SHOES! SHOES! Wc can now fit that narrow foot. Women's High Grade Dress Shoes in A WIDTH in Fine Black Kid Oxfords and 1-Strap. Reg. $5.95. Special Cut Rate price . Samples Bought from LECKIE'S We have just received a big shipment of these high grade samples in Men's, Boys,' Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes We are selling these samples at special Cut Rate prices. Leckic's High Grade Work Hoots Very Special In Oil Tan Chrome Tops, Solid Leather Soles, Reg. $4.95 Special Leckie's School Hoots These are built of solid leather the wear. CUT RATE SHOE Magazine Stands - 75c. SPECIAL SALE of - - - - Unpainted Furniture We have a limited quantity of useful articles for the home that is being cleared out at sacrifice prices. See our window and take advantage of some real bargains in unpainted furniture. FCraiy FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Dulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We tlin sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. SI fhouei (51 RUBBERS MUST GO We are overstock-;! in rubbers. A big shipment has Just arrived .an they must be sold because spring is comln ; urui we cannot afford to carry them over. They an sacrificed at very low prices. Men's Solid Leather Work Boots For the' Dry Dock Worker, Men's Solid Leather Work Boots, reg. $4.50 OS) AT V6VD up from S3.75 For Hoys and will stand McClary Ranges Ideal for any home. A splendid cooking range and a marvellous baker. Prices range from $50.00 Up Prince Rupert Acents Gordons Hardware Phone 311 Mcltridc St, "TILLIE THE TOILER" MBRe. yOU I VOO TO WVWO -TT TILL C VjiIUw.. TLfll J- jk vr JIT" J Mil PCM MAC rC-WtU" 3.95 STORE Mail Schedule l.r'or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Thursdays 9:15 pjn. Friday 11 p.m February 8 pjn: Mondays and Wednesdays ib,i train) . 4:30 p.n.. rom Vancouver-Sunday , - 1 1 1 1' . PJD Wednesday 10 ajn "Friday p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (by train) 10 p.m. February 4 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pjn Wednesday 3 p.m. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30 a.m Thursday 8 pjn For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday .7 pjn Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dock Total eselty 21,111 Uias Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer (or gteel and Wood VeneU Iran and Brats Casting Cleetrie and Acetylene Welding ll-toa Derrick lor Heavy LIIU Sawmill and MlnlngMarhlnery Repaired and Overhauled WAMT J ICONSiUEr. MEraE"3 TVIJ -1'-1-jojg r iMAC J hA MRS. PREECE IS HONORED Presentation .Made Last Night to President of Canadian Lesion Women's Auxiliary Following the regular monthly meeting last night of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion at which business was largely of a routine nature, the men of the Lc- glon joined the ladies for a social evening. The feature of the pro- ccedlngs was the presentation by Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, on behalf of the tractive double bill arranged for Women's Auxiliary, of a beautiful! the end of this week, one of the upholstered chair to Mrs. Jack j pictures being a Four Marx Uro-Precce in appreciation of her excel- triers' comedy "Duck Soup" and lent services as president of the or- the other a big city romance "Law- ganlzation. Mrs. Preeqe replied suit - amy. During the evening there was a program which Included vocal solos! "Duck Soup" is filled with delight-by J. Melville. T. McCann. Robert I ful music including the now fa-James and J. S. Wilson and card rn" "Who's Afraid of the Big, tricks by Mr. Foaartv. Community singing under leadership of J. S. Wilson was enjoyed and the irathrr- Ing dispersed after the singing of i tators arc working. Inciting mobs For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" in 10 revolt against unjust taxation honor of Mrs. Preece and "Auld0roucno Marx appointed dicta-Lang Sync." j tor. Chico and Harpo appear as two . spies while Zeppo starts a war. Of j course the picture Is replete with MeamshiD I Sailings P huh- fljf m - r eludes such well known players as I Raquel TorrM LouU Ca,hern and For Vancouvei- EdmUnd Brew' Tuesday- -Cardena 1:30 p.mJ Thurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 p m.1 In "Ter Alan ' Wllltam Powell Fridav-ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 on ; Ilay the part of a brilliant East i Ss. Venture . midnight side lawjer who his wav Feb. 8 ss. Prin. Nor.ih n m ?rom Vancouvn Sunday- ss. Cardena p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ........ 