Th newly-formed Athlon Angling club ovef ln the old country held their first rally at Walthanstow Reservoirs, fishing for pike, recently One of the members of the club, who did not Intend to cat:h cold, well wrapped up ln a blanket, 1 BREMER IS BEING HELD All Efforts to Secure Releake of St. Paul Hanker Have So Far .Met Failure ST. PAUL. Minn., Jan. 27: Following failure of all contact plans which have been made to date, re latives of Edward G. Bremer, kid napped St. Paul banker, are making renewed efforts to secure release pf the brewing capitalist by payment if $200,000 ransom money. Federal and local police officers, it is dated, have agreed to stay out of the case until after Bremer has been safely returned, Meantime, both Adolph Bremer, the kidnapped man's father, and Emily, his wife, are ill and on the verge of complete breakdown. Both are fearful that he may have been killed by his kidnappers. There Is said to be reason to believe that Bremer Is being held safely in a small town north of Minneapolis although there is no official confirmation of this. There is another report that the ransom money has been paid over but that Bremer will not be released for three days, the abductors being fearful of capture should they act too soon after receiving the money Legislation Propound WASHINGTON, DC. Jan. 27: Legislation has been presented to Congress for Its consideration by which anyone attempting to pay over ransom money to kidnappers would be liable to minimum punishment of two years' imprisonment and $5000 fine. Cunard Liner Is Aground Outside 0( Southampton BOUTHAMITON, Jan. 27:-The giant Cunard liner Auultanla was UILMARDS 'POSTPONED Postponed, billiard games from Tuesday and Thursday night's leagus fixtures tills week were further deferred from last night. The deferred .gAmes are: Oeorge Howe. Grotto, vs. William Stuart. Elks, from Tuesday night and Alex Mur Billiard Averages O. Ttl, S. D. Macdonald Ot 3 GOO J. Sutherland (Emp) 5 089 P. Pritchard lEm) 9 1772 D. Brown Oy, .... 9 1756 C. P. Balagno'Elks) 9. 1735 C. Baptie QL) 9 1734 Roy Fo-g IE 2 380 O. P. Tinker (CD 9 1729 W. Wllllseroft (Em) 0 1144 J. May Oi 9 1712 J. Judee (CD , 3 503 M. M. Lamb (CD . 0 1122 E. Batt 1G1 9 1C70 J. Doherty (Elks 7 1273 O. Howe (G) 7 1283 F. Aldridgc (Em) - 8 1450 M. McLachlan (Em) 3 541 E. Morris Elk) 2 360 W. Stuart (Elks) 8 1432 J. Bulger (Elksl 9 1C05 C. Youngman CL)V.7 1245 A. Donald (Em) .."9 1502 W. E. HuUon (G) . 0 1038 W. Ranee CL) '...!.. . 1 172 B. Morgan OI 9 1529 J. Saunders (Elks) 7 1210 M. E. Younir JEm) . 9 1490 L. Raabe (Emp.) ....l 1C0 A. Hnrvcy ICL) 8 1301 A. Murray CL) 7 1J27 H. Menzle Elks) 9 1410 A. Bcole (Emp) 2 305 W. Lamble Elks) .2 287 . Zartaroskl (O) ...1 138 RIl.I.IAltD KCIIEDUI.i: BRIDGE Ave. February 1-Orotto vs. Swift, uBruuim uuusiae eouinampton liar-j Cold Storage v. I. O. O. F. oor nere. it was refloated without I February 8-Grotto vs, 193 193 192 191 190 188 187 ISO 183 183 181 180 180 179 178 178 174 173 172 January 30 Empress vs. Grotto. February 1 Legion vs. Elks. February 6-Elks vs. Empress. February 8 Grotto vs. Legion. February 13 Elksj vs. Grotto. February 15 Empress vs. Legion. February 20-Orotto vs. Empress. Cold aamaKc' Storage. Swift va. I. O, O, F . 7- " February 1& Grotto vs, LOO P Oet quick results with.fc.wanUd Jfiwlft vs, Cold Storage, CB2 He Drops Them In Bob Houston, sophomore centre o Ur Washington State C .!! ge basketball team, snows what a ;;nap it is to srore a basket wl-.Ue Don Lynch, student manager look on with seme amazement. Houston, 6 fe;t, 7t, Inches tall and weighing 220 pounds, is all-round athlete, having earned his Varsity letter as a football and baseball player. He s 22 years oil and r.alls from Tacoraa, Wash. HAWKS BEAT CANADIENS I'd if a no Scores Overtime Victory To Renew ltil For America 11 Divkion Puck Honors ray. Canadian Legion, vs. W. E. Wll- liscrolt. Empress, and M. M. Lamb j CHICAOO, Jan. 27: -Chicago vs. J. Sutherland from Thursday : Bla Hawks renewed their bid for night. All. It Is expected, will be run "upremacy of the American Divl olf over the week-end. j slon of the National Hockey League when they defeated the Montreal jCanadlens by a score of two to one ln an overtime contest here Thurs-'day night. FIC.IIT POSTPONED 200 1 -1081, NEW YORK, Jan. 27: The Can-197jzonerl.Locatclll fight, scheduled to 195 (take place here last night, was 193 j postponed. Basketball Standing Senior League W. Giotto 3 1. N. R. A. 3 Kalens 0 tallies' League Cardinal : 4 7omet 2 High School 0 IntermrdUte League High School 3 Warriors ,2 Merchant 1 Junior league Scout 2 170 1 Trojans 2 1C9 Flashes l iriC,Bcythlans 1 1C0 ! --. 