SUBSCRIPTION RATKS City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid, In advance, per week .'. By mall to air part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year" By mall to all other countries, per year r ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Incn per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone ...... Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations S SI DAILY EDITION oiJijr Thursday, Jan. 24, 1934 THE BARD OF SCOTLAND (By Neil Lang) are rraa ana ws songs sung. His "Hell ha- misfortunes great an simply expressed but sound nhll wufcy of . the universal brother v T H E sma. 'But aye a heart abane them a' hood of man is meditated uaon. "Hell be a rrHit i 72iis latter mere particularly in "We'll a be prood o' Robin. uivc uie prrsju wnen H IS clearly dlscern'ble that an exten- Rollln time has amDlv Ituttlfipri the prophesy. THE LONG VIEW PAYS Eprinc proves that It poyi 6 look ohod and mak proviiion for unknown Mur ntdi wSn one It obit. Regular dpoit In a Savingi Account toon accumulate. The money It alway ready for uie, and it never depreciates in value. ROY ALBA N K OF CANADA -s LEADS IN 3.00 0.00 1.40 .25 02 BILLIARDS (irottu Willi Four Games So Tar In Tuesday's Fixtuie Without Allowlnr tit One As a result of the playing of four out qf tlx games In Tuesday night's Billiard League fixture be-tween Orotto and Elks, the tobacconists nave an agsregate lead to date of 800 to C59. Individual scores jo far have been as follows! Don Brown, Orotto, 200; C. P. Balatjno, Elks, 197. Earl Batt, 200; Harry Menaie. 102. Bert Morgan, 200; J. Doherty, ffl. B, p. Maedonald, 200; John Bui-PT, IDS. names of George Howe, Orotto, vs. t, William wiwsn Btuart, oman., Elks, raxs, and ana John jonn The extraordinary esteem in which Robert Burns is 'May vs. Ellis Morris have yet to held bv his countrymen is well revealed in the following 1 Pkyed-story. A minister, endeavoring to bring spiritiial cnsolaL' ,nadlf1, Lelon and tion to an old sick Scotswoman, asked for her Bible that SnSShi.SS he might read to her. "0" she said, "My dochter has it 'follows : awa' wi' .her but just ye reach up by the fireside and ve'll I - p- Tinker. Canadian Legion, lindane Just as guld." The ministers- reached up and took down a copy'slon 0I the principles or human tni , ! brotherhood Is tte only hope for .The secret of the poets popu-' . . the continuance of L human clvill-that larity is not hard to discern. It Is he was a man of the people ; nation, who wrote for them In a manner i "For a' that and a' that which they understood. Their "It's coming yet for a that common Joys and sorrows, their "That man to man the world o'er htfmble aspirations, their heart- "Shall brothers be for a' that, felt, inarticulate yearnings toward Possibly Burns' greatest gift to ........ ... . . t It II Knt4ir nn 0 " i .voov.u in existence uui ouen weuuea to with the ability to colthe his words coarse and vulgar. The poet thoughts In simple and dignified wrote verses worthy of the er- language. His songs and poems are qulsite melodies and so has pre the mirror of Scottish life and served for Scotland and the world character. Burns least of all men a wealth of sons lacking which we A!i3!&i - - should be poor indeed. 