it ti page four PIFFLETS From the Waterfront Bringing a large parcel of canned Salmon, from the three Queen Charlotte Island canneries, C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 12:30 midnight last night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Isl ands: After having been in service for the past two and a half months, the Pririce Charles is now being wUridrawh from the run and wil! be tied up for the winter at the local dry dock. The Prince John, having completed overhaul hea goes south, via the islands in platje of the Charles, tomorrow night. Conipietirig her final voyage of the seasoh.-C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived m, uv.pprt- port at. at. 12 12 noon noon today today from fromj "Armour Salvage Co.'s nower tu canjR on the Skeena River above Kwihi.tsa 16 pick up a boom of 400,. 000 feel of logs for delivery to hie Big Bay box factory at Georgetown. ) Due back here tonlsht, the Pacherta ' IS to leave on Sunday for Newrnmho ' wartior; put Island, to pick up a &w & Jog? from the Montelth camp ut MFMYery to me ueoreetown mill. i6-6z., $1,80 25-oz., $2.65 9 Steamships Sailihgs'f L ljljoJ; PMV;na,. ... j I UC ITldl lYClO Tuesday-catala ...1:30. pjo. Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pjn. . , . - ' . Friday-. Prin. Adelaida.iH n m. ' RctaU Pr,ces turrent here u are as fol,OWSl Ss. Cardena midnight - Satur. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. ' v . -f. ' Le-mons' doz' J 40 Sept. 6, 14, 24-P. Louise 5:30 urn. TT From Vaiicouyei- oranges, floz. zsc io .....v . ,. m Sunday-si. Catala A. ,4 pjn.!Ur?P?,rui.11- eacn- " w Wed.T-si Pr. Oeorce ...' ih am '.:r; - -15 FrldayL Prince Runert lb a m. Pond' Seedling Pluriis, Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 n.m. Ss. Carilena ........ p.m Sept. lb, 20 ss. Prin. Louise a.m. PoriAnviiv an rl Alifp Arm . 'days' HIRAM WALKER 6t SONS IdMlTED 'ihipt o hub rr ktuMMui t in '"hls advertisement Is not published or dlaplayei by iht Llqusr Control Board or by the Go-erniant of British Columbia. PW ENDS a C8 Id SooHef, PROVED B 2 GtNtRATiom .i Okanagan, lb.-:r. .11 Basket ........ .55 baffison Plurris, 2 lbs. 25 Basket .' .55 Catdla ' Greengages, lb 11 Sunday-ss. 8 p.m, Wednesday-; P. Genre ih Em B - Peaches, Elberta, doz. .30 to ,45 From Anyox arid Alice Arm i . basket, Tuesday ss, .Catala .11:30 aJai.. ...f?.te .7 t"' Thiirsrfftv .i.,'t; nprra a r. l Cooking Pears, 4. lbs. For Stewart and Premier- , ;Bartlett Pears, B.C., doz. 30c to Catala vanwioupeayeajn c 10 Sunday,-ss. 8 p.m.!"1' Pridavjw PrtKrA Ri.norf Ihnm Casaba Melons, lb. ... From Stewart and Premier ' 'Okanagan Honeydew Melons Tuesdayss. Catala ,. 11:30 am ...f... Saturdavr-ss. Satunjajv-ss. Pr. Pr. Runeri Rupert a 8 pm1' nmJ1M1' urapes Vancouver. Powell River and Ojf rNaas Ki?er una fo Skitnuh-, i "'t" T Fills Fills with with a a lisht light list list of of passengers naraWpra' Sunday Sunday s. s. Catala Catala 8 n m. P11"' lb - and. will sail at 10 o'clock this evening; for Stewart whence she will return' here tomorrow evening to be withdrawn from service and tlrd up for the winter at the loral dry dock.;, Members of the crew will Thursday for their homes In Vancouver. Pram Sans Hiver Hr Pnrt SimniAii 'j : Italian Prunes; lb: Tuesday-ss, Catala ....11:30 a.m- . ora, ...v-. For Ott-an Falls- . f o (Rhubarb, 6 lbs. . Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pjn.: AIf?; Friday-s. Prin., Adelaide 10 SJa.-2ravenstelrt!?,ll-6c io -Satur-Ks. P. Rupert. 10:30' p.m. ,Terraca Duchess; 4 lbs. l-'rum Oceau FalU , j Cooking, lb. 5c to .....v Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m.j9rabaPP,es' Hyslop. lb . Friday ss. Prince RuDert 10 a.m. I ' Bx :.JL.:.., i I rn Ss. Cardena V.J.. p.m.B C- msh Extras, Grade A PachenS'. Cant. Henrv ta- For Onpcn Pli-jrlntt UhnHc turned. w. port on Wednesday from: Sept. 15; 29 s, P.Charles. 