10 ajn Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide .. p.m Ss. Venture p.m. Feb. 4 ss. Prin.'Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday- ss. Cardena 8 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 4 From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Cardena 11 30 ajn.,-Thurs-S8. Pr. Rupert . ... 8 pjn j f or Naas River ana Port Jumpon-. ' : Sunday- -ss. Cardena 8 pjn. j From Naas River Si Tort Simpson 1 ' Tuesday - ss. Cardena 11 3Q a.m. For Ocean Fall i Tuesdayas. Ca,rdena 130 pin. I Thurs. ss. Pr Rupert 10:15 pm, Fridayi. Prin, Adelaide 10 pjn I SUMMIT MEATI" 2?c per lb, m I K MARKF.T L 3 lbs. 80c Fifth Ave. East Rump Roast of liccf- 15c per lb. Sirloin lb. Tipper 15c T-Bone Steak 18c per lb. Sirloin Steak 20c per lb Pot Roast of Beef 10c per lb , Leg of Pork 18c per lb Pork Chops 18c per lb. Shoulder of Pork 14c per lb. Leg of Veal 18c per lb. Veal Chops 18c per lb. Pork Sausage 15c per lb. Liver, 1 lb. 25c Bacon. 1 lb, IRi:iv With each one dollar purchase 3 ll)H. of Cabbage . Phone GGG We Deliver ji tmvn rmtu tm u cazarrni rws SOM6TMIM6 WAMTEO MB -1 J'r ' t"1"' i'". m.., ifi i... "Duck Soup," Willi Four Marx Hros., anil "lawyer .Man," Starring William I'tmcll, Arc Offered The Capitol Tlreatre here, whjch tonight opens "U.C. Managers' Week" with special new picture I bookings throughout, has an at ' yer Man," starring William Powell ana jonn uionaen. In addition to typical comedy. 1 Bad Wolf?" The film has also a I VC'T definite story about a mythl cal country "Frcedonla " where atil- tnrougn specUcular court trial to the front rank of hi profession The picture carries a glowing romance between Powell and his faithful secretary. Joan Wondell. and gives som thrilling revelations of the Inside workings of mctroo-litan political Intrigues. Helen Vinson. Alan Dlnehart. David Landau supporting parts. YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE at MUSSALLEM'S CANADIAN BEAUTY OETn MACARONI. Is. 3 pkgs. Ov EMPRESS TEA -Indo- A(n Ceylon, 1-lb. pkg. 1UL Buy now price has advanmd PRINCESS SOAP F-LAKES -1 n per pkg. X p C 50c 3 for PUFFED WHEAT 25c 2 pkgs. TOASTED CHEESE THINS OCn 1 2 pkss DL GRANULATED SUOAU 75c 10 lbs. BLUEBERRIES Gallons 77c per tin PEARS 2's 37c 2 tins RHUBARB 25c 2 lbs. Order Karly and Avoid Hie Itmh MUSSALI.EM'S Economy Store -U'liere Dollars Have More OiitV M7-19 Third Avenue Weil P.O. Box 575 riinne Id VAJELU, tmi TO BETW 1 AC MlflT 11 WCK- OIL. Oa I VI HAT'S , V Somebody's Fate is in the Balance I i r i me? r I I ' v.'.-r.. -, m u- ;yi t ft'' 1 GOOD FILM BILL HERE I'KIDAV Si SATURDAY SHOWS 7 & "J:23 Admission 15c Si 50c SATURDAY MATINHK at 2:30 15c St 35c Poultry Routing Chicken, lb. 25c Moiling Fou l, IK Extra Specials jPl Phone S7 2 Hamburger, lb. Garlic SautaRC. lb. Liver Sausage, lb. HUY RULKLKY Phone 10 (Quality Service WHEN YOUR L.MJ(!II - TOWN - LAUOIII TIIKY'ltK LOOS!" us THE 4 MARX BROTHERS in "Duck Soup" And Hoy, How They Dish It sappy sayings, nances, a raramount Picture Added Feature William Powell in "LAWYER MAN" n 10 &, .-The World's Smartest (ounsellor-at-I.a; A Warner Bios Rrleaso Alio .Ml. TltO NLWS IV . Ilouri fira.,,1 ri...... - Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS LOCAL VKKSH KGO'S I Sunnvbrook Hu'r 35c a lbs. . K3t' PORK Lojt Koant Pork, lb. 2:5c Ioin Uoast Pork, lb. 22c Shirt. Uoast Pork, lb. lfic Uoston Hutt KhL, lb. 20c Holly Pork, II, i:,c CharACtcr wo cell It's sure to please you VALLKY I'RODCCTS Pioneer llulrlirri VM 1910 COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US for all your require- mcntH anil at pncci to suit all pursca, PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That (Ji'vch Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 qov VAlBLU, m a MAl? ,am cvt on tOMD- t'UL CO AAJ id HtM Phone G18 " -FI-YINCJ )()Wv ' I....- Up. Gairs and Girl ,7 and Joan Blondell iin Fresh Killed Veal lag Roast Veal. J" 2Ir Loin Roast Veal, " 2'V Shld. Hoast Via! i 1 Urcnst Vt-al, !l u Rump Roast V'f . 2 USe Ayrshire Unn . 10e pork Tefd-rloin lb v 20t Welnerx lb tic Haddlc Flllr' lb. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarcltl. 1'roprle'ur -A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rales 11.00 op WJ Rooms. Hot St Cold WiW Prince Rupert, H.C 9111 Tn Rof 1" iiuiiv mr -By Westover. THIS LOCKS