not two THE DAILY NEWS ORANCE PEKOE BLEND SA1ADA" "Fresh fr6m the Gardens" THE DAILY NEWS. rniNce kupekt - MiTisii ctlLirtmiA published Every Atefnbon. Ecept 8iinday. by Prfftfce Rupr Dally News, Limited Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlod4 paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week ... s By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per irich rjer Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . DAILY EDITION Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations HEALTH INSURANCE 86 98 If you lose anything, try a classified ad. (5.00 Friday, Feb; 2, 1934 While we atrree with Dr. Weir that, if the Federal Gov Si J. Hungerfor'd is now appointed permanently to the position of president of the Canadian National Railways. 'SPORT KAIENS WIN Canadian Legion i HOOP GAME Le?ksln l Tolhicortists finished Up on SHort ! End of 31 to 2G Score Last i NIM Warriors Win Leasee bclsketb;tll game before a lalHy large crowd of fans. With the I Tobacconists minus four of their legular players the score was tied at the interval ibm. 'lhe Scouts nosed out the Scy-' thJdn3 11-10 In the Jiinlot League. Comets defeated the Girl Stu- 10 'dents 17-10 In a hard checking ex citing Ladles' game. 3.00! Warriors trampled all over the 9.00 Merchants in the Intermediate di . I tnrilito trio tilnvlnff rif ihti invert ' February 8 dfotlo vs. i Storage', Swift vs. 1. O, 6. F. j February 1& Orotto vs. i.O.O.F Swift vs. Cold Storage. I CRIBBAGE ! February 5 Canadian Legion vs. P. H. Hotel, Moose vs. Oddfellows, Orotto vs. Elks, Musketeers vs. Empress. , February 12 Canadian Leg!6h vs. Elks, Moost- vs. Empress, Musketeers vs. Oddfelkrws, orotto vs. P. It. Hotel. BASKETBALL February 8 Orotto vs. C,N.n.A.; Warriors Vs. High School; Cardinals vs. Comets; Scouts vs. Flashes, February 12 -Orotto vs. ridiens; Warriors ts. Merchants; Comets vs. High School; Trojans vs, Scouts, Hunters! Sportsmen! Have youf tfophles mounted by an expert. Bear ttlgs moun- ted In any style. Game heads a specialty. All Wdfk guaranteed tlttt ciasl FUiiS MADE UP Writ Fof Pflce E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. billiard mtitfe Four games fcere played In! last night's schroujcd Bllliar.i! K.lens last night defeated the League fixture between Cahitdiartj 6rott6 3h2(J In . fair Seriltfr ; "'on arm Elks, the? former, is a, result,- taking an aggregate" le.1d of $95 to 610. Individual sorc"s were as follows: Q. P. Tinker (Canadian Legion. i5; C. P. Bdlagno tElks). 200. J. i. Jiftlge; itiO; Haffy itbtxzle. & Charles Baptie. 200; J. E. Morris 119. M. M. Lamb, 100; John Duller. 200. Games of Alex Murray, tiana- vUion although the score dots not n "ejon . lllto,S'S' M0 "' : 7 tv wre .25! 02 .me next league games win be : : , j played on Tuesday owing to the 1 Moose having a smoker oh Monday. A match of W. E. WiliiscfOli. Empress, vs. Bert Mdrgan, Omtio. from Tuesday night's fixture, has Senior Leagu alo stlU to be played. KaieiU Oil Mitchell 7i, Ke.'sey l4, SteffenSrud, Tobey, Wlngham 10), Scott. -Grotto 20 i. 2'i, Rickey. FiUpatrick, Naka-moto iO i. Morgan (3. Billiard Averages natrirk Hi. Nelson HOl Hlrkpv i C. Baptie CL 10 nrnriipiif rtri'p.c nnt nnr1frr;ikf to establish a svstpm of health Camnbell i5i. Ritchie. Viereck. IP. Prltchard 'Emi incyfnnnn f Vin nvmnnnn eViMlLI An c-rv wa fVlinlr ?f urmllll Vvn I Merchants 18 1 Blllkp tSl. Arm.'ROy Ft ' g III "-III .,11, I I lit III IIW III, I I II III III I 1 1 I ."II. Y , I 1 I I I I 1 l 1 1. ,1,111111 111. I " - -. .. . .. - : . - far preferable for the