,,0.v January & 1 iSfL 1 fl - 4- vtSM A Wl O ''1 VV ildL yuu ucmmm from your Drug Store Ihf Itnsll Store r o. nx sci Is accuracy, Cleanliness and Pure Drugs for your Prescriptions This is what you always get at Ormes Ltd. Jim Ptonecr Druqrrists For Your Health Chlroprattle Ultra Violet Kays Intra lied Kays MasMrt All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASP1NALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Grrtn :i rhonrs Oretn Ml Eichange Rlork Phones III fc XZ FURS! FURS! TRVPPERS, FARMERS AND COLLECTORS W v . jj MINK. MARTEN. FISHERS LYNX CROSS. 8IL-VTK o RED FOXES. WOLVES. WEASELS U iw it utu order. Our pricei in these article cannot be beaten V . - Rupert, naturally loca;ed as a fur ceUre. U the not - irc frw you to ship for WlJCsV JTOM JtfU , if not more A trial shipment wUI convince you. A : .innrnu kept separate until our prices are confirmed by IS' i) ou are m Prince Hupert make our urc your quarters i iii home John Clones - Prince Rupert, B.C. Third Ave & SUth St. Coal Prices Alberta's Rest Lump $17-;)J Alberta's Rest Egg JJ-JJ Alberta's Rest Stove J J -lrH' Pembina Kpg Dry Jack and Cedar, per load Local Wood, per cord "00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The AUCTIONEER Packing-Cra tlng-Wrapplng U Ocneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me IMione HUck 12 RKO. J. DAWKS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bttsmrr lfv rrtnw nurwrt for Vnnoutver TS.S. CATALA KVCUY TUESDAY, 1 :30 VM, m A . i Ormn r'itU nd Wtyolni. wrUUHj Vam-uvw Ttiumfly f if moon TS.S. CAItDI'.NA EVERY I'ltlDAY, MIDNKHIT. Arriving Vancouver. Monday A.M, taKty MllttiRn to Von SlmpMMi. Ak Arm. Ayo. Str llnpr poiW. le ITltv Iluirt 8undr P lv.,,u SOCIAL WINTER EXCUUSION RATE. ROUND TRIP. 1 KL'PCKT TO VANCOUVER. $3t. IMeals and nerlh ' '"VoVi On Sals Nov. 10 to Feb, 28. return limit March 31, riirthfn intornwtlon rMln ll llnn unci tckru t IIIN( ; (1':ht A(II:N V: Tlilrii 1 ' CANADIAN PACIFIC Steatntrs leave Prince Rupert fur Vancouver via Orcan Fslls and Way Perls: Princess Adelaide, FrWayi 10:00 p.m. r'f VANCOUVERt directs , Princess Nornh. Dec, 1st. 17Ui. Jan. 2nd. For KETCHIKAN. WRANOEI.L. JUNEAU and SKAOUAY. Princess Nornh, Dec. 13th, 20th, Jnn. 14th. Low Whiter Excursion Parrs to Vancouver and Return Ticket on sale Nov. 10. 1033 to Feb, 2. 103. Final return limit March 31, 1934 W U COATES. Ocneral Acent, Prince Ruprrt, l.C.i .TEDS DAILY Ja 9 a t w a r T-l I LOCAL NEWS NOTES MAKKlAbE. AT Scotch dance In aid of Boys' Band. M. P. McCaffery salted yesterday EiiKlcn" Hall 9 njn. Wednesday, Jan 3. Refreshment. Admission 25c. 2 Lieut. Hazel MMey of the loal WVW t . (IMMi V J V J KM I Father Leo Basse O.M.L. parish priest of, the Roman Catholic Church atstewart. is paylrig a brier Yusit to the' city, havlna arrived fr n the north on the "atala yesterday. I fMHed to Armtron In ie Ok-i anasn VaHey owlr to the serious H,eM of heT m:th-r Mrs 8 A Tooley Mrs D. C. 8chubri sailed yrrterdav afternoon (in 'he Prln-ren Korah fw the suuth Miss EL M. Johnston, who hn -.fI, mylrx a visit here with her sroU-sr afl slster-ln-liw r l -l Mr S D. JAhoston. sailed by th Catala vesterday afterno.ai on her -turn to her hame in Vancouver E T K;pey Of Terra-e ML A for Skew, was a week-end visitor In iiwrt to mtet Premier T D Pa- uillo He arrived from the Interior an 8ndy atienson's Ualn. re-uirning to Terrace Monday after noon Percy Gladstone Skidegate AUCTION Salvage Sale OF CARGO EX S.S. "PRINCE OEORGE" To