I THEY'RE MERE - - Third Avenue The New 1iVA LIMITED JJ iFor Fkll The New Onyx Shoes tlfa't "are 'fashioned rtgn't fdr Autumn wear Early customers . . . . are enthusiastic 6Ver thts group. . . . Have you seen fern? Why not select yours while jftir range ot Styles and -sizes is tbmpfette? The Family Shoe Store THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone SVl Published Every Afternoon, Except 'Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN ManagingEditor surs'cr'ii'tidn rXtes City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid lniadvance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, 'per Ve'ek , JL :. .10 By mall toaU'pa'rts of BriOsh Cblumbfa, the British Empire and 4 United States, paid in advance, per year ;. '..:.',',' . ZM By mail to all other countries, per yeiV 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ....... Transient display advertising, pet inch, per insertion s auinusiiis ana Lirruiairon 'ifirpnone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of cfrcuUtions pkemikk'S stAteMkt S8 S6 Buikley Valley Coal 'Your Dealer Can Suftily Voi Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products It docs pay to buy those advertised. ' 55 1.40 Friday, gept, 28, hm 0n this natre todav We are nuhlfshinrr an nriVprttcpm'unh which contains a Statement hv Premier 11. "R. TTpnnef f; in regard to the financial conditfon 'of Canada. We suggtisd that evervone intprpsterl in trto u'olfo-o wf 'CaniAn cKr.sil11 read the statement and those that will follow in connection with the refunding loan that is being floated next week. The success of the refunding loan is essential to the progress of Canada ami nn nnlitiVal rtV nfViof hnnAimX should influence citizens in connection with sl'pn'6rtirig it. While manv will not have nirrppH u-ftn Af Irp-nwaVt wak-- cies, they should sn'ow themselves Canadians rather than politicians. Mr. Bennett is the Premier of Canada and as such his words will carrv weitrht. Ho is asking 'thsr nii support be given ,the loan in the Interests of Caiia'da iuid not m the interests 6f his particular a'dmhu'stratroh. jeei sure tne appeal will meet With public approval ah'd that the quarter billion dollar loan fvill be subscribed in very short time. " . : HlJALiNC! '6) ABOUNDS The. depression caVfceWuch worry to many ptople-ahJ WrWmees resulted in suicicMoVatVfr stPess. In many cases scars Have reWltedbusmess ars ahd nersbhal scare, civic ricars and national scars. The first work of returning prosperity is tov heal these scars. That? . v. .,v.,.,h in.nn.li id cviuua, ien who nave Deen laie fdr -years are again at work. Others will go to work so'M.1 Businessmen Who have heen unship t dually recovering and are navimr nn wWiio ft, may not yet be Paid to be prosperous it is wjell 'on the wav Househbldei$ Would you think of imndrttmj sprue'e froW Vi'hc'rfii-yer Island or Alberta when nature gave your tie&M the finest grade spruce grown? Decidedly nol then S??X "PJJV?.116 ii611"11 of coal when nature inive the Bu k lev Val ev the hi the West? familiarize yourself with Rnd fnM'oi 'on in Interior ks Shorthorn Bui! ..... y . ?S2 tJXlLT KTfTB- , w OUTLOolc IMTT.0Ve'6 (Continued from Pase t: be nald. The number of men rece'lvfng re-' diamond drifted, ifte iShce Kamtyrt fbal mine Is ft 'o0eraf? rTS J?tJ$r Imfhlnst mining ODtratlona operations are are ui n prospeci proibect. An Industry that seems now to be a.uV "SL Dockrfll. It I VWppltrg Watty yir.rr. ...nrAia'tliM M employment to a num ouhuuuki v,ww tIiai were kcvuiik j ""mV1 ti.. mnt-vt im iv,. mem Centre imently MM a , wWTe u number ttay be pToduct Is blng steadily developed. tiill ptxceptlo'nal breedlhjr.vfiaerjinot likely that it will be trie Dominion government governments jBi .Hull; by uie inaian uesiaeniiai Bfrlle. "toarf. He was.S&ed b: fori a.souftd "Safli'U the coal mine at Teikwa operated by Frank vervTaree J11. miftt at B,kwa 1 ing very targe r w. W-n , ?!, nt any time. As a matter of fact , T1 1 nwiy nnnm urn uuu wiiuscr ci vprv ramn prnwui . . .it in rar si 1 rir ijrmvri ocnwi, gemng bacK 10 a more siaoie con- C .L..I " 'I v a auan mtidn and some day mere win dc : vtAi,"-."vv."