Dominion" to act. Similar" conditions j;"u" exist in all the provinces and all should be parties tOjLlndsay (4'' palmer (4' l;hrfpc nf tVi.o Ir.nrl TVip nrlvnntarrp in Vinvinrr tbp nrnvlnfp Ladies Lea;u start the nlan is that the other m-ovinces and the Domin- ; ri t. i t i j. i 11 1..J. ti ion uovernineni wm oe uuurm 10 loniny ouner or iHiei. n rjs o) has to start somewhere and British Columbia has had the j nigh school uo honor of starting most of the social reforms so far in f orce. ' Mil. HUNGEKFORD AND RAlLVvAYS o. Sutherland Em 6 Intermediate League D. Brown d 10 Warflofa 34iPleree f 141 pit. 'C.P.Balagrio lElkst 10 (3t, Irarson. Suehlro (2)f!S.D.Macdonald Ot 4 ue Comets (171 Smith 9I, Irvine (3. Steen U, Tlte, Dickens, Mttr- Scythians 10i Glllis. Monte- jJ. May Ot . 10 jj. Judge (CLi 4 IE. Bait Oi 10 !g. Howe (Ot . ... 9 ,G. P. Tinker CL 10 Ij. Doherty lElks) .. 7 Blaln, Rlt- p Aldrldfff lEmi. 9 chle. Turgeon, Brooksbank (4), El- M M iCL) 8 llson .5). E. Davis iU. ,w williscroft Em 7 :' ' Junior Leasue 'J- Bul8 EIkS 10 Scouts 4X11 Nakamoto (2), Dyb- w stilan ,Entsl 9 havn. Viereck (8), Klshlmoto tl), c- Voungman "CLI 7 nnp itmiittnn A. Donald E) 10 M. McLachlan Ei 4 Sinc'p his aiinnintmpnt. as artmp nrpsiripnt; tnllnU'iniT the Mnn i.i ilfnrmv Hi rWimriino W. E. Hutson (GJ ...6 ' fPaifiniitinn hf Sir TTonrv TVmvnrrm lio hhs. Vinrl o rliffinnff (2l : - Ranee (CD 1 and unpleasant task It has been necessary to cut down the expeilditures in all departments and he has done it, al1 ri j if 11 thoutrh often at trreat sacrifice to the emnlovees. Now it is UuQieil ----- - to be honed that the period of cuttintr has ceased There have been mmors that the president planned to remove the superintendent from Prince Rupert and that other employees would have to go. We hope these rumors' are not true but that those recently dismissed from the service Will hp rpinstafpd at. thp parlipst nnsslhlp timp, tf't doubtless, all the l-ailu aymen will return to theii positions. SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER For the purpose of celebrating: the fact that we have tarried ihe corner and are heading toward better times We have arranged a 'special clubbing offer with the Pictorial Review and the National Home Monthly at a very low rate. By sending in your subscription now, either new or renewal, you receive: (l)elivered in the City) The Daily News, one year $!()(J " Pictorial Review, one year 1.00 National Utimc Monthly, one year . 1.00 Total value $7.00 All Three for $5.50 (Hy Mall to Points Outside Priilee: Rtlfteft) The Daily News, one year $3.00 Pictorial Review, one year 1.00 National Home Monthly, one year . 1.00 Total value $5.00 All Three for $3.50 The Daily News, Phone 98 1 ows ana Grotto Winners In Bridge Play Grotto" arid Otldfeltows wefe win- the morale of the railway service is to he maintained thejJens. j"!t niMhfffrmde6 employees must feel that they are being jiistiy treated dndift"n sfl" 67 tl 40i while many are hot feeling that way today. 1 (he lattef won d47i to 4893 over As we have already said, these have been difficult time's' icoid stofage1. , but an era of imilrnvnrnpnt i? not far distant and p: shall' hope to see the railvays busy in the near 'future". Theft, jRlJIflf'P SCHEDULE Cold B. Morgan Gi 9 J. Saunders (Elksi 7 M. E. Young IE) ... 