1 1934 always Serve the Best ffUlf A m AH TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" 719 TRY VITA-FULL A New Delicious Chocolate Beverage One t'iispoonful of Vita-Full Powder makes one gia. of richr health-giving- k'verage. Rich in Vitamins A, H, C and D. One-poiind tin, 50 cents One half the price and equal in quality to any preparation of its kind on the market today. PURETEST BREWERS' YEAST FLAKES A '..ighl.v concentrated form of Hrewer' Yeast, the richest natural source of Vitamins IU and B2. DeMtterued and exceptionally palatable. Brewers' Yea.st Hakes tends to the promotion of good health and the development of a clear complexion. Special, 6-oz. tin, 50 cents Phone 62 Ormes Ltd. Of if! Pioneer Druqtfists The Kf tall Stor BOSTON lUTTS, lb. 22c snn-rs COTTAGE OC ROLLS, tf J m FRUIT MINCEMEAT 2 lbs 25c rhonea: 81 & SI CI Specials IMione G3 TO INTRODUCE OIK NEW SEASON FRUIT he offer MINCE MEAT 2 lbs. 25c H K K F Humps, lb 17c Prime Hib, lb 15c Pot Roast, lb 10c Baby Beef Liver 5c LAMB Logs, lb 22c Shoulder, lb 15c Breast, lb 10c Pork Tenders II) 25c FRY CIHCKBNS each 60c coMirf BUTT E R 3 lbs 69c 'resh A..- Now Nowmbeason in Season Olympia $1.00 pt. vyaiu a Eastern 60c pt. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand " SMOkED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Moose Hall Moose Pet-Show, Carnival and Dance November 15 and 16. FRKSIt MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Mot Heavv Duty OrS Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Paris 1030 W. 1st. Ave.. Vancouver THZ DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash waiting for old gold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc. Bul-Iter's. (tf) Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) sailed last night on the Prince George lor a business trip to Van? couver. Hillside Badminton Club opens Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. Members and prospective members please attend. Election of officers. (It) Provincial Constable and, . Mrs. Harold Raybone and family, who You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile; tf Be at-the Elks dance tonight. Hall enlarged and redecorated. Adm. 50c. RADIO Interference. Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aeriapand ground with the set turned on to full volume. II noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC - r-fc Furnish Your Home First Read this column and yoUll save money every tlmer"you read it. Singer Machine, A-l condition $20.00 Six-Volt Battery Radio, Marconi $10.00 McCIary Range $21.00 I). ELIO Furniture Exchange . AucUoneer Green 421 We Still buy gold A Refreshments Included. (226) Miss Salome Wesley, who has been on a two weeks vacation trip t,o Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Frank Poe of Evanstown, 111., who has been spending the summer at ! Terrace, where he has established a have been on a brief trip to Van- summer home, will be leaving the couver. returned to the city on the : interior town on this evening's 'aln Prince Rupert this morning. J. II. McLeod, collector of customs. on his return east. to his home In the who has been on a three weeks' Anyone interested in attending ; vacation trip to the Vanderhoof and night classes please see Mr. Rorie. Stuart Lake country, returned to Wallace Block (Phone 387) from 3 the city from the Interior on last to 5 and 7 to 9 pjn. Saturday. night's train. Cambr&l ber 5. .Classes under consideration com- . prise bookkeeping and English for Mrs. Gordon H. Jolllffe of Queen New Canadians. (227) Charlotte City, who has been on a ! 'trip south, arrived In the city from' Mrs. A. l. Richardson and Mrs. ! Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Francis Richardson of Tlell and this momtng and will sail tomorrow Mrs. deBucy of Lawn Hill arrived In i night on the Prince John for her the city on the Prince Charles last jhome on the Islands. night from the Queen Charlotte ' ! Islands for a brief visit to town. I J. Heaslip. traffic manager of the They will return to the Islands on I Canadian National Express Co. with the Prince John tomorrow night, headquarters In Montreal, and Mrs. ! Heaslip And B. A. Latta, superlnten- t - - -- - dent at Edmonton, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and will proceed east on this evening's train. Mr Heaslip Is on a trip west on of- final Inspection duties. DRIVE FOR BLIND Anyone wishing to contribute to the above.-please send to I. O. D. E. treasurer Ipr this fund. Mrs. J. It Morlson. Leeds Apartments. Announcements Elks' Dance Friday September 28. 8plnsjers' .Spree. Octo-1 r S. O. N. Dance, October 5th. United Church Thanksgiving supper October 8. Presbyterian Missionary Tea. Manse, October 4. Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and It. Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar October 18. Anglican Tea Mrs. W. J. Nelson's October 24. Hill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 26 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 Prince Rupert Tennis Club an? nual dance, Friday, November 2. Presbyterian Fall Di7.aar,. 