--Y at Mi interior &5H Tine aria We ri are con- e'e s Ui'Gch ' ' 1 J " ... V. l . I .1 !-... even neafest damsverged 11,1454 centre if not a real boom. That will J"'-pounds of milk. The dam of the I be when the mines get In operation, yielding well and grain crops are StrathUavfTtlU h a two-year old nnlns AervTty , , m it. 6. P. Vecoft of 3.TJ8 pounds di WTille Uiere Is no Vfinlte Inlr- ThV tbVn oJtSmithert has no mlfk tesffhg 114 fifiUerfat. ;rnat3on of Lny such, move the debtVria 8. J. Nlayor.hairrna of lrmer who are pAvifeged fo use '-peopre here expect the Dumle VnTrie the BoJrd Vf cdmmUsTorierS, says this, outstanding, bull hav a.n ex-fto reopen soon, possibly before they . have been, gradually, making ceptional opportunity to build up : spring. Everything Is In good shape improvements. Those unable to pay a herfl of hteh.Wa$5 dVil pupose and there Is brbken pfe to the hare beeh allowid to work out ShorftiorVi caltfe wrhch wffl irtn? k A5pes Wady to ship. Tfie Wlllon IhHr taxes to he imitual benefit of ?ood returns to their owners In properties are all being developed ali The lovrn Is looking much bet-both beef a'n'd milx productToa steadily, the Rio Grande is to 'be ter than It did a.year ago, nice gar- Twenty YeajrsAljo Id frtnea K"uViri Srptrmbrr it. 1911 . . . . . . i . . A further rrt? ii the Rt&d to RCOvferf rVibioription mthln. Ihe iiext .few ayi.tKi 1934 Significance toevery citizen tb'at I.th)nV.U Cttfr.tp jirebent this Lnef explanatidrpf ta close re fa'tttm to tb wruare anu cuu'jnueu progress ui our couniry. iThe 1934 Loan tVnotlm WnralVffort., Vt1irt National credit means to a nation reputation meara to a man. lis . i what an oi .a long-term ionn in i option investor lew than 31a(and, In a one-year x. of ?o0.000.006 . r n i ti 1 miernai isrub oi.JLonunioii oi vtuau.viius,Jiiw Syery utAtkridinfe ft selling today atj suhntantfaljy' ulipve t Imub nrice. The twelve-vear '4 Bonds of. the.ii33 Hefundirig I5on,lMUiid at 96Jf, are how wiling at to yield approximately 3J5. 2. National Economy The debt conversion programme, in the second V1 VHP .i J IE DottlrJrm of CMnkcfii wffl offer for Korftftl m t , a . A J a maintenance u a '-.5 ' l- i .t- t .t f? TfnT- aweniiai ana neccMiiairs inai racn oougaiKMi Erunary e met. fulljr and promptly, as it cpmea due.,. Qur djljt conversion programme m then, in the minsjanc cwr method of meeting oar obligations ana thus maintaining our aedit. By this pgramm Canada baa already refunded $858,000,000 of maturing wartimetfebVaa'd. Cpnjplf tioln of the .1934 Loan will bring the rmtonroV.iotal td'ove'r one billion dollars. As a mult, Canada's cirdlt'stahfds notably high, both, at borne and in the great money marketa of the world. Striking eyldence of our high credt sjaii'cfmg ; was given witljin. the Iftst teyrjnont$i hen CnadH'yrMIniiiiV oiaie over-aicrrpiiqn at a pnee toyield the New York, obtained i bearinc jhtereet at 2 ier cent. And there 1i eViuattf . tini&iz evidence at the present jnofnentld the fact that ace, is nrovidintr suhfttantial savinc in public intereat charcea llie debt which we are refunding waiiJncOrred Sjitjj intermt Interest rates rates at at artificially artmcialiy high hign VarUme wartime peali. peaka. tJ JJon penod.has jmpgid,wUh rfjt'.to rapWay a other, current riutf menU, jill aiiq