FrMay February 2 1934 Write for copy of our HEW PREMIUM CATALOGUE KF.I.LY. llOlftMS A CO. LTD, Vancouver. 11. C Orcnes Lid. 3tfr; Pioneer Dt-Utiejists rbr Retail Store r hones: 81 A: 82 Mi 31 Antiseptic Mi 31 Shaving Cream Mi 31 Tooth Paste These 3 at a special, 82c ltoll.t'p Kiilc With Lavender Shaving Cream Special at 63c For Your Dog . Ask Tor Noma Worm Capsules, Get a Descriptive llooklet If You Are Taking Yeast Try the Brewer's Yeast Flakes In 40c or 75c Sizes drliitlcritcd and non-fattening form of jeasl tonle) Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c The Neir Yitnmin Har MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE February Sale f rfleld Suite. Bed Room Suites. Basket and Wicker Chairs. W.. k. r Rocher Clwlrs, Pull-up Chalrn. End Tables. Radio Tables. 11 a kcts. l'lllows, CitopeU. Wilton and Axmlnsters. all sires, 1 inolenm Ruga, Congoleum Rugs. LlnoleHm by the yard. Hall II tinners Specials Placed From Day to Day. Watch This Ad- 321 3rd Av. Prince Rupert, Phone 775 TheFish which mdde Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Pepred Mly Ny Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. PlUNCE RUPERT, H.C. If your paper does not arrive. Iclcnlmne the offic John Wednesday afternoon. Dntld Biros, regularly chief officer of the steamer Prince John, Is at present ashore Ifl Vancouver on tfnnual vacation. William Olcnson J Mi's Detty kirtgitan of T'?rract larrlred In trte tity on tr.H mom- .nt' train lrom interior ana sailed on the steamer Prtnce Rn-oert for Vancouver. CP it. steamer Print AdelaW Capt. S. K. Gray, to due In port at 4 O'clock thls-af terrioon trom the mtrth and will sail at 10 pxn,m her return to Vancouver and way- ooints. B. Hopkins of Anyox was a pas tehtft- aboard the Prince Rupen last evening going through to Van Halifax whre he will embark Feb ruary 10 on the steamer Auson:;: for a trip to England. ; V. H. Tobey. C.N.R. dJvtstona. superintendent, who lias been pending several days on the llnr in connection with the work of clearing up recent sriowsiides ana ' washouts, relumed to the city frtm the Interior on this morn- inz's train. C. R. Trains ! "or the FaM-". Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pnl. from the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and flatur Announcements Prince Rupert Badminton Club . . . T?ll.aaai Tri tint. aance. EiKs uomc. rnuaj, f-lary 2. C N". R. A. February n- Jiggs' Supiwr. February 13. brklgc, nasles Hall United Church. Annual St. Valentine dance Cambrnl Chapter. I.O.D.E.. Feb. 14 Elks' Radio dance Feb. 23. Pioneer's Banquet March 9. St. Patrick's Supper rtnd Cdnccrt March 17. !OOSK HALL Mon., Feb. 5th Two wrestling matches and four ckhlbltibil boxing boilts followed by it dance. Everybody welcome. tTI.. Feb, Otli Moose LeglOil Novelty bance. Wed.. Feb, 14th St. Valentine Daiice. v 6c6tch Dance every Saturday night. Basketball Thursday Feb. 1st. 7 p.m, Admn, 25c and 10c .TOT DAILT IfKWl I r" ' ...... ' jiHHHHHWHHBHHHiHnHMHHiA 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Bee special clubbing offer page 2. i, ! We buy anything In cold. Premium prices. Max Hcilbrorier. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport. following a brief business visit to Jack Keefe would like to let his own. left on Wednesday evening's friends know he Is how at tnr on lief return to her home on Capitol Barffe Sftop. 