10 pjil. North Island where it had been en- From Queen Charlotte Islands ffgecl in clearing up the wreckage Sept. 13, 27 ss. Pr, Charles a.m. 61 th Union Oil Co.'s tank barge For Alaska whlcowa's recently destroyed by1 Sept. 10 and 20 '. &:m. fire. The tanks were taken out to From Alaska deep-fcrater and sunk, the remains! Sept, 6, 14, 24 '4 p.m. of tnK birge were broken up .andtFroni Skeena River the anchors were salvaged. Coming I Friday, -ss. . Cardena in, from North Island, the Pachena ' v '- . - called 'at New Massett and picked' ,C N4 TKAlNS up a. couple of scows which the For. the East . . NootkS Packing Co. had been using Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- taitackl'r)g pinks to the canneryi diys-.;... 5;30 p.m. there! ' Yeaferday afternoon the Frm the .East Pachertd left for Aurlol's locplnir TufRdays. Thursdays and Batur- ..... r. .' - large, cartohed. doz. Iocal, new laidr'doz. .... Butter 0 1.80 .25 .40 .15 . .is . .25 35 . ,20 . ,.01 . .id U5 .25 ,v-: .03 .25 W. .07 2.00 New .Beets, bunch . SH Bulk. 8 lbs. . 2i Oreen. Onions. 3 bunches io Onions, B.C 4 Ibs.(....:l ! 5 panic, lmported. per )b J5 Cabbage, local, per lb.'.. B O . Lettuce, 5c to CaullfWwer, large. B.C.. 25c to Corn, doz jxA Tbmatoes, outdoor. H'.' ..saet :..:...4 Parsley., bunch . l.I.:...i.f.s Celery. B.C., head u.. Radishes, 3:t)unches OreenPeppers, lb. Red Peppers, r. SplnachJ B.O, 3:lbs..4.. Hubbard Squash, lb J39 .42 .06 .09 JO .25 .08 2t .06 TUrnips, Pembertoh lbs . 2$ .10 .10 .1$ .25 5 .08 Wheat, Aib'erta .". l 2.45 Bran ! 1.75 Middlings 1....: 2 00 ISh'o'rts ! .'d....-.. Oats 1 2 an Fine bat Chops ...; ; iio Crushed Oats L. a.80 Barley ..u-:. 2.40 Laying Mash .. 2.85 Oyster Shell !.' JMeatS' Fowl, No. 1. lb.:.. Roasting .Chicken,. bj Ham, sliced, first grade Walnuts, broken shelled "Walnuts, shelled halvea. Mr. .... Haro, picnic, 'first lade, lb. Bacon. slde, sliced, best grade .. Pork, shoulder, .lb Pork, loin, lb. Pork. ler:.lh ., . VJdrk, djry6aU,.lb.. vrm; join, 10. 76al." shdurdiir. lb. Beef, pot "roast,. IblOc to Beef. bolllnK.' lb... Sc. tn ' ; Beef, roast prfmlrlb-. lb. 18c to Beef steak, lb. 20c to 25 .23 .45 5 .45 .21 .45 18 0 io io ...Is .15 .10 20 .25 Lamb, shoulder, lb,- .15 Lamb; lelj; lb. '..i ,i.4.-....'..::.;..:.. 25 Lamb 'chops, lb'.' ...... id Emoked Kippers, lb 15c. and 2d Salmon, f f eih, Jb. ..u .....xjh.. .26 Honey Extracted Honey, per Jar 20c toifi Comb Honey -25 Nun Almonds, Shelled Jb 0 1 Floor Flour, 49's, No. I hard wheat .... 1.85 8e'cof)d Pateit 1.76 Pastry Flour. 16 Vox. 45c io jft Aust. Pastry. Floury it), lbs. 1 Dried rrttit t White Fiki. lb. Bla-ck'CobkWg.n84jb Lemon and orange pei -. Citron peel...., Prunes, sfO-'O, lb, Prunes, 46-M, lb. iPrunVs;'66io,, District News SKIDEGATE - slty of Washington Oceahogriphl cal survey bbat Catalyst, whlch was here recently In the coiirse of a I'm I cp nf Northern nritlh Pnlum. bla ahd Alaskan waters to test the ocean waters and trawl the bottom for blarit and fish life, found waters 61 the Queen Charlotte Islands nibst interesting, the temperature, of the water here comparing favorably win Los Angeles. The Catalyst proceeded from here td, Portland Canal, Alaska and Prince Rupert enroute back to Seattle On hoard thp vessel, rif whlMV rMW- Larsen Is skipper, were ;,Prof. Tht mat a. Thompson ,lr charge; Pro-fe-VmrsMlller and GOberleL.Dr. Rex J. Robinson, William .saerman and reven students of the University 6f Wafhlngton. ; ?;.Wild roses .have be en.ln bloom for thpj pecqnd Wme ink season oh .the tQieen Chariotte LilandS. Thl It is believed, is due to the long spH of warm weather which the islands hart, 4hU summer. '. Irs 'onn H-.. Morgan and her 'oVijshter. Mrs. E. Palmer, of brwu Qprite Inlet are quests ot Madame Rajaut at "The Dunes," Tlell. They wil lretum to Crescent inlet from Queen Charlotte City on the Prince Fancy, cartoned, lb. .... JO John rrt Mnnrfi r 1 n n ... . ' inu. -i iraniBl,- j jds ((j Vegetable Potatoes, B.C 121bs 25 Sack ..: 1.60 Cucumbers, outdoor, each '. 