History Is Recorded In Market New York Quotation Jumps Two and a Half Cents to 53Jc Today Following Strong Advance in London -Highest Price Since 1929 NEW YORK, Oct. 11: (CP) One of the sharpest increases in the price of bar silver for a single day's trading on record occurred today in the world markets, Bullion brokers here quoted an advance of two and a half cents to Kigc per ounce following a one and an eighth pence advance in London. Today's price here was the highest since 1929 and was more than double the low price of 24 Jc which was touched in December 1932. ITALIANS IN WRONG Jugo-SLavs Make Charges in Con nrction With Attempt on Life Of King Rioting Ul'lllJANA, Jugo-Slavia, Oct. II: (CP) Anti-Italian rioti broke out here today after a meeting at hlch upeakers alleged that all attempts against the life of King Alexander, including that at Zagreb last March, had been financed and prepared in Italy. The police fought back an attack upon the Italian consulate. in INTEREST ly RATE CUT Only Two Percent to be Paid on - Savings After November 1 OTTAWA. Oct 11: 'CP' Interest' paid on savings deposits will be reduced to two percent as from November 1 by all chartered banks In Canada, the Dominion government post office savings banks and Ontario government savings banks. Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of finance, announced today. EXPORT IS INCREASED Million More Bushels of Wheat Sent Out of Canada Ut Week Than Week Previous m-TAWA Oct 11: CP -The Dominion Bureau of StatlsUcs an nounccd yesterday that four mil lion bushels of wheat had been cx- .w,rtH fmm Canada msi wee as rnmnared with three million bush els In the week previous. The visible simnlv In Canada today Is Z30,ouo, 000 bushels, five million bushels less than a year ago. CANADIAN DOLLAR NEW YORK, Oct. 11: (CP) The Canadian dollar closed at a pre mium of 1 29-32c on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. POUND STERLING MONTREAL. Oct. 11: (CP)-Thc tirititii nound sterling closed at $4.80T on the local exchange mar ket yesterday. ToQu ' &tfher Tomorrow's Tides - prllV, Rupert- fahl High 3:15 am. 18.8 ft. wuthra:f. wind; baron.,' .,0.00; 15:00 pm. 21.5 ft. temptnlun. 53; sea smoou. Low 9:06 am. 75 ft. 21:56 pm. 3.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV No. 238. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS SILVER BUSINESS STAGING ANOTHER BOLD KIDNAPPING OCCURS IN Sharpest Increase In Price of White Metal For Single Day In FRIZELL IS MODERATOR Ftnnrr Local Pajtor Named Head Of Presbjterian Church In llrHUh Columbia VANCOUVER Oct. 11: CP--R -r J R FrticU of Vancouver was -x. f vied moderator of the 8- :; C olumbia 8ynod of the prr :b ;rran Church of Canada. Today's Stocks IC-oru.) B O Jotuwwoa Oo.l Vancouver AlrsjndrU. XI lj. .. w jOI B. I Nickel. .64. Br., a:. 240 Bra.iiT.f. 13.C0. B. R Coru . JDS. 1 B. R X Oold. .38. B " 1 X L . .05 att), f b mi Quartt, 1.25. Dr 'aa .52. 18'j Ck Rlter. .01. 0: . .urta. .29. Hit u.i'J Con.. .05. lc' -Op. tr I ' Mir:' e . M un. .12Vi. Mr. alc 8tar. .ISVfe. Na" 1 ...! 8tlTcr, .04. Noble Five. Jb1k iVr, 1 Oreille, .44. PorV : Idaho. .08. Pmruor 132. toward .044. Rcr .88. Crest. .02. X- Oold. .13tfc. T: , :r Bridge, .25. :dr .08. ' Wlu'xwatcr. .05 1. Warily Tangier. .01?,. Un.'.cd Empire. 55. Toronto Cci"iai Patricia, 1.03. Chlbougamau, J9?. Oold. .09 Granada, 50. I"tcr Nickel. 24.40. Mataa, 2.87. Noranda, 37.25. Shrrdtt. .47. B-sco. 2.62. Thompson Cadillac, .42. Vm'jrt.v .04. Maron. .04 "k Hughes. 4.30. Sudbury Basin, U0. Columarlo. ,23. Smelter Oold. .24. fan. Malartlc. .61. LH'lf Long Lac, 055. toria Rouyn. .05. Bladacona. .28. Maple Leaf. .20 ri!e Crow. I.73. Lac Lagoon, .26. Manitoba 6t Eastern, 5314. . Oil A p Con.. .08. JlgamMed, .071', (ask). 1 E.. .60. Ca'mont, .05. DMhuusle, .22. tyan, .00 'i freehold. .07. 