'in the Skeenu River. , ., . a. c. Arwneau saueq in is morn- ((. Ah Mrs. itaipu i. warn. wic ui hr- . , DUSine" Government Telegraphs agent at ; Port Clements, Is a visitor to the ih Pfinoe Ropert for trip td Vancouver Mr. tfohCrerar'l reported to be t;oOlng nicely at the Prince Rupert Clrarlotte .i 4 Wands i j- on the Prince , . .... ... . . . vsuncrai jiu.-.jjimi wucic sue been i. patient recently. has P. A. Melntyrc. 'formerly of the steamer Prince Oeorge. has no taken over dutle as second officer ftn fhe Mimpf IMnre Riinprt. thi If relieving as chief officer on UHbefflg nr4t trip for over A , Fnrice John during his absence, t I Affording to tforfi received from r w Hart, who recently underwent an trperalloil In Vaheonver. ith ll kriowrt fAotitut citizen Is jeonltnulng to recover slowly and he .expects, all going well, to bo able jto return to his home here in i nbotit two weeks" time. OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wsle up your Lirer BUe Without Calomel TW Irrr! twj ml opt, Ui II a-UMy cm pat fW Af-trt mad ttumumm KiuiHl ol kiut, bjr rlwMKf la pour aut m ut fx, pJaait of bqal bJ V ftut baafta To tntfi momAAt -rt " litin ukM Mtt, U. luMnl !. Ulti M itmni in, r roathM Mndrat Otn'n lWih ao4 Jv dm1 i Srrr atiButxt. Cft UH lit PIIU 11 pbok Uin Ufk Um mimIm iW ou U Thw'rt prht t UtW SM rtw. AA In tfc by Mow. tUluM aMUUM S rUV mtmtli. HW yott read thf special clubbing Offer the Daily News is making? The Pictorial Review and National ilomC Monthly are both zood magazines and both can be secured with the Dairy News for i jrwf fof fifty cent. Hearing of the case 1p whicv. Ivan Mahood is charged with the theft of lead from the trolling boai Sed Oull at the Cow Bay floats jwds commenced in elty police couri yesterday afternoon before Magistrate McClyment and adjournment was taken until this afternoon. . Deu t Haek Conditions as a fe"-' Suit ' of recent nows!ldes ana ', washouts in the lower Skeena val-iley. it was 2 oefKk this rnornr- before tile trdirt, dtie from the East at 10 o'clock last higtii.1 I reached here. The nsamtr Prince mem oi me rew we manuiaciur- ing and cold storage plant on the local waterfront by Albert ti Mr- Caffery. sailed last nlfht on the Madame Raaul of "The Danes".! Too Much "Party" Last Night Too Much Food, Late Hours, Smoky Atmosphere m YET This Morning No "Acid JIeadach"-No Upset Stomach Scientists say this Is the QUICK- EST. SUREST and EASIEST way to comb'at FEELING THE EFFECTS of over-ind ulcence the most powerful ncid neulralizcr known to scienre. jua ao wis: TAKE 2 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water BEFORE bed. In the morning take 2 more tablespoonfuls with the juice of a Wl IOLE ORANGE. That's all I Tomorrow you'U feel great I Or take the equivalent amount of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia tablets. Each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful tit lhi linniil. Get cenulne Phillips' ifSR Milk of Magnesia in the familiar liciuid form, or llm nnu mnrvflnnl v I.M.I. lli F"JUH v I'll i mi ii i"".t" i sure it PHILLIPS . the kind dotlors endorse. NOW M TAiltf bx iiduio torn MAM IN CAN4B4 si tl I 1 TYPEWRITERS ( ' l II mmm For Sale or Rent Hose, Cowan & Latta . " I'hqne 131' ) ner 7 for Tweed and Fairy 4 for Andalusion Sllvertwlst 4 for ANNETTE'S Clock Dresses Street and Evening Ift chiffons, georgcttds, flat crcped, etc.. to clear regardless of cost at-1- No tryoris $2.00 John Christian, brother of Tony Christian well known local con- ar:nr w (tynnrt "i ti retartl t" awaited the arrival of Rupert tn,prlnt;, nupert within the course .: train before sailing tor ue siwia.'.v,,, f.r f, sn rran. J-isco to h:-.h c:tv he mr;c-i on-. George R MttcbeU. who U he?, . v(Sars i- im?ntl0!. In connection with the establish-1. ri.r. Prince Rupert for. . Vancouver on) i 1 niIAn business In connection with the KkfaA! SHllr t VVv am&su " a x.u Ba x ' later. Stocktaking Sale Tien, Qneen unanoue isianas. wur ... O r sail tonight by the-Prince John on; VVpH CUV I MllTS ftT 1 rl ll her return to the Islands after eouver whence he wtll pnxttdui . jyj n a patitnt in the Prince! in' A iffll YARNS Rupert General Hospital for the; . ntfArf,v 04 A A past few weeks. Madame Rajauv " iSX.UU since leaving tr.e nospitai a aay or so ago. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Emmerson Of Dlgby Islahd. 90c 85c D47o7 81.00 20 DISCOUNT On the Dollar Off Stationery. Novelties, Stantped Oooilsj Ktt. S. R. S. 'Tune in Topics' HIGH LIGHTS WEDNESDAY 6:30 John McCormick. KOMO. 7:00--Corn Cob Club. CFCN. 8:00 Midwest Melody Time. KOMO. 9:30 Waltz Time. KOMO. THURSDAY 6:0d--Show float, KOMO. 7:00 Camel Program. KOIN. 7:30 Eno Crime Clubi KPO. 8 15 Standard Symphony, KOMO. 9:30 Old Time Dance. CFCN. 6:3d KOMO. 7 80 One FRIDAY. Armour Program, Man's Family, KOMO. 8:15 Ollmorc Circus, KOMO. ld:00 Melody Train, KPO. m1 Remember We offer you a modern efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Illue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWF.K D No charges Coats only, fur (rimriied, to clear at $5.00 CHOICE LAMB Legs lb, 25c STERLING BUTTER lb 29c - . . PICNIC II A M S lb ...14c BEEF BRISKET lb, PRIME RIB lb. 8c 15c Sale Saturday, 2 to 4 V ALL PULLOVER SWEATERS Short and 0RK HOCKS lb, SPAKE RIBS lb BOSTON Btrrrs. ih. 10c 10c 18c YOUXG BOILING F 0 W L lb. 25c ib. STERLING TEA 38c 95c PURE-SILK HOSE Reg. values to 49c" UOj Clock Sale Special, per pair SILK arid WOOL Shirts and Panties Flesh Only. Special 0f each SILK SCARVES-Values td $1.95 Ut3j Clock Sale Special PTRSES Genuine Leather, reg. values Qf VPy to $3.95; Clock Sale Special FABRIC. OLOVeS Fawn shade only. mVK OP teg. values to 59c. to clear at ORIENTAL MATS- 21 only fyC Clcx-'i Sale SoecLil. each . .RUBDEHSFor high heel shoes only reg values $1 00 a pair, to clear 25c ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. LIMITED THE STOHE OF TJlE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Saturdas, Specials Phone 62 Phone 63 MILK FED VEAL Rumps lb, lfic SHAMROCK EGGS doz 29c STERLING COFFEE lb. 35c BEEF POT ROAST Ifjr 1UC lb. Cross Arm 1 Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal .$12.$0 Minellead Lump Coal $12i0 Pembina Egg Coal $12.60 Stove Coal '. $11-50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 For Your Health Chiropractic CItrst Tiolet Rays intra lied niji Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 34$ Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping Si General Furniture Repairs List youf goods' with me Phone: -Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tamers leT Prince Rupert tor VncUTr T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P-M. Via Ocean palU rul Waypolntii. wrlWng Vancouver Tburaday afternoon. T.S.S. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY, MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. wkiT aallinn to Port Simpaon, Alice Arm. Anjox, 8twart arm Naaa Rlrer polnU. U-are Prints Rupert Sunday, pjn. SPtCIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE. ROUND TRIP, PRINCE itt'PERT TO VANCOUVER. $32. (Meals and Berth Included.) On Sale Nov. 10 to Feb. 28. return limit March 31, 1934. rurther tnrormatlon regarding laJl aailnga and tcaeu a -- IMtlNt'i: KITERT AHENCV: Third Anue. riion IMS