Hnilway traffic and telegraphic jommunication of Pniu-i' Rupert to the outside world are completely tied up v ek-end owing to high water, drift ice and land and ..i - t... d t: rn : 4L.. Hints along wiu luvtur om.cuu unci lunuwuij; mv ht ;iv y. v arm rains of the last few days and there was some wrtuinty ' up to early afternoon today as to when ser- ' vice might be expected to be re Has Birthday Wmm fohmi:ii kaiser DOORN Hohand, Jan 27 ' F ; ,: t Kauer Wiihelm II of t: rina: iy celebrated Ins seventy-fil I) birthday quietly today on utm his relatives. He Is In excellent health. Merger of City And County Of LOS ANOELES. Jan. 27: -The civic budget efficiency bureau has united that $9,200,000 could be raved utinually by an amalgamation of civic and county administrations of Los Angeles. Senator Huey Long Trailing Stormy New Orleans Solon Itelilittl In Mayoralty Primary In CJulf City NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 27:-Sena tor Huey Long, stormy petrel of federal and state H)lttlcs, was 15.-000 behind In the mayoralty run-u'f prlmmy In this city. SILVUt AND COPPER PRICES NEW YORK SILVER NEW YORK, Jan.' silver closed nt 43Uc per ounce on the local foreign exchange market yes- icruay und copper at 8,ic per pound. stored. It was hoped that the train 1 I j for the eat which was to have left' ! last evening might get away to-1 i morrow night and that the train 'from the east, ordinarily due at 10 'o'clock tonight, might get through by Sunday night, these estimates, however, beiag entirely tentative j ! Railway officials are rushing work 4 with, a v lew. jetting theJUuu. cleared as soon as possible. Tele- j i jiaphle linen have been down sin I i Tliursday afternoon and the cltv j ; has since ben dependent upon wireless for outside communlca 'lion. Late yesterday morning a mud-; "Ude cam down over the rallwax ! line at North Pacific cannery on the Skeena River slough. This ha -;m sxmer been cleared up last iv.'ihi than another slide came down at the same point, once again nvoring the line with mud, rocks and trees. This obstruction ha been cleared up at mid-day todaj Minor damage was done to Ka-yex bridge by Ice and high water coming down In a swollen torrent against the trestle last nigr.t. i was expected the bridge would bp made passable by this afternoon. At various pqlnts between fir and Kwlnttaa some eight or te snowslides are reported across th-railway line, length varying from 40 to 600 feet and depth from five to tweny-five feet. The landslide at North Pacific and the trouble at Kayex bridge delayed the rotary plow and other equipment gettln t to these slides from this end. j The only damage so far reportec i had been that at Kayex bridge am i there have been no casualties. L.A. Advocated Actress and Her Husband Abandon Young Daughter j LOS ANOELES. Jan. 27: -Coral I Clarke. 31-year old actress, must ! appear In court here on a charge of child abandonment, it was ruiea yesterday. Thomas Sheen, Miss Clarke's husband, will appear In an 1 Ccntro court shortly for sentence for failure to provide for the child, a one-year old daughter. Vancouver City To Sue Gov't Municipality Will Seek to Collect Taxes on Crown-Owned Leased Property VANCOUVER, Jan. 27: - The Vancouver city council Is taking sicns with a view to suing the gov ernment for taxes on crown-owned leased property within the city. The total valuo of such property is es timated at $30,000,000. Graft Charges Pattullo Tells Montreal That B. C. Has Contributed More Than PL... I . FutkMl TIIIPV MONTREAL, Jan. zi: visiung . .L i. ..... u.. fnl. ' mis yuy ucuic icmuimj v. lowing the recent Domlnlon-pro-; vlnclal Intergovernmental confer- ence In Ottawa, Premier T. D. Pat- tullo of British Columbia stated yesterday that his province In the last five years had paid $20,000,000 more than Its share Into the federal treasury. Premier Pattullo reiterated his appeal to the east for more sympa thetic consideration of the appeals of British Columbia and the other western provinces for assistance In connection particularly with unemployment relief and economic Are Widespread Vast Amount of Correspondence Is Being Received Dally by United States Government WASHINGTON, DC. Jan. 27: President Franklin D. Roosevelt has let It be known that he Is receiving an average of two hundred letters a day charging