Causes Sensation in F A I) Mr!. v u : W, ,.: : X f r.l t'.fl f Na 1 BROWN IS i I PRESIDENT Young Liberal Association Mccis W. M. Wails Vice-I'icsidcnl, licorgr llorie, Secretary Titr Prince RujKrt Young Llbcrnl A t i.ttiuii. at IU annual general n; une last evwlng, elected of-' i - lor the ensuing year as fol- Honorary President, Rt, Hon. V. L Miu kcinlo King. Honorary First Vlce-Prceidenl IV' uiii'r T. D. Pattulto. H"iMiaiy Second Vice-President Ol'ir Unison. M P. Ptv...irt,.i. t. W. Hrown. V in President, W. M. Watt. '.i'TiTtnry-Troasurcr, Ocorgc Ho rlr FxcnitivoH. O. Kennedy. Fostc Willan, A. 8. Nlckcrson nnd a. P I vons Uclrimtos to executive of Prlnc Rupert Liberal Association T. W r.wn iuuI A. 8 Nlckcrson with Willan nnd H. O. Kcnnedj aUernutcs The nifejintowns addrcswd by Dr J H CurHon. president of the I'llnn H,y) Liberal Association Today's Weather Terrn.-n Snowing, calm, 32. A I vn null- -Light miow. calm. 32, Anyox Snowing, calm. 35. ' Haollonfinowlng, calm, 30. 8mltl,ors-8nowlns. calm, mild n.s Lake-Snowing, calm, 'that Canada withdrew from the League of Nations which had failed IU main objective of ensuring permanent peace In Europe. The trrrns of the Treaty of Versailles were only serving to provoke an other conflict In Europe, Oeneral Mi line declared. Senator Raoul Dandurand. alto speaking In the Upper Chamber, appealed to th United States to !)v League of Nations. The f.. jut elder statesman iold how. tczv, after the last presidential el-ec'.-in he had urged President ..klm D. Roosevelt to have his -rr.'ry loin the League. Without tinted States. Senator Dandu-r ,;r '? dirlared. the League could r h;ive proper effectiveness. PRESIDENT OF UNION Thomas l-ovc New Municipalities I Head Mortgage Moratorium Intension i " " VICTontA. Feb. 2. -Mayor Tho- mas A. Love of Grand Forks was elected president of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities at the elose of the annual convention here. P, R. F. Sewell of Saanlch was elected secretary-treasurer of the Union In succession to Hon. A. Wells Gray, now minister of lands and munlclpallUea. The next convention of the union will !e held In Kamloops, It was de-elded. Before the close of the conven-Uon members of the cabinet met with the union and Hon. John Hart. minister of finance and acting pre mler. promised to lay its represcn- j attoni before Premier T. u. Pai-i ullo. sUtlng that "something wlll tnr li niiinlclnnllllps If nt ! it: itviir ivi .- - j ill possible." Extension of mortgage mora-orlum legislation to Include interest as well as principal within the llscretlon of Judges was asked for 'n a resolution adopted by the union. , NEW coi.n sToitACi: IS INCOIM'OKATI.I) f VICTORIA, Feb. 2: (CP--Provincial Incorporations announced this week include the Northern Fisheries Cold Stor age Ltd. of Prince Rupert with cnultallzutlon of $00,000. , The company ha been formed In connection with a new Ice ma- nufacturlng nnd cold storage plant which has been estab- llshed nt Prince Rupert under orgnnlatloii of M. P. McCnf- fcry. . 1 British 'Planes Stage Mimic War Senate hearings on the Warner-Costlgan antl-lynchlng bill, It was announced yesterday. Hockey Scores Tuesday's Scores Montreal 2, New York Americans New' York Rangers 1, Boston 2. Chicago 2. Ottawa 0. Thursday's Scores Boston 2, Detroit 2. Toronto 5, New York Rangers 5. Montreal 3, Ottawa 1. 'Jhlcngo 3, Canadlens 3, HON. ROBERT FORKE DIES IN WINNIPEG WINNIPEG, Feb. 2. CP Senator Robert Fjejkc. who ifffred a .hirattaka few !" weeks ago and has since been In a sinking conouion. died ' here this morning at the age j of 73 years. He made his home ! at Pipestone. Man, where he j had engaged In farming for ! many years. He was a former 1 f leader of the Progressive Party I- and later minister of lmmigra- tlon In the Liberal govern- ment of Canada. He had been a member of the Senate since 1929. GOLD STILL MOVING UP Price in Montreal Advances to S34.6? And in London to $34.81 Scalping Metal MONTREAL. Feb. 2: CP Gold continued to climb in price today being quoted 66 cents higher than yesterday at $34.67 per ounce. At London It was $34.84. Scalping Metal LONDON. Feb. 2: Renewed flow of gold to the United States was the lmedlate effect yesterday of President Roosevelt's devaluation of the dollar and there was