PAGE SIX IT'S A (tfhl) Victor Model 221 Sebtlire Haw ComplU uith tubrt Also All-Wave Battery Radios Tubes, less when you listen-In with a new VICTOR qMoAs.M Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Extra Specials Ayrshire bacon, sliced, lb. 25c Rolled & Boned Ham, Sliced, lb. 25c Sunnybrook Butter, 3 lbs. ..70c Farmer Dressed Fowl, lb. ..23c Roasting Chickens, lb 28c Cottage Rolls, lb. 25c Shoulder Roast Veal. lb. 10c Globe Trotter" RADIO You'll never realize how really small this old world is until you've taken afewcruises with the new Victor Globe Trolter Radio . . . across oceans . . . from continent to continent . . . cruising North America by daylight . . . picking up available broadcast programs, whether short or long-ume. It's anew thrill in radio and it's a regular thrill) And all on a single dial. Easy terms at 589.50 and $119.50 includinj Batteries. Local Lamb Shld. Roast Lamb, lb. 15c Loin Koast Lamb, lb. 20c Leg Lamb, per lb. . . .22c Breast Lamb, lb 7c Lamb Chops, lb 22c Round Steak, 2 lbs. . .35c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. ..45c Cambridge Sausage, lb 15c Hamburger, lb 10c Sirloin Tip Roast, lb. 20c Est. 1910 Pioneer Butchers FURNITURE No. 1 Steer Beef Rib Roast Beef, lb. 17 c (Rolled) Rump Roast Beef lb. 17Jc Pot Roast Beef, lb. ..10c Brisket Beef, lb 7c Quality Service MacKENZIE'S Bedroom Suite Vanity Chiffonier 71 A A and Bed Stead tpI.UU FELTOL BUGS, 6x9 feet, $4.25; 7V2x9 feet, ?6.00; 9xlOVi feet, $8.75 Phone 775 Prince Rupert .'27 Third Avenue RUBBER MATS BLUE DRIP MATS, 16x40 Inches $100 BROWN DRIP MATS, 16x40 Inches g'oc GREEN DRIP MATS, 16x40 Inches 51 00 BROWN DRIP MATS, 18x30 Inches 00 ' -SI r FLOWER POT MATS, 11-lnch ' 30c DRAIN BOARD MATS 50c OREEN TOILET MATS . $1.25 Mall Orders Carefully Filled THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Drawfr 16,i Telephone itfl BURNS LAKE LOOKS GOOD New Era of Prosperity Seems to Be Dawning For Lakes District Interior Revives Crops Good and Tie Cutting Com mencin; Highways Are Wanted (By II. F. Pullen) BURNS LAKE, Sept. 28: As with most of the places along the line of the Canadian National, a new era of .prosperity seems to be dawning for Burns Lake and the ran-cols-Ootsa Lake district. The crops are good,, tie cutting is about to commence, a number of game hunters are coming Into the country and people from the south are once more beginning to take an Interest 'n the district and are making Inquiries for partially developed farm ' lands. It Is a wonderful country here. Lakes small and large are seen everywhere and there Is wild fowl In abundance. On the shore of Francois Lake there are large wheatfields sloping to the water's edge and ferUle farms are found all the way to Ootsa Lake. To the north Bablne Lake Is the largesVn British Columbia and Francois Is probably the second. The other lakes grade down from seme miles in extent to the merest ponds. There are hundreds of them and they are I In most cases well stocked with fish. . Many-of the- farmers grow wheat and oats and the timothy seed Is said to be an excellent crop with the price much higher than last year. Some complaint is heard In regard to the price of cattle but all are hoping that there will be improvement ' before Christmas. An increase, ln.the number of ties to be cut and In the price to be paid for them is the best news they have received this year and it came to them through the Dally News of Prince Rupert, the paper that everybody reads. That people have faith In Burns Lake Is shown by the fact that T. P. Smith, formerly of Prince Ru- oert, Is about to open a modern drug store here. He looked over the town and district and decided It was