0 wad some Power the glftle The Scots are proao of Burns e'e us but not with a. selfish pride. They "Tae see oorsels as ithers see realize that he belongs to the US. wnrlH nn 1as thin tn SrrHorr; XT a Is better revealed in such poems land. as The Cotter's Saturday Ni?ht" Burns wrote a song concemlne or 'Tarn 'O Shanter" than in the an incident which occurred at his tom?s of the historian. own birth. He pictures the old Burns' Brotherhood Needed pae-wlfe looking down at him As each 25th of January dawns when a new-born Infant In his E'otsmen the world over unite in cradle and then looking far Into remembering the Bard. His poems the future vs. A, Donald. Empress J, J. Judge vs. M, M. McLaehlan. Alex Murray vs. M, E. Vouns. Charles Baptie vs. W. E. Willis-croft Alex Harvey vs, Pete Prttchard. M, M. Lamb vs. J. Sutherland. Billiard Averages O. TU. Ave. J 8. D. Maedonald IO) 3 COO 200 M. McLaehlan (Em 2 400 200 J. Sutherland (Ernpl 5 989 108 P. Pritchard (Em 8 1572 197 D. Brown Oi 9 1756 195 J. May 0 8 1540 193 C. P. Balagno I Elks 9 1735 193 Boy Fong IE) 2 386 193 J. Judge CL 2 3?5 193 C. Baptie iCL) 8 1534 192 jW. Willlscroft (Em) 6 1144 191 JO. P: Tinker CL) .8 1529 191 ,M. M. Lamb (CL) 6 1122 187 E. Batt (O) 9 1670 ISC !J. Doherty (Elks) 7 1278 183 O. Howe IO) 7 1283 183 IF. Aldrldge (Em) 8 1450 181 iW. Stuart (Elks) 8 1432 179 J. Bulger (Elksi 9 1605 178 c. Youngman CL) 7 1245 178 W. E. Hutson (O) . 6 1038 173 W, Ranee (CD 1 172 172' B. Morgan IG 9 1529 170 iJ. Saunders (Elks) 7 1216 1C9 L. Raabe (Emp.) 1 ICS 166 A, Harvey (CD 7 1132 162 A. Murray (CD 7 1127 161 M. E, Young (Em) . 8 1290 161 E. Morris (Elks) 1 160 160 H. Menzle (Elkj) 9 14JQ 157 A. Beale (Emp) 2 305 153 W. Lamble (Elks) .. .2 287 144 A. Zadaroskl (G) .1 138 138 KII.LIAUI) SCHEDULE January 25 Legion vs. Empress. January 30 Empress vs. Orotto. February 1 Legion vs. Elks. February 6 Elks vs. Empress. February 8 Orotto vs. Legion. February 13Elks vs. Orotto. February 15 Empress vs. Legion: February 20Orotto vs. Empress. PREVENT CANVASS Ontario Taking Action to Stop Brokerage Canvass by Long Distance TORONTO, Jan. 25:-Oeorge A. Drew, Ontario securities commissioner, acting on complaints against , Montreal brokerage firms, says in terprovlnclal reciprocity may be 1 adopted to prevent brokers in other j provinces canvassing prospects In Ontario by long distance telephone. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted tn any style. Oame heads a specialty, All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. IS GIVEN DECISION Harney Koss Out.inW Ititty rr-trulle in Tea Kouiuls at New York NEW YORK, Jan, 25:-Fii;htln at the New York Coliseum here last night, Barney Ro&s, world's lightweight champion, was awarded a ten-round decision over .Hilly Petrolic, veteran welterweight title contender. No title was at stake. The Chicago fighter had things his own way throughout the bout. Grotto Wins Oyer j Swift's in Bridjm r I tWiMMird fianie Played un Tues-day Night To Score f 5741 j T 3707 In a postpon?d Bridge League fixture on Tuesday night, Orotto' defeated Swift's by tha close score of 5744 to 5707. This makes he standing of eahs to date as follows: O. Ttl. Ave. Orotto Swift's Cold Storage Oddfellows . 