a rush of buying gold in London at $34.07 8-10 to sell In the. United States at $35. It was freely predicted In flnsn clal quarters here that the British government would probably meet tn situation by Imposing an cm I It's wsx a Inrt the V a auv. bargo ngalnst export of gold from this country Holland Acts AMSTERDAM, Feb. 2: The government of Holland Issued a decree yesterday prohibiting the export of REPLY TO MINISTER Ontario to Present its Case as Result of Stevens' Mass Buying Charges i TORONTO. Feb. 2: There Is every evidence that the stage Is being set for an Ontario version 6f the mass buying Inquiry to be Instltu - ted at Ottawa as a result of charges. mnde by Hon. H. H. Stevens, minis - 1 ter of trade and commerce. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mm High . 3:24 un, 20.2 ft. prince Rupert- Part cloudy, light 15:24 p-m. 19.7 ft winterly wind: barometer. 30:01: Low 9:34 ajn. 62 ft. 38; light chop. temperature, 21:49 pjn. 4.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V,! XXIV. No. 28. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1934 PK1CE: FIVE CENTS FIGHT F0R?UBUCLY OWNED BAM GEN.McRAE URGES CANADA TO WITHDRAW FROM Vancouver Senator Predicts European War Within Five Years Declares That (Icncva Has Failed in Principal Objective Of KiiMiriiiK Peace Versailles Treaty But Provoking Conflict Daudurand Appeals to U.S. OTTAWA, Feb. 2: (CP) League of Nations affairs, (: a iaament and the European situation have been much ' f fore in the Senate during the past couple of days. j it thing of a sensation was created yesterday by Sena- A. I). .Mcllae of Vancouver who, in speaking in the It- l Chamber, declared that another European war within i- flve years wai a certainty and uyed In Scotland Reaoy for mimic war and waiung fur adio orders 'j take off pUnes of me 12th British bomb-tng squadron lined up on the east coast of S otlasid duruig extensive aerial manoeuvres in which costal defences wore tc ved f .i bitty to t'pel air raids. CURTAILING OF FISHING Han of Halibut Fishing Vessel , Owners' Association is Adopted At Ketchikan i KETCIIIKAN, Feb. 2: (CP) The Fishing Vessel Owners' Asso-elation j ' yesterday agreed to a halibut fishing curtailment plan presented ; by Harold Lokken of Seattle, 1 manager of the Association. 1 The curtailment lay-up plan allows Seattle halibut boats thre ' thousand pounds per man, Ketchikan I boats 3300 pounds and western boats four thousand pounds to offset prices differences for the fish. Following the conference here, Mr. Lokken left for Petersburg and Juneau to offer the plan there. Young Prairie Farmer is Shot Ian nurent. Aged 23. Gets Hullet In tlead While Riding in Sleith MELVILLE. Sask., Feb. 2: Alan llurent, aged 23. a Pole, was brought to the Melville Hospital, having been shot In the head with i revolver while In a sleigh returning from Melville to his farm. nst rnnsiArs i I - llhKIllKS v-v t muivtiu TESTIMONY Itolph of California and KllchiTof Maryland Asked to Give Views On Lynching WASHINGTON, D.C. Feb. 2: Oovernprs James Rolph Jr. of Call- fnrntn miri Altwrt Ritchie of Marv- land will be Invited to testify nt!ol rrom thls country SANKEY NOT IMPLICATED Notorious. Bandit oMnjolved jnj Lindbergh hldnap Although Admitting Others WASHINGTON, D.C, Feb. 2: Justice Department officials indicated yesterday that no evidence had been found so far tending to link Verna Sankey, t:-year old rancher, with the Lindbergh kidnapping. OFF TO SIOUX FALLS CHICAGO, Feb. 2: Verne Sankey, notorious bandit -rublic Enemy No. 1 and former Canadian railway employee at Melville, Sisle, who has long been sought br the police in connection with kidnappings and other crimes throughout the country, was. finally arrested Wednesday by federal officers without a struggle in a barber shop here. Following his capture, penver, Colo., authorities took immediate steps to extradite him to face trial on a charge of kidnapping Charles Boetlcher II and Sankey, waiving extradition proceedings at a brief hearing, was soon on his way to Sioux Falls, S.IJ. Sankey has already admitted staging two sensational kidnappings, it is said by police, but has denied knowledge of kidnapping little Charles A. Lindbergh jr. Fire Damage Here In January $507 All Protected by Insurance Four Out of Month's Nine