graft In connection with the economic recovery public works program, both Republican charged ln this connection. The president added that the admin istrator of the National Recovery GERMANY AND TOLAND SIGN IMPORTANT PACT FOR NON-AGGRESSION BERLIN. Jan. 27: Heralded as being an Important step to- wards the cause of peace In Europe which also may faclll- tate the solution of dlsarma- ment problems, a 10 year aon aggression pact between Oer-many and Poland was signed yesterday. i VOTE OF MILLION Canadian Broadcasting Commission To Get Grant This Year of Same Site as Last OTTAWA, Jan. 27: It Is lntl-j mated that a vote of $1,000,000 will be made to the Canadian Radio Broadcasttng Commission In this' year's federal estimates. This Is the same as last year. Cuisine Staff Of Great Hotel Has Gone on Strike NEW YORK. Jan. 27:-The $30,-1 Is operating with a greatly reduced cuisine staff, six hundred waiters and kitchen workers having walked Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mm High 0:27 a.m. 17.3 It. rrim e Rupert Overcast, lli v - northerly wind; barometer. ZOZl'b 11:56 p.m. 19.8 It. temperature. 48; sea unooth. ' ' 'fff' Low 6:09 am. 10 .3 ft. 18:49 p.m. 4.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER is. v,. V ! XXIV. No. 23. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1934 PK1CE: FIVE CENTi '- V RAIL AW WIRE SERVICE DISRUPTED IMPORTANT PORTLAND CANAL MINING DEAL IS PENDING Warm Rains Cause of Much Trouble Along Lower Skeena Valley High Water, Drift Ice and Isanti and Snowslides Completely Tic Up Communication of Prince Rupert With Outside World Ghost Town of British Columbia Comes Back The historic mining town of Barkervllle. British Columbia, is once again coming into Its own. In the -boom days of he 60's whe the placer gold rush to the Caritoo area was at its height, it was known as the gold capital of the world, with Its population once numbering as high as 15,000. Now It Is coming back to life again as the latest rush for lode gold in the area is under way, and prospectors are now crowding Into the town that in late years has been nothing more than a ghost town with but a population of a few hundred. Between twenty-five and thirty millions of dollars worth of placer gold was taken from Williams" creek, which flows through Barkerville, in the Ws and 70's. Old-timers say that Bukervllle hasnt changed much since the "boom" days of 70 years ago. A fire in 1868 destroyed all but one building In the rough frontier mining town, but it was rebuilt In 1869 In much the same manner a rough frame shack along the banks of Williams' creek. Inset Is Baby Helen Snoxell. the "million-dollar baby" of the Caribou gold camp. Seen beside her are the first gold bricks from ths new mine situated on Cow mountain. PROVINCE OVERPAID 'IBOATRUNS TO ALASKA Eleven Voyajes to be Made to lng the year 49 of whlch were to Skagway Dy l. .awamsinys Commencing the summer service on June 20 as far as this port Is concerned, there will be eleven sall- The Prince Oeorge and Prince Rupert have sailings from here to Skagway scheduled for 'June 20, 27. July 4, 11. 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, A three-hour stop will be made it Prince Rupert Wednesday northbound, four hours at Ketchikan, five hours at Juneau and a full day at Skagway. Returning, the boats will spend several hours here on Mondays southbound. Foreman of Prince Of Wales Ranch Has Passed Away IIIOH RIVER, Jah. 27: James I Is dead" here. He was a noted Al-1 berta horseman. 1 Licutennnt-ftovcrnor Of Washington Pays Visit to Vancouver and Democratic leaders being , 000,000 S HAA tlt.U Waldorf-Astoria A A . . ft Hotel here, VANCOUVER, Jan. Salmon Gold Ore May Be Treated In Plant On Missouri Property Only Final Formalities Said to be Awaiting Completion Before Smelters Acquires Interest of Sixty Percent STEWART, Jan. 27: A deal whereby the new Salmon Gold mine would pass to the control of the Consolidated f Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada through acquisition df i a sixty percent interest in aaimon upiu mines Liui. is re-! ported to be concluded to the point of awaiting only the i final formalities. Owing to the difficulty of transports? I rlon. a small company would 'nrnATiT rT j precluded from developing the ! K H Hi ill I llr ground economically, and acqulsi- FIRE DEP'T of chemicals and 500 feet of ladders! were used. The members of the department made 650 Inspections ot business, houses, hotels, schools, hospital and moving picture theatre during the year. Two hundred notices to correct unsafe conditions were given and, as a result, there had been (department be kept up to the greatest efficiency.' 