0rn Oil, .05. Merland, .19. ar Jon. .10. United, .04, BURGLARY OF STORE Jabour. Premises Broken Into Dur-' log Mght Goods Taken Clues Left Between the hours of 2 and 8 am. today, the premises of Jabours' Limited on Third Avenue were broken Into and some ladles' wear. Including shoes and gloves, taken. The jremlses were In order when checked up by night patrolmen at 2 am. On the store being opened for business at 8 o'clock this morning. It was found that entry had been nade by removing the window pane the main door. The person making entry evident sustained cuts from broken glass is there was blood around. Fingerprints were also obtained. I WHEAT MART RECOVERING Gains of One Cent Recorded in Winnipeg Yesterday as Confidence Returns WINNIPEO. Oct. 11: (CP)-Re ncwed confidence appears in me wheat market with prices showing i firmer tendency. Futures recorded gains of more than two cents yes terday. .Three cent gains were reported from Chicago. Vancouver Price Up VANCOUVER, Oct. 11: (CP) Wheat closed at 80?c on the local exchange today, being up l!c from yesterday. THREE MEN LOSE LIVES:,: Triple Drowning When Car Falls Into Lake Following Prince Edward Island Party CI lARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I.. Oct. 11: (CP) On their way nome irom a party Tuesday night at Salrfleld. Plus MePhee. aired 25: Don Mclsaac, 25. and James MacGrcgor, 40, were drowned when their automobile plunged Into North Lake. Three others escaped. NO HALIBUT SALE No boata being In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on thCi local flslt exchange today. . The Sturgeon River llsta of No ken by Dr II. C. Rickaby. provin hern j; .suut - uie s.xue of a nrjv gold rush. Photographs ta-:a giol gist, who Hew into the d!.rlct show 1 opening up a new vein a id 2' uncovering a vein. Louisville Woman Is Roughly Abducted and Big Ransom Demanded Mrs. Berry StoII Beat Over Head With Iron Pipe and Dragged Away in Negligee Had Risen From Sick Bed on Hearing Disturbance LOUISVILLE. Kv.. Oct. 'entered the home of Berry company executive, late yesterday aiternoon, Deat nis voung wife over the head with an iron pipe, dragged her away dressed 111 negligee anu leit a note uemuuuuig iuh-som of $50,000. According to Mrs. Stoll'a maid, the man ;ame ostensibly to repair a tele- Eucharist Congress In Buenos Aires Ten Thousand Pilgrims From All Parts of World in Attendance at Roman Catholic Gathering BUENOS AIRES. .... Oct. 11; With 1 1 ten thousand pilgrims irom an parts of the world attending, the biennial Eucharlsuc .uongress opened here yesterday with Pontifical Blessing. REFUNDING LOAN IS NEARLY SUBSCRIBED; MINISTER PLEASED Oct. 11: (CP) Only $20,000,000 remained 10 be subscribed last night In the $250,000,000 Dominion of Can- ada 1034 Refunding Loan, it was announced by Hon. Edgar Nelson Rhodes, minister of finance, who declared the flo- 1 tatlon to have been an un qualified success. "It is a trl 1 hut to the lnteUleence of the Canadian people as well as a proof of their faith In the country." remarked the mln- ister. The only reason Uie books were still being' kept open was to permit present holders of Dominion securities to convert the same, Mr. Rhodes stated Scene of New Gold Rush 11: (CP) A lone kidnapper V. Stoll, leading Louisville oil A. 111. phone flnally tearing out the In- strument. Mrs. Stoll, who- was 111, heard the noise and came downstairs. The kidnapper forced the maid to tape Mrs. Stoll's hands. He then trussed the maid herself up In a chatr and carried olf the captive. Up to noon today there was no trace either of Mrs. Stoll or the kidnapper. CONFERS EARLDOM I Prince George Gets New Titles In . ... .. 1 1 .. r- Anticipation oi .narnasc 10 Princess Marina LONDON. Oct. 11: (CP The of- I flclal gazette,, announced yesterdaj (hat King o1ge.f M' conferred upon Prince George the titles or Baron of Down Patrick. Earl of St. Andrew's and Duke of Kent honor of his forthcoming marriage to Princess Marina of Greece. ; l Escort Awaited 't.os ANOEliES. Oct. 11 ICP1 Harold Vermllyea of Ontario. Cal.;'. the train which Inflicted extensive charged with the "hatchet murder" !0f his aged mother at Belleville. ont., last week, Is being held here . under special guard pending ar- rival of escort to take him to Can- Uda. It was denied by Los Angeles ' police that Vermllyea, who has waived extradition proceedings, had confessed to the killing, BIG BOOM UNITED 1 EXPLOSION IN HALIFAX Sis Persons Lose Their