Today's Weather Prince RuDcrt Ralnlnir. stro . niithcast wind: barometer. 21. A temperature. 46; sea roueh. ' ? hf Vo! XXIV., No. 21 columarlo. 6314. Oranada, .63. Klrklaiid Lake, JO. Macn.VM, 2.22, McMillan Gold, .47. Bt. Anthony, J9. Towngamac. .27. Ventures, .82. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.08. Slw.-oc. L35. New York U.B. Htccl, BOi. Gen. Motors, 38. American Telephone 1I8U. N Y. Central. 38i. 1-1 Auto Light, 243.4. NEW YORK SILVER NEW YOnK. January 25 (Carta- "n rrCSSWnnr lvrr rlnswt nt Vc. per ounce on the local meta. matket yesterday and dropped to 43,0 today. v. Wm way Corruption Commissioner Au- itln McCormick Gea-J".oea tnc Welfare Islant following a surprise raid on the penal ineUtutlon with police otflcers yesterday. The offi-clall declared that conditions In the penttonttary were appalling with graft, corruption, vice, bootlegging, lawlessness and moral degeneracy rampant and "big shot" gangsters In complete control. Some of the prisoners, Mccormick reported, were found to be living in country club style while others, principally narcotic addicts. were found to be existing under conditions of frightful and almost unbelievable squalor and filth. An elaborate system of drug-smuggling by the use of carrier pigeons was disclosed. , ' All sorts of deadly weapons were found to be in possession of prlson- i ers and In the carpenter shop was rOKMKK DEPUTY MINISTER DIES VICTORIA, January 25 Cana dkin Prcs William E. Scott, former deputy minister of agriculture, who has lived on Salt Spring Island since his retirement, died In Royal Jubilee Hospital her yesterday. Wheat Prices July, 60B. May, 00 1. July. 88k. Sept.. 8014. Clilrago . stock and agricultural Dosslblr Uuough some - marketing board. The Speech also contained reference to several aspects of mone-i tary reform anticipating submls- 11100 for ratification ol agreements; Is Way designed 10 mmsiiic unci ""-tlons. The Bank Act will be over- hauled on the basis of the report of the MacmlllanRovl Commit-1 slofi'whlcht after winl formally presented to the House, will go to the banking and currency committee for conslderaUon. Legislation amending the Excise Act was also foreshadowed possibly j to reduce the gallonage liquor tax. There will also be amendments I to the Companies' Act. the Judges' Act and the Elections Act The estimates, it is understood In historic New York Petttentlary on I circles close to the government, will be brought down next week. If this is done It will be much earlier thn usual. However, It is believed that the government Is anxious to get all Important questions before the House as early as possible with a view to making the session no longer than Is necessary. All the time-honored ceremonj attended the formal opening of Parliament today. There was thi usual gun firing. Brilliantly gownec women ,were among many distinguished personages who were I discovered a 50-gatlon still being, Late Hu-h B. Ollmour Was .Mem oncrated by prisoners. ber of First Workmen's Com- Collusion between prison offl-1 pensatlon Board and Moth-dais and gangsters Is alleged andj ers Pensions Board Assistant Warden Daniel Sheen was 1 arrested while the warden was jus-, VANCOUVER, January 25 (Ca-nended. Thirty so-called "trusties" : nadian Press Hugh B. Ollmour. were Dlaced In solitary confine-1 aged 71, rormer memDer or ntcnt. Former Member Dies in South Prairie Children Safe After Night the Legislative Assembly and one .ot the first commissioners of the Workmen's Compensation Board and the Mothers' Pensions Boara. died here Tuesday. Out in Blizzard HANNA, Alta.. Jan. 25: CP- VANCOUVER, January 25 (Ca- Three children ot Mr. and Mrs. lci nadian Press) Wheat was quotco wara sune or uunnyorooK, aiw at OSic. on the local Exchange ranging In age from eight to 13 yesterday. Today's price May, 683n. Winnipeg was va,s .64s8c. years, a a boy and two younger sis ters, were safe yesterday after night spent In a prairie shack dur Ing one of the worst bllzzardf which hns swept the prairies In years. The children were caught In the storm while returning to their fi rm home from school. L' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1934 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER In the above plcts .s en tit wreckage of a British passenger aeroplane w;.i. h t i n ta mas in heavy fog at Ru-ysselcde. Belgium, between Bruges and Ghent All 10 occupanU .f '.lie plane were killed. Limit of Twenty-Four Hours on Fish Landing Lifted by Department Pink Salmon May Also be Sent From Queen Charlotte' Islands Without First Being Cleaned and Iced, It is Announced VICTORIA, Jan. 25: (CP) C. P. Hickman, acting com the Queen Charlotte Islands before being sent to the mainland had also been rescinded. Regulations requiring adequate labelling of "second quality'' salmon are to be tightened up and steel-head variety has been added to the definite groups ot salmon under sea trout. SCHEME FOR FREE STATE Minister of Industries Hopes Make Southern Ireland tc DUBLIN, Irish Free State. Jan. 25: Sean Leniass, President de Valera's minister of industry, hopes within twelve months to make the Irish Free States self-supporting under a huge industrial plan. IS CHOSEN BANK HEAD TORONTO, Jan. 25: J. A. Mc- the Bank of Nova Scotia In succcs-! slon to S. J. Moore who becomes chairman of the board of directors. SELL BEER IN HOTELS Certain Portions of Quebec SvfKei To Be Copied Bv Ontario TORONTO. Jan. 25: Premier Henry announced yesterday that .ertalrt nnrtlnn nf the Quebec SVS- Thomas Powers Is Laid at Rest Four Communities Pay Tribute to Memory of Premier Dock Foreman STEWART. Jan. 25: Many resi dents of Stewart. Hyder. B.C. and Hyder. Alaska, and some from Pre mier paid their last respects to the memory of Thomas Powers at a burial service conducted by the Rev. Father Bosse OMJ. In the missioner of fisheries, has received word from Ottawa Pioneer Hail. Hyder. Alaska. that an order withholding inspection certificates from sal-1 a profusion of floral offerings mnn not landed within twentv-four hours after canture. bore silent testimony to the manyi ing Company at the Stewart dock. Tommy Powers' duties often brought him Into Stewart and he was as well known here as in his home town of Hyder. Alaska. He will be sadly missed by the whole Interment was In the Hyder Ce metery. Osteopaths' Powers To Be Extended In tpm u-iil h. nnnllPd to the new On-) TORONTO. Jan. 25-Hon. Charles tarto beer law and that beewlll be ; McCrea. minister of mines, will In- sold in hotels, no decision being, however, made yet as to the method of sale and consumption. STABILIZED CURRENCY' IS URGED BY PREMIER LONDON, Jan. 25: Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDon- aid, expressing Impatience 4 with apparent slowness, asked th nations of the world yes- terday to make a drive towards stabilized currency. ' troduce a bill in the provincial le glslature to enlarge osteopaths' : powers, giving them equal rights with medical practitioners and the use of any title they desire. . Tomorrow's Tides High 10:25 a.m. 18.8 ft. 23:47 p.m. 16.4 ft. Low 4:06 a.m. 11.5 ft. 17:28 p.m. 5.9 ft. PB1CE: FIVE CENTS CIVIC ASSISTANCE IS BEING SOUGHT IMPORTANT CHANGE IN SALMON HANDLING REGULATIONS Dominion-Wide Work Program Is Foreshadowed At Opening Of Federal Parliament Today HEAVY DAY ! IN TRADING OTTAWA, Jan. 25: (CP) A Dominion-wide building or Tnrre Minion stum changed jirorram to relieve unemployment and stimulate economic "'"l ' iwiuilS M!S i i rccovery was foreshadowed today in the Speech from the 1,5 .. . -Throne at the opening of Parliament The Speech was read r:rw yohk. Jan 25 - Towards j,y j0n Bes.borough, the Governor General. It intimated tn yww.o-y u.r.v , t at eK atjon would be introduced to facilitate efficient prulit-UMitx In various sections o( trie Nw Yoik Stock Exclude llstj but 'tadlng quietened down when, Ming apjxaird and the market re- ' -ntni Uie ureMure There wa an' irrrauUrly holier tone at the close unit rails ending the day at a new twh average since Ust September. Tli' day's turnover amounted to i J60XW0 share. Averages at closing were Indu it rials. 107.02. up 4; Mm .111.1. . , ii.iv up .41. uuiuic. Mi, up 27. Undv.88-8S. up J. . Today's Stocks D n X.. M. Hntlorne. 100. II c Nlekei. .63 Hlc Misauurt. .35. -v Bridge niver. .40. C ariboo Oold. 2 JO. e, Dun well. ,15. : ((r..mKi Hirer. 