8. Daughters of Norway Dance November 9. Anglican Fall Bazaar Nov. 29. rxvw .xvvW vx.'.v wv - Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mrs. Johnston, Porcher Island; A. Mclver, Arrandale; Paddy Dunroe, Terrace. Central ' ) city; Joe Wejs, CN.R. i Knox l II. Hansen, city. ' - Prince 'Rupert'"' 1 ' A. Watt, ON.R; R. A. Clark, Mas-sett: Mrs. A. L. Richardson and Mrs. Francis Richardson, Tlelt; Mrs. deBUcy, Lawn 'Hill; J. R. Mdr-gan, Crescent Inlet. Royal i Jack Romer. Lee Dolan and &. Dodds, city; F. McGlbney, JONES' Family Market - Swift's Blue Ribbon Jicff' Rump Roast of Beef 4 O 1 gi per lb. Round Steak per lb Shoulder Steak, 2 'lbs. St 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. St 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beef, 3 lbs; St 1 bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. St 1 Cauliflower Leg of Veal 6 lbs Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs St I tin Peas Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. St 1 Un Peas Leg of Lamb J per lb EXTRA SPECIAL Sliced Bologna. 2 Jbs. St I lb. Tomatoes Tomato Sausage per lb. Phone 957 lie 25c 25c 35c 25c 75c 75c ..... 75C 25c 20c 2? Phone 957 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Dolng4 away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe SHT, ticaf& V CALIFORNIA MM WRITE US TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE AND DETAILED INFORMATION Maybe winter vacation in the unnhine cost muih let than you think. Sleeping cat charges on out trains are a third if ji thin ' list winter. A complete meal in our dining cars costs as little as BO. Rail (ares arc low. CALIFORNIA Los Anceles is only a day and two nights by train from Seattle. Examples of the low (arcs to Los Angeles: ' FROM VANCOUVER, B. C ti-Ui ) mati 24.50 S39.50 S4 good in coaches on our fastest trains, also in tourist steeping cars from Seattle (upper berth from Seattle to Los Angeles H, lower $5). Through tourist sleeper service from Seattle to San Franriwo, New-type cars with berth lights, plush seats, spa Southern cious w ash rooms, potter service. Low cost "Meals SeUjct' on all Southern Pacific dining cars. Mexico! Mexico City it only three days (rum Los Angeles on our Vint Couit Rfult via Maiatlan and Guadalajara. It's ibt Mace to go this year. Life down there moves against a background of music and Sowers, in the finest winter climate in the world. Koundtrip from Seattle to Mcxfto City is only $116.60, daily until October 13, return limit October 31. Low (ares this winter too. Ak for booklet Tve Dee"n to Mex Ico." WRITE TODAY Address inquiries to C, G. Alton, Rogers Building, 474 Granville Street, Vancouver, D. C sHutUWeu Sample Suits, Coats and Dresses m HOSE Women's Botany All Wool Hose, reg. price $1.00 Uln I ,Special, per pair u 1 ll . ; Women's Silk arid Wool hose. Special 39c Children's Serviceable Ribbed Hose np Special, per pair Men's Heavy Wool Sox, a fine variety Irom, per pali J'J A new shipment ot Men's Trench Coats and a complete line of Raincoats for men. women and children have Just arrived. Also Rubbers and Rubber Shoes. A complete assortment of luggage In stock. Samples are always well made and the material is of the best. We have them In men's finely tailored suits that are bound to please the most fastidious and we also have ladies' sample dresses. These are priced so low that anyone can buy. Drop in and look them over. Men's Fine Tailored Sample Suits mprite to $350 S15.95 A new shipment of Men's High Grade Navy Blue MeHon Cloth S15.45 MEN'S ZIPPER COATS Fine Quality Melton Cloth Zipper Coat, leather bound pockets, assorted QJ ff colors, reg. $6.50 leavy Wool Navy Blue Button Jackets QO 1Q reg. $3.95 We have a full range of Men's Heavy Macklnaws, Leather Coats and Wlndbreakers at exceptionally low prices! Women's Fine Silk Sample Dresses regular to $15.00 QC up from $&VO We have also received a shipment of luxuriously fur-trimmed Cloth Coats, reg. values to Q-f Q QC vlO.UD $35.00: Irom MA RUPERT IMdim CO. Wc Accept City Scrip Queen Charlotte Island SHINGL GORDON'S HARDWARE The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 xmiauarr3auacazauKa.uB:TM';B'iara2B.ia.ji3aT I HEATERS! HEATERS! fl Make sure that you have adequate heat in your home this winter. J Drop In and Inspect our stock of heaters. We carry several dlf- m ff and brickllned circular heaters. Prices from V y 311 McDrlde St tMZMsmzmzmsMXMzM km tusmsM-zu saista ci rata caBraia tu smn V Canadian Pacific I'llINCESS STEAJIEUS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 10th, 20th. Oct. 1st . For Vancouver direct Sept. 6th, 14th. 24th, Oct. 5th. For Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pin. For Reservations L. COATES, Gen. Ajent, Prince Uupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday TJ5.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT . Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. Weekly aalllaga to Port Slmpnoo. Alice Ann. Anyox. Btewart and Na Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at ' PRINCE Rl'Pr.RT AOENCT: Third Asenu. 4 f" Pboo. S68