tartar January 19U' Ormes Lid. rtir Rnill 8Ur rhoneai II & W Writing Pad and Envelopes Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder and Klcnzu Tooth Brush Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder anil Jusunino Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each TUi- new Imr contain! the vitamins equal to one tKispoonsful of COD MVEU OIL Gel This Antiseptic Special I Mi :11 Mouth Wash, regular 10c Mi ill Tooth Parte, h'Kular WVr Mi :U Shaving Cream, regular 2Tc The Three For 82c Classified Ads FOR SALE .FECIAL Holler Canaries, tflns-- ..nd females, S4 and 3 pair. y... any distance. W. Hutson. I! . - d Block. .... Ion RALE Thoroughbred Newfoundland pups. Ideal pot tot ulrcrj or sleigh dogs. Apply C-Trfmj L Little. Terrace. B.C. 33 FOR RENT VEHNON Apartments housekeep-rooms, newly renovated, Ml 2nd Avenue. Phone Ued 421. WANTED WANTED- 1 boat hull, nbout 3u !: ' Mast be sound and cheap. B'.ito price Box 199. Dally Ncw. PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. Wo start you. Tlie Canadian Kln ;'-' 'arten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED ; r t HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd., Winnipeg. PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Rett 801 FRESH MIMv AS') CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone f),r)7 PRINTING Office Suppl ies Nose, Cowan & Latta f hone Ml LOST .LOST Wire haired terrier, white. . black eye patch. Finder please phone Oreen C87. HAIRDRESSER 23 LOST recently by lady who needs the money $17 In bltU. Finder kindly return to Dally News, tf FOUND FOUND Keys in ease. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad. vertlscmcnt. PF.H.MANKNT WAVING I CluMer Curl; Mtest Style Nn.SON-S HFAUTY BHOPPE TRANSFERS RID your basement of old boltlei. bought tor 15c dor Cameron's Transfer tlOM HM.T I.HJIOM ACT NOTICE w hereby lvi tlut on h tliiiud lirterd to mit to Utr Uqd'.r : . n,..wl fis is LUVIITf 111 ro ' i-m., nort oi Uw bilUdina .1.. I.n. rtoaiMHhl'd UK IH NO. II i lltaok V5. 10. MP NO. 8I8A. WW HU-Sirt timl WWilM DWrles, in the I".' r Mutt Columbia. lor Uie , r.""."Lr: tlw. or br the hot (tie for roiummpuon on the jimnU.- or Dated IM. 31d mnMOT IIOTE1, COMPANY IJMlTT.n in rutin i: Apjllcint ... n.iDnrur mtmTor BRrrtpii C?)t tlinilA IN TIIE MATTER or THE ii1 im TllF MATTEH Of TlUt ESTATE Of TAKE Wl hi ? ,,: Aa. . & Wa a WM I M awiln W Ad. i?b wiulred to turoWi V-nlrty 'vertAell brtw. the I U n. M ni day of vvunuiry A-D. M. and omclAb AOMtNtSTlUTOn. ntMihaait ty t J"' a d.iu4 Advertise in. the Dly New Following his conviction in the! morning on a charge of taking an automobile without consent of the owner. Frank uoracz wai nnec l), ZareJJi, proprietor of the Ho-j ul Jlolel. to expected home within he course , of the next few days from Edmonton where he has been receiving treatment at the hands of Dr. Kelly who has been in con kleraWe prominence in the Albert a Capital of late owing to nme rep-irted remarkable cures he; has made Mr. Zarelli, who was practically bedridden with rheumatism before elaving here, now write that he has regained practically his full former normal activity and Is feeling very fit. Salvation Army Revival to End Tlic two weeks' revival campaign it the local Salvation Army Citadel tU be JwpushLH a close with! .racial meetings this week-end.) There have been wrge anenaances it .ill the meetings of the campaign which has ben so far very suocess- : ful I On Thursday night a Biblical ! play was presented, those taking part being Captain Agnes Caxson ! Lieut. Haiei Mllley. Tom Stelnburg. Frank Pierce, Ted Harmon. MU Mary Pierce and Ml Mildred Hun.. The scenes were Interspersed with instrumental selections by Edward Lelghton and. Sergeant Major Provost of Meilakatla. On Wednesday night there was a muslc.il meeting, local talent being assisted by visitors from Metla-katla. On Tuesday night Staff Captain Joseph Acton and the local officers visited Metlakatla and conducted a meeting there. Last night a Holiness meeting was held here. Today's Weather Dead Tree point Cloudy. Hrht southwest wind; barometer. J0.20: temperature, 4; light swell. Triple Island Overcast, moderate southerly wind; light swell, Announcements Prince Runert Badminton Club nance. Elks' Home. Friday, February 2. C. N. It. A. bridge, Ragles' Hall February 0. Annual St. Valentine dance Cambral Chanter. I.O.D.R Feb. 14 Plnnccr's lUnquct March 9. St. Patrick's Supper and Concert March 17. Moose Hall Hrldge-Whlst and Dance on Tuesday, 30th, Admit. 