing Veal. 3 lbs. Peas, 1 tin Stewing Lamb, 3 lbs. Peas, 1 tin Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs 1 Cauliflower Lamb Chops 2 lbs Veal Chops '2 lbs Round Steak. 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots ..... Hamberger, 3 lbs. Onions, 2 lbs. Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Bhoulder Pork 4 lbs. Phone 057 E 25c 25c 75c 35c 35c 35c 25c 35c 25c 50c Phone 957 Get Ready For School Opening September 1 Now is the time to make your selection of books. See me first. Prices away down. I). EL10 Auctioneer and Exchange Furniture Dealer KXKKCISi; IIOOKK TTednetdiy, g,, TONIOIIT and TIILRSDn A Kupcrt Hughes Story! A New Sereen Penonaii,,, Dorothy Wieck In "Miss Fane's Baby is Stolen" with Nahy URoy (Start 8 01 and 10 j2, PLUB tomedy-Actlon Rmintt: KICHAKI) ARLKX - in "Come on Marines Willi . Ida Lupin., Itmme Kant HUfta 1 00 ;,nrf a m R rAKAMOL'.VT NtWS 1 5 (Bhowinn at 8 is onl v "1 manic, mum nun jiaiuiuK. DV William Clnltlh unm Mr nnrtnn nn ovenlnv athnr that A. i . . . .. - j - - w.-. - . - - " "". . , iu. i .i iiimn ti Quest," with Myma Loy and George Port Stmnaon and Jamea Lrwta nf flahtlmr handiu ulth I-.'.... "j"'nt ,tA r. . ... ' " - ""- nni in vKiona arriTwt m i ureiii.. Kltkatla Thrr in vrval tnln ho Thxro la a nnnl rlr.n. I . .... .. .. Ti September 24-25 "Tlie Kev." Mm r Pi.rr , -nrrt ,h. - ' .L, ... ' . cVn w ne week ... - I u.m- i nivi i IMJ MJ IHIJT'l aid! with ,tr Wm. Powell, ,, Edna Best and The post-nuptial fottlvttle con- dren shipwrecked on the Jungle' uUon In this ditfrtf Colin Cllve. plus "Friends of Mr. tinned with a dane l.nt nieht in ' Sweeney." with Charlie Ruggles. , the C. L D. L. HalL ! coast turn out young beauties. SCHOOL to be irom-tj NtrioJjm eaiinm hi to m Opening Supplies Best Quality Pen Paper 44 page 88-Page Kraftol Cover 160-Page Kraftol Cover 200-Page Kraftol Cover 5c; 0 for ZSf ri'iei Ik 10c. 3 for ik 15c, 2 forSfc 2: 3 Itt Wc rencii scribblers. 88-page ruled. 8 for.. , . Sit Alright" School LEAD PENCILS, im with Rubber Tips. Ration School Pencil, high quality, each ... .jl. k, Pencil Seconds. 2 for . U Drawing Pencils. CONFEDERATION. BB. HQ and U. each it ROYAL SOVEREION. all grade. IJc;JforSk Kulers, . Jfc & lc Erasers 5c 8c 10c McLean Pens 10c Bet Square, each . 10c Measure Compasses .. .. 25c Reeve's Paints lOc Protractor, metal 10c Celluloid 1 5c Drawing Portfolios 10c Music Dictation Books 10c Drawing Books . . J0c Mapping Penholders 10c Points, 2 for . . 5c Reeve's India Ink 3k Waterman's and Ink . t Stafford's Ink Reeve's School Crayon Wax Crayons Paste i ' Stuefferi Ik ' Ik lk4 Ik Ik ' Loose Iieaf Ring Rttiks LOOSE LEAF Ring Ok h Ik Loose Leaf Fillers Itc. 3 for Ik School Bags .. tic to It Oeometry Set, complete Ik Complete Btock of Public and High School Books and SoppiM now on hand. Prescribed n. C. Text Book at Government Prices CALL FOR LIST TERMS Cash With Order; Positively no accounts will be .penfi for School Books or Supplies pSfesUaTOaRBaKIJsUU mtVi t OF ' FREE! FREE! Special For School Openinp 3 Only 60-Page Ink Scribblers Tree with every cash purchase of $1.00 Limit 12 to each customer while the supply lasts GORDON'S HARDWARE sssOT'Swrsimiariioir.imr.iarwtciv rhone 311 ... CI -By Weaver