10 A. Murray CLi i L. Raabe (Emp.l 1 A. limey (CLi 8 E. Morris (Elksi 3 A. Beale (Emp) 2 II. Mefizle Elksl 10 w. Lambie Elksi .. .2 A. Zadaraskl (G) ...1 Ttl. 1189 1D37 1935 1934 1931 .38G 769 1912 763 1870 1C33 1814, 1278 1050 1453 1274 1805 1603 1245 17& 705 1038 172 1529 121G 1C75 1327 1C6 1301 479 305 1501 287 138 HII.I.IAItl) SCIIKDl'I.r. SCIATICA 1 1 villi Kirs iui iba rub ( V ti you'll f..l btff I Ave. 193 194 194 193 193 193 192 191 191 : 187 187' 184, 183 183'; 182: 182 181 178 178 170 176 173 172 1701 169 168 166 1C6 1C3 160 153 150 144 138 February 6 Elks vs. Empress. February 8 Grotto vs. Legion. February 13 Elks vs. Grotto. February 15 Empress vs. Legion. February 20 Orotto vs; Empress. February 22 Legion vs. Elks. February 27 Empress vs. Elks. March 1 Legion vs. Orotto. March 6 Elks ts. Orotto. kihc or pAirjj lite Have Order For Three Thousand MINK Nd change In market, faying as high as $15.00 Interested in all furs. Don't sell you"f goods tin til you see G0LDBL00M m Saturday Closing 8 p4m. EXTItA Sl'KCLtL VAtt'F. All Silk CurLiin NeU. assorted design $ n shades of crc.inv Ivory and hnncy, 38 ins Q-J flA wide: IU 75c yd. Doll.lf Df. 3 yds ?AUU ge.nIi.Vi: sVss tu dot AitQl nsirfTi: this H a reni Wrgafn for liodlar tiay. Knf fled and plain edge ttenuine Clip Dot Marquesettc. assorted colored spou C4 AA Dollar Day. 3 yd for ?XUU .vdVf.ifV M.MttjrKSirni: Cream color with lacti and Insertion trim. 2 pieces only ren price 75c yd. 04 A A Dollar Day 3 yds for tJX.UU llt'NfJAI.Ol) NETS Assorted designs ivoty and creum, 3 ihs. wide, very neat patterns o4 A A Dollar D.iV. 4 yds for Q1.JJ SCOTCH SIADUAS Scotch Madras Curtain Fabfit. aswted dli?ns 44 ins. wide (J-l A A Dollar Day. 3 yd. for . ?xJJ , t.NOI.ISH SHADOW CLOTHS As.or(ed designs and colorings. 48 Ins wuto fast colors Q-fl A A Special Dollar Day. 2 yds. for ?XUU S1I.K DIlAl'ntT DAMASK 50 ins. wide. All Silk Drapery Damask. 4 pieces only, assorted shades, reg. $1,75 and CI AA $1.05 yd.. Dollar Day. yd OAVU I'UINGLD CLTtTAIN I'ANKl.S Full size extra good quality Curtain Panels. Ivory shade, fringed ends and scalloped Q-j A A Dollar Day. 2 for OXUU WtNbOW SflADKS Standard size Window Shades, cfeam or areen 60x36 ins . mounted on good quality spring roller with Ilttlngs complete fiQp EXTENDING SASH CUUTAIN HODS Flat Extension Sash Rods, sizes 22 to 30 ins . complete with fittings 9?f BIIeAKFAST AND Sl'I'I'KK CLOTHS 52x52" ins. Damask Cloths, good quality with as sorted colored edges Q-J A( Sutclal. Dollar Dav 2 for ?AUU 3Gx36 INCHES 111111)01. CLOTHS Extra good quality Cloths, assorted colored stripe borders, size 36x36 Ins . Q4 A A Dollar Day Spitlal. 4 cloths for VX.UV HOItKOCKSKS Willi E FLANNELETTE No better make than Horfockses, 32 Ins. wide. beautifully soft and warm Dollar Day. 6 yds. for SPECIAL- Roller Canaries. Singers and. females, $4 and $5 pair. Ship nnjr distance. W. IiuUon, Hand hlock. FOU RENT CAItD tables, chairs for tent. Cam cron's Transfer. tf! ' j VEIINON Apartments housekeeping rooms, newly renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. HAIRDRESSER - - ' ! PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BFAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS RID your basement of old bottles, bought for 15c doz, Cameron's Transfer. i 1.00 WHITE FLANNELETTE SPECIAL Oood firm make, soft and fleecy In white only. 28 lnrhes wide Q-j AA Dollar Day. 7 yds. for ox.UU Friday. Febru:,:- j DOLLAR DAY Saturday - Fraser & Payne's f)t.M.SK TAfif.i: KArKlSS 15 Doz White Damask Table Napkin I8z;3 and wear well, assorted drslfiui. Dollar Day. 8 for S1.00 iiMsfittTirli I'li.nm cases Oood strdnp Wwtched Pilierw Csg fuT' r plain or hemstitched Q-t An Dollar Day. 5 for OltUU WOMEN'S k CHlLDKKVS IIOSIKItV & iNtirJtwMR 10 Dos Ladies Pure Thread Silk II durds. all