35c, includes refreshments. Everybody welcome. Feb. 14th, St Valentine Dance. Scotch dance every Saturday evening. Admn. 25c and 10c. Basketball every Monday and Thursday- Admn. 25c is 10c. Support Prince Rupert's Duly Organized Sport .TBS DAILY KIWI LOCAL NEWS NOTES We buy anything In gold. Premium prlrn. Max Hcilbroner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitch sailed $200, with option of four months' i last night on the Princess Adelaide Imprisonment, by Juage W. E. for a vacation trip w Vancouver Fisher In County Court yesterday where relative reside, afternoon. Oomei is rrlng thet time Annual meeting of Prince Rupert Liberal Association will be held In Metropole Hall, Monday, January 29 at I p.m. Buslne Ucctlon of officer. All Liberals cordially Invited to attend. 24 Miss Ituth Wilkinson of the student nursing stalf of the I'rince nupert Oeneral Hospital jailed las night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. She will be away for the next few months taking courses of training In tuberculosis nursing at Tranrjulile and in dietetic at Vancouver Oeneral Don't Forget the Boys' Band con- jcert tomorrow 'Sunday evening 'at 9. Don't miss hearing James I Melville of Vancouver, radio singer !in special song numbers. Mrs. Jack McDougall is at Ed monton where she is special medical trtaatment. She is reported to be feeling much Improved in general health. F. E. Blrrell of Burps Lake, who is inthc service of the B. and B. Department of the Canadian Na tional Railways, sailed this, after- the people's warden was read by noon on the Venture for a trip to!"- T- Cross in the unavoidable ab- Vancouver sence of R. L. Mcintosh. Other re-; ' ports were tendered by the follow- J ,lng: Senior Woman's Auxiliary, j THANKS TO BUCKLEY'S HE NEVER WORRIES ABOUT BRONCHITISNOW Mr. Clifford G. Morrison, Rainy River. Ont has abundant reason to bleu the day he heard of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Since his school days he has suf. fered torjure from bronchitis, Lut now at the first sign of an attack he nip it in the hud with BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. He saya:- My experi-enco with this wonderful mediein make me alway kp a bottle in the medicine eht I never worry alout bronchitis now." Mr. Morrison s axperience can be rpl ill 1 p V yours. If you are lyins: awake I hlQ WPPK-r.nfl nights, racked to pieces with cough. ! breathe.iust try BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. You will be astounded how quickly the couch will stop, how your breathing will instantly tcnme easier. There's nothing like Buckley's fop quick, sure, safe retlef. It acts like a flash A single sip proves it. Boys' Band Shows Big Improvement Opportunity Will be Given to Hear Lecal Lads, 32 in Number, Tomorrow Night Tomorrow evening friends of the Prince Rupert Boys' Band will have an opportunity to note the lm jrovement that the lads have made In recent months. There will be 32 Instruments, eight of which are reed and the others brass. These are -hoscn from a total membership of 40. Twice a week regularly the members of the band meet in the Armory to receive Instruction from Bob Oreenfleld, an experienced Instructor, who is leading them gra dually to appreciate and play good music. They learn all the fundamentals of music and Mr. Oreen fleld is ambitious to make this one of the leading musical organiza tions of the province. JUPlttiaUaVanaihi Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Pot Roast or lu-cf per lb Boiling Beef 3 lbs Prime Rib Rolled - per lb fjtmb " Chops 3 lbs Pork Chops 3 lbs Stew Lamb per lb Leg of Lamb per lb. Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Stew Beef, 2 lbs. Kidney. i,i lb. Liver, 1 lbs. Kidney. 1 lb. Leg of Fork per lb. Shoulder of Pork 4 lbs. Phone 957 VESTRY OF 10c 25c 18c 50c 50c 10c 20c 14c 25c 25c 18c CATHEDRAL Annual Meeting Held Church In Good Condition Officers For Year FJected Gratifying report on the various phases of church w-ork during the past year were presented last night at the annual vestry meeting of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. The rector. Dean Olbson, was in the chair and R. H. W. Bartlet acted as secretary. The rector's report showed the ; condition of the narisb. H. T Cross. '.".