the best looking centre In the north. The people of the town are hop ing the Alaska Highway will "be built and that the highway to Prince Rupert will be completed soon as they see In these an additional incentive to travel through the north. Indian Fined For Illegal Fishing Charged by the fisheries depart ment with having been in posses sion of fish caught above the fishing boundaries on the Naas River. Ralph Clayton of Klncollth appear- id before Stipendiary Magistrate W. F. Eve at Anyox on Wednesday md was fined $15, with option of 'ifteen days' imprisonment. Gordon Steven, another Klncollth Indian, was similarly charged but the case against him was dismissed. S ELVIGS PECIALS Butter 69c 3 IbS,' . :.-...:.r.r-:r: . - , Purity Rolled Oats 18c per pkg Salt Plain or Iodized 10c per carton Sugar 59c 10 lbs Heinz Mayonnaise 18c per Jar ... Kadana Tea 41c per lb Mcintosh Apples $1.75 C Orade, 40-lb. box Fresh Beef Liver 25c 2 bs ..: , ... Round Steak 50c 3. tos: ir -'-iW.,v r, 8lrloln & T-Bone 2 lbs 45 c Pot Roast of Beef 35c 4 lbs Hamburger 10c per lb. Boiling Beef 25c 4 lbs. Free Delivery Phone 7C5 303 Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS Friday. September 28 UJ4 m NEVER K CAUGMT Ki MR, . AG MM VOTHOUT A ilAR I jS Sp mm fflentholdrfum lifHEAUN6QXAti. p- TIRED FEET , SPRAINS. BRUISES o COLDS MADt Canada . A PASSES IN , SCOTLAND Alex Wylie Of This City Bereaved By Loss Of Father, Prominent Figure In His Community Robert Wylie, carpenter and boarbullder of Cambeltown, Scot land, passed away recently at his home In the old country after a lengthy Illness In his seventy-seventh year. He was the father of Alex Wylle. well known Prince Rupert boatbullder. The Campbeltown Courier, in a lengthy account of Mr. Wylle's career, paid the following tribute: The sad event (Mr. Wylle's death! occasioned "widespread sorrow and regret, particularly in the seafaring section of. tne community, among whom his life and work were almost entirely . spent. No more familiar figure or more highly esteemed per-1 sonallty than Bob Wylle has been! known around Campbeltown har-J borslde for more than half a cen-j tury. Deceased was a member of a : greatly respected Campbeltown ! family, the male members of which j had names to conjure with among craftsmen In wood. In addition to, his business activities and his at-1 tachment to the sea, Mr. Wylle Id entified himself with several other 1 Interests. He was an old volunteer, a good, musician, a keen rifleman (and probably the oldest member of the Orange Order In Campbeltown. A genial, kindly man, capable of warm friendships and with a keen sense of humor, he will be much missed In .the community." The late Mr. Wylie is survived by his widow and four sons. A fifth son made the supreme sacrifice in thcGreat War. ECONOMY SPECIALS Our prices are right Give us a trial. jGLE LOBSTER 33c Vi-lb. tin HILLSIDE ASPARAGUS 27c l's, per tin V.C. AUSTRALIAN PINE- 7p Oil APPI.P ! 9 ln CARNATION MILK $1.13 Talis, per doz. per '2-case $2.25 PALMOLIVE SOAP 14c 3 for 1 Bottle EUREKA BLEACH, qt. 1 Bottle HOUSEHOLD OCp AMMONIA, qt.. 2 for RINSO Largt) dQn 2 pkgs. lOU ICINO SUOAR 2-lb. pkg. OCn 2 pkgs OOK, ROMAN MEAL Qp 2 pkgs. U7U CONCORD GRAPES C7 7-lb. basket OtK, ' 1 " I T B.C. ORANULATED QE HE i SUOAR, 100 lbs V i O 10 lbs 58c LETTUCE "I Co 2 "heads I. DC Other Fruits and Vegetables, at Reduced Prices We Accept; Government and City Orders MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Jto 575 Phone 18 Dally News Want-Ads satisfy. ROMANCE OF RADIO STARS "Twenty Million Sweethearts' Is Distinctive in Way of, , Entertainment "Twenty Million Sweethearts." a romance of the radio, which Is being featured