02. Indian. jOlVfe. MlnU) Gold, .034. Mrtldiati, .23. ' , MornlnR BUr. .274. i Native Bon. .00 V. ' f National 81lvcr. .05. Noble Five. .12 Vk. Tend Oreille. 1.00. i Porter Idaho. .12. ' Premier. t.06. Reeve McDonald. .17. Reward. .14. Hrno. 1.04. Silver Crost. .02. Wavcrly. .021. Whitewater. .074. Wayside, .42. j on, Fabyan Pete. .00H-Home Oil, 1.70. f k E.. Uo. Freehold, .13. Sterling Pacific .07. Toronto r' Internallonal Nickel, 22.00. TecK Hughes. 6.00. Mflntyre. 40.00. ' Home, 33.00. FJdrado, 3.68. Tliomson Cadillac, J04. Noranca. 34.00. Alexandria Oold, .081b. Central Patricia. .53. ' .1 .., Monetary Reform Anticipated Including Action Towards Stabilization of Silver Bank Act to be Overhauled Reduction of Liquor Tax is Expected MADE RAID UPON PEN "Wont Prbon In World Official ItrMribes New York, renltrntlary Following llald Vice Rampant Appalling Conditions Found During SurprUr VMl Yesterday Oang-ter In Full Control NEW YOHK, January 25 lT.e worst prison In the world" was the and proflUble marketmg o( live product form of TVn Killed in 'Plane Crash Municipalities Urge Income Tax Boost on Victoria Government 1 Administration Makes No Comment But it is Unofficially j Reported That There is Little Chance of Meeting Request VANCOUVER, Jan. 25: The Union of British Columbia Municipalities is urging the provincial government to increase the income tax levies materially with a view to bringing revenue to the provincial treasury and restoring money grants to the municipalities or relieve them of some of the social services or other costs. Such was the recommendation made to Acting rariT-iHiriTTm IT Premier A. Wells Oray yesterday KKrlVllrK IN b? Reeve William Crouch of Saan- X J.YIlTJ.JtXUXV All BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE. Ont, January 2 (Canadian Press) Enroute t. Montreal after attending the re cent Dominion-provincial Inter governmental conference at Ottawa, Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Columbia is spending today here visiting with relatives. He plans to return to Victoria by the end of the month. I lch and Mayor David Leemlhg of i ' Victoria as representatives of the Union. No comment came from the gov- emment but it was unofficially Columbia's Prime Minister' ported that there was little chance Pavuir Visit With Relatives in i of meeting the request. Ontario City Today It was stated that the government might send a counter-dele- tBatWH ;to the -umorrs '"gatherlris; here later in the month to plead the cause of the treasury. TORTURE ; SLAYING Royal Canadian Mounted Police ' Investigating Case in Northern .Manitoba WINNIPEG. Jan. 25: (CP) Royal Canadian Mounted Police have secured a signed statement by-Indian eye-witnesses of a torture-killing of a demented Indian in Northern Manitoba early this winter, it is learned, an officer having been dispatched north to further Investigate the case known to the natives as "weetigo." According to the statement, the madman, believed by the natives to be possessed of an evil spirit, was tied to a dog sleigh and left outside where he froze to death. save where gutted and iced, had been revoked. A special . j;lend$ made MJ; f,ersu.rln j tj. . iir provision for the cleaning and gutting of pinkjalnj J HlStOHC Woman Of Ontario Passes Mrs. Harriet Mclntyre, Aced 83,t Granddaughter ot General Brock's Aide-de-Canip i NIAOARA FALLS. Jan. 25: Mrs. Harriet Mclntyi. aged 83. grand-j daughter of Liectt. John Smith, I aide-de-camp to General Brock at the Battle of Queen itown Heights, Ontario Province. u dead here. 4 CANADA AND BRITAIN 4 RECOGNIZE MENDIETA t GOVERNMENT IN CUBA OTTAWA, Jan, 25: Canada has eiven official reeocnltlon Prince Mdvani and j to the new Cuban government Bride to Be United ! simultaneously with Oreat Again in Yokohama Britain, it was stated yester- day. The British government YOKOHAMA, Japan, Jan. 25: yesterday formally recognized Reunion of Prince Alexis Mdvani the new government of Cuba and his pretty princess, the former ; under President Carlos Men- Barbara Hutton. American five j dieta, the United States also and-ten heiress, will occur in Yoko having given, Its. official re- hnm.i n nianned followlnc their cognition yesterday. arrival from the United States de Spite reports to tlif contrary l " u r IHMH4M4H