06 Carrots, B.C., bunch 64 -"Bulk, 8 lbs. .... .25 Mr?.-N. Perkins, returned W her home in Prince Rupert recently after having paid a visit here with Mrs. e; a SteVens. 1 TERRACE The iecent death of inn hprr tie contraetbV. has been neclared suicide. The continual barking of a d'ogj .led Constable McKenney last r no ay 1 10 me meiess body, of Hans ljer?wh6 hid hanged .himself from a-llmbtof a tree In the woods near Remo. Deceased was" for some years busy with his bole contract nnrt If Is supposed that he gave wiv to a, fit of despondency owing to the continued depression. Hans was a familiar figure, In Terrace and dis trict. He was of. a fovial, kindly disposition and' made friends easily. Mrs. N. Sherwood went to Prince Rupert on Saturday last, taking with her the baby bov of. Mrs. til. sonette for hdspltal treatment A Slight frost last Prirfav nlaht . . j 0 nl DDed the marrnsrc nnA .niim. . bers hut left the dahlias still flour ishing. Clear weather and a complete absence of mosquitoes and flies render Terrace and Its twin lakes a' gooU place for an extra holiday Just now,. Ralslris, Australian seedless, lb. Ratslns. CaLi seedless lb tiurrants, lb.. .J. Apricots, lb: Apples, dried .14c. to .12 I V ......l.. lit 1 I i.ta to .15 I 1 1 Jfflj lint A IZAMBUKI I '4ttft4 wkUr HU li I alUlina m. SCALDS I JUS "afBBHBBBIBBBBBfctoJ J .14 .15 .15 25 ..17 Peaches, pe,eled, J6'c.,tq dX.U. j.19 Pure. lb. Surar White,-100 lbs. 'l:..: HaUbut(Jr?.h) .fa' .16 6.: I- Jill RYE WHISKY Hottlxl Ul tW(lMl tr WTUil ;rt A Hou Uniu4 GUrJUdirk u4 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Pioprtetor "A I10JIK AWAY FROM HOME Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.O. Phone 2Si P.O. Box lj'fl KiV it. mU i Liquor Utrtm and BEST r j Have ydu fried PR0CURABU - KfMMMMMMW TtU adrertUement U not pubtlkbed or displayed, br tb. liquor OoxitnJ itoara or me uovrrnmrni or liniun cwornua. Wood for Sale -j ahd - ; Wood Hauling hen'eral Transfer MIXY DAtiSIIAW Phone Hlack 495 Shenton's Sheet Metal Works FOR" YOUR FURNACE OtL TANK, FOR YOUR ItO0FINr. JOB Prompt In Srrvire, Iaw In Cost and a (Jbod Job Done Third Ave. E. Phone 33 Prince Rupert, B.C. BOHEMIAN I iiua aavt. rtisonm nut patched jr dlspavoq ty tho uquor t.jntroi ttoari fcy Gove -nnjent ol Brltluh Co.amt :a. Intlit on "GRANTS BEST PnOCURABLE"-Th Orltlna! I'm 5U ! udM. or Jlrwt Inmt MU (VJ.r WI.M LUmm L iifit i in M;llJrMJll-lHj SMwn mMMmm M. T. LEE TIIK TAII.0I1 lu nioTfd to the store ftl ihirrly ucrupled br the Dtvj Hikrry, Third .Wtnoe New Samples of Fa!) CL1 lust in Prtre rci?or.ibU Cleaning and PrruLr.g. GOAL! COA Our rimoui tdon. Alberii ; Bulkley Valley Coaia are r ted to give satlifactiod. tl ton of No. 1 Bulkier ValKf also aell Timothy Bay, Vtt Data and Barlty Prince Hupert Fed Ci II rbaaca UJ Have Yotir Radio Tubes . a Tested Free Ask for safety carnt and carton and sticker to show which sockt tube belongs in. There no cost to you at- Kaien Hardwan A aatlafactory place to il Try It I Don't Forgot IJgM filolcs LAGER lately U yah aaira, yoa kaoir bow guod ll I ir you b.wa't. ' ou daa't U wat you'ri mlMUf. MM'Uiar hM lie. plt.tln. plui f6r mAy ,rl ,t h eJloyt V4 ValMybi .Ikaa ll tttr'ftaa. Drlaa UkwU, u j& wkot.a pr6pirl, bnWti a iVoraugaly axl Ugtr. i-.vae-i Brewfl flnrl RntL,l V.i,.. ' ' 'wmwvi. ill T IV. IV 1 la . y. bv die fanttus yiCTORIA-PHOENIX BREWERY -TV' . oparaUd by COAST BREWERIES YANOOUVKK AND vidroma BD BY 1000 BMTIM 0OLUM1U BHAkHOLSlHl .-ffl'fo''V' W orJiiRlayfia by, tb liquor Control B 4 LTD. Unitwli CMuiibta.