-.I . . treasurer, presented a statement which showed a satisfactory state of affairs financially, all immediate obligations having been met, while the Restoration Fund allotment had been oversubscribed both in cash and promises. The report of Mrs. G. H. Arnold: Girls- Branch.! Mrs. A. H. Waddlngton; Juniors,' Mrs. C. V. Evitt; Little Helpers. Mrs.' E W. Tucker: Choir, Judge W. E.i Fisher: Chancel Guild, Mrs, Fred1 McLeod: Sunday School. Miss Win-' nie Tucker; Young People's Asso-' elation. Miss Joan Cross: Scouts' and Cubs. 8. P. Woodside; Oirf! . Guides. Miss Muriel Brewerton; I Brownies. Mlu Eileen Olbson. Votes of thanks were passed to I 'officers and members of various' church organizations. Congratulations were extended by vote to Miss R. M. Davles O. B. E. In view of the honor recently conferred upon her by Ills Majesty the King In recognition of her long tabors in the cause of education. Election of officers for the en. suing year resulted as follows: . People's Church Warden, R. L. Mcintosh. Rector's Church Warden. H. T Cross. Select Vtstry Judge W. E. Fisher. George Hill R. H. W. Bartlett. William ailchrUt. C. f. Etltt. G. P. Tinker. J. D. Allen. N. W. Apple- , yard. Thomas Andrew and Dr W C. AsplnaU, I Lay Delegates to Synod R. L. j Mcintosh and It. T. Cross; substitutes. E. W. Tucker and O. J. ; Dawes. Auditor. Ernest Unwin. COMEDY IN NORWEGIAN Delightful Entertainment Staged By Varden Singers in Metropole Hall Latt Night Considering the extremely ad verse weather conditions, there was a very satisfactory crowd in atten dance at the Metropole Hall last i night for the presentation by the Varden Singers of the three-act comedy "Lars Anders and Jan Anderson" which was very creditably done in the Norwegian tongue by an excellent cast which consisted of Mrs. L. Husoy. Mrs. A. Dybhavn, Mrs. Big Anderson. Mrs. P. Wlkdal, N. Ounderson. B. Pedersen, A. Lind-seth and I. ingibrltsen assisted by Mrs. Nels Luth. Mrs. C. Olske, O. Olske. William Husoy and J. Jor-gensen. , Between acts there were piano i selections by Peter Lien and comic songs by Nels Ounderson. Following the play there were a number of selections by the .Varden Singers and the male choir all of which were much appreciated. Refreshments were served and dancing followed with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's orchestra. Nels Ounderson was master of ceremonies. A. Dybhavn presided at the door. During the evening delicious refreshments were served by the Hotel Arrivals Royal A, Bourgeois, C.N.R. Prince R.upert V C Stevens. Blubber Bay; Maurice McArdle. Solntula; Commander C. T. Beard, Ottawa. Cholcojoe Mrs. D. A. Brown and child sailed last night on the Princess i Adelaide for Vancouver wnere they I will take up residence. Mr. Brown, i who has been accountant here for 'some yenrs ror ine awui-winaaian DUC Co. Is being transferred to Van couver and will leave for the south m ru ruvwn ' vm ;' rp nex week. HERE'S THAT QUICK WAY TO STOP A COLD Tike 2 ASQttin TkblcU. In - 2 ,i 3- jj ii m x rvinlr full ri mttrr. KrpMit trvaUwit m I I f throat wre. crinh irti iliawtvc .1 Aipvin Tatlu a lutt flas of vatf and gvtle acordifif la ferctiw io box. Almost Instant '.Relief in This Way The simple method pictured above is the way doctors throughout the world now treat euld- It is recognized as the QUICKEST, safetl, ur est wxy lc Iret u co!d. For it will riirtK an or ji- nary cold uliwfrt oa fast as you raughl it. Ak your doctor about li And Min n you buy. see I hat you get Aspirin T.iUUu. .VHinu i the inult-iuark of The Bayrr Cpi- pun. jmileii. and I he name Itnyi-r m the form f u rrut. Ls ua fiu-k titUl. They iliilv uluuit DOES NOT HARM THE HEART BWaMBJMBBMSSJMfMQSJjSM instantly. And thus work almost instantly when you take 'them-And for a gargle. Aspirin Tablet! diuulve u completely they leave po irritating particlre. Get a lxis of 12 tablets or a bottle of 21 or 100 al any drug store. LINE -,: TIME Remember . . . it's a WOM.VS Job and . . . Get her an EAST. This superb new EASY Vacuum Cup Washer has all the features that make home-laundry easy and convenient. Let us show you how It's built ... or, better still, send it round for a demonstration. It's yours for Just $10.00 down and a small amount each month. THE LAST WORD IX HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT For the truly complete modern home laundry ... the new EASY Spin Dry Washer . . . Vacuum Cup washing . . . frictionless spinner drying. DOES ALL THE WORK. Ask to see it! I II l (tyJb I uWI vVd. cuu m " " "".y TheFisfi which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamera leave Prince Rupert tpr Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJM. Via Ocean Fail and Wtypolntt, antrtivg Vancouver Tburaday rternoon T.S.S. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY, MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. Weekly aalling" to Port Blmpaon, Atlce Arm, Anyos, Stewart and N Blver point. lvt Prtnca Rupert Bungay, pm. SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCI RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $32. (Meals and Berth Included.) On Sale Nov 10 to Feb. 28, return limit March 31, 1934, Further Infornuvtton regarding all aallnga and tnkeu -at I'KIM'K lit I'l.KT AtlKNCY: Third Atenue. fhont M