new shade anfl mostly all siren: Dollar Day 3 pr. for S1.00 KfDDIES' JLKSLV KNIT PUKE WOOL SUITS Panta and Pullover, slet 1 and 3 years 7Cn pufe wool. t d colors, Dollar Dn SCHOOL GlltLs' SILK k WOOL IIOSi: Extia Kud quulUy Slocking, silk . plaited, in aantl and tan shades Gf (1A sMes 8 to 10, Dollar Day. 3 pr for OX.UU BOYS' rlTtfc WOOL ClOfj ffOSL Pure Wool, sizes 7 to 10. assorted color D4 nfj and fopn. Dollar Day. 3 pr for CXUU sI'Mie cnr.Pi: pkinci-ss slips Assorted Colors, ull Ues, lace trimmed . shoulder straps Dollar Day. each LAbir.s' sif.K ni.oo.Mr.KS vi:sts Exceptional value, dull Untitled raym and llloomeis. assorted shades IX 3 pr liloomers for MM 3 veils for S1.00 S1.00 I.AfllLS' nH.I.F. HI.OOMLKS Dtill finish May Belle quality talor "J trlmrned styles, jtssorted shades Q AA Potter Day i pr for CilltLS' rUNNF.f. DHI.SSFS Pure Wool Flatinel Dress. assorted : slindts. atzrs 3 to 12 years, amal! ' it pantle regular ralue $195 Dollar Day each S1.50 Men's & Boys' Furnishings MEN'S PIKE WOOL SOCKS M. mi v pure Wool Work Socks Q-f A A hattiral color. Dollar Dily. 6 pr vXUU HOYS' WOOL PUI.I.OVFlt MVEATF.rtS Sizes 20 to 34, assorted patterns pua .t Extra Special Q1 flfl Dollar Day. 2 for t?X.U .MEN'S IIUTTONLESS CO.MltlNATIONS Dfwvl hfuvv httrri H'Mllfi .i.,ott., .m --., ..n.M nBtHH MU1IIJ. t',i4J sizes 36 to 42 Dollar Day. suit MEN'S HEAVY Kilt PUKE WOOL UNDEKWEAK Pure Wool Heavy nib Shirts and Drawers. Shirts SI.O0) Drawers Sl.ftOj Combinations FOUND FOUND Keys lh case. Owner may have same" by calllhz at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. 1 ' i i i i i . (JARDEN SEED RAVE A dOOU GARDEN. Plenty of cvrythlng to cat fresh and for wlhtef. MeFafden's Seeds fcost so little and (frdw so much 3c. I td 4c. per packet. Dig Oversize' Packets. New Crop, Fresh, Tes-I ted Seeds. Over 150.000 Satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get Large Packet HeatlUftil Finwnr. FREB or sena 25c. for Iff Hlij Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c. on first order. (Coin preferred; stamps accepted, i MeFuydcri Seed Co., Princess and Market Sts Winnipeg, Man, oo Oct quick result, with a want art , 1 si.oo S1.95 TOWHLS TOWELS TOWKt.S Extraordinary values for Dollar Day, Samples and run of the mill. Just hAlf regular pric 2 for 'A for 1 nn oi.uu , m4 I for ior $1.00 ' 5 for $1.00 $1.00 Classified Ads FOR SALE 1 PAINTERS I . I PA INT IN O and rapcrhanirtni Moller. Phdn Rea Rra, hi.knm;nt iujiok ut NtrrifR H hffHtl niren ' llrt t)y oJ Mnrcli nri '' . Nhinrfl Itifrnria r., nnnlv CuiHrol Drmrd for a Uceii''" f prrmlM bcnt purl .if i" kfKin m MrifiM II..U-I. i iwner at ntth h(l r4umbM Vlllf) uf Strvu-t. upon 'in- ' crlbrrt m lot No. DOS. !' - N M BIBA trim ntifwrt 1 4ird i Ion Di-TIci, in th ProviiK" ' Oclumbhi, itt tnr Mlc of ' IM of by it bitl f-r p 0'irrr- or ! rwliOf' Dntfl trria 32iil dny 'f J " M'nwr noTKt fXlMPAKV I pr Owirse I. MaMloimld. Mi' Aim1 re m iHl" in f-itoltui: in fife supriEMEURTornrirr1'11 COLUMBIA IN THE MATTE a Of "AOMtNIS'tllATION Al l IN THE MATTKH O? THE KSTATR JACOH ADAM Kl ICKER DF "E" TAKE r",r "f n NOTICE thfll lT rionof, w. e. FiiiT- me nui r,,;1,l Jmrtry, A t). 1044, 1 m PPf,"'!r,J, minhitriiior of th mti of jitr-i'Aii"; KIICXT.'(VMl, ,nc 1 pnr'w- 111 Ins clalfru Mjrnlrwt the aald '""".1 i)r-by riuirfrt to furnMi woi" P, fjfriy vrlfiM. to m on r w",Tr.,, Mnd any of rvtmmry. Ah. iw; 'L ll ixirtlfa ttvdrblrd to thd e",,' ... rUlrM to )my tlie wivxini I lilclfbt.icliwwi to Mr furt nwiMi NOHMAN A WlLa ornciAt, admini: thatc r)l(ltUaand day of January W "'