be held in Ktorc formerly occupied by Jack Selvlu, CORNER THIRD AVE. AND FIRST ST. Thursday, Jan. 4 19.1t Commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: Groceries (canned foods), Hardware, Paints, Dry Goods, Overshoes, Glass and Chinaware, Trunk of Effects, Furniture, Etc. Cargo consists largely of Christmas hampers of assorted merchandise. MUST HE SOLD TERMS CASH G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER afternoon on the Catata for a bus- inew trip to Vancouver. nov Anoersan. Ketefclkan newt- I ' i Salvation Army Corps returned o papermsn, and M. A&derson wre the city on the Princess Norahyo- Po9" aboard the as. Princs terday afternoon from a brief to: Mm ywterday afternoon golg Keiehikan. jUroub tor a trip to fleattle. stu Norah yeterday atte-rnoonP,m the Tessel norc whl,e Uo XoiDK through for a trip to Seattle. , ooarcK-o ner nre ror v. ojth NIGHT 8 C Tlwewi. W. D Vance tad,1'" Km throu"h for a E J Smith were guests yeeterdajr0 Sa'- . U it tlM ey lun?hon of the w ;. w to nnr- Runert Otro Club at which P" JSa," . T w Hull tosneUr of schools. 7 tfcV olfte stofj hew wilt iw the sfieakti. Mr. Hall spo" ' InlormaUy yet deUshUuUy. giving." mgm w .o m a ivartlv mtWhm And BaftlS BUSMT- . o4u New Year Hotel Arrivals 1 Royal . JO Cameron. Cbllliwack; WM- illam Lcask. Metlakatla; L. Four- nmr Alfipria: J. W Durran. Ter race Central KeU Carlson and Artnaad Luad eity; O forge Munro. Port kssuvk- ton. M. R Nygaard. Edmonton, l'rinre Uuprrl . tit r th.F.- RUJIVES COLDS VnhOUT "DOSING" Mrs W R. Lindsay wife of the 'genera! manager of the Oranby ifJo at Anyox. will be i passenger aboard th? Prince RuoL-rt tomorrow j evening going through for a trip i to Vancouver. Roger M. Wright, who Is on the engineering staff of the Reward mine in th? Bridge River district nnVrt by ihe ratala yesterda' ai-temoon on hi' return south after Dcndhit the Christnftts and New; Year holiday season here. Mn H Franks and daugr.ter. MfJ. 9:im WoodcocK: .m, BimjisuM. onumn.-. ' arrlvprl in John th's Simpson nf Maaaeti the city on the Prince morning from the Is lands, bringing her young daughter who is to reoeive medieal at tention hrr? They expeet to re turn to the Islands Friday nlgt.t. Mi!!5 K;f.-.n.-r Moxley. who ha be 'ti trsndins tho Christmas and New Y;r holidays here with her i.irmt Mr. and Mrs. W. D. M(W- , iy. will all by the Pitaee Rapm jo'norrow evening toi reWQ ber utiKile in Provincial Nwnai'Sehool ! at V)ctnria. I . J Madame Rajaut of The bunes, Tlp'l. Qud-n Charlotte Islands, ac companied bv her daughter, Mrs. .Tnnwia ivnholme. arRted rn the city 041 the Prince John this morn-inic from the Islands, Madame Rr- jttut being here for medical treat ment. They expect to return to the Islands Friday night Announcements Soi of Norway M isquerade Jan 5, Oddfellows' Hall. Burns' Banqiiit. Presbyteriai: Church Hall. January 25. MOOSE HALL Wed. 3rd, Moose I.otl.e nomination of 1931 otfkcrs. Frl., 5th, Scotch and Canadian dnnces under auspices Mrs. J. S. Black's orchestra. 