fve ibt w to tax reductions with the return to litter tlnies: h3 '3. Natidnal Recovery 'rhe debt itaYerwoa hkh Ctrisda baa ichleved suvri 1931, by tbuj taamlaiqraenitijmal CTrdlt ap Mcuriog --tod ah 'ewfatial part. J tltf VVpK Vatiooal efpnpmT, ba ifa& factor 'to our large sums borrowed for wartime purpres. The national importadce of this pmmmerand jof thi 193 Loan bs part of i tr'-cannot; be oVer erntihksizrd-. It u important frorn three aspect: .National CreUt: National IxCnomy; -?,lional neoorerV. I shall Hat t(h nrh nf tliM rn turn year ajtf , Drclinrinary to ib 1933 Ifftnviiis Loan. nwi. occasion wrjprf ipj.iun inav vnia nai pAsjLthe' low- yint pt denrfaJ)n and. wajdefinitely ipon'tne road to rfcavery.. .TodaY,,our prCKtw toward recoi poin v nioirnrieii(jiiy.opwrtl in an JroDr Yv National Credit r 1', "n( 'cwMMeritlj' 'suMainwl thlal a beetLno lonffr a liunumii mcuii HfMibt IU ralilr. r . ery.iaa mattrr.of eatabhsbMi lac t, .btnee the low t of. Miruary .33. the.(ren;of usinai haU bren rnremenl to marked The facta : of busIneM recovery .arewn(teo beyond ifivpute in ur statistical reowds. The rnoal'sTgiiihcant indices relate to pEyiTcVpTuineol KuMneMjnduktrial . productjonj carload! rg, flee fric, po"er lVI'uctiort, einploymeiit and prioea. Here Is the record hi e&h cake: ITiiiical v6lumejpiIn Iridustrlal rroductten, . ... arloVdbg. . . ........ ICletlric Power ProducCoo. UmplfVjmeM. . . . . , N, ANTioltfate hTcii ...... bm a iauv ii a a iv a M llko fur Aifrtj M vW l tie correal Rghtry una r:nrCKNf age increase 15.7 10.3 12.4 '4 M 32.7 VJj Vf.rial,fli'Ie filfnrea ar 'nnay ttuxknftdg. JliinuK .thf firstreight ruthth 6f tha drfie'nt year. ei ""Yi.Y'-v-it r. .vvy u uioiwiiujaii vear. A Further Step Aiijone wKo reflects wpon tVlJetnre aipfcta oSficreillt; ""'W f'd. rrcm ftr Mil $t otic appreciate that'th Iflil cojiyermin rrtgYuminiq Ji vitally imirtknt, to every Canadian and that, 6hA'fuftltly,fllhe kudbesa of U i )934 Loan is llie,jeronal concern ot eyerV man Hjiu nuiuuii ui inn-uoilllllion. 1ft,. i . . V i . ; - Hounding Ts now TOng accomplUhedvitn InteYcst JV-f , v- I t? " " WJiCPJft treat nltlonal .l l .l. v .ru , :Lii-sJn-..tJ...t.v " ii UndertakltiB: its surrea mean furl U., k toward more normal Ievels-an enaufaging world l 'Wi1-1- TOku raovern.ent.wJnch Mejwentialtq busineas rriun(ifng4 unaer, ire oouuuioii a ooiaineu ajreaucuon oi me prevj,oiw amounting to Viore,4han J9,0)0,p0() ' mnl,lu,n cif 11,3. 10U Ton wITl l aaVint of over J5.000.000 Tier annum. be JnnuaJ saving of.QYef 14,00ytopoj hui mirl jio a uueci cann orii , k, Ink J i. W . uemwiiVniiHs burden of. Unen ban oftHel the InferfAl charge on the awe extent, t, offset onset the tne heavy neavyuurtiens burdens which wincntne 'he oeiires- uepres- . .,. Un.iT. Jl... DOMINION 'OF CANADA 1934 RlBFUNDlNlS LOAN iTWav. ftr.it. nv., .rr -w. g j Former Nurtherti t Jllll llllVDf I t.1. iu prvvtvt uie cuy ana raiii roads, Irish Fuslllert, to the nom-j' flaJ?a8e ler of 175. arrived aboard the al fit Andrew. Wt Prti :e Aibert &n Vancouver -ft k - w Lin r Ueut. Col. McSpadden in xom- 77 "U W'-'v r M mati and hav been tfuarUFeki at "?ySPe,W?f-the Vremler ItotcL AfTbther. e-fV8 ,3v Of. J C lacfVment dt ti men Ts.tue VroihlpJ0?5"? WW Sophia ;co''i, and Nlri P Peter Francis Pirte M A declaration of neutrality In res-1"510' V.0" ct io h'e ust.o United 8C?l,J$i harbors by shift f (tfe wVrrin Ce"."'g M toySh ft. t4 feu V Presl- W A, rnnce Ktiom j dent Woodrow Wilson. ttn-1 r irlepdj n ftttenun v w. Larue Mr nd Mr J 1- l ... ... uru aic in ctiuciicc, ljuiiii. iias non, miss Nelson, Mr T bri?htentd. many buildings Vnd Gray), Miss Can-, there is k VneraValr of rtturolnf ,. , z A 'ii ' 8?e to A prosperity. drertlM. in the DaCr N.