13141 6571 12404 6202 10249 5125 99(5 4958 Has Skated Down Welland River For Seventy-Four Years RIVER BEND, Ont.. Jan. 25: For the seventy.fourth year In succession, Wilson Chambers skated down the Welland River to Welland, ,a distance of ten miles, yesterday using a pair of Dutch skates ow hundred years old. BRIDGE SCHEDULE January 25- Orotto vs. I. O. D. F.. Swift vs. Cold Storage. February 1 Orotto vs. Swift, Cold Storage vs. I. O. O. F. February 8 Orotto vs. Cold Storage, Swift vi. I. O, O. F. February 15 Orotto vs. T.O.O.F ' Swift vs. Cold Storage. Today's Weather southwest wind; sea moderate. , Dead Tree Point Showery, Huhi, 1 1 i Triple Island Raining, stronri fouthwest wind: barometer. 29.72, lemperature. 45; light swelL Terrace Raining, iouth wind. 36; Alyansh Raining, south wind, 35; Anyox Raining, calm, 36, Stewart Raining, calm, 34. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 35. Smlthcrs Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake- Dull, calm, 35: STOCK CLEAN-UP SPECIALS 12 Guairc Shot Shells 2 boxes Aff f0l. ?AUO Briritre Lambs $4.65 shade . Children's Sleds at cost Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 f, The Letter Box II AIDAS ON WAU I'ATH 1J, E. QREENE. One of the Halda Nation. SkidegaU'' Mission. . TAKE GOLD OF RUSSIA Soviet Yellow .Meld! Welcomed U. S. Mini Yesterday Price IJy1 TV flroi two THE DAILT NEW8 its Tr.uraday7January 25, 1(34 ! THE DAILY NEWS. - NUNCE KLPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA i Publtthed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Ruprrj Dally News,. Limited. Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN - Managing-Editor SPORT' WbdjrCoiiifort; 'z-is Money hi I be Batik! Thousimls of ilepositon.ifi'th'e JUnk.of Montrcil from coast to cast, arr Voh- ;' critulatinc themselves on thir fortsicht. in hiving saved regularly. Today thev are reaping the. reward of tlii tli'nftf What comfort and iirisfaction one en joys with m'pAey laid aside lifelyaruls earning a saving acounfij Stan a savings atcount at the nearest Branch of the Hank of Montreal, and sve and deposit feguliffy to build up a cash reserve against future necessities and to be prepared for future pponunitiei. , . ;., BANK OF MONTREAL Establikhrd )H7 HiAOorrKi MUSIC CLUB GATHERING Editor. Dally News - ! 'IM Murfe- hub- We the Halda Nation very much 1 jN-t "J'f MU .Me- lo our regret learn that Rev James Caffery In Clurgr Olllett. Indian Agent for Queen , . . CharlotU IsUnds, has resigned his .fT,.ielire?u' LWMllnL1 ,of tho U" pjjoo dies Music Club was held yesterday Rev. James Otlletfa reason for f'??,' e 'Tt 0t MrS M! resigning Is that the work has been f,, U'U,Av(TUe; ,lh m too much for him to handle alone. M"f"e,1 McCaX f'ge o( a dt"hW" of Run- program the denartment rtfuilnu to rant nlm any extra help. We consider TV , 'f'0 l?ie i- "rs UtU very unfair, as the other a gen- f'" Lx, McIlosh- n ftnd Ern eles. half a. large as hi, agency, are ch,a'r ' allowed twice as much help and nll " " the b" s ncc of Mr- Da,ton twUe the expense Never in the history of the Hal- f"' toternt- das have Ihey needed the help and dSy nnd 5'n the fthf ubJtf1 advice advice of of Rev. Rev. Jamo, James Olllrtt Olllett more m 0nx Uluslmtlvc proyrnm was then given: endeavoring to cure their Iran- Z. l ' chise. and petition, and telegrams "Jn !'"llh- , . have gone to Victoria and Ottawa ln f'; AnUietn from the Islands asking that Rev. e"' ,. . Pl, w James OlIMt reconsider his rcsig- uf" .M,' Wa,lz ,choln. nation and br given more help un- , ! ' , til such time as the llaWa. secure , J'0"",."