... faa raaaft .TBI DAILY KIWI 25, 1P34 Hr- January , ! U,Li Jit J'l. Loot vp your cook book for wjiole P,ci Soup try " Y1' Gy r. ar . mlm i pa i ii iiiiwi smiiiMi Orme s Lt Jtfi Pioneer DrHqrrists H,r Itnall Htort Central Hotel Amcrlran and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That flivca Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 Phone: XI XZ Writing Pad and Envelopes Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder and Kleiuo Tooth Rnish Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder and Jasmine Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each This new lmr 'contain the vitamins equal to one tcaspoimtful of COD LIVER OIL Get This Antiseptic Special Mi ai Mouth Wash, regular 10c Mi ;n Tooth Paste, regular 0c Mi M Shaving Cream, regular 2Hc The Three For 82c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates SL00 np 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, RC. Phone 281 P A BO W ,t oassss I Coal Prices Minehead KggCoal "JJ Minehead Lump Coal ... J Pembina Kgg Coal J Stove Coal ?Il"U Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STKAMSH1PS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vonrouver T.S.S. CATAI.A EVERY TllESBAY. 1 :30 I'.M. r.a. Vis Omn rails nd Wsypnl"1"- rrlrit Vancouver Tnurwmy T.S.S. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY, MIDNHiHT. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. Bien NM, Weekly aallwtf. to port Bimjuion. Alice Arm. Afljox Hlver polnu, Iave rtlnce nuiert Pnrt"iI'-",,M, PU1Nrp "I IK" . RATE. ROUND Si'lXIAL WINTER EXCURSION RUrEIlTTOVANrOlfyiWtMM wii oaic ov. iu to rcu. o. Further Information reanlln all aI1iik and 1 I'ltiscr: uri'KKT aukm;yi Toim Avenue. IMninr M My News Want Ads Bring Results IHall. January 26. Phone 957 LOCAL NEWS NOTES: We Iniy anything In told. Pre- mlum prices. Max llellbranrr. Tonlht train, doe rrom llr Rut nt in nVHrvt was rfnnrtf-Q i thU mcrrilng to be one hour late. lka' Treasure Hunt Ballon ' Dance Friday higHt. Rcfreshmenta. iGenis. 5C?- I4dl c. Everybody welcome. I Lots of fun: "Varden" presents to yon a 3-act comedy: "Lars An crfrs & Jan Anders". Metropole Hall. Friday, Jan. 2fl, 8 pm. Mr. Blink's Orchestra. Refreshments. Admission 50c. 22 Ml y$ Colds llr treated nithmit- t-- " - dosing Just rub on XICKS w VAPonui S. J. Jabour tailed on tne Print? Rupert ylerday afternoon ior a 'rip tu Anyox on Insurance busl ine For oix-rating a motorvchlcle ; without Laving his driver's lltence 'In his possession. J. Clausen wa ; fined $5 by Magistrate IcClymont Ul city police court yesterday ai- ternoon. Announcements Burns Banquet. Presbyterian Church Hall, January 25. Elks' Dance, Friday. January 2. United Choir Concert, Jan. 26. Scotch Dance Seal Cove ParUn Varden Play January 26. , , i.j.l - V'" - Prince Rupert Badminton - Club namr. Elks' Home. Friday, Frbru ary 2. C. N. R. A. bridge. Eagles' Hall. February 6. Annual St. Valentine dance. Oambral Chapter. I.Q.D.E, Feb. 14. Pioneer's Banquet March 9. St Patrick's Supper and Concert March 17. Moose Hall Brldsc-Whlst and Dance on Tuesday, 30th. Admn. 35c. Includes refreshments. Everybody welcome. Feb, J4th, St. Valentine Dance Switch dance every Saturday evening. Admn. 25c and 10c Basketball every Monday and Thursday. AdrorV 25c A: ioc Support f'rlnce Rnperfs Only Orgapiied Sport Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Pot Roast of Ut ef-per lb. Boiling Beef 3 lbs Prime Rib Rolled per lb. Umli Cliojis 3 lbs. Pork Chops 3 lbs.,.- Blew Uimb per lb. Leg of Lamb-- per lb. Shoulder of iJimb - per lb. Stew Beef, 2 lbs. Kidney, 'i lb. Liver, I lbs. Kidney, I lb. Leg of Pork per lb, Shoulder of Pork 4 lbs. Phone 1)57 Basketball tonight 7, o'clock A eharee of drunkenness against Enrico Bagstoll ha been with-j drawn In city police court, the man. ; Instead, having been committed jtr an Institution n the south. PRINCE RUPERT BOYS' BANp Bandmaster R, Greenfield Sun-i day Evcnlrig Concert, Jan. 25. ; Moose Hall. 9 pm. sharp. Appr-i prlate music. Local talent assisting. Collection. 23, Mdyln' Charged with vagrancy Polk of Oomox Avenue appeared n city police court yesterday after-; noon before Magistrate McClymontj and was retnanden for ciaht days. I , Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and , Dominion Constable A. J. Watkln-son arc visiting Metlakatla today' un official duties, piaklng the trip I on the departmental cruuer :.as- keena. Charles Wilson. v&vll known tancrer and lee dealer of Lake Kathlyn, left by, yesterday afternoon's train un his .return to the interior following a.ibusliysss visit of a few days to town. W. J. Raymond, pioneer ci: nawiDaDcrman. is able to be abou: i again after having been canrincr! to his quarters at the Inlander; Boardlne House for a week or so! with a severe attack of influenza. 