0:30 p.m. Everybody welcome. Sat.. 6th. Exhibition basketball games, Klncollth vs. Grotto, also Intermediate City League games. Be sure and see these fast and skilful tames Adm 25c Starts 8 p.m. Boost rince IStipert sport MASSETT1 .Miss Kathleen Dunn Becomes Bride of Charles Carpenter . MASS EOT". Jan. 3: Two of the moat popular young peopft; on the J Queen charlotte Islands were re-j cenUy united in marriage at Mas-sett when Kathleen, daughter of i John M. Orttabac. well known; H,winK brc dayed for f ri a"d;'tSK bnde of Charles, son of Mr. and iBIuiiway merchant wae a mmm-' or owing to stormy weather Jn ! Jhe Ivr aboard tb Prtaecas Norahyc. tbc uorU CP, steamer Prince i Mrs. H. Carpenter. Iheir marriage Iterday afternoon going through tariNorat. Capt. William Palmer. ar-jbiought closer together Wo of the I a lrJy bU1o. i r1v!'d ,n I,rrl at ,tK:k yesterdsty best known families on the Islands, ; . ' afternoon from Skagway and other ot. uunn and family ha r tag reeved ! Martin S. Jorgnwu, aeut for Al:i.-Jca coinis and ai!ed at 5:30 here from hnglana some years ago inc wanaara uu uo. at Juneau. '-"' . was a passeagex aboarc the Prin- crs of a 101,1 ' 38 disembarked ! settlers on the North Coast. Thel ceremony was, tnereiore, a mavurr; of more than usual inUret to thel local people ine bridge. wh tntenrt the churrh on tne arm of hr fahw. v. js .a 1 1 .K uvaiy gewtied ia mauve nd'CLa ih s-houlder capes trtm-T.fcU Mth roaebuds. Her veil had uiuiwiu u hi i KrAndsvatner and was the ume as worn by her sister. Mrs. J'h:i Wiln.im, whose wedding ;x!k pi .re lafct spring Jol.i. Cu:peuUT attended his biotru i .lie Kx'in The bridesmaids ere Mia. Josephine Carpenter and I Miss Liuen Vmm, wfinVng dresses hi flut yolluw oripe wifi brown tur baii nd carrying bouquels of ever-1 lastlnu fiuw. rs. Rev. R. P. Graham vcwuf'.ed the cecemony. A ifctption held later at the jhosM of Dr. Dunn to Masted wa' the occasion for many felicitations j to th" hnopy co-iple. They were un-' abk- :o teave for Lhsij home because ; of the snow and spent a few days in jlaasacu aottl the westhor cleared. , I The bride has many friends In Wmiiiii On liani. Ketchikan ! Prince Rupert who will wish her drugs;?' w..s a pivsengcr aboard jwell. as she was for som years In ' 'hr Prmwii Norah yesterday af- the employ of Row. Cown and Latta to that city and was at one time a member of the Daily News staff. C. N. R. Trains 'or the Hat , Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl dajrs 5:30 pm ! from the Has! Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- W. E. Drake, local manager of Sdward Lipsett Ltd.. and son returned to the city n the Prlnr? Rupert this morning fiom a brief trip to Vancouver '4 I '.IIS Mid jcx:5sHia tan ; GEESE, TURKEYS,1. DUCKS, CHICKEN 20c per lb. L g of Lanio per lb. Loin of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Slaw Lamb per lb. pot Roast of Beef per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb. , T-Bopor Steak - per b Round Steak jf 3 -ltji. Leg of Veal per Ih. Rump Roast of Beef per lb. Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. fHVB.'SStlX LJgt I B 1 . B 20c 18c 15c! TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta rtione 231 AdrcrtLse In tne DaUy News RENT The Latest Books Our Rental Library plan enables you to read continuously as many books as you wish. The latest popular and outstanding books selected by various book clubs and reading guilds'are being added every month. Over 200 Best Books of 1933 Are Already Available JOIN NOW This ia the time to read. Pay only 75c and you haye your choice of books for one month. Change your book as often as you wish without extra charge. Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE good fn"e sale. Cat be seen at Daily Xews. t LIVE Xmas present. Roller Cana-1 rles. Guaranteed singers. Ship any distance. W. Hutson Rand Block.. FOR RENT i VERNON Apartment housckeep log rooms. n?wly renovated, HI ind Avenue. Phone Red 421. . , LOST LOST Gold hand-carved bracelet between Dunsmuir Street andi Armsury. Finder return to Diily News. 3 FOUND FOUND Keys in case. Owner may hv3 same by calling at Daily News and paying for this MISCELLANEOUS WILL, the genUeman who took by, mistake ike coat at tne Moose, Hall return same? m sa "i PAINTERS PAINTIHG and Paperhanging foller. Phone Rett 8fl2 TRANSFERS ' n I CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, , lift; cedar, lackplne, Furniture mov- lOel 18c! 18 c 40c! 15c; Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Cf 'latrr than noon on th Ettth day n lUCiJanuiMTf. J1B4, tor tlw purchase of LI vw vhtuo t rur 9 439 0UO ft O 35 c Phone 957 lng- HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINOl Cluster Curl: Latest Styles NELSON'S BFAUTY SHOPPE TlMllKU'SALK Xt!W Seiltd undent U1 rwJved bytlw fi,.i.r nr tnriji al Victoria B.C.. no i Sprue. Cedar. Dalaam and Hemlock. UiMi-ted on LoU 696, 2189. 3190 and 3101 Kumealou Inle. OrenTlUe Chan-a maxt I And Dlctrlct. To vears wUl be Hlowed tor remo val of timber. Further particular of the Chief ror-eter. Ictorta. B.C, or District Foreewr. Prlnre Rupert. B O. " ""NOTICE .tuna Marls lJ Ue. Iereet vrrrirv IS lfEnEBY OIVIN that U BtBiBJ i ooraons having vUlma estate u Amve or Aivnle u Koe i wra VancoUTor. BrtUah Columbia on 7th No-reraber 1033, are required on or before the 8ih day of rYbruary 1934. to dellter or send by prep VI leuer iuii parwu.. of Jdd MINK' WANTED WH1 pay as high s tl5 for mink and $10 for lanch mink. These are naed to fill a big order. are Interested In all kind of furs. Prince Rupert Fur & IirdcCcT Wm. Goldbloom The Old Reliable S.R.5. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS THURSDAY, JAN. 4 6:00 Show Boat. KOMO. 7:00 California Dons, KPO. :81& Symphony Hour, KOMO. 9:30 Twin City Dancing, KPO. 10:15 Herbert Kay's Famous Orchestra, KJR. FRIDAY, JAN. 5 ft in Armmir Hour. KOMOjJwt 7;00 First Nlghterf kOM6f. 10 Melody Train. KPO, ' . t WEDNESDAY JAN. 3 6:30 John McCormlck, KOMO. 7:30 Radio Forum, KOMO.-8:30 Ope Man's 'Family, KOMO. .0:30 Waltz Time. KOMO. Watch this ad. for further details. and Remember We offer yoa a modern, efficient and re liable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 330; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER AfCTiax s.Lr. Timber Hale M TW. vlll K Afrr4 fnff a at 9.ib ,h.ir rj,ihiM dulT verified to THE lie AuaUon. at noon on the tntf BOYAl. TRUST COUPANV, Executor of the Estate of the mM Anna Maria U Rte dnMl at Its on ice d retvdrr Strert. Vancouver. D C. AND TAKE NOTICE max auer ww mentioned tUXe tli Executor will proceed U. dlatrlbut the aaseu oi tne umuw antong the person enuued inert 10, Having regard only to th clatma of which it . v. .w. kaw , til notlpe. DATED t Vancouver, DC. thl 6th day of December 1933. nnniCRTBON DOUOLAS A SYMEb un w, rvrvrtAi- Rtreet. Vancouver. D C Solicltort for The Royal Trust ComnM (Dec S, 18, 33. 30) (BO tahtb day oi Dn-einher. Utai In th office of the District roreiter. Mac Rupert. DC. the IJcrace Wl, to rut t.S8.O0O r.BM. of Spruce. Otdaf and Hemlock on an area altuated on ifi.inVarm tv, Hurwln Sound. Oneen Charlotte Ilan taud DUtrtot, Two years will m aikoM lor imoTi of timber. "Provided any on uiubU to aMend Xbe auction In ptraoa may submit tender to be opened at th hour t auction and treatoj a on bid.' Further particular may b ubtaJcd from the Ctuef Foreater. Victoria. B.C.. !le Dlatrlct rormter. inntf aupen.