103 j ici; 1571 BASKETBALL 153 j January 29 C.N.R.A. vs. Grotto; H I High School vs. Warriors: Comets .... - - , .. . iujHi,i, February 1 Kalrns vs Grotto; Merchant vs. Warriors; High School vs. Comets; Scythians vs, Scouts. February 8-Grotto vs. CN.R.A,;j Warriors vs. High School. tJardln-' als vs. Comets: Scouts vs. Flashes. February 12 Grotto vs. Kalens; ' Warriors vs. Merchant; Comets vs. High School; Trojans vs. Scouts, February 15 Kalens vs C.N.R.A., Merchants vs. High School; Hleh School vs. Cardinals; Flashes vs.! Scythians. February 5 C.N.R.A, vs. Kalens; High School vs. Merchants; Car-! dlnals vs. High School; Scythians vs. Trojans. February 19- C N.R.A. vs. Grotto; High School vs. Warriors; Comets v'CitfdJ.nAls, ,jj3sv:U,ejuc, Trojans, I Si- na two TOR DAILY NEWS Saturday, January 27, jj3l THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCE RCPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue II. F. PUTJ.KN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlod paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week . ,. . .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ,,,, - 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per Insertion - -. 1.40 Local readers, per Insertion, per line - .25 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .02 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephont ,,, . , 81 Advertising and Circulation Telephone , 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday, Jan. 27, 1934 CONCERT IS Jonkher Diamond ENJOYABLE: h, Pur.cha.s.ed B? Diverting Novelty Was Feature of j Entertainment last Ni;ht At First United Church Jewelry Magnate JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. J.;n. 27: The now famous "Jonk- her Diamond," 726 carats, as large A clever and diverting novelty in af a hen's egg and t0 tne dark faces and costumes entltlri'Wwert ln the world- which was sold "Radio Dwarf Quartette" was the t week y Jacobus Jojikher, Boer novel feature of a splendid enter- farmer- whose employee, a native bo'- found e while at work tainment which was put on last Bern night by the choir of First United : Church under the direction of Choirmaster J. S. Wilson. This novel arrangements songs, quartettes, patter, topical songs, etc.. occupied the entire second half of' the evening's program and was received with mush enthusiasm and favorable comment. Taking the leading parts- were Dr. R. G. Large, J.'A? Tens, J- S. Wilson and Bert Cameron. The first half of the evening's on the farm, has now been acquired for $350,000 by Sir Ernest Op-penheimer. South African diamond magnate. pipe organ solos by Miss Swanna Qlafson. Rev. C. D. Clarke, the pastor presided and made suitable comments during the proceedings. The personnel of the choir Is as follows: Miss Mary Sharp. Mis Margaret Fossum. Miss C. M. Ir- program included three choral vine. Miss Betty Eastman, Mis-; numbers with descants; violin so- Cattle Eastman, Miss Edith Miller los by Bert Cameron; vocal solos by Dr. R. G. Large; selections by the Junior Symphqny Orchestra under direction of BSrt Cameron; vocal folos by Mrs. P. C. Miller; vocal duets by Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large; choral selections. "Dancln? Mrs. R. O. Larga, Mrs. P. C. Miller Miss Alleen Yates, Mrs. A.J. Squire, Miss Edith Wilkinson, Bert j Cam-eron. Dr. R. G. Large, J. A. Ten? George Wilson and O. A. Edg- eumbe. on the Green" and "The Gentle: w. H. Manuel, C.N.R. travelling Maiden? vocal solos, J. A. j Teng: auditor, after spending a couple 01 quartette. Dr. and Mn. R. G. Large, j days here cn official busine.? Mrs. P. C. Miller and J. S. Wilson; sailed by the Princess Adelaide las recitations by Miss E. M. Earle: ' night for Vancouver. CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH iMiiustrr, Rev. U I), Orant Hollingwortli. BJl. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 A.M.. Srmon Subject: "THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW" 12:15 P.M.. Sunday School 12:30 P.M., Westview School v 7:30 P.M.. "THE HOUND OF HEAVEN'" Based on the poem by Francis Thompson of the same title. EVENING MUSIC Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" Solo, Selected, Mr. John E. Da vey All visitors welcome Pike Fishing in Old Country ' 1 , IN HONOR OF BURNS Splendid Banquet Held Thursday! Night by Local Eagles Lodge 1 Happy hours were spent at the' Eagles' Hall on Thursday night when, following a business and ini tiation session, members of the lodge to the number of some fifty ' sat down to do honor with n ban-1 quet to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Robbie Burns. There was an excellent toast list and musical program and It was well along In the "wee sma" hoors o' the mor ula' " before one of the best entertainments ever staged by the lodge was brought to conclusion. One of the features of the pro ceedings was the piping in of The Haggis by Piper Neil Macdonald, James Brawn carrying the steam ing national delicacy aloft while members of the lodge fell in behind and marched twice around the tables." "The Addres to a llap.gU" as recited by William Robb who also said the Bums Orace. Henry Sroltli was chairman and toastmaster and kept the proceed ings moving with vim and enthu- iiasra. There were toast to The King and the Royal Family,'' The Town We Live In," responded to by Peter Oamula; The Immortal Memory." responded to by George Lawson; "The Lasses," responded to by W. P. Hall; The Imperial Forces." responded to by Fletcher Hemmons; The Chairman, Piper and pianist," responded to by Frank Fitzgerald. Votes of thanks were proposed by Henry Smith and William Robb and remarks about Burns by Angelo Astorl proved of Interest. The musical program Included vocal solo, "Sea Chnteys." John Gibson; vocal solo, "The Star 0' Robbie Burns." Alex McLean; reel, tatlon, "Man Was Made to Mourn," Joe Davidson; vocal solo, "Scotland Yet," Alex McLeod; comic songs. J. Melville; Burns' stories. J. Gibson; comic songs, J, J. WWington; vocal ! solo, "Mary of Argyie." Alex Mc-1 Lean; vocal solo. "Annie Laurie." ' Angus Macdonald, and comic songs by A, McCann. Community singing : wus ujso enjoyea. w. v, iiau was pianist for the evening. When Friends Drop In After a couple of liotirs f "Auclinu" or "Con-tract" . . . complete an .enjoyable evaiing with .1 litflil repaftf of santlwiriic, crncK'frt, lw-se aixl PHOKNIX l.AGER. PHOICN1X l,AGER i sparkling, pure and healthful It o 50 easy to serve, and many preier it a late evening beverage because it aids di-.fes tion nd induces calm repose. y rt v:rul l not publish'! r ):-; liniur 1 'iirul itwsnl tr the (iuvtr: a U Coal Prices Minehcad KgtfCoal $12.50 Minehoad Lump Coal $12.50 I'cmhina Kkk oa' $12.00 Stove Coal . $11.50 Coal in Dry Shod and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Further Rioting In Paris Streets llo)aKU Continue Their Demon-titrations Aiaimt (ovrrniuent Of Prrmier Chautrnii PARIS. Jan. 27: There was further rioting a'nd disorder in, the streets of Paris yesterday as Royul-Ut influences continued their demonstrations against the Chau-U-mps government whose removal from office they are demanding Gresvig's SKI HARNESS Poles - Wax Skis Made to Order at Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert Itmr rugs mounted In any style. Game hradi a flaUy. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices K. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, It.C. CRIBBAGE C0AL! COAL! January 29- Canadian Legion v. Oddfellows. Moose vs. P. R. Hotel, Musketeers vs. Elks. Grotto vs, Our Famous Edson, Alberta sad Bulkley Valley Coals are guarsn-Ud to give satisfaction. Try 1 ton of No. 1 nulkley Valley, W also sell Timothy Hay, Whet Oats and Uarley. I'rincc Rupert Feed Co. $ rtiones SSI The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating- Wrapping to General Furniture Hepslri tM your Roods with me Phon-.lafc 1ZI IWO. J. DAWKS For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red lUyi Mamie All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASl'INALL D.C. (Chiropractor) flreen 241 Phones dreen 541 Eschange hlork