Lives When Three-Storey Building Is Blown Up Today HALIFAX, Oct. 11: (CP) Sis persons were killed in an explosion and fire which wrecked a three-storey building here early this morning. The dead are Mrs. Daniel Dudas and her two young sons and Mrs. Robert Cruse and her two children. A fourteen-year old Dudas girl was blown into the street and slightly injured. The cause of the explosion is unknown. IS KILLED BY TRAIN This is Finding of Jury at Inquest Into Death of Valentino Colussl That Valentino Colussl. section hand at Tyee station, twenty-five miles oast of Prince Rupert on the Canadian National Railways line, met his death on Sunday. September 30, at 9:05 p.m. on the trad about a mile east of Haysport by being struck by an extra train and that, in the opinion of the Jury, nc blame can be attached to members oMhc train crew was the verdict 'returned Tuesday night by a coroner's Jury after all evidence avail- j able in connection with the tragedy trtthad been' presented by the provln- cial police. Dr. L. W. Kergln. whe performed an autopsy, testified that all the injuries sustained by de ceased had been inflicted prior to his death. A suggestion had been made that deceased might have been dead, before being struck by (Injuries upon him. Members of the I engine crew had testified that the man was lying face downwards on the track when the train ran over him after rounding a curve. The Jury consisted of W. L, Coates, foreman, R. E. Benson, J J. Judge. J. J. Payne, William Lam-(Continued on Page 6) STATES KING'S BODY G0INGH0ME Jugoslavia Prepares to Pay Final Tribute to Memory of Monarch, Victim of Assassin's Fire State Funeral National Mourning For Sovereign of Greatest South Slav Kingdom In History PARIS, October 11 (Canadian Press) Europe was still calm and perplexed last night after more than twenty-four hours had elapsed following the double assassination at Marseilles of King Alexander of Jugo-Slavia and Foreign Minister Louis Barthou of France. In, a number of European capitals search was being made for a supposed band of international terrorists who, it was suggested, might have been responsible for the plot to kill King Alexander and who might have other activities of a similar kind in mind. Others believed that the slaying of King Alexander was the outcome of internal feelings in Jufo-Slaria of which: -country the dead assassin was a native. There were no political disorders anywhere in Jugo-Slavia yesterday, it was stated. Body Going Home BELGRADE, Jugo-Slavia, Oct. 11: (API Jugo-Slavia was preparing today to pay final honor to her sovereign, Alexander I, victim of a countryman-assassin's bullet fire In Marseilles. France, on Tuesday. The body of the monarch, aboard a Jugo-Slavian destroyer, Is due to arrive tomorrow from France, the boat being the same on which he 'eft. A state funeral will be held and ihe entire country is In national mourning. The shock at the tragic death of the king has, for the time jelng at least, overshadowed the Internal strife which has long characterized this troublous Bal kan nation. Queen Marie left Marseilles yes-erday for Paris to meet her son, King-Designate Peter, on his arrival from England, where he had jeen attending Eaton College, and will accompany him home to Belgrade. The eleven year old King Tas accompanied from London to Paris by his grandmother, the Dowager Queen Marie of Rouma-nla. Alexander I, born the second son of an exiled prince of Serbia became by dint of successive wars first the regent of an expanded Serbia and then monarch of the greatest south Slav state in history, the modem kingdom of Jugo-Slavia. Created first as "the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes," the (Continued on page five.) v 4 MOST OF RANSOM MONEY HAS BEEN ACCOUNTED FOR NEW YORK. Oct. 11: (CP) It was announced by the auth- orltles yesterday that $46,000 of the $50,000 ransom monvy in the Lindbergh kidnapping case had been accounted for either In the possession of Ber- nard Hauptmann, charged with extortion in this state and with murder and kidnapping in New Jersey, or in banks or brokerage house accounts to his credit. . ,