10c 25c 18c 50c 50c 10c 20c 14c 25c 25c 18c 50c Roderick Macrae left on yester day afternoon's train for Halifax where he will embark February 3 aboard the liner Duchess of York for Glasgow enroute to his home In the Hiehlantis of Scotland. Provincial Constable H. L. Mc- Keiyiey of Terrace, who has been on a Drier irro io vuncourrr wi cs-' icort duty, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from the south and proceeded to tne inter ior by yesterday afternoons train. R. w, Hannlnglon. regional counsel for the Canafttan Nationa Railways from Vancouver, who is here In connection with an examination for discovery In County Court, will sal by the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night on his return south. y V SUff Captain Joseph Acton, divisional commander or the Salra-Uon Army for Northern Britisa Columbia and Alaska, left on last evening's train for a visit to Ha-zelton and, other Interior point and will be here again at the enc of next week on his way back to his headquarters at Wrangell. rhone MS Honey Gralwm Wflfcr?- pcr pkg. Malkln's Best TOMATOES 2i's. 2 for 25c Scotfs Fresh Extras in Cartons per doz. 33c Heinz Tomato Catsup-, 2 for f. Canada Cookies per doa Phone 9.W De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials 21c if45c 5c Granulated SuRar HtZn DU 10 lbs. . ... Many Flowers Soap 4 bars for Ensign Strawberry Jum per 4-lb. pall Scotch Oatcakes per pke. Puffed Rice 2 pkgs. for . - Sauer Kraut uer Sin-lb. tin Marmalade Oranges twr doa, Cauliflower - per head Jamaica Qrpcfrult -0 for DON'T BE CONFUSED - BY MISLEADING CLAIMS Be Sure Yon Get Genuine Kellogg's AlL-Bkan Bran hst proved so successful In relieving rvmmon ironiitipatiun th Hume cereal manufacturers, with products having only a fractional quantity of. Iran, have claimed that this minimum bran content Is efficient to get results. You may have tried some ott these part-bran products acd have been disappointed! The simple truth is that they do not furnish the amount of bran you need. It's the "bulk" or fiber in bran that helps correct common consti- n.tU.n TU. l.ullf" similar tn that in leafy vegetables. Within the body i it absorbs moisture and forms a, soft mass, which gently clears out the intestinal wastes. Kellogg's All-Bxam provides "bulk" in convenient and concentrated form. It also furnishes vita-nun H,as well as iron for the blood. It has won millions of friends because it overcomes common constipation safely and pleasantly, It is all bran just as the name implies with nothing added except the flavoring of Malt, Sugar and Salt When you buy a bran cereal for the relief of constipation, read the wording on the package. The facts are there 1 Make sure by getting Kellogg's All-Bran in the red-and-green package. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, Canada. Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 pm 25c 49c 21c 29c 10c 35c 20c 25c Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide iu pju Ss. Cardena midnighl from Vanmuvei Sunday ss. Catala pji Wed.-ss. Pr. Rupert 10 ajft Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. pm Ss. Cardena pm For Anyox and Stewart Simday ss. Catala -. 8 pm Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .... 4 pm From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajr Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert ... 8 pm for N'aas River ana fort Simpson-Sunday- -ss Catala 8 pm WATTS' WEEK-END SPECIALS OEEKIST HONEY- Q7p " ' v per 22-lb. tin APRICOT JAM-Argood or iQn Beaches, per 4-lb. tin AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or Crushed 1 xuv. fit? uer No. 1 tall tin LOGANBERRIES Choice SAANICH CLAMS "f tn 13t per tin CRABMEAT Q. C. I. 99P per Vlb. tin iARDINES Norwegian In 1 Hp OUve Oil, per Un MOLASSES Barbadoes 99 P per 2-lb. tin CHATEAU CHEESE 9(lC per Mb. pkg. 3UNMAID RAISINS-Seed- 4 An ed or Seedless, 15-oz. pkg. 6HOE or STOVE BRUSHES 9fi Fine quality, to clear ea. CARR'S ENGLISH BISCUrTS-JVs-sorted Creams 4SC SDeclal. uer lb OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Q( i it-1 - MACARONI per pkg MAZOLA OIL 9Rp u per Mb. tin WAX BEANS Royal City fn Fancy whole, per tin SHREDDED WHEAT lip per pkg BUTTER Fine Alberto 5C 3 lbs. JAMAICA GRAPEFRUIT Qp 2 for FELS NAPTHA SOAP- HtZn per carton CLEARANCE OF ODD LINES OF PQ CANDY AND CHOCOJ LATE BARS AT 2 for 5c Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 TIIONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS SSSJMSJ14. FOR SALE cheap, double bed. heater, kitchen table, two chairs, wicker baby buggy, crib- Phone Black 113. 