'the report observes. During the past year the efficiency of the departnnt had hppn prpatlv lnrrpaxrrt thrnuirh the I McMillan, foreman of the Prince of . acqulsUlon of a new truck. Fifty waics rancn nere ior seven ycuia.. ... mat.r hQM had b-en " - - ... -- - - " purchased had useful. Expenditure also proven most tlon of the Salmon Gold by Consolidated Mining & Smelting would' be welcomed .as a piece of liighly constructive news. , ' It is understood that Consoll-- Vctivities of important Branch of dated engineers, who are engrossed Civic Service During Year Re- in the problem of making a com? viewed by Chief Damage $24,000 Practically All Covered by Insurance Need of Maintaining Efficiency Stressed Interesting parUculars as to the activities of fire department during the year 1933 are given in the annual report of Fire Chief J. R. Morrison which has Just been Dresented to City Commissioner W. J. Alder. Total damage to property I by fire and water during the year; was $23,915.45 of which $19,685.45. was loss on building and $4230 on contents. The total amount of in- surance paid was $23,410.45, leaving ' a net loss uncovered by insurance of $505. The value of property involved was $257,000. I Thefe were 104 alarms in all dur merciaUoperatlon of the Big Ml.' River Valley, are considering the j possibility of transporting ore from , the Salmon Cold mine to the 81? Missouri mill, eight miles distant. Those details of operation, however, remain to be worked out. Prosecution Has Setback in "Jake The-Barber" Trial CHICAGO, Jan. 27: The prols.-cutlon was noticeably worried whep. seven star witnesses tailed to de-, finitely identify Roger Tuohy and three co-defendants In connection with the abduction of John Factor better known as Jake the Barber.": The trial is proceeding Yesterday, however. Factor him- !.- .i self, from the witness stand, dosj- Cilimucy iiics. viKoicvc siuuo oiiu - - -- - - r h..h firra rauvd six alarms each.;"vely Identified Tuohy and two ot five alarms the other men as his abductors, sparks from chimneys and automobile backfires four " alarms Thorp aprp fivp f.llsp TJ flYYT lings to Alaska for the 1934 tourist- ,arms; , riUPiLlLJgA ; season, 11 is annoux.u uy v."- nurln thp vear iinno feet of dlan National Steamships. h , id hundrpd canQns ? " 11 IS DEAD Jim Crane, Colorful Miner of Carl boo District, Passes Away ' 1 QUESNEL. Jan. 27: Jim Crane, colorful pioneer mining man of thn Cariboo district, died here yesteN riav after havine been 111 for several" marked effect In reducing the fire j weeks at the age 0f 35. ue was born haiard during the year. During the ln Ontario and came to British Cor year several old buildings which jiumbla ln 1876, having lived prac-had been a fire hazard were re- tlcally continuously since that Unit moved. I in the Cariboo. "The frame construction that is 1 . !-!... . V. ...V.n... . U . .14.. v.nt.A . It absolutely necessary that the fire 1 Prohibition Party To Be Very Active In State Election SACRAMENTO. Jan. 27: The Prohibition Party announces that It will have candidates in the field of the department j for every elective office in the. for the year amounted to $11,240.13 of which $9,555 was In salaries. In conclusion, the fire chief thanks the commissioner for co- 27: Lieut.- operation and assistance, members forthcoming general state election. EXCHANGE RATES NEW YORK, Jan. 27: The Brl- Oovernor Vic Meyers of Washing-, of the department for faithful at-'tlsh pound sterling closed at $4.99 ton and Mrs, Meyers are paying a tentlon to duty and successful work, , on the local foreign exchange yes-brief visit to Vancouver. Meyers is the water and police departments terday as compared with $5 In Mon- Act was dealing with some 2000 .out ln protest at the dismissal of a well known Seattle radio orches- tor assistance rendered and the'treal. The Canadian dollar closed such letters dally. ' an assistant chef. tra conductor. public and press lor courtesy. at O'Jc here.