on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end, is said to be a distinct Innovation In film entertainment, giving the behind scenes picture of radio en- tettalners and their task of pleas- Romantic Paii Dick Powell and Olnger Rogers In "Tww Million Sweethearts." ing the public The story deals with the Intimate affairs of the radio folk with their joys and tribulations, their struggles and successes. The picture combines comedy, drama and romance In a well defined plot and Is also Interspersed wHh.cachy songs. There is a strong cast of players with diversified talents with Pat O'Brien in the leading role as a fast-talking It blundering talent scout for a radio ' company. Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers are the romantic team. The Four Mills Brothers arc heard In tuncsome songs while Ted Fid Fito and his band, well known to local radio listeners, arc also featured. Radio Reception at the best with a . . Model M86 S1G1.00 Model M-12 $42.1)5 Other Models at Attractive Low Prices NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED net Skidegate Party For Officers Of Two Destroyers SKIDEGATE, September 28 -A 'ery enjoyable party was held at he home of Mrs. C. M. Maclntyrc iere on Wednesday evening of this veek In honor of the officers of II M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver A-hlch have been visiting the Inlet Splenald music was supplied b.v the Harmony Boys' Orchestra and all present had a splendid time The guests were: Commander J R W. Oland, Lieut. Commander F T. Houghton. Lieut. Commander J W. R. Roy. Lieut. Commander A T M. Davy. Lieut. Commander C O. Donald. Lieut. Comman&er A W Wutele, Mr. Hughes. Chlel etty Officer W. Mayne. Petty Mfl:er M. Priske, Petty Officer C Vllklns. Mr. and Mrs. W H Russ Mr and Mrs. F. Russ. Mr. and Mrs V. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Stevens. Mrs. Fred Atkins. Ml' Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jone and Miss M, Russ of Skldegat-Mltehell Newman. Jack Olllatt. F Regnarle. R. McKenzle. Mrs. A Ouval. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Ingra vam, Mrs. G. Chastenay. MUs C Mntyre ana H. R. Beaven of Queen Charlotte City, and Mrs, R B. Skinner of Prince Rupert Mrs. J. A Lindsay, who has beer on a brief trip to Vancouver, re turned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake np your Liver Bile Without Calomel Toor tnr't t w7 ul (ft, hmi H Uihr rta Ml rut dirxm ud rbuiim erf eat of blur, by r-uau to pmr wm tu inly two pouadt 01 bqud btl U r0 bni Yo. vna'l MapMflr tnri hk4 oadilin by Ukt Mil. 04I, auml !, Uulm adr or eixi( cum. r mittf- tkr'n Mvd feat b-W thrfn lkwmS -tmi raw ml 4 Ww Hiatal I, Ctrfr'i Ultla linr POU wSO rmt ferine tr U hhIiim UU jur hi: TVy'r ponhr Ulh SJ. ton. JU l U by KftoM MlabtaU. &MlHrwit G.E RADIO RECEIVER . . . Models and price ranpc make buying easy There is no need to wait longer to enjoy the best in radio. There is a G. E. Receiver, at just the price you want to pay, ready to bring you the world's finest music, lectures, news reports, political speeches, weather reports, church services, comedy and market news. It is so easy to tune in the programmes you want, to bring in distant stations and broadcasts from famous stations overseas. Each G. E. Receiver is a masterpiece of cabinet beauty and radio engineering. Choose the one that meets your needs. Small down payment. Comfortable terms. I Hi with - - DICK POWELL ' GINGEil ROGERS 1 MILLS BROTHERS TED EIOR1TO 6i III! Famous Band -'-.3 RADIO ROGl'ES (: I'A,T O'HRIEN vMUJJZV-MAKCELLINO iltHE' 3 DEHUTANTBS ALLEK JENKINS Also -News and Comedy IFeaturc nt I 'M & 0 39) Tonight & Saturday Matinee Sat. 2:30