21 CHESTERFIELD Suite. Victor Radio, tod, breakfast suite. Flnl-lay range, couch, good condition. Apply 221, Fourth Ave. East 22 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Newfoundland pups. Ideal pets for children or sleigh dogs. Apply Gordon L. Little. Terrace. B.C. FOR RENT TRANSFERS 23 VERNON Apartments housekeeping rooms, newly renovated, 1,41 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. WANTED WANTED I boat hull, about 3t feet. Must be sound and cheap. State price. Box 199. Dally News. 34 RID your basement ot old bottles, bought for 15c. doz. Cameron's Transfer. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhangtag Holler. Phone Rert 802 tiOVEKNMKNT I.HJVOK ACT NOTICE ta hereby given that on the, o.i.., Maw nt rhnnrv nrt. th under- ' signed intend to apply to the Uquor Control Board for a Licence In respect premise toeing part of the bulWlng known u Marmot Hotel, situate at the corner of Fifth and Columbia Stwett, upon the land described as Lot Ni. 13, lllt-ek No. 10. Map no. biba. nuu Province of British Columbia, for the I sale of beer by the glan or by the bottle for consumption en the premise or ,'lewhere. , hi MARMOT HOTEL COMPANY LIMITED ; per Oeorce I. Macdonald. Manager. Applicant The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repair LUt your goods with me Phone Black 129 GEO. J. DAWES LINE mHALF 9 If """"ryW iheTME Uememner , , . ifs.a WOMAN'S job and , 4 , Get her an EASY-This superb new EASY Vacuum Cup Washer has all the features that make home-laundry easy and convenient. Let us show ypu hqw Ifs buiU . 1 r, better still, send it round for a demonstratian. It's yours fur just $10.00 down and a small amount each nionh. THE LAST WORD I.V HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT For the truly complete modern home laundry . . . the new EASY Spin Dry Washer. . . Vacuum Cup washing . . . frktionless spinner drying. DOES ALL THE WORK. Ask to see it! Classified Ads FOR SALE .1 Rand Block. i LOST SPECIAL- Rou7r""canaries; Slns-'LO recently by lady who needs; tit and females. $4 and $5 pair. ' V tV .Hitson.1 kdly return to Dally v News, .At Ship any distance. W. FOUND FOUND Keys In case. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad-' vertlsement. FOUND Wrist-watch on McBrido Street Owner may have sam.by .railing at Dally News. and paying for this advertisement . HAIRDRESSER . PERMANENT WAVLNC1 Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPH lsMSiassjBSisssssssssssssissss ohm sswMtfl Court of Revision Prince Rupert Assessment ... District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t&at a Court ot Revision and Appeal urxjer th povmas of the Taxation W- Amtntunema uwnuw. f -jlre ehool Act" reesieetlngithe. ; mem rolli tor the Prince RupettjA. .saint Dlrtrlot for tn year 1034,rail tse held at the Court Hoa& Prince nu- cert. B.C. on Wednesday, tne im aay of February. 1934. at 10 o'clock In the fere noon. ' J. C MclXNNAN, Judge ot the Court of Revision and Appeal Dated at Prince Rupert. BC- January 17th. 1914. l I'KOIIVTK IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP JACOB ADAM KUCJCEB. OECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of Kla Honor. W. E Fisher, the 17th day of Jamianr. A D. 1034. I waa appolntel Ad-mtnlfctrator of the estate of Jacob Adm Kllcker, dwnufd. and all. partle hav-Ing claims agalatt the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before t$e 23 nd day of February. A-D. 1934, and all parties indebted to the estate are, required o pay the amount of their liKlebttres to me forthwith vnnH , VT A WATT OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR.' Prince Rupert, B.C rted the Wnd day of January, AH, 193 f For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Ray? Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C, ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones flreea 141 Exchange Block .-