?1 . h Dnw" their franchise. ThU whole matter ZZ V' " Nc of Rev. Jame. OlUett luvlng had to May n'" J -end In lus resignation has tho odor PV,nft 'irt . . . of the white man, so'callcc. uZfiT 1 vocai oio, "Polish Mrs. K. Anderson. Kxdiariffc Kales, New Anthem," OulUr solo, "Polish Dance" j iWleniawskli. Miss E. Currlr. Piano duet, "Hungary" C. Koel-jllng). Mrs. Hartlett and Mrs. Stam- ford. Tea was served at the close, those pouring being Mrs. R. E. Mr Mrs. Jarvls McLeod. Servltcuri were iwo uniies and Miss Nellie Lawrence. washinoton, D.c. Jan. 25: I 1 (,rH and Montreal Secretary of the Trealury Henry j MnMnn1;, MorKanthau has owned the federal.., . NI"EAL- Jan' 25:- ll;C Brl- mints to Soviet Russian sold on theirlrunu U'rll"S 'JJ1" at . . . .. . . .. 1 $5.024 on tho innfii ...i same oasis as goia rcceivea iromi-i,. : " rx- other nations. if "" Bmafket ywlerday and the The United States Treasury price i ?, .,.,,ollar nt -10. of gold yesterday was $34.47 per "".''". 25: CP- The ounce as cdmpared with tho Cnna- r4 n ," PunJ . lrllnjc sow at I dlari , 4 price of $33.47." 7 (previous, on ,u the 8f local f,,0,h foreign thc W X-I DDIIVIPIDI 17 idonar LTT I 'Alii LlLl I French franc at $ 02CW. T he r. Ur (JUulAu! adUn di,ar o,hc This is How Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Would Meet Aereement l or Wheat Limitation JIFOINA, 8ak Jan, 25: It is reported that individual quota al lotments, the prlnclplo of which was developed last November at the annual meeting of the Saskat chewan Wheat Pool, will bo used to bring Canadian producers Into line with the London wheat pact for restriction of production. - - - ....4. ' j , . . , ' j Ontario Girl Is Given Jail Term TORONTO, Jan. 33:-Acnes Fox, aged 21. of Welland Out cnnvMA i by a York County Assize court lnrv 4" J ii cnargc or concealment of a birth, was sentenced yesterday by Mr. Justice KhiBstono to ono year's Imprisonment In Ontario wwmrM TOTAL ASSETS IN b X V S S Of lljo OOO.00 0 IVim HMrt liiwlij F. A. MCAt"l UM, MjMgtr Wart ilMmh: R. II 1IAACK, Mnigrt '!Wrrr lltiutlu U W. HliVIHK.r. Mjniet S. It. s. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS WKDNKXIIAY 8:30 John McCnnrul KOMO. 7:0O-Frtd Waring Bot Pr -KOIN. 8:30 - One Man's Fam. KOMO. 9:30- WiIU Time. KOMO. Tllt:itSllAY 6:0OrIland of C5th Regime: ' CRCV. CFCN. 6:30Radio Tlieatre Pb, Pltz. KOMO. 7:0Q-Came Pmnram. KOrN 8:15-8tandard Music !! ' " KOMO. 9:06- Blue. Monday Jarr boutt-e. KOIN. . HI I DAY 6:0OPhU Harris Lets LUt. Prog.. KOMO. 6:3ft-Melodlc StrliiRS, Alex Chauhaldln. CRCV. CFCN 7:0(J Swift Revue. KOIN 8 00--Don Pedroa Oyiut CFCN. and Urmernbrr U offer joa modern, effirlfnt and re llatlr lUdt Service Superior Radio Service I'lione lur 3Ji; 330 2nd, Ave. LOOK I'OK TIIK TOWKK PRINTING Office Supplies Honc, Cownn & Lntta Pliant 231 I'RKSIl MUM AND CUKAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our famous Edson, Albert and Hulkley Valley OoaU r guaranty to give satUfacUon. Try ton of No. 1 Uulklsy VlUy, Wi lsn sell Timothy Hay, Wht. Oati and IUrley. Prince Hupcrt Feed Co. II rhoact III