Alarms Caused by Chimney Fires' During the month of January the city fire department responded to nine alarms, four of which were chimney fires. Total fire damaRC for the month amounted to $507 1 all" of which was covered by Insur ance. The fires In which losses occurred were as follows: January 5, W. Pawchuk, Eighth Avenue East, $227. January 10, O. E. Phlllipson, Westvlew, $30. January 28, C. N..R. round house. fire In engine. $250. Last year In January there were 12 alarms. Miss Olga Kolosoff arrived on the Prince Rupert last evening from Anyox for a holiday visit with Mr., and Mrs. II. F. Pullen, Westvlew. I Ottawa Is Preparing For Lively Debate On Financial Institution Will Not Deal Direct With People But With Chartered Banks and Government Will Not Finance Canadian Wheat Crop OTTAWA, Feb. 2: Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister of finance, is exnected to introduce his central hank leirisln- ! ticm in the House of Commons early next week. Several memDers nave lniimaiea inai iney intend to put up a strenuous fight lor public ownership of the central bank instead of private as planned by the government. Today's Stocks (Courtesy S. D. Johnaton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .35. B. C. Nickel, Z2. B. R. X. Gold, .69. B. R. Cons, J9l,'2. "Braldme. HO. Cariboo Oold, 2.55. Dunwell, JO. Georgia River, .024. Indian, .01 lj. Mlnto. .241. Meridian, 223,k. Morning Star. .28. Native Son. .09. National Silver. .0434 Noble Five, .11. Pend Oreille. .98. Porter Idaho, .11. Premier, 1.06. Reeves, .17. Reward, .12",i. t Reno, 1.14. ; Silver Crest, .02Vi. Wayside. .42. Whitewater, .07. Waverly, .02e. Oils Fabyan, .004. '; Home, 1.77. C. Sz E.. 1.05. Freehold, .UV2. Sterling Pacific, .67. Toronto Aldermac. .144. Alexandria Gold. .06sg. Central Patricia, .56. Chlbougamau, .0634. Columario. .15. Oranada, .64. Inter. Nickel, 2355. Klrkland Lake, 29. Macassa. 2.15. McMillan Oold, .45 'i. Noranda, 34.60. St. Anthony, .44. Shcrrltt Gordon, 1.11. Slsco. 1.62. Thompson Cadillac, .31. Towagamac. .31 lj. Ventures, 1.00. Teck Hughes, 5.85. Dome. 34.00. Wright Hargrcavcs, 7.00. t Howey. .98. Holllnger. 12.30. Eldorado, 3.55. New York U. S. Steel. 57. General Motors. 40. American Can. 100. Montgomery-Ward, 30' j. National Distilleries. 308. New York Central, 4l!'. Wheat Prices Winnipeg May. .70. July. .7P. Chicago May. .914. July. .9011. September, .91 ti. LEAGUE The central bank to be cstab- j llshed under the legislation as pro- posed by the government would not deal direct with the people, it is stated, but rather with the char tered banks and the government. It would not finance the Canadian wheat crop and would have the power to issue currency up to $100,-000.000, 1 It Is, being said in circles close to lhettgAvernmenta.thats4uxthcr.-lm.. porunt fiscal legislation may be Introduced at the present session. This Is taken to refer to refunding measures. Personal Sketches By Rotarians At Weekly Luncheon The Prince Rupert Rotary Club, at Its regular weekly luncheon yes terday afternoon, heard four of Its members give brief sketches of , their own lives. The speakers were 'Max Heilbroner. W. E. Drake. Fire ! Chief J. R. Morrison and R. G. Van der Sluys, all of whom had some- . I thing Interesting to tell. ' . Mr. Heilbroner told of life In ! Butte, Montana, when he was a lau I and of how he got to Dawson City In 1898. Mr. Drake had spent most of his life with the Llpsett Company except for an Interval at the. warf. i Mr. Morrison started on the fire de- j partment of Rossland. Mr. Van der Sluys has travelled all over the world Including a trip as chef to Lord and Lady Wllllngdon. It was more or less chance that led him to Prince Rupert where he plans to stay. , Pasteurization Of Ontario Milk Minister of Health to Introduce Bill Making Process Compulsory TORONTO, Feb. 2: Hon. Dr. J". M. Robb. minister of health in the Ontario government. Intends to Introduce In the Legislature a bill to 'provide for compulsory pastcurl-; zatlon of milk In all Ontario cities. Men Complain and Are Discharged From Road Camp LAKEFIELD. Ont.. Feb. 2:A group of sixteen men Including some from Toronto, Oshawa and Peterborough were discharged from j the Burlelgh